New SHA-2 Certificate Key on Domino 9.0.1 not loading - ssl

My old Live system (Domino 8.5.3 / Windows 2003) is out on the DMZ and needs to be upgraded to a SHA-2 certificate. So, we have built a new Test server also out in the DMZ (Domino 9.0.1 FP6 / Windows 2008) box to move the site to.
I copied the entire Data directory from the Live over the top of the Test 9.0.1 folder to bring across all the databases and jQuery files etc...
I then followed this procedure to create the new certificate:
I used the procedure to generate a new CSR which we sent to GoDaddy to have them reKey the SHA-2 for the new Test system.
They returned to CRT files.
1) gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt - This I believe holds the Root and Intermediate certificates. But, I only found two certificates in this.
2) 8e0702e83bd035e9.crt - This has the Site certificate
I extracted the two GoDaddy certificates:
Then used the following command to join them all together:
type server.key 8e0702e83bd035e9.crt GoDaddy_Secure_CA-G2_Base64_X509.cer godaddy_root_Base64_x509.cer > hbcln04_server.txt
I followed all the steps in the procedure above. The only difference is that the proceedure shows 2 intermediate certificates but GoDaddy only sent me one.
But, I was able to verify both the Keys and the Certificates as the procedure said.
There were no errors in the process.
I put the new kyr file down in the Data directory with the others and then went to the Website document and changed the reference there to the new kyr filename.
Note, this is a Website document not the Server document.
I even went to the Server document and followed a procedure to Disable and Enable the Website documents just in case the path to the Keyring.kyr file was corrupted.
However, because the new Test box is in the DMZ it is very difficult to test.
So, I have modified the servers Host file to map the certificates domain back to the same box. (Otherwise the DNS would keep taking it back to the Live system.)
There is a question as to whether mapping the domain to the IP of the Test box will work with HTTPS. But, I don't see why not.
But no matter what I do, I can't get the certificate to take hold.
I put in the URL for the site and if it is HTTP it works, But soon as I change it the HTTPS I get this:
This page can’t be displayed
List item Make sure the web address https:_Link_to_site is correct.
List item Look for the page with your search engine.
List item Refresh the page in a few minutes.
I then refresh the page and I get this:
This page can’t be displayed
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https:_Link_to_site again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.
Well unfortunately, I'm the site administrator!
The only things I have seen differ to the procedure is:
1) that I only had 1 intermediate cert and not 2 as in the example.
2) I'm using a Host file to map the domain to the server so it doesn't follow it's usual DNS.
Also note that there are no errors in the log. We did have a few around the Access to the Key files. The kyr file was fine, but the sth file had restricted access. This has been corrected now.
At the moment, I don't know where to even look for an error or what to turn on to see the error.
It seems the certificate just doesn't load.
Please help.


Recently can't connect to my NAS via HTTPS

I have a Synology NAS DiskStation DS2415+. When I bought it several years ago, I followed the setup instructions and created a self-stamped certificate which worked and even allowed me to remotely connect to my NAS via HTTPS.
Recently I changed some settings following the Synology's "Security Advisor" which is an automatic tool which scans all settings and recommend changes to secure it.
Following the recommendations of the said tool, I made some the reuqired changes, mostly in the Network Settings and Security Settings, but now I now can't use Quick Connect without getting a warning. In case any of you is familiar with this issue, I do hope there is a way to use HTTPS and not HTTP, either with a self stamp SSL or a purchased one. When I inquired about purchasing an SSL, I am told that it would be impossible to use an SSL without a dedicated domain for that SSL, but that's a side issue because originally my NAS worked and was remotely accessed via a self stamped certificate.
I managed to fix it by the following steps:
Creating a Self Stamped SSL (done in 2 steps)
1. Go to Control Panel -> Security -> Certificate -> CSR
Generate the CSR and download it. Use your user name as the Common name.
Go again to Certificate -> CSR and this time select Sign Certificate Signing Request. You will then be asked to select the .csr file from before, and as a result, the certificate will be downloaded.
Go to your browser and import this certificate. (Thanks #Matt Clark !)
In my case, only after going to Chrome -> Settings -> Advance and selecting Reset Settings to Default, it worked.
I can now connect to my NAS using QuickConnect and using HTTPS.

SSL Certificate apache2 - certificate trust issues when website loads

So I started working on generating the certificate for the website that I' working on. I installed apache2 and further looked into sites -, and and some SO questions. From these sites, I was able to generated the certificate, the crt, csr and key files. After completing all the steps mentioned in these sites, the website is opening in the browser but the 'https://' gets a red slash on it.
Where am I missing here?
Also, when I open the website in one machine it opens with the following view, and when I open in an other machine the website doesn't open with an error - Your connection is not private.
For reference purpose, here's the screenshot :-

Setting up test environment for SSL torrents using libtorrent and open tracker

So I am trying to setup a test environment for bittorrent file tranfers with SSL protection and I am having some troubles and would need some guidence.
My setup:
PC1: Running opentracker and is acting as the Certificate Authority.
PC2: Running libtorrent example client compiled with support for SLL encryption. Also acts as the publisher of the torrent file.
PC3: Same as PC2 but is not publishing any file.
When I use this setup without SSL torrents everything works as expected. The file gets transferred and if you go into the trackers stats page (trackerip/stats) it shows that 1 torrents is beeing served and there are 2 peers connected.
However, when I use my SSL torrent this is not happening. First of all, no file is being transferred. Second of all the tracker doesn't seem to recognize the torrent file i.e the tracker tells me it is currently not serving any torrents.
What could be wrong with my setup? And how do I start troubleshooting this?
Could it be that the tracker have to support HTTPS? Maybe I can't use open tracker. Do anyone have experience with this?
It is very likely that something is missing in the torrent file, but should I not be getting any errors in that case?
I am using the libtorrent example project "make_torrent" to make my ssl torrent and when I inspect it, it contains my certificate.
So a big part of my problem I assume is that I have zero experience from working with SSL stuff. So this is probably where I fail. I have read through both and
and I am not sure I fully understand it.
I will try to explain how I have interpreted it and you guys can explain why I am wrong :) .
My interpretation:
The publisher of the torrent will include a x509 certificate signed with the publishers private key.
When a peer receives this torrent it will use the publishers public key (installed at an earlier time) to verify it's authenticity.
If everything is OK, the peer will generate a Certificate Signing Request and sign it with the peers private key and then send it to the publisher who signs it and returns a certificate. This is then the certificate that the peer will present to other peers.
Is this correct?

Code signing windows store apps for sideloading (with a GoDaddy certificate)

I need to sign an enterprise Windows Store app I've developed ,so that users can sideload it into their devices.
I'm in the process of obtaining a code signing certificate from GoDaddy. A lot of the next steps are still hazy for me - any additional details will be appreciated.
What I've done so far
The application is tested, and I was able to deploy it on machines that have a developer license.
Purchased a code signing certificate from Daddy but didn't know what to do next (based on past experience I thought I needed to generate a key pair and a certificate signing request on my developer machine)
Called GoDaddy support who said I actually need a driver signing certificate rather than a code signing certificate. The cost was the same so they instantly switched my purchase.
It turns out there is an automatic process for generating a CSR on Windows, but you have to use Internet Explorer for that. Apparently, the cryptographic stuff is somehow handled transparently by Internet Explorer and the GoDaddy website. I would love to know more about what is actually going on there.
As part of the process you need to provide the legal name and official address / phone of the software publisher (my client in this case).
Once you submit the request, it has to be approved by GoDaddy (who should somehow verify that I am authorized by the publisher to sign code on its behalf).
Next steps
I assume GoDaddy will need to receive some documents from the publisher. I'd love to know how that process works and how long it takes.
Once the certificate is issued, I expect there will again be some easy way to install it on my development machine. Question: is there a way to move the keys and the certificate to another machine?
I also expect Visual Studio (I'm using 2012 Express edition for Windows 8) to be able to use the certificate when creating app packages. Will I need to do some special setup for that or will it be straightforward (part of the "Create app package" wizard) ?
Some of the details I've put on the certificate signing request will eventually be visible on the actual certificate (visible to the persons installing the application). Which ones?
After completing the process here are my own answers:
It turns out the GoDaddy support representative was wrong when
advising me to use a driver signing certificate. I needed a code signing certificate.
The certificate does not show the details of the contact person (which are included in the certificate signing request). You can see the certificate details before you submit the request (I missed it initially). In my case the details shown are the company name, city, state and country.
The documentation requirements depend on the company requesting the certificate (in some cases they may not need any documents at all). GoDaddy has very friendly support, so you should can the requirements from them. The process can take a few days to complete (but they may be able to help in doing it faster).
When using Internet Explorer both for the certificate request phase and installation phase, the process is seamless. I believe it uses Microsoft's Certificate Enrollment API (which is also described in this MSDN blog post)
As mentioned by JP Alioto, the process for using the certificate is described in the article "Signing an app package (Windows Store apps)". To use the new certificate in a specific project:
Open the projects .appxmanifest file
Go to the "Packaging" tab
Next to the publisher field, click "Choose Certificate"
In the dialog that pops up click "Configure Certificate" and select the drop down option "Pick from certificate store ..". The certificate should be available as one of the options.
To export a certificate, you can use the following process:
Run certmgr.msc
Locate the certificate
Right-click > All Tasks > Export to launch the certificate export wizard, which has an option to export the private key
Warning: the private key is supposed to be personal and you should protect it. It is probably OK if you copy it to another machine that you control (assuming nobody can snatch it in transit). Sharing it with someone else may be risky. I was not able to find information about how exactly the private key is used by Windows, but it may be a bad idea to have several people share a private key.
To import the certificate and private key from a PFX file, right click on the file in Windows Explorer, and elect "Install PFX". This will launch a straight-forward "Certificate Import Wizard".
Lots of stuff there. :) There are are few documents you need to read:
Deploying Metro style apps to businesses
How to Add and Remove Apps
Signing an app package (Windows Store apps)
Reading and understanding these documents will give you a better idea of what's going on. Are you sure the enterprise you're deploying for does not already have a trusted root certificate that they deploy to their desktop images? If they do, it may be easier to use that private key to sign the app. (The only reason a public certificate authority is recommended is that you will then not have to deploy the certificate to the target machines.)
You can move certificates (and private keys unfortunately) in the evil PFX format which is basically a PKCS #12 portable key file. But, be very careful how you move that file around. It contains both your public key and your encrypted private key.

CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey failed when using SelfSSL on IIS6 with multiple Websites

I have two "Web Sites" running under IIS6 (Windows Server 2003R2 Standard), each bound to a separate IP address (one is the base address of the server).
I used SelfSSL to generate and install an SSL certificate for development purposes on one of these sites and it works great. I then run SelfSSL to generate a certificate for the second site and the second site works, but now the first site is broken over SSL.
I run SSL Diagnostics and it tells me:
WARNING: You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate but CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey failed
If I re-run SelfSSL on the first site (to fix it), the first site works but then the second site is broken.
It seems like SelfSSL is doing something in a way that is designed to work with only one Website, but I can't seem to put my finger on exactly what it's doing and figure out how to suppress it. I would manually configure SSL but I don't have a certificate server handy, but maybe there is a way to get SelfSSL to just gen the cert and let me install it?
FWIW I have also followed the guidance of several posts that indicate changes to the permissions of the RSA directory are in order, etc. but to no avail. I don't work with SSL everyday so I may be overlooking something that someone with more experience might notice, or perhaps there is a diagnostic process that I could follow to get to the bottom of the issue?
We had a similar problem today. Our IT guy said he solved it by basically using ssldiag instead of selfssl to generate the certs.
See the reply from jayb123 at this URL:
I have to admit I don't fully understand what happened, but I'm on the programming side rather than the network admin side.