Upload large file with Multi Part Form Data using RestSharp - restsharp

I am developing a small application to upload large file using an Rest API. The Rest API accepts multi part form data. The upload should happen in stream. I am using RestSharp to invoke this API. I could upload small files, but when tried to upload 1GB file, it is taking longer time and i could not see any file in the destination. I am not sure, if i am using streaming or loading complete data into memory.
Please find my code below. Please share a C# sample code to upload large file stream using multi part form data. Is there anything i am missing in the below code:
var client = new RestClient("https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/UploadFile");
RestRequest request = new RestRequest("/", Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("FileName", txtFileName.Text.Trim().ToString());
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
request.AddFile("fileData", txtFilePath.Text.Trim().ToString(), );
request.ReadWriteTimeout = 2147483647;
request.Timeout = 2147483647;
var response = client.Execute(request);


File Upload to Channel via Microsoft Teams Graph Api

I have been trying to do a file upload to a channel using the graph Api. I can successful do an upload to my personal OneDrive, using the request https://graph.microsoft.com:443/v1.0/me/drive/root:/fileName:/content
However I am unable to upload to a channel. I have tried many combinations, but keep getting invalidRequest. Below are some of the request I have tried:
I have also tried inputting the channel ID in various ways:
I found out what I was doing wrong. For anybody else who is having an issue, you have to get the folder id that backs the channel. Here is an example in C#.
// Get the folder of the channel (driveItem)
var item = await graphClient.Teams[teamID].Channels[channelID].FilesFolder
// Do the put request
var uploadRequest = graphClient
I spent hours with this topic. Your solution wasn't working for me but I finally got it done. To save others I'd like to share my solution too:
I use this to get the drive item for the channel:
var request = graphClient.Teams[teamId].Channels[channelId].FilesFolder.Request().GetAsync();
And then upload with:
var uploadRequest = graphClient.Drives[driveItem.ParentReference.DriveId].Items[driveItem.Id].ItemWithPath("testfile.pdf").Content.Request()
My application authenticates with a client secret. Maybe this makes a difference.

MobileFirst: Handling Binary Responses in React Native

I'm new to MobileFirst development. I need to download a zip file from one of the adapters. I am able to do this when invoking REST API call eg using Postman. But I'm not sure how to handle this when using MFS sdk:
Here's my code to access the adapter:
var resourceRequest = new WLResourceRequest(url,
const resp = await resourceRequest.send()
I log the response and it's showing special characters in the responseText.
Is there a way to handle the binary response?
Thank you in advance for your help!
For any binary content, you will have to convert the content to Base 64 in your adapter and revert it back to binary in your app.
This is because the WLResourceRequest APIs are designed for handling text based data.
If your binary content is rather large, then it is best to host the file somewhere and return the link to the file from your adapter.

How to upload file to stream from swagger?

I was wondering how you would generate the swagger UI to upload a file as a stream to the ASP.net Core controller.
Here is a link describing the difference between uploading small files vs. big files.
Here is the link of describing how to implement the upload for a small file, but doesn't elaborate on how to implement a stream.
I'm not aware of any capability to work with Stream type(s) on the request parameters directly, but the IFormFile interface stipulates the ability to work with streams. So I would keep the IFormFile type in your request params, then either:
Copy it in full to a memory stream OR
Open the stream for read
In my case I wanted the base 64 bytes in full (and my files are only a few hundred kbs) so I used something like this:
string fileBase64 = null;
using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
fileBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(memStream.ToArray());
The MemoryStream is probably not appropriate in your case; as you mentioned large files which you will not want to keep in memory in their entirety.
So I would suggest opening the stream for reading, e.g.:
using (var fileStream = model.FormFile.OpenReadStream())
// Do yo' thang

Trying to Upload file

To whom it may concern,
I have a program that records sounds (*.wav(s) converted to *.wma(s) and *.m4a(s)) that I’m trying to upload to SoundCloud (previously the program had burned CD’s of the WMP Playlists and then I added a section that made a *.zip of the Playlist and attached it to an email), now my users want to upload the WMP playlists to their SoundCloud accounts.
I’ve already added a routine to upload the *.zip file to Dropbox and that works fine. Since the oauth2 for Dropbox was very similar to the oauth2 for SoundCloud, I was able to add my App to the SoundCloud list of Apps, and then add a browser control to my program for the user to “allow” my App to “link” to their SoundCloud account (very similar to how Dropbox handles it).
So I’m up to the point of uploading, but this is handled very differently and I’m having a hard time trying to get this to work (find the right HTTP handlers in Visual Basic to do what I need to do).
In my Dropbox section, I simply had to create a POST message, with the Title of the file and the oauth2 access_token in the URL, then I simply out to read the *.zip file (or any file that I was going to upload) and Write its contents to the GetRequestStream. The only stumbling block that I had was the “Content-Type” which had to be “application/zip” or whatever extension the file was and voila, It was uploaded.
I’ve been reading about multi-part forms and I’m getting a little confused (again the mechanics of the HTTP structures in Visual Basic can be a bit different…duh!...then in other languages…but I’ll try and explain).
I came across one example that used another constructor. Rather than the HttpRequest that I had used to build my “request” and “response” communications, this one had a WebClient. The WebClient could add Headers (Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Content-Type, Content-Disposition), and also a QueryString (this is where I placed the oath_token, track[asset-data], track[title], etc). Finally, the WebClient constructor had a WebClient.UploadFile command (which took the URL and the physical filename…which I believed would then handle the writing of the file contents the Request).
So…after getting through some 400’s, 401’s (have to deal with expiring token stuff), 422’s, a 503, and a bunch of 500’s (which is where I’m currently at), I still can’t upload a simple *.wma file: Track001.wma.
Here’s my code (strFileName is already built with the physical name of
the sound file \|dir|\Track001.wma, and strAccessToken was already
obtained from SoundCloud):
strURL = "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks.json?oauth_token=" & strAccessToken
Dim myWebClient As New WebClient
myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3")
myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate,sdch")
myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8,ru;q=0.6")
myWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=track[title]")
I also tried this line as well:
myWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strFileName))
This adds the SoundCloud params
Dim myQueryStringCollection As New NameValueCollection()
myQueryStringCollection.Add("oauth_token", strAccessToken)
myQueryStringCollection.Add("track[asset_data]", strFileName)
myQueryStringCollection.Add("track[title]", "Test Track Upload")
myQueryStringCollection.Add("track[sharing]", "public")
myQueryStringCollection.Add("track[downloadable]", "true")
myQueryStringCollection.Add("track[post_to]", "")
This attaches the params into the Request
myWebClient.QueryString = myQueryStringCollection
Here’s where I try and send it
Dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFile(strURL, strFileName)
But I’m receiving an error here: {"errors":[{"error_message":"422 -
Unprocessable Entity"}]}
If I set the Content-type to multi-form, I
get: The Content-Type header cannot be set to a multipart type for
this request
I just tried to get a 500 again, but all I’m getting now is the 422 (so maybe it’s fixed on the other end?).

getting a responseLength for a HttpWebRequest upload from another webfile to stream into the upload when the source doesn't implement ContentLength?

Background - I'm trying to stream an existing webpage to a separate web application, using HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse in C#. One issue I'm striking is that I'm trying to set the file upload request content-length using the file download's content-length, HOWEVER the issue seems to be when the source webpage is on a webserver for which the HttpWebResponse doesn't provide a content length.
HttpWebRequest downloadRequest = WebRequest.Create(new Uri("downloaduri")) as HttpWebRequest;
using (HttpWebResponse downloadResponse = downloadRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
var uploadRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(new Uri("uripath"));
uploadRequest.Method = "POST";
uploadRequest.ContentLength = downloadResponse.ContentLength; // ####
QUESTION: How could I update this approach to cater for this case (when the download response doesn't have a content-length set). Would it be to somehow use a MemoryStream perhaps? Any sample code would be appreciated.
If you're happy to download the response from the other web server completely, that would indeed make life easier. Just repeatedly write into a MemoryStream as you fetch from the first web server, then you know the length to set for the second request and you can write the data in easily (especially as MemoryStream has a WriteTo method to write its contents to another stream).
The downside of this is that you'll take a lot of memory if it's a large file. Is that likely to be a problem in your situation? Alternatives include:
Writing to a file instead of using a MemoryStream. You'll need to clean up the file afterwards, of course - you're basically using the file system as bigger memory :)
Using a chunked transfer encoding to "read a chunk, write a chunk"; this may be fiddly to get right - it's certainly not something I've done before.