How to use File:// with a folder which is not in the Repository - trac

I am new to Trac so be patient with me.
I installed Trac with the Bitnami installer in a Windows8.1 Virtual Machine on my Server.
Now to my Problem, I want to create "downloadable" links inside my wiki pages.
To create the link i use the [File://] command.
I have the correct link (in this case: [file:///Z:/Software/NotepadPlusPlus.exe]).
In my wikipage I have this: [file:///Z:/Software/NotepadPlusPlus.exe NotepadPlusPlus] and in the Internet Explorer it works perfectly fine but not on Firefox and Google Chrome.
When i copy the Link and Enter it in the those browser, it works. But when I click on the link inside trac, nothing happens.
I hope you can help me or give me a tipp.

You should put the files in a location that is served by your web server and use project-relative URLs and the HTTP protocol rather than the file protocol. The link rendering is just too browser-specific.
(barely copy-pasted this from comment by user rjollos, to formally get this question out of unanswered state)


Browse Verdaccio UI by Hostname or IP

I have installed Verdaccio under Ubuntu.
Packages are published and accessible.
The machine is accessible via two different aliases, as well as via IP address.
When I now open the Web UI of Verdaccio, the published packages are only displayed in the first one called (e.g. If I then open the Web UI by calling the IP address or the other alias, the info appears that no packages have been published yet and the previously used URL ( is displayed as the registry.
I have tested both with and without reverse proxy, the behaviour is the same in both. The Proxy got all serverAlias as well as the IP adress.
The service only runs once, if it is stopped, all calls fail.
Also, there is only one config file and if you change the appearance of the web UI, this change is displayed for all calls.
How can I make it so that no matter which URL is used to call up the Web UI, the existing packages are displayed?
I think is not possible at this point, there were some discussions like here
If you open dev tools, the browser expects to serve them in a specific domain and you don't see packages because JS fails on load, independently if is right or not behavior is open t discussion, just is how it is now.
Probably there are more, I've replied to the same question a few times. The recommendation is to use one domain at this point.

Is there a difference in page paths when on localhost verses deployed?

My app is created in next.js and works great in localhost. When I deployed it in heroku, only the front page shows up and all page paths do not work even though they are correctly inputted in the browser. The only page that is connected to the index.js file in my page paths is the front page. Do the other pages need to also be connected to the indec.js file? I am terribly lost with this issue since the site works perfectly in localhost. In heroku every page path besides / has a 404 error. I didn't add any code to this question since no one file seems relevant to the issue. I've been searching all over for an answer to this issue but can't seem to find any relevant information online since the app is deployed successfully it just won't render any file paths besides /.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. I really appreciate it!
Applications are ran differently on localhost and when deployed to the server. Since you added react tag on the post, I assume you are trying to deploy react native app on Heroku, there is lots of information on internet how to do it.
For example this post.
Anyway first you need to build your app correctly, so static files would be generated (you didn't mentioned how you are running that app).
To your question:
Relative paths are the same on both local and server, but absolute paths will be different.
But for your 404 error I see that no static content are found on the root path.

One Click install for Safari Extensions

When a user downloads a plugin firefox (for example) the plugin installation begins as soon as the download has completed.
Is it possible to achieve the same thing in safari? i.e. user clicks link to download plugin, once it has downloaded it automatically begins the installation.
I don't think this is possible to do on any other domain except
I've done some extensive testing on this and the safari.installExtension() method is only present if the domain matches (probably controlled by the browser, similar to how certain Chrome APIs only shows up inside of extensions themselves).
I tested this theory by going to the JS file itself and opening the JS console:
After that JS file has loaded, type typeof(safari.installExtension) in the JS console and it should return "function". Notice that it exists on a non-HTML page, meaning it's being provided by the browser (since this script doesn't execute, nor has the code in it to provide this method).
I tried doing this on other sites and it doesn't exist: "undefined".
I also had a crazy thought that it just needs extensions as the subdomain, so I tested it on too, no dice. I can't seem to find an extensions sub-domain that's SSL though. That may work, but I seriously doubt it as the method appears to be regulated to only show up when on Apple's specific extensions sub-domain.
No solution for that here, but maybe this can help?
In apple extension gallery at the extensions do install in one click, and i wanted to achieve the same in a website of mine, so i went and checked their JS source code.
A javascript file there defines a "ExtensionOneClick" Object (
A method is dedicated to installing extensions:
// href : path to the extension ".safariextz" file
// id : com.whatever.myextension-<safaridevelopper10charsid>
safari.installExtension(id, href);
I tried to replicate this on my website, but i get "safari is undefined", so I guess a site specific hack in Safari is helping here?

Empty HTML page after OTA install on Symbian

I have some quite nasty issue I couldn't solve so far.
Whenever I do installation of Symbian application on Nokia platform, the browser loads blank HTML page, and needs to be closed manually.
It doesn't happens on WAP push installations - only on direct link installations via the browser.
It happens on installations both from JAD and JAR.
I tried specifying manifest entries, etc... - nothing helped.
Any idea how to prevent this blank page, as it confusing the users?
Thanks in advance.
You should make sure that the content types of the downloaded files are correct:
For .jad, the content type should be text/
For .jar, the content type should be application/java-archive
Setting the content type according to a file's extension is usually something you configure in your HTTP server.

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine.
When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css styling at all. I also get the same problem trying to connect to the apache server from a virtual machine on the same box. I would like to get this working so i can test my web apps in IE but obviously css not loading is a problem. Any tips ?
Look into your source code and look how your style sheets are referenced.
If you have references to http://localhost/mystylesheet.css, that's your problem right there.
If that doesn't help, try to access a style sheet directly (enter the address in the browser) and tell us what happens. Also post the URL you are using. The head of the HTML document you are calling would also be helpful.