vertica sql delta - sql

I want to calculate delta value between 2 records my table got 2 column id and timestamp i want to calculate the delta time between the records
id |timestamp |delta
1 |100 |0
2 |101 |1 (101-100)
3 |106 |5 (106-101)
4 |107 |1 (107-106)
I work with a Vertica data base and I want to create view/projection of this table on my DB.
Is it possible to create this calculate without using udf function?

You can use lag() for this purpose:
select id, timestamp,
coalesce(timestamp - lag(timestamp) over (order by id), 0) as delta
from t;


Counting rows for a particular name

I've a table temp(name int,count int). It stores:-
I want it's rows to be numbered, corresponding to a given name(also, note that count has to be in decreasing order), i.e, :-
1|10 |1
1|8 |2
1|4 |3
1|2 |4
2|10 |1
2|6 |2
2|1 |3
I tried How to show row numbers in PostgreSQL query? this post, but it just seems to number it from 1 to 7 and not name-wise. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks!
Use row_number() function
select a, count, row_number() over(partition by a order by count desc) as rn
from tablename

Select rows that are duplicates on two columns

I have data in a table. There are 3 columns (ID, Interval, ContactInfo). This table lists all phone contacts. I'm attempting to get a count of phone numbers that called twice on the same day and have no idea how to go about this. I can get duplicate entries for the same number but it does not match on date. The code I have so far is below.
SELECT ContactInfo, COUNT(Interval) AS NumCalls
FROM AllCalls
GROUP BY ContactInfo
HAVING COUNT(AllCalls.ContactInfo) > 1
I'd like to have it return the date, the number of calls on that date if more than 1, and the phone number.
Sample data:
|ID |Interval |ContactInfo|
|1 |3/1/2017 |8009999999 |
|2 |3/1/2017 |8009999999 |
|3 |3/2/2017 |8001234567 |
|4 |3/2/2017 |8009999999 |
|5 |3/3/2017 |8007771111 |
|6 |3/3/2017 |8007771111 |
Expected result:
|Interval |ContactInfo|NumCalls|
|3/1/2017 |8009999999 |2 |
|3/3/2017 |8007771111 |2 |
Just as juergen d suggested, you should try to add Interval in your GROUP BY. Like so:
SELECT AC.ContactInfo
, AC.Interval
, COUNT(*) AS qnty
GROUP BY AC.ContactInfo
, AC.Interval
The code should like this :
select Interval , ContactInfo, count(ID) AS NumCalls from AllCalls group by Interval, ContactInfo having count(ID)>1;

Fetch data from multiple tables in postgresql

I am working on an application where I want to fetch the records from multiple tables which are connected through foreign key. The query I am using is
select, ue.marks, uf.relation,
from user_education ue, user_family uf where ue.user_id=12 and uf.user_id=12
The result of the query is
You can see the data is repeating in it. I only want a record one time. I want no repetition. I want something like this
T1 T2
id|name|fid id|descrip| fid
1 |A |1 1|DA | 1
2 |B |1 2|DB | 1
2 |B |1
Result which I want:
id|name|fid|id|descrip| fid
1 |A |1 |1|DA | 1
2 |B |1 |2|DB | 1
2 |B |1 |
The results fetched through your query
The total rows are 5
More Information
I want the rows of same user_id from both tables but you can see in T1 there are 3 rows and in T2 there are 2 rows. I do not want repetitions but also I want to fetch all the data on the basis of user_id
Table Schemas,s
I can't see why you would want that, but the solution could be to use the window function row_number():
SELECT, ue.marks, uf.relation,
FROM (SELECT institute, marks, row_number() OVER ()
FROM user_education
WHERE user_id=12) ue
(SELECT relation, name, row_number() OVER ()
FROM user_family
WHERE user_id=12) uf
USING (row_number);
The result would be pretty meaningless though, as there is no ordering defined in the individual result sets.

SQL query between two times on every day

I'm currently trying to write a query that will allow me to find all records that occur between two times every day. As an example, say you had five records each with their own unique timestamps that represent when the record was created. They look something like this:
|id|letter| created_at |
|1 |a |2013-10-30 10:00:00|
|2 |b |2013-10-31 18:00:00|
|3 |c |2013-11-01 14:00:00|
|4 |d |2013-11-03 23:00:00|
|5 |e |2013-11-04 05:00:00|
I'm trying to write a query that would return all records created between 08:00:00 and 15:00:00. The expected result would be:
|id|letter| created_at |
|1 |a |2013-10-30 10:00:00|
|3 |c |2013-11-01 14:00:00|
What would a query look like to achieve this result? I'm familiar with how to use BETWEEN to get dates but not how to focus on times specifically. Thanks.
Alternatively, extract a native TIME value from your datetime field, and compare date values directly:
FROM yourtable
WHERE TIME(created_at) BETWEEN '08:00:00' AND '15:00:00'
MySQL has a very comprehensive set of date/time manipulation functions available here:
EDIT Forgot this was MySQL
You can use the EXTRACT function to pull that out
SELECT id, letter, created_at
FROM table

sum rows from one table and move it to another table

How can I sum rows from one table (based on selected critiria) and move the outcome to another table.
I have a table related to costs within project:
Table "costs":
id| CostName |ID_CostCategory| PlanValue|DoneValue
1 | books |1 |100 |120
2 | flowers |1 |90 |90
3 | car |2 |150 |130
4 | gas |2 |50 |45
and I want to put the sum of "DoneValue" of each ID_CostCategory into table "CostCategories"
Table "CostCategories":
id|name |planned|done
1 |other|190 |takes the sum from above table
2 |car |200 |takes the sum from above table
Many thanks
I would not store this, because as soon as anything changes in Costs then CostCategories will be out of date, instead I would create a view e.g:
CREATE VIEW CostCategoriesSum
SELECT CostCategories.ID,
SUM(COALESCE(Costs.PlanValue, 0)) AS Planned,
SUM(COALESCE(Costs.DoneValue, 0)) AS Done
FROM CostCategories
ON Costs.ID_CostCategory = CostCategories.ID
GROUP BY CostCategories.ID, CostCategories.Name;
Now instead of referring to the table, you can refer to the view and the Planned and Done totals will always be up to date.
INSERT INTO CostCategories(id,name,planned,done)
SELECT ID_CostCategory, CostName, SUM(PlanValue), SUM(DoneValue)
FROM costs GROUP BY ID_CostCategory, CostName