beego QueryTable table name: `cpes` not exists - orm

I have this pice of code in beego:
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable("cpes")
and I now that beego connects well with the database, and the database have the 'cpes' table, but I keep getting an error becouse beego don't find the table.
¿How can I debug this further?

You must define model Cpes and register model 'cpes'.
type Cpes struct {
Id int
func (u *Cpes) TableName() string {
// db table name
return "cpes"
func init() {

I had the same problem. In my case, it was because I didn't register the model.
orm.RegisterModel(new(Member), new(Bank), new(Queue), new(Payment))
Make sure you registered all your models with beego.
The error message should have been more explicit though

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. The answer is in how Beego is translating the table name in the ORM.
The quick fix is to use
qs := o.QueryTable(new(cpes))
Where cpes is the model struct.
If you want to see this in action or this solution does not work for you try using the bee generate api command on your database. This will give you the models in a pre-made fashion as well as a bunch of code examples on how to use them.
Best of luck!


How to make new mono with DTO from mono and flux in spring reactive webflux

Here I try to make call from database and combine into new mono from different mono and flux.
public Mono<ListMovieWithKomenDTO> fetchMovieAndKomen(Integer movieId){
Mono<Movie> movie = findById(movieId).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
Flux<MovieKomen> movieKomen = getKomenByMovieId(movieId).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
return, movieKomen.collectList(), movieMovieKomenDTOBiFunction);
private BiFunction<Movie, List<MovieKomen>, ListMovieWithKomenDTO> movieMovieKomenDTOBiFunction = (x1, x2) -> ListMovieWithKomenDTO.builder()
// .age(x1.getAge())
In here I make db call twice for header ( like movie ) and detail ( like movie comment ) to separate them. After I make retrieve two different data, I want to join into new mono data based on flux data and mono. to make them into one data, I make DTO to put together from movie table and comment table but it failed. I assume that errors from to get data into one new mono.
Here the error from debug console
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot encode parameter of type org.springframework.r2dbc.core.Parameter
at io.r2dbc.postgresql.ExtendedQueryPostgresqlStatement.bind( ~[r2dbc-postgresql-0.8.10.RELEASE.jar:0.8.10.RELEASE]
Thank you
Problem is in my repository I used
public interface MovieKomenRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<MovieKomen,Integer> {
#Query("select * from m_movie_komen where m_movie_id = $1")
Flux<MovieKomen> findByMovieId(int movie_id);
in above example, I used $1 for the param in query. But when I change my code like bottom. It works like a charm.
public interface MovieKomenRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<MovieKomen,Integer> {
#Query("select * from m_movie_komen where m_movie_id = :movie")
Flux<MovieKomen> findByMovieId(#Param("movie") int movie_id);
so if someone want to use my service code is fine but careful in repository. we should not used '$1' instead ':movie'. so the problem not in service or mono/flux. but in my repository
Thank you.

Laravel Query Builder : Where pivot not in

wherePivotIn is mentionend here (under Filtering Relationships Via Intermediate Table Columns) but I can't find anything about the opposite function.
As the wherePivotIn already exists but not the wherePivotNOTIn, I edited this file : vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquant/Relations/BelongsToMany.php
And added this function
public function wherePivotNotIn($column, $values, $boolean = 'and', $not = false)
$this->pivotWhereIns[] = func_get_args();
return $this->whereNotIn($this->table.'.'.$column, $values, $boolean, $not);
Now the wherePivotNotIn exist and is working. But my question is:
Is it safe to update this file?
In case of update, I guess I will lose this...
After dinging a bit, I found out that the whereIn method accept more than 2 arguments.
We juste have to use it like that to use a "wherePivotNotIn"
No need to declare a new class or using scope!
Yeah don't update vendor files that's a no no. Instead , create a class that extends BelongsToMany and put your implementation in there. You'll lose your changes as soon as the file updates.
Never edit what is inside the vendor directory. Create your own method to meet your need, in case it does not exist.
In your case, you can define a Local Query Scope
It will look like:
class Task extends Model
public function scopeWherePivotNotIn($query)
$tasks = Task::wherePivotNotIn()->get();

Test for table/view existence with Scalaquery & create if not present

I am writing some tests to automate checking if a database (a MS SQL
Server instance) has certain views, and if it does not, creating those
views using the BasicTable object.
Something like:
#Test def CheckAndBuildViewsOnDB() = {
VerifyViewExists(FooTable, BarTable) //FooTable et al defined as:
FooTable extends BasicTable[Foo], where Foo is a case class & FooTable
has a DDL create defined.
Based on this and cribbing from Stefan Zeiger's assertTablesExist example, I made a little method to check the db for a view, and if the
check throws an exception call that view's BasicTable ddl.create:
def VerifyViewExists(views:BasicTable*) = {
DatabaseSession.session() withSession { //helper class which
initiates a db connection & session
views map {
v => (try queryNA[Int]("select 1 from '"+ v.tableName +"'
where 1<0").list
catch {case _: Exception => v.ddl.create;
println("Couldn't find view "+v.tableName+", creating it
} } }
Which seems reasonable to me, but has two problems:
this isn't the right way to type the views parameter as BasicTable,
resulting in "error: class BasicTable takes type parameters"
something funky is happening with the map argument v's scope,
resulting in "error: value tableName is not a member of type parameter
Pardon my ignorance with this question, as I suspect that the root of
my issue lies with not understanding Scala's type system.
Along with those two problems is the nagging feeling that I haven't
really done VerifyViewExists in the most succinct or readable style.
Since you don't care what the type parameter is, you should be able to solve #1 by adding [_]:
def VerifyViewExists(views:BasicTable[_]*) = {
My guess is that fixing #1 will cause #2 to disappear.
By the way it may be better to write foreach rather than map, since the latter will collect the results into a new collection, which I don't think you want.

Auto generated linq class is empty?

This is a continuation of my previous question: Could not find an implementation of the query pattern
I'm trying to insert a new 'Inschrijving' into my database. I try this with the following code:
public void insertInschrijving(Inschrijvingen inschrijving)
var context = new DataClassesDataContext();
But the context.Inschrijvingens.InsertOnSubmit(inschrijving); gives me the following error:
cannot convert from 'OndernemersAward.Web.Service.Inschrijvingen' to 'OndernemersAward.Web.Inschrijvingen'
I call the method in my main page:
Inschrijvingen1Client client = new Inschrijvingen1Client();
Inschrijvingen i = new Inschrijvingen();
client.insertInschrijvingCompleted += new EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(client_insertInschrijvingCompleted);
But as you can see there appears to be something wrong with my Inschrijvingen class, which is auto generated by LINQ. (Auto generated class can be found here:
I'm not entirely sure what is causing this, but I assume it has something to do with the auto generated class not being correct?
Thank you for your time,
The problem is that you've got two Inschrijvingen classes - one in the OndernemersAward.Web.Service namespace, and one in the OndernemersAward.Web namespace.
You either need to change the codebase so that you've only got one class, or you need to convert from one type to the other.

Problem with RavenDB 'Hello World' tutorial

I am going through the RavenDB tutorial on the website.
It was going fine until I got to the code block for creating an index.
This code segment is direct from RavenDB.Net website.
store.DatabaseCommands.PutIndex("OrdersContainingProduct", new IndexDefinition<Order>
Map = orders => from order in orders
from line in order.OrderLines
select new { line.ProductId }
I get an error on compile: "The non-generic type 'Raven.Database.Indexing.IndexDefinition' cannot be used with type arguments."
If IndexDefinition is non-generic, why is it used as generic in the sample code? Where is the disconnect?
Thank you for your time
Depending on your using statements you may be referencing the wrong IndexDefinition class (from another Raven assembly). Try adding this to the beginning of your file:
using Raven.Client.Indexes;
You might need to remove other using statements as well. I guess this is one reason why Microsoft recommends using unique names for classes even in the presence of namespaces.