Possible OCaml code generation bug - conditional-statements

The following self contained code highlights a problem in OCaml, possibly with the code generation.
Array x has connectivity information for nodes in [0..9]. Function init_graph originally constructed explicit arrays of incoming nodes for every node. The reduced version shown below just prints the two connected nodes.
Function init_graph2 is identical to init_graph except for a "useless" else branch. But outputs produced by these two functions are quite different. You can run it and see that init_graph skips over the second if-then-else in some cases!
We have run this program on version 3.12.1 (with make_matrix substituted appropriately), 4.03.0 and 4.03.0+flambda. All of them have the same problem.
I have been dealing with this and related problems where OCaml mysteriously skips branches or in some cases takes both branches. Thanks to a collaborator we were able to pare down the real code to a small self contained example.
Any ideas on what's going on here? And is there a way to avoid this and related problems?
let x =
let arr = Array.make_matrix 10 10 false in
arr.( 6).( 4) <- true;
arr.( 2).( 9) <- true;
let init_graph () =
for i = 0 to 9 do
for j = 0 to (i-1) do
if x.(i).(j) then
let (i_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateA: %d %d \n" i j;
(* else () *)
if x.(j).(i) then
let (j_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateB: %d %d \n" i j;
Format.printf "init_graph: num nodes is %i\n" 10
let init_graph2 () =
for i = 0 to 9 do
for j = 0 to (i-1) do
if x.(i).(j) then
let (i_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateA: %d %d \n" i j;
else ()
if x.(j).(i) then
let (j_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateB: %d %d \n" i j;
Format.printf "init_graph: num nodes is %i\n" 10
let test1 = init_graph ()
let test2 = init_graph2 ()
Update: Ocamllint flags the else branch in init_graph2 as "useless" which is clearly wrong.
Second, the indentation method suggested by camlspotter can be misleading in precisely this scenario. We follow Ocamllint advice and comment out the else branch. Emacs with taureg-mode doesn't re-indent this code unless explicitly asked leading us to believe everything is fine.
What is needed is a lint like tool that raises warning in these situations. I am waiting for good suggestions for this one.

Your problem appears to be with the handling of let ... in. This construct introduces a series of semicolon-separated expressions, not a single expression. So this code:
if x.(i).(j) then
let (i_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateA: %d %d \n" i j;
(* else () *)
if x.(j).(i) then
let (j_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateB: %d %d \n" i j;
Actually parses like this:
if x.(i).(j) then
let (i_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateA: %d %d \n" i j;
(* else () *)
if x.(j).(i) then
let (j_inarr, _) = ([||],[||]) in
Format.printf "updateB: %d %d \n" i j;
In other words, both the first begin/end and the second if/then are controlled by the first if/then.
Another way to say that is that ; has higher precedence than let ... in. So let x = y in a ; b is parsed as let x = y in (a; b), not as (let x = y in a); b.
When you included the "useless" else, things parse like you think they should.
It's true, you have to be pretty careful when mixing if/then with let in OCaml. I have had problems like this. The general intuition that if/then and else control a single expression, while true, is easy to get wrong when one of the expressions is a let.

As Jeffrey has answered, your intention which is readable from your code indentations is very different from how the code is actually parsed.
You can avoid this kind of mistakes by using proper auto-indentation tools, such as caml-mode, tuareg-mode, ocp-indent and vim plugins for OCaml.
By auto-indenting the second if of init_graph, you can immediately find it is under the first if's then clasuse.


how to make a context aware code evaluator

I was looking at REPL-like evaluation of code from here and here, and tried to make a very small version for it, yet it fails:
use nqp;
class E {
has Mu $.compiler;
has $!save_ctx;
method evaluate(#fragments) {
for #fragments -> $code {
my $*MAIN_CTX;
my $*CTXSAVE := self;
outer_ctx => nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx()));
if nqp::defined($*MAIN_CTX) {
$!save_ctx := $*MAIN_CTX;
method ctxsave(--> Nil) {
say "*in ctxsave*";
$*MAIN_CTX := nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx());
$*CTXSAVE := 0;
my $e := E.new(compiler => nqp::getcomp("Raku"));
nqp::bindattr($e, E, '$!save_ctx', nqp::ctx());
$e.evaluate: ('say my #vals = 12, 3, 4;', 'say #vals.head');
I pieced together this from the above links without very much knowing what I'm doing :) When run, this happens:
*in ctxsave*
[12 3 4]
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling file.raku
Variable '#vals' is not declared. Did you mean '&val'?
------> say ⏏#vals.head
with Rakudo v2022.04. First fragment was supposed to declare it (and prints it). Is it possible to do something like this, so it recognizes #vals as declared?
You can do it in pure Raku code, although depending on the not-exactly-official context parameter to EVAL.
# Let us use EVAL with user input
loop {
# The context starts out with a fresh environment
state $*REPL-CONTEXT = UNIT::;
# Get the next line of code to run.
my $next-code = prompt '> ';
# Evaluate it; note that exceptions with line numbers will be
# off by one, so may need fixups.
EVAL "\q'$*REPL-CONTEXT = ::;'\n$next-code", context => $*REPL-CONTEXT;
Trying it out:
$ raku simple-repl.raku
> my $x = 35;
> say $x;
> my $y = 7;
> say $x + $y;

Conditional code in Verilog in a generate loop

I am trying to encode conditional behavior for Verilog statements in a generate loop. For example, the code below returns an error.
module <something> (out);
parameter [4:0] someParam = 0;
output [5:0] out;
genvar l, m;
for(l=0; l<5; l=l+1) begin:STAGE_1
m = 0;
if(someParam[l] < 2)
m = l+2;
else begin
m = l-2;
if (m>16) assign out[l] = 1'b0;
else assign out[l] = 1'b1;
The problem is that the variable m is not a constant and the code errors out. Is there any way I can use compile time variable inside a generate statement which would allow some functionality like the variable m above?
I didnt understand what you intended to calculate due to some errors in your code.
In general, for you to use a parameter in a statement you can use an always block with a if statement as following:
module <something> (out);
parameter [4:0] someParam = 0;
output out; // in this case out is only one bit. it can be more of course.
integer l,m; // no need for genver when not using generate
always (*) begin
m = 0;
for (l=0; l<5; l=l+1) begin:STAGE_1
if (someParam[l] == 1'b1) // nothing good comes for checking if a bit is less then 2
m = m+1; // just counting bits in someParam. doing +-2 does not make sense.
if (m >= 3)
out = 1'b1;
out = 1'b0;
The above is a majority function.
Good luck

Is there a language with higher order conditionals?

Sometimes, I have a control structure (if, for, ...), and depending on a condition I either want to use the control structure, or only execute the body. As a simple example, I can do the following in C, but it's pretty ugly:
if (filter()) {
// do something
Also it doesn't work if I only know apply_filter at runtime. Of course, in this case I can just change the code to:
if (apply_filter && filter())
but that doesn't work in the general case of arbitrary control structures. (I don't have a nice example at hand, but recently I had some code that would have benefited a lot from a feature like this.)
Is there any langugage where I can apply conditions to control structures, i.e. have higher-order conditionals? In pseudocode, the above example would be:
<if apply_filter>
if (filter()) {
// ...
Or a more complicated example, if a varable is set wrap code in a function and start it as a thread:
<if (run_on_thread)>
void thread() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%d\n", i);
<if (run_on_thread)>
(Actually, in this example I could imagine it would even be useful to give the meta condition a name, to ensure that the top and bottom s are in sync.)
I could imagine something like this is a feature in LISP, right?
Any language with first-class functions can pull this off. In fact, your use of "higher-order" is telling; the necessary abstraction will indeed be a higher-order function. The idea is to write a function applyIf which takes a boolean (enabled/disabled), a control-flow operator (really, just a function), and a block of code (any value in the domain of the function); then, if the boolean is true, the operator/function is applied to the block/value, and otherwise the block/value is just run/returned. This will be a lot clearer in code.
In Haskell, for instance, this pattern would be, without an explicit applyIf, written as:
example1 = (if applyFilter then when someFilter else id) body
example2 = (if runOnThread then (void . forkIO) else id) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000 -- threadDelay takes microseconds
Here, id is just the identity function \x -> x; it always returns its argument. Thus, (if cond then f else id) x is the same as f x if cond == True, and is the same as id x otherwise; and of course, id x is the same as x.
Then you could factor this pattern out into our applyIf combinator:
applyIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyIf True f x = f x
applyIf False _ x = x
-- Or, how I'd probably actually write it:
-- applyIf True = id
-- applyIf False = flip const
-- Note that `flip f a b = f b a` and `const a _ = a`, so
-- `flip const = \_ a -> a` returns its second argument.
example1' = applyIf applyFilter (when someFilter) body
example2' = applyIf runOnThread (void . forkIO) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
And then, of course, if some particular use of applyIf was a common pattern in your application, you could abstract over it:
-- Runs its argument on a separate thread if the application is configured to
-- run on more than one thread.
possiblyThreaded action = do
multithreaded <- (> 1) . numberOfThreads <$> getConfig
applyIf multithreaded (void . forkIO) action
example2'' = possiblyThreaded . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
As mentioned above, Haskell is certainly not alone in being able to express this idea. For instance, here's a translation into Ruby, with the caveat that my Ruby is very rusty, so this is likely to be unidiomatic. (I welcome suggestions on how to improve it.)
def apply_if(use_function, f, &block)
use_function ? f.call(&block) : yield
def example1a
do_when = lambda { |&block| if some_filter then block.call() end }
apply_if(apply_filter, do_when) { puts "Hello, world!" }
def example2a
apply_if(run_on_thread, Thread.method(:new)) do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
def possibly_threaded(&block)
apply_if(app_config.number_of_threads > 1, Thread.method(:new), &block)
def example2b
possibly_threaded do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
The point is the same—we wrap up the maybe-do-this-thing logic in its own function, and then apply that to the relevant block of code.
Note that this function is actually more general than just working on code blocks (as the Haskell type signature expresses); you can also, for instance, write abs n = applyIf (n < 0) negate n to implement the absolute value function. The key is to realize that code blocks themselves can be abstracted over, so things like if statements and for loops can just be functions. And we already know how to compose functions!
Also, all of the code above compiles and/or runs, but you'll need some imports and definitions. For the Haskell examples, you'll need the impots
import Control.Applicative -- for (<$>)
import Control.Monad -- for when, void, and forM_
import Control.Concurrent -- for forkIO and threadDelay
along with some bogus definitions of applyFilter, someFilter, body, runOnThread, numberOfThreads, and getConfig:
applyFilter = False
someFilter = False
body = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
runOnThread = True
getConfig = return 4 :: IO Int
numberOfThreads = id
For the Ruby examples, you'll need no imports and the following analogous bogus definitions:
def apply_filter; false; end
def some_filter; false; end
def run_on_thread; true; end
class AppConfig
attr_accessor :number_of_threads
def initialize(n)
#number_of_threads = n
def app_config; AppConfig.new(4); end
Common Lisp does not let you redefine if. You can, however, invent your own control structure as a macro in Lisp and use that instead.

Objective C, difference between n++ and ++n

In Objective-C, is there any difference between n++ and ++n (eg. used in a for loop)?
++n; increments the value of n before the expression is evaluated.
n++; increments the value of n after the expression is evaluated.
So compare the results of this
int n = 41;
int o = ++n; //n = 42, o = 42
with the results of this:
int n = 41;
int o = n++; //n = 42, o = 41
In the case of loops:
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {/*...*/}
however it doesn't make any difference, unless you had something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < j; x = i++) {/*...*/}
or this:
for (int i = 0; i < j; x = ++i) {/*...*/}
One could say:
It doesn't matter whether to use n++ or ++n as long as no second (related) variable is modified (based on n) within the same expression.
The same rules apply to --n; and n--;, obviously.
++n increments the value before it's used (pre-increment) and n++ increments after (post-increment).
In the context of a for loop, there is no observable difference, as the increment is applied after the code in the loop has been executed.
++n and n++ differ in what the expression evaluates to. An example:
int n = 0;
NSLog(#"%d", n); // 0
NSLog(#"%d", n++); // still 0, increments afterwards
NSLog(#"%d", n); // 1
NSLog(#"%d", ++n); // 2, because it increments first
NSLog(#"%d", n); // 2
In a loop it wont make a difference. Some people say ++n is faster though
In Scott Meyers "More Effective C++" Book he makes a very rational case for preferring prefix increment to postfix increment. In a nutshell, in that language due to operator overloading facilities prefix increment is almost always faster. Objective C doesn't support overloaded operators but if you have or ever will do any C++ or Objective-C++ programming then preferring prefix increment is a good habit to get into.
Remember that most of the time ++n looks like:
n = n + 1
[do something with n]
Whereas n++ looks like (if used as intended):
register A = n; // copy n
[do something with n]
n = A + 1;
As you can see the postfix case has more instructions. In simple for loops most compilers are smart enough to avoid the copy if it's obvious that the pre-increment n isn't going to be used but that case devolves to the prefix case.
I Hope this makes sense. In summary you should use prefix unless you really want the "side-effect" behavior of evaluate then increment that you get from the postfix version.
As stated above,
--n decrements the value of n before the expression is evaluated.
n--; decrements the value of n after the expression is evaluated.
The thing here to note is when using while loops
For example:
n = 5
while(n--) #Runs the loop 5 times
while(--n) #Runs the loop 4 times
As in n-- the loop runs extra time while n = 1
But in --n 1 is first decremented to 0, and then evaluated. This causes the while loop to break.

Objective C debugging not taking the proper step over route

I am new to Objective C.In detail I am reading about objective c from past three days. The below mentioned method is to generate prime numbers till a particular mentioned number as per the Seive of Erastosthenes algorithm.I am trying to debug the program but when ever the code comes to the line
"if(product > size )"
the next step will immediately take it to the
"for(j=2 ; j<= size ; j++ )"
I dont know what is going wrong with the debug.It goes into the break when the product is greater than the size.But when the condition is false (product > size) why doesn't it go to the next if condition that is
if(array[product-1] != 1)
Do I need to recompile the code.I am using xcode to debug the code on mac os X 10.x
#interface SeiveofErastosthenes : NSObject
int* array;
int size;
-(SeiveofErastosthenes*) initMe: (int) ssize;
-(void) calculatePrimeNumbers;
-(void) print;
-(void) calculatePrimeNumbers
int product=0;
int i=0;
int j;
for(i = 1 ; i < size ; i++)
if(array[i] == 1)
array[i] = i+1;
for(j = 2; j <= size ; j++ )
product = (i+1) * j;
if(product > size)
if(array[product-1] != 1)
array[product] == 1;
Make sure 'Load symbols lazily' is unchecked in Xcode preferences -> debugging. It can sometimes wreak havoc.
Xcode projects are set up with -Os optimization (optimize for speed and space) by default, for both Debug and Release builds, bizarrely. This kind of optimization will make debugging difficult, as code may be reordered for performance. Check your project and target settings for the "Debug" configuration, and make sure Optimization Level is set to "None."
Ok guys I figured out the problem
Objective C debugger sucks
In my program
if(array[product-1] != 1)
array[product] == 1;
It doesn't execute a statement if it is not necessary according to it
"array[product] == 1;" this is wrong according to the algorithm but it is still a valid code
This is a valid statement according to c and it should execute it and the value returned is a boolean true or false.Objective C just ignores it and goes to the next loop.It is so intelligent that it even doesn't check the condition if( array[product] !=1 )