PowerShell Change Variable in ScriptBlock - xaml

I'm trying to change a variable inside a ScriptBlock.
What am I doing wrong?
$reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
$Window.Add_SourceInitialized( {
$timer = new-object System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
$timer.Interval = [TimeSpan]"0:0:0.25"
$timer.Add_Tick( $updateBlock )
} )
$count = 0
$updateBlock = { Write-Host $count; $count++; Write-Host $count}
The Output is a repeating sequence of 0 and 1. So how do I access the variable and not only a copy of it?

When you modify $count inside the scope of the ScriptBlock, a local copy is created, and the original $Count variable in the parent scope is left untouched.
There are a few ways to modify $count in the parent scope, either with an explicit scope qualifier:
$updateBlock = { Write-Host $count; $script:count++; Write-Host $count}
Or by retrieving the variable with Get-Variable and the relative -Scope parameter (-Scope 1 refers to the immediate parent scope):
$updateBlock = { Write-Host $count; (Get-Variable -Scope 1 -Name count).Value++; Write-Host $count}
Or (as pointed out by #PetSerAl), use the [ref] keyword:
$updateBlock = { Write-Host $count; ([ref]$count).Value++; Write-Host $count}


Increment variable in Foreach-Object

I want insert some AD attributes with PowerShell into a SQL table. So far so good:
$insert = #'
INSERT INTO [mdb].[dbo].[import](id,userid)
VALUES ('{0}','{1}')
Try {
$connectionString = 'Data Source=serverdb;Initial Catalog=mdb;Integrated Security=SSPI'
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
$cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
$counter = 0
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=company,DC=company,DC=state,DC=de" | Select #{Name="ID";Expression={ $global:counter; $global:counter++ }},SamAccountName |`
ForEach-Object {
$cmd.CommandText = $insert -f $counter,$_.SamAccountName
Catch {
Throw $_
The output from get-ADUser is right, but the insert throws an error, that the primary key has duplicates. The incrementing must be wrong.
Can anybody help? THANKS!
ID is starting from 1 and not 0, is this normal ?
Furthermore, why are you creating an user defined property (ID) and don't use it ?
You can avoid the ugly global scope too (starting counter from 0 here) :
#### $counter = 0 <--- No more usefull
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=company,DC=company,DC=state,DC=de" | Select SamAccountName |`
ForEach-Object -Begin { $counter = 0 } -Process {
$cmd.CommandText = $insert -f $counter,$_.SamAccountName
I am not an SQL specialist, so this is probably not an anwser. But, you have here a nicer code ;)
You should always use parameters when inserting data with SQL. (Why?) In short: It's more secure, more performant, more robust and easier to use.
Put parentheses around the operation (++$counter) to return the value after increasing it. (Use $counter++ if you want zero-based ids, ++$counter if you want 1-based ids.)
$cmd.CommandText = "
INSERT INTO [mdb].[dbo].[import](id,userid)
VALUES (#id, #userId)
$counter = 0
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=company,DC=company,DC=state,DC=de" | foreach {
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", (++$counter))
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("userId", $_.SamAccountName)

Remove permissions on a sharepoint sitecollection

So I have a list of sitecollections and with them everyone who have access to the sitecollections. A ; separated csv file, formated like /sites1/sites;AD\User1.
We need to make a cleanup on ~400 sites where we want to remove users beloning to a certain company or being in a certain AD.
I have this information so thats not a problem.
Is there a way to make a powershellscript to remove theese users on theese site collection, in the other output we don't have any list of where they have permission only that they have it somewhere on the site.
I would also need the output format in a good way so we can restore them in a case it would be needed?
Can this be done?
We used below to get the list of users:
$ver = $host | select version
if($Ver.version.major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"}
if(!(Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ea 0))
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$pathSave = "D:\Script\Output.csv"
$pathRead = "D:\Script\\sites.txt"
write-output = "======================================================================="
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$objectCollection = #();
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$allUsersArray = #();
foreach($line in Get-Content $pathRead)
$site = Get-SPSite($line)
$sitecntr = 0;
#write-output " ";
write-output $site.Url;
$allusers = $site.RootWeb.AllUsers;
foreach ($user in $allusers)
if (!$user.IsDomainGroup)
$outstring = $site.Url + ";" + $user.UserLogin + ";" + $user.Email
$a = $allUsersArray.Add($outstring);
$outString = "Totalt: " + $sitecntr
if ($sitecntr -ne 0) {
write-output $outstring;
write-output " ";
write-output ""
write-output "Exporting to csv..."
Out-File -FilePath $pathSave -InputObject $allUsersArray
write-output "Finished! "
write-output ""
This script will ensure reader permissions to the specified user across the site collection.
**Keep in mind:** This is not the right way to deal with permissions issues!
$site = Get-SPSite -Identity "http://mysite/"
$user = Get-SPUser -Identity "mydomain\myuser" -Web $site.RootWeb
$assignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($user)
$role = $site.RootWeb.RoleDefinitions[[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleType]::Reader]
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
if ($web.HasUniquePerm) {
Note: You need to be Site Collection Admin to use this script.

Database relocation, Detach/attach database, MS-SQL-Server-Management-Studio(2012)

In the next week we want to relocate our database from one server to another one.
On http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187858%28v=sql.110%29.aspx
I read about detaching the database from the old location and attach it to the new location.
The problem is, that I don't have access to the file system of the server, I don't even know where exactly the server is physically located^^
Is there a way to relocate a database from one Server to another without the need to access the file system of the old Server?
You could use the Import/Export tool in SQL Server to copy the data directly which will create a new database in the destination location. The good thing about this is the new DB will work as you might expect since it is created from scratch on the target server, but that also means that you might have old, deprecated syntax in your stored procs or functions or whatever which won't work unless you lower the compatibility level (although that shouldn't be hard). also be aware of any possible collation conflicts (your old server might have SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and the new one might be Latin1_General_CI_AS which can cause equality operations to fail amongst other things).
In addition, if you have a big database then it'll take a long time, but I can't think of any other method off the of of my head which doesn't require some level of access to the file system as you'd still need to get to the file system to take a copy of a backup, or if using a UNC path for the backup the source server would need to be able to write to that location and you'd need to be able to access it afterwards. If anyone else can think of one I'd be interested because it would be a useful bit of knowledge to have tucked away.
Should also have mentioned the use of Powershell and SMO - it's not really any different to using the Import/Export wizard but it does allow you to fine tune things. The following is a PS script I have been using to create a copy of a DB (schema only) on a different server to the original but with certain facets missing (NCIs, FKs Indeitites etc) as the copy was destined to be read-only. You could easily extend it to copy the data as well.
param (
[string]$sourceServerName = $(throw "Source server name is required."),
[string]$destServerName = $(throw "Destination server is required."),
[string]$sourceDBName = $(throw "Source database name is required."),
[string]$destDBName = $(throw "Destination database name is required"),
[string]$schema = "dbo"
# Add an error trap so that at the end of the script we can see if we recorded any non-fatal errors and if so then throw
# an error and return 1 so that the SQL job recognises there's been an error.
write-output $_
exit 1
# Append year to destination DB name if it isn't already on the end.
$year = (Get-Date).AddYears(-6).Year
if (-Not $destDBName.EndsWith($year)) {
# Load assemblies.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended") | out-null
# Set up source connection.
$sourceSrvConn = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection
$sourceSrvConn.ServerInstance = $sourceServerName
$sourceSrvConn.LoginSecure = $false
$sourceSrvConn.Login = "MyLogin"
$sourceSrvConn.Password = "xxx"
# Set up destination connection.
$destSrvConn = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection
$destSrvConn.ServerInstance = $destServerName
$destSrvConn.LoginSecure = $false
$destSrvConn.Login = "MyLogin"
$destSrvConn.Password = "xxx"
$sourceSrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($sourceSrvConn)
$sourceDb = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database")
$destSrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($destSrvConn)
$destDb = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database")
$tbl = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Table")
$scripter = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Scripter($sourceSrvConn)
# Get the database objects
$sourceDb = $sourceSrv.Databases[$sourceDbName]
$destDb = $destSrv.Databases[$destDbName]
# Test to see databases exist. Not as easy to test for servers - if you got those wrong then this will fail and throw an error
# so it's down to the user to check their values carefully.
if ($sourceDb -eq $null) {throw "Database '" + $sourceDbName + "' does not exist on server '" + $sourceServerName + "'"}
if ($destDb -eq $null) {throw "Database '" + $destDbName + "' does not exist on server '" + $destServerName + "'"}
# Get source objects.
$tbl = $sourceDb.tables | Where-object { $_.schema -eq $schema -and -not $_.IsSystemObject }
$storedProcs = $sourceDb.StoredProcedures | Where-object { $_.schema -eq $schema -and -not $_.IsSystemObject }
$views = $sourceDb.Views | Where-object { $_.schema -eq $schema -and -not $_.IsSystemObject }
$udfs = $sourceDb.UserDefinedFunctions | Where-object { $_.schema -eq $schema -and -not $_.IsSystemObject }
$catalogs = $sourceDb.FullTextCatalogs
$udtts = $sourceDb.UserDefinedTableTypes | Where-object { $_.schema -eq $schema -and -not $_.IsSystemObject }
$assemblies = $sourceDb.Assemblies | Where-object { -not $_.IsSystemObject }
# Set scripter options to ensure only schema is scripted
$scripter.Options.ScriptSchema = $true;
$scripter.Options.ScriptData = $false;
#Exclude GOs after every line
$scripter.Options.NoCommandTerminator = $false;
$scripter.Options.ToFileOnly = $false
$scripter.Options.AllowSystemObjects = $false
$scripter.Options.Permissions = $true
$scripter.Options.DriForeignKeys = $false
$scripter.Options.SchemaQualify = $true
$scripter.Options.AnsiFile = $true
$scripter.Options.Indexes = $false
$scripter.Options.DriIndexes = $false
$scripter.Options.DriClustered = $true
$scripter.Options.DriNonClustered = $false
$scripter.Options.NonClusteredIndexes = $false
$scripter.Options.ClusteredIndexes = $true
$scripter.Options.FullTextIndexes = $true
$scripter.Options.NoIdentities = $true
$scripter.Options.DriPrimaryKey = $true
$scripter.Options.EnforceScriptingOptions = $true
$pattern = "(\b" + $sourceDBName + "\b)"
$errors = 0
function CopyObjectsToDestination($objects) {
foreach ($o in $objects) {
if ($o -ne $null) {
try {
$script = $scripter.Script($o)
$script = $script -replace $pattern, $destDBName
} catch {
#Make sure any errors are logged by the SQL job.
$ex = $_.Exception
$message = $o.Name + " " + (Get-Date)
$message += "`r`n"
#$message += $ex.message
$ex = $ex.InnerException
while ($ex.InnerException) {
$message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
$ex = $ex.InnerException
#Write-Error $o.Name
Write-Error $message # Write to caller. SQL Agent will display this (or at least some of it) in the job step history.
# Need to use Set-Variable or changes to the variable will only be in scope within the function and we want to persist this.
if ($errors -eq 0) {
Set-Variable -Name errors -Scope 1 -Value 1
# Output the scripts
CopyObjectsToDestination $assemblies
CopyObjectsToDestination $tbl
CopyObjectsToDestination $udfs
CopyObjectsToDestination $views
CopyObjectsToDestination $storedProcs
CopyObjectsToDestination $catalogs
CopyObjectsToDestination $udtts
# Disconnect from databases cleanly.
# Did we encounter any non-fatal errors along the way (SQL errors and suchlike)? If yes then throw an exception which tells the
# user to check the log files.
if ($errors -eq 1) {
throw "Errors encountered - see log file for details"

Powershell Joining SQL queries

I've got a strange issue with Powershell. I've created a script that collects info from the SQL server and I need to crop it all into 1 table. I've tried using the SqlServerCmdletSnapin but on some of my servers it returns nothing. So i decided to try and go old school and use connection strings. However when I do that the Join-Object operation returns nothing. Here are shortened versions of the scripts. The first is using the Cmdlet, the second is the old way.
function AddItemProperties($item, $properties, $output)
if($item -ne $null)
foreach($property in $properties)
$propertyHash =$property -as [hashtable]
if($propertyHash -ne $null)
$hashName=$propertyHash["name"] -as [string]
if($hashName -eq $null)
throw "there should be a string Name"
$expression=$propertyHash["expression"] -as [scriptblock]
if($expression -eq $null)
throw "there should be a ScriptBlock Expression"
$expressionValue=& $expression
$output | add-member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name $hashName -Value $expressionValue
# .psobject.Properties allows you to list the properties of any object, also known as "reflection"
foreach($itemProperty in $item.psobject.Properties)
if ($itemProperty.Name -like $property)
$output | add-member -force -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name $itemProperty.Name -Value $itemProperty.Value
function WriteJoinObjectOutput($leftItem, $rightItem, $leftProperties, $rightProperties, $Type)
$output = new-object psobject
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# This mix of rightItem with LeftProperties and vice versa is due to
# the switch of Left and Right arguments for AllInRight
AddItemProperties $rightItem $leftProperties $output
AddItemProperties $leftItem $rightProperties $output
AddItemProperties $leftItem $leftProperties $output
AddItemProperties $rightItem $rightProperties $output
Joins two lists of objects
Joins two lists of objects
Join-Object $a $b "Id" ("Name","Salary")
function Join-Object
# List to join with $Right
# List to join with $Left
# Condition in which an item in the left matches an item in the right
# typically something like: {$args[0].Id -eq $args[1].Id}
# Properties from $Left we want in the output.
# Each property can:
# - Be a plain property name like "Name"
# - Contain wildcards like "*"
# - Be a hashtable like #{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}. Name is the output property name
# and Expression is the property value. The same syntax is available in select-object and it is
# important for join-object because joined lists could have a property with the same name
# Properties from $Right we want in the output.
# Like LeftProperties, each can be a plain name, wildcard or hashtable. See the LeftProperties comments.
# Type of join.
# AllInLeft will have all elements from Left at least once in the output, and might appear more than once
# if the where clause is true for more than one element in right, Left elements with matches in Right are
# preceded by elements with no matches. This is equivalent to an outer left join (or simply left join)
# SQL statement.
# AllInRight is similar to AllInLeft.
# OnlyIfInBoth will cause all elements from Left to be placed in the output, only if there is at least one
# match in Right. This is equivalent to a SQL inner join (or simply join) statement.
# AllInBoth will have all entries in right and left in the output. Specifically, it will have all entries
# in right with at least one match in left, followed by all entries in Right with no matches in left,
# followed by all entries in Left with no matches in Right.This is equivallent to a SQL full join.
[ValidateSet("AllInLeft","OnlyIfInBoth","AllInBoth", "AllInRight")]
# a list of the matches in right for each object in left
$leftMatchesInRight = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
# the count for all matches
$rightMatchesCount = New-Object "object[]" $Right.Count
for($i=0;$i -lt $Right.Count;$i++)
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# for AllInRight we just switch Left and Right
$aux = $Left
$Left = $Right
$Right = $aux
# go over items in $Left and produce the list of matches
foreach($leftItem in $Left)
$leftItemMatchesInRight = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$null = $leftMatchesInRight.Add($leftItemMatchesInRight)
for($i=0; $i -lt $right.Count;$i++)
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# For AllInRight, we want $args[0] to refer to the left and $args[1] to refer to right,
# but since we switched left and right, we have to switch the where arguments
$whereLeft = $rightItem
$whereRight = $leftItem
$whereLeft = $leftItem
$whereRight = $rightItem
if(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $where -ArgumentList $whereLeft,$whereRight)
$null = $leftItemMatchesInRight.Add($rightItem)
# go over the list of matches and produce output
for($i=0; $i -lt $left.Count;$i++)
if($leftItemMatchesInRight.Count -eq 0)
if($Type -ne "OnlyIfInBoth")
WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $null $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
foreach($leftItemMatchInRight in $leftItemMatchesInRight)
WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $leftItemMatchInRight $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
#produce final output for members of right with no matches for the AllInBoth option
if($Type -eq "AllInBoth")
for($i=0; $i -lt $right.Count;$i++)
if($rightMatchCount -eq 0)
WriteJoinObjectOutput $null $rightItem $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
$Sizehash = $null
$Sizehash = #{}
$SizeQuery = "SELECT
DatabaseName = DB_NAME(database_id),
Total_MB = CAST(SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2))
FROM sys.master_files WITH(NOWAIT)
WHERE database_id > 4
GROUP BY database_id
order by DatabaseName"
$Sizehash = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $SizeQuery -ServerInstance PMMCSQL1
$CThash = $null
$CThash = #{}
$CTQuery = "exec sp_msforeachdb 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'',''model'',''tempdb'',''msdb'',''pubs'')
USE ?;
select DB_NAME() AS CTName, value AS ClientType
FROM fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
where name = ''Client type'';
$CThash = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $CTQuery -ServerInstance PMMCSQL1
$JoinCT = $null
$JoinCT = Join-Object `
-Left $Sizehash `
-Right $CThash `
-LeftProperties DatabaseName,Total_MB `
-RightProperties ClientType `
-Type AllinBoth `
-Where {$args[0].DatabaseName -eq $args[1].CTName}
> function AddItemProperties($item, $properties, $output)
if($item -ne $null)
foreach($property in $properties)
$propertyHash =$property -as [hashtable]
if($propertyHash -ne $null)
$hashName=$propertyHash["name"] -as [string]
if($hashName -eq $null)
throw "there should be a string Name"
$expression=$propertyHash["expression"] -as [scriptblock]
if($expression -eq $null)
throw "there should be a ScriptBlock Expression"
$expressionValue=& $expression
$output | add-member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name $hashName -Value $expressionValue
# .psobject.Properties allows you to list the properties of any object, also known as "reflection"
foreach($itemProperty in $item.psobject.Properties)
if ($itemProperty.Name -like $property)
$output | add-member -force -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name $itemProperty.Name -Value $itemProperty.Value
function WriteJoinObjectOutput($leftItem, $rightItem, $leftProperties, $rightProperties, $Type)
$output = new-object psobject
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# This mix of rightItem with LeftProperties and vice versa is due to
# the switch of Left and Right arguments for AllInRight
AddItemProperties $rightItem $leftProperties $output
AddItemProperties $leftItem $rightProperties $output
AddItemProperties $leftItem $leftProperties $output
AddItemProperties $rightItem $rightProperties $output
Joins two lists of objects
Joins two lists of objects
Join-Object $a $b "Id" ("Name","Salary")
function Join-Object
# List to join with $Right
# List to join with $Left
# Condition in which an item in the left matches an item in the right
# typically something like: {$args[0].Id -eq $args[1].Id}
# Properties from $Left we want in the output.
# Each property can:
# - Be a plain property name like "Name"
# - Contain wildcards like "*"
# - Be a hashtable like #{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}. Name is the output property name
# and Expression is the property value. The same syntax is available in select-object and it is
# important for join-object because joined lists could have a property with the same name
# Properties from $Right we want in the output.
# Like LeftProperties, each can be a plain name, wildcard or hashtable. See the LeftProperties comments.
# Type of join.
# AllInLeft will have all elements from Left at least once in the output, and might appear more than once
# if the where clause is true for more than one element in right, Left elements with matches in Right are
# preceded by elements with no matches. This is equivalent to an outer left join (or simply left join)
# SQL statement.
# AllInRight is similar to AllInLeft.
# OnlyIfInBoth will cause all elements from Left to be placed in the output, only if there is at least one
# match in Right. This is equivalent to a SQL inner join (or simply join) statement.
# AllInBoth will have all entries in right and left in the output. Specifically, it will have all entries
# in right with at least one match in left, followed by all entries in Right with no matches in left,
# followed by all entries in Left with no matches in Right.This is equivallent to a SQL full join.
[ValidateSet("AllInLeft","OnlyIfInBoth","AllInBoth", "AllInRight")]
# a list of the matches in right for each object in left
$leftMatchesInRight = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
# the count for all matches
$rightMatchesCount = New-Object "object[]" $Right.Count
for($i=0;$i -lt $Right.Count;$i++)
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# for AllInRight we just switch Left and Right
$aux = $Left
$Left = $Right
$Right = $aux
# go over items in $Left and produce the list of matches
foreach($leftItem in $Left)
$leftItemMatchesInRight = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$null = $leftMatchesInRight.Add($leftItemMatchesInRight)
for($i=0; $i -lt $right.Count;$i++)
if($Type -eq "AllInRight")
# For AllInRight, we want $args[0] to refer to the left and $args[1] to refer to right,
# but since we switched left and right, we have to switch the where arguments
$whereLeft = $rightItem
$whereRight = $leftItem
$whereLeft = $leftItem
$whereRight = $rightItem
if(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $where -ArgumentList $whereLeft,$whereRight)
$null = $leftItemMatchesInRight.Add($rightItem)
# go over the list of matches and produce output
for($i=0; $i -lt $left.Count;$i++)
if($leftItemMatchesInRight.Count -eq 0)
if($Type -ne "OnlyIfInBoth")
WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $null $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
foreach($leftItemMatchInRight in $leftItemMatchesInRight)
WriteJoinObjectOutput $leftItem $leftItemMatchInRight $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
#produce final output for members of right with no matches for the AllInBoth option
if($Type -eq "AllInBoth")
for($i=0; $i -lt $right.Count;$i++)
if($rightMatchCount -eq 0)
WriteJoinObjectOutput $null $rightItem $LeftProperties $RightProperties $Type
$ConnTimeout = 30
$QueryTimeout = 120
$DB = "master"
$conn=New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Server=PMMCSQL1;Database=$DB;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=$ConnTimeout"
$SQLcmd=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SizeQuery = "SELECT
DatabaseName = DB_NAME(database_id),
Total_MB = CAST(SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2))
FROM sys.master_files WITH(NOWAIT)
where database_id > 4
group BY database_id
order by DatabaseName"
$SQLcmd.CommandTimeout = $QueryTimeout
$SqlCmd.CommandText = $SizeQuery
$Sqlcmd.Connection = $conn
$SQLAdap=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($SQLcmd)
$DataSet=New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$SQLAdap.fill($DataSet) | Out-Null
$Sizehash = $DataSet.Tables | Format-Table
$SQLAdap = $null
$DataSet = $null
$CTQuery = "exec sp_msforeachdb 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'',''model'',''tempdb'',''msdb'',''pubs'')
USE ?;
select DB_NAME() AS CTName, value AS ClientType
FROM fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
where name = ''Client type'';
$SQLcmd.CommandTimeout = $QueryTimeout
$SqlCmd.CommandText = $CTQuery
$Sqlcmd.Connection = $conn
$SQLAdap=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($SQLcmd)
$DataSet=New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$SQLAdap.fill($DataSet) | Out-Null
$CThash = $DataSet.Tables | Format-Table
$SQLAdap = $null
$DataSet = $null
$JoinCT = $null
$JoinCT = Join-Object `
-Left $Sizehash `
-Right $CThash `
-Where {$args[0].DatabaseName -eq $args[1].CTName} `
-LeftProperties DatabaseName,Total_MB `
-RightProperties ClientType `
-Type AllinBoth
Why reinvent the wheel? If you are trying to join tables from different databases on different servers create a linked server and let SQL do the joins.
sql query for join two tables of different databases that are in two Servers
($Sizehash | Select DatabaseName,Total_MB) | Join ($CThash | Select CTName,ClientType) -on DatabaseName -eq CTName
See: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?

Reading txt content into variable SQL

I have a very simple question. My purpose here to retrieve login names from a txt file into a variable into SQL and query the SQL table while predicating against that same variable.
So for example:
the txt file would have:
so the idea to feed each name to a variable and output the designated computer name.
Declare #loginName varchar (25)
--open the file
--while the end of the file has not reached, read each line and place the name into #loginName variable
select *
from computerinfo
where loginname = #loginname
I don't necessarily need to bulk import to a temp table at this point.
i had to do this some weeks ago and the simple way i found was Powershell.
I had no SSIS else it's the best of course.
# You may want to adjust these
function Invoke-Sqlcmd2
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Database,
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Query,
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Username,
[Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Password,
[Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$QueryTimeout=600,
[Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$ConnectionTimeout=15,
[Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({test-path $_})] [string]$InputFile,
[Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("DataSet", "DataTable", "DataRow")] [string]$As="DataRow"
if ($InputFile)
$filePath = $(resolve-path $InputFile).path
$Query = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$filePath")
$conn=new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
if ($Username)
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};User ID={2};Password={3};Trusted_Connection=False;Connect Timeout={4}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$Username,$Password,$ConnectionTimeout }
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout={2}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$ConnectionTimeout }
#Following EventHandler is used for PRINT and RAISERROR T-SQL statements. Executed when -Verbose parameter specified by caller
if ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose)
$handler = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler] {Write-Verbose "$($_)"}
$cmd=new-object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn)
$ds=New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($cmd)
switch ($As)
'DataSet' { Write-Output ($ds) }
'DataTable' { Write-Output ($ds.Tables) }
'DataRow' { Write-Output ($ds.Tables[0]) }
} #Invoke-Sqlcmd2
$files = #(get-childitem "filelocationformultiplefile" -include *.txt -exclude *.bak -recurse | where-object {($_.LastWriteTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-0))-and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)})
if ($files -ne $NULL)
for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $files.Length; $idx++)
$file = $files[$idx]
$Query = #"
Bulk INSERT db.dbo.tbl from '$file' with (FirstRow = 1, FieldTerminator ='";', RowTerminator = '\n')
Invoke-sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance "servername" -Database "db" -Query $Query
And i'm not crazy, except the 10 ending lines everything else is coming from a microsoft official blog.
You don't need everything, powershell is present on every computer, it requires to save this in a file with extension ps1 and configure the 4 variables $fileout2 -> $tablename