I am having trouble finding examples of how to interact with an amazon elasticsearch cluster using the amazon sdk. Can someone point me to examples? I've found javadocs for things like AWSCredentials and the AWSElasticsearchClient, just looking for concrete examples of how to glue everything together. I'm looking for how to do things like:
-create an index
-index documents
-delete documents
Just the basic operations. I assume that there is an 'amazon' way of creating a client and interacting with the cluster since they provide an sdk and a credentials object for signing requests.
Did a little more digging and I guess those SDK classes are more for doing 'infrastructure' type operations against your elasticsearch instance, like spinning up a new node, etc, not for creating a client to do search/index type operations. I guess I can just use a Jest Client instead.
long time reader but I've usually been able to find the answers I've been looking for in existing posts - but this time I've not been able to.
I am essentially teaching myself AWS CDK from scratch, I've only really just started with it so not finding anything which helps me on my mission may be a result of not knowing enough yet to be asking the right questions... so please bare with me.
Thus far I've used the AWS CDK with Python to create a stack which creates an S3 bucket, and also fires up an EC2 instance with an AWS file storage gateway AMI loaded on it (so running Amazon Linux). This deploys and runs fine - however now I'd like to programmatically set up the S3 bucket to be accessed via an NFS share on the EC2 instance. From what I've seen I'd assumed it is or should be fairly trivial however I keep getting a bit lost in documentation and internet hunts and not quite sure I'm looking in the right places or asking search engines the right questions to unlock the path to achieve this.
It looks like I should be able to script something up to make it happen when the instance is start using user-data but I'm a bit lost. Is anyone able to throw me some crumbs to follow to find a good way of achieving this, or a better way of achieving what I want to happen (which is basically accessing the S3 bucket contents as though they are files on an EC2 instance) - if not tell me how to do it if it's trivial enough?
Much appreciated :)
You are on good track. user_data can be used for that.
I don't have full code to give you as its use case specific (e.g. which OS are you using?), but the user_data would have to download and install s3fs:
s3fs allows Linux and macOS to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE. s3fs preserves the native object format for files, allowing use of other tools like AWS CLI.
However, S3 is an object storage system, and it can't be really mounted on an instance like you would do with NFS or EBS storage solutions. But with s3fs-fuse you can mimic such a behavior. And for some use-cases it will be sufficient.
So what you can do, is to setup the user_data script through console, verify that it works, and then basically just copy and paste to CDK. Its more of a trial-and-see approach, but this is the best way to learn.
I'm looking for some benchmark or article explaining what is faster.
Inside a lambda function, is it faster to....:
A) Download an S3 file through cloudfront with a regular request module (i.e. hit the cloudfront URL with request or axios and download it)
B) Use the AWS SDK to get the file through the getObject methods
I've been googling this for a while now and I don't quite get to the answer, and I'm hoping I can skip benchmark it if someone else did already.
I'm talking about pretty small files, like fonts or images.
And the root of the question is, I believe AWS uses some sort of backbone communication for some cases. Given that lambda is inside their system, as S3 is, maybe requesting the image through the internet (HTTP) is not that fast.
In the same region it should be faster to use the SDK to download it. If it's not in the same region you might want to replicated it so that it is.
Creating AMI's from EBS backed instances is exceedingly easy, but doing the same from an instance-store based instance seems like it can only be done manually using the CLI.
So far I've been able to bootstrap the creation of an 'instance-store' based server off of an HVM Amazon Linux AMI with Ansible, but I'm getting lost on the steps that follow... I'm trying to follow this: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/create-instance-store-ami.html#amazon_linux_instructions
Apparently I need to store my x.509 cert and key on the instance, but which key is that? Is that...
one I have to generate on the instance with openssl,
one that I generate/convert from AWS,
one I generate with Putty, or
one that already exists in my AWS account?
After that, I can't find any reference to ec2-bundle-vol in Ansible. So I'm left wondering if the only way to do this is with Ansible's command module.
Basically what I'm hoping to find out is: Is there a way to easily create instance-store based AMI's using Ansible, and if not, if anyone can reference the steps necessary to automate this? Thanks!
Generally speaking, Ansible AWS modules are meant to manage AWS resources by interacting with AWS HTTP API (ie. actions you could otherwise do in the AWS Management Console).
They are not intended to run AWS specific system tools on EC2 instances.
ec2-bundle-vol and ec2-upload-bundle must be run on the EC2 instance itself. It is not callable via the HTTP API.
I'm afraid you need to write a custom playbook / role to automate the process.
On the other hand, aws ec2 register-image is an AWS API call and correspond to the ec2_ami Ansible module.
Unfortunately, this module doesn't seem to support image registering from an S3 bucket.
In AWS IOT, I created a thing (device), and published messages to a topic, say trucks/truck1234. I created an Elasticsearch domain and stored those messages to analyse further using Kibana. Up to now, all fine.
Now i want to read the published message data from my application with Java. I’ve followed the steps in this link:
Can anyone please suggest how to achieve it?
I am designing a AWS deployment solution for a new dynamic website project. I have acquired an EC2 instance for testing the environment. Need some help on how do I do a load testing on an Ec2 instance to determine how many HTTP requests it can safely handle... P.S. I am new to the AWS platform.
RedLine offers an EC2 Load Testing solution that will automate the distribution of load tests on your own EC2 instances.
Late to the party but could help someone in the future:
A possible tool for load tests, stress tests, whatever you may call them, is Apache JMeter, but there are plenty of alternatives.
A simple starting setup, further explained in this excellent tutorial on DigitalOcean, can exist of a Thread Group containing an HTTP Request Sampler and a View Results in Table Listener. The Thread Group can be used to configure the amount of "clients" you want to simulate. The Request Sampler will be used to configure the server's properties (hostname, path, etc). The Table View Listener outputs a handy CSV file that can be used to calculate means, compare different types of EC2 instances,...
JMeter is a beautiful program with a GUI that can be run on your local workstation, producing an XML file that can be executed on another EC2 instance, for instance. You can even do simple manual edits to the XML file on your server afterward, if necessary.
Take a look at Amazon's testing policy to make sure you're not doing anything illegal.
A couple of quick points;
Set the environment up exactly like it's supposed to run. If there's a database involved, you'll want to involve that in the testing too. Synthetic <?php echo "ok"; CPU based benchmarks won't help you much since normally very little of the time spent replying to HTTP requests is actual CPU time.
A recommendation is to use a service for the benchmarking. Setting load testing up is not without its complexities, and unless you consider benchmarking your core business, you're probably better off using something like Neustar to load and measure your site (there are many services, they're not necessarily what fits you best, just pulled one out of memory)
Of course you can set a load test up yourself, but getting that done right is not anything that can be described in a few sentences. There are very well paid people that only do that for a living :)
There is good experience in using curl-loader aka Davilka tool, also on Amazon EC2 env