Vuex Action vs Mutations - vue.js

In Vuex, what is the logic of having both "actions" and "mutations?"
I understand the logic of components not being able to modify state (which seems smart), but having both actions and mutations seems like you are writing one function to trigger another function, to then alter state.
What is the difference between "actions" and "mutations," how do they work together, and moreso, I'm curious why the Vuex developers decided to do it this way?

Question 1: Why did the Vuejs developers decide to do it this way?
When your application becomes large, and when there are multiple developers working on this project, you will find that "state management" (especially the "global state") becomes increasingly more complicated.
The Vuex way (just like Redux in react.js) offers a new mechanism to manage state, keep state, and "save and trackable" (that means every action which modifies state can be tracked by debug tool:vue-devtools)
Question 2: What's the difference between "action" and "mutation"?
Let's see the official explanation first:
Vuex mutations are essentially events: each mutation has a name and a
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 1
mutations: {
INCREMENT (state) {
// mutate state
Actions: Actions are just functions that dispatch mutations.
// the simplest action
function increment ({commit}) {
// a action with additional arguments
// with ES2015 argument destructuring
function incrementBy ({ dispatch }, amount) {
dispatch('INCREMENT', amount)
Here is my explanation of the above:
A mutation is the only way to modify state
The mutation doesn't care about business logic, it just cares about "state"
An action is business logic
The action can commit more than 1 mutation at a time, it just implements the business logic, it doesn't care about data changing (which is managed by mutation)

Mutations are synchronous, whereas actions can be asynchronous.
To put it in another way: you don't need actions if your operations are synchronous, otherwise implement them.

I believe that having an understanding of the motivations behind Mutations and Actions allows one to better judge when to use which and how. It also frees the programmer from the burden of uncertainty in situations where the "rules" become fuzzy. After reasoning a bit about their respective purposes, I came to the conclusion that although there may definitely be wrong ways to use Actions and Mutations, I don't think that there's a canonical approach.
Let's first try to understand why we even go through either Mutations or Actions.
Why go through the boilerplate in the first place? Why not change state directly in components?
Strictly speaking you could change the state directly from your components. The state is just a JavaScript object and there's nothing magical that will revert changes that you make to it.
// Yes, you can!
However, by doing this you're scattering your state mutations all over the place. You lose the ability to simply just open a single module housing the state and at a glance see what kind of operations can be applied to it. Having centralized mutations solves this, albeit at the cost of some boilerplate.
// so we go from this
// to this
this.$store.commit('addProduct', {product})
// and in store
addProduct(state, {product}){
I think if you replace something short with boilerplate you'll want the boilerplate to also be small. I therefore presume that mutations are meant to be very thin wrappers around native operations on the state, with almost no business logic. In other words, mutations are meant to be mostly used like setters.
Now that you've centralized your mutations you have a better overview of your state changes and since your tooling (vue-devtools) is also aware of that location it makes debugging easier. It's also worth keeping in mind that many Vuex's plugins don't watch the state directly to track changes, they rather rely on mutations for that. "Out of bound" changes to the state are thus invisible to them.
So mutations, actions what's the difference anyway?
Actions, like mutations, also reside in the store's module and can receive the state object. Which implies that they could also mutate it directly. So what's the point of having both? If we reason that mutations have to be kept small and simple, it implies that we need an alternative means to house more elaborate business logic. Actions are the means to do this. And since as we have established earlier, vue-devtools and plugins are aware of changes through Mutations, to stay consistent we should keep using Mutations from our actions. Furthermore, since actions are meant to be all encompassing and that the logic they encapsulate may be asynchronous, it makes sense that Actions would also simply made asynchronous from the start.
It's often emphasized that actions can be asynchronous, whereas mutations are typically not. You may decide to see the distinction as an indication that mutations should be used for anything synchronous (and actions for anything asynchronous); however, you'd run into some difficulties if for instance you needed to commit more than one mutations (synchronously), or if you needed to work with a Getter from your mutations, as mutation functions receive neither Getters nor Mutations as arguments...
...which leads to an interesting question.
Why don't Mutations receive Getters?
I haven't found a satisfactory answer to this question, yet. I have seen some explanation by the core team that I found moot at best. If I summarize their usage, Getters are meant to be computed (and often cached) extensions to the state. In other words, they're basically still the state, albeit that requires some upfront computation and they're normally read-only. That's at least how they're encouraged to be used.
Thus, preventing Mutations from directly accessing Getters means that one of three things is now necessary, if we need to access from the former some functionality offered by the latter: (1) either the state computations provided by the Getter is duplicated somewhere that is accessible to the Mutation (bad smell), or (2) the computed value (or the relevant Getter itself) is passed down as an explicit argument to the Mutation (funky), or (3) the Getter's logic itself is duplicated directly within the Mutation, without the added benefit of caching as provided by the Getter (stench).
The following is an example of (2), which in most scenarios that I have encountered seems the "least bad" option.
shoppingCart: {
products: []
return function(product) { ... }
actions: {
addProduct({state, getters, commit, dispatch}, {product}){
// all kinds of business logic goes here
// then pull out some computed state
const hasProduct = getters.hasProduct(product)
// and pass it to the mutation
commit('addProduct', {product, hasProduct})
mutations: {
addProduct(state, {product, hasProduct}){
if (hasProduct){
// mutate the state one way
} else {
// mutate the state another way
To me, the above seems not only a bit convoluted, but also somewhat "leaky", since some of the code present in the Action is clearly oozing from the Mutation's internal logic.
In my opinion, this is an indication of a compromise. I believe that allowing Mutations to automatically receive Getters presents some challenges. It can be either to the design of Vuex itself, or the tooling (vue-devtools et al), or to maintain some backward compatibility, or some combination of all the stated possibilities.
What I don't believe is that passing Getters to your Mutations yourself is necessarily a sign that you're doing something wrong. I see it as simply "patching" one of the framework's shortcomings.

The main differences between Actions and Mutations:
In mutations you can change the state but not it actions.
Inside actions you can run asynchronous code but not in mutations.
Inside actions you can access getters, state, mutations (committing them), actions (dispatching them) etc in mutations you can access only the state.

I think the TLDR answer is that Mutations are meant to be synchronous/transactional. So if you need to run an Ajax call, or do any other asynchronous code, you need to do that in an Action, and then commit a mutation after, to set the new state.

I have been using Vuex professionally for about 3 years, and here is what I think I have figured out about the essential differences between actions and mutations, how you can benefit from using them well together, and how you can make your life harder if you don't use it well.
The main goal of Vuex is to offer a new pattern to control the behaviour of your application: Reactivity. The idea is to offload the orchestration of the state of your application to a specialized object: a store. It conveniently supplies methods to connect your components directly to your store data to be used at their own convenience. This allows your components to focus on their job: defining a template, style, and basic component behaviour to present to your user. Meanwhile, the store handles the heavy data load.
That is not the only advantage of this pattern though. The fact that stores are a single source of data for the entirety of your application offers a great potential for re-usability of this data across many components. This isn't the first pattern that attempts to address this issue of cross-component communication, but where it shines is that it forces you to implement a very safe behaviour in your application by basically forbidding your components to modify the state of this shared data, and force it instead to use "public endpoints" to ask for change.
The basic idea is this:
The store has an internal state, which should never be directly accessed by components (mapState is effectively banned)
The store has mutations, which are synchronous modifications to the internal state. A mutation's only job is to modify the state. They should only be called from an action. They should be named to describe things that happened to the state (ORDER_CANCELED, ORDER_CREATED). Keep them short and sweet. You can step through them by using the Vue Devtools browser extension (it's great for debugging too!)
The store also has actions, which should be async or return a promise. They are the actions that your components will call when they want to modify the state of the application. They should be named with business oriented actions (verbs, i.e. cancelOrder, createOrder). This is where you validate and send your requests. Each action may call different commits at different steps if it is required to change the state.
Finally, the store has getters, which are what you use to expose your state to your components. Expect them to be heavily used across many components as your application expands. Vuex caches getters heavily to avoid useless computation cycles (as long as you don't add parameters to your getter - try not to use parameters) so don't hesitate to use them extensively. Just make sure you give names that describe as closely as possible what state the application currently is in.
That being said, the magic begins when we start designing our application in this manner. For example:
We have a component that offers a list of orders to the user with the possibility to delete those orders
The component has mapped a store getter (deletableOrders), which is an array of objects with ids
The component has a button on each row of orders, and its click is mapped to a store action (deleteOrder) which passes the order object to it (which, we will remember, comes from the store's list itself)
The store deleteOrder action does the following:
it validates the deletion
it stores the order to delete temporarily
it commits the ORDER_DELETED mutation with the order
it sends the API call to actually delete the order (yes, AFTER modifying the state!)
it waits for the call to end (the state is already updated) and on failure, we call the ORDER_DELETE_FAILED mutation with the order we kept earlier.
The ORDER_DELETED mutation will simply remove the given order from the list of deletable orders (which will update the getter)
The ORDER_DELETE_FAILED mutation simply puts it back, and modifies the state to notify of the error (another component, error-notification, would be tracking that state to know when to display itself)
In the end, we have a user experience that is deemed as "reactive". From the perspective of our user, the item has been deleted immediately. Most of the time, we expect our endpoints to just work, so this is perfect. When it fails, we still have some control over how our application will react, because we have successfully separated the concern of the state of our front-end application, with the actual data.
You don't always need a store, mind you. If you find that you are writing stores that look like this:
export default {
state: {
orders: []
mutations: {
ADD_ORDER (state, order) {
DELETE_ORDER (state, orderToDelete) {
state.orders = state.orders.filter(order => !==
actions: {
addOrder ({commit}, order) {
commit('ADD_ORDER', order)
deleteOrder ({commit}, order) {
commit('DELETE_ORDER', order)
getters: {
orders: state => state.orders
To me it seems you are only using the store as a data store, and are perhaps missing out on the reactivity aspect of it, by not letting it also take control of variables that your application reacts to. Basically, you can and should probably offload some lines of code written in your components to your stores.

According to the docs
Actions are similar to mutations, the differences being that:
Instead of mutating the state, actions commit mutations.
Actions can contain arbitrary asynchronous operations.
Consider the following snippet.
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 0
mutations: {
increment (state) {
state.count++ //Mutating the state. Must be synchronous
actions: {
increment (context) {
context.commit('increment') //Committing the mutations. Can be asynchronous.
Action handlers(increment) receive a context object which exposes the same set of
methods/properties on the store instance, so you can call
context.commit to commit a mutation, or access the state and getters
via context.state and context.getters

Can update the state. (Having the Authorization to change the state).
Actions are used to tell "which mutation should be triggered"
In Redux Way
Mutations are Reducers
Actions are Actions
Why Both ??
When the application growing , coding and lines will be increasing , That time you have to handle the logic in Actions not in the mutations because mutations are the only authority to change the state, it should be clean as possible.

Disclaimer - I've only just started using vuejs so this is just me extrapolating the design intent.
Time machine debugging uses snapshots of the state, and shows a timeline of actions and mutations. In theory we could have had just actions alongside a recording of state setters and getters to synchronously describe mutation. But then:
We would have impure inputs (async results) which caused the setters and getters. This would be hard to follow logically and different async setters and getters may surprisingly interact. That can still happen with mutations transactions but then we can say the transaction needs to be improved as opposed to it being a race condition in the actions. Anonymous mutations inside an action could more easily resurface these kinds of bugs because async programming is fragile and difficult.
The transaction log would be hard to read because there would be no name for the state changes. It would be much more code-like and less English, missing the logical groupings of mutations.
It might be trickier and less performant to instrument recording any mutation on a data object, as opposed to now where there are synchronously defined diff points - before and after mutation function call. I'm not sure how big of a problem that is.
Compare the following transaction log with named mutations.
Action: FetchNewsStories
Mutation: SetFetchingNewsStories
Action: FetchNewsStories [continuation]
Mutation: DoneFetchingNewsStories([...])
With a transaction log that has no named mutations:
Action: FetchNewsStories
Mutation: state.isFetching = true;
Action: FetchNewsStories [continuation]
Mutation: state.isFetching = false;
Mutation: state.listOfStories = [...]
I hope you can extrapolate from that example the potential added complexity in async and anonymous mutation inside actions.
Now imagine we are debugging the app and looking at the devtool's mutation logs. For every mutation logged, the devtool will need to capture a "before" and "after" snapshots of the state. However, the asynchronous callback inside the example mutation above makes that impossible: the callback is not called yet when the mutation is committed, and there's no way for the devtool to know when the callback will actually be called - any state mutation performed in the callback is essentially un-trackable!

This confused me too so I made a simple demo.
<div id="app">
<h6>Logging with Action vs Mutation</h6>
<button #click="mutateCountWithAsyncDelay()">Mutate Count directly with delay</button>
<button #click="updateCountViaAsyncAction()">Update Count via action, but with delay</button>
<p>Note that when the mutation handles the asynchronous action, the "log" in console is broken.</p>
<p>When mutations are separated to only update data while the action handles the asynchronous business
logic, the log works the log works</p>
export default {
name: 'app',
methods: {
computed: {
count: function(){
return this.$store.state.count;
import 'es6-promise/auto'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import Vue from 'vue';
const myStore = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 0,
mutations: {
//The WRONG way
mutateCountWithAsyncDelay (state) {
var log1;
var log2;
//Capture Before Value
log1 = state.count;
//Simulate delay from a fetch or something
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
//Capture After Value
log2 = state.count;
//Async in mutation screws up the log
console.log(`Starting Count: ${log1}`); //NRHG
console.log(`Ending Count: ${log2}`); //NRHG
//The RIGHT way
mutateCount (state) {
var log1;
var log2;
//Capture Before Value
log1 = state.count;
//Mutation does nothing but update data
//Capture After Value
log2 = state.count;
//Changes logged correctly
console.log(`Starting Count: ${log1}`); //NRHG
console.log(`Ending Count: ${log2}`); //NRHG
actions: {
//This action performs its async work then commits the RIGHT mutation
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
export default myStore;
After researching this, the conclusion I came to is that mutations are a convention focused only on changing data to better separate concerns and improve logging before and after the updated data. Whereas actions are a layer of abstraction that handles the higher level logic and then calls the mutations appropriately

Because there’s no state without mutations! When commited — a piece of logic, that changes the state in a foreseeable manner, is executed. Mutations are the only way to set or change the state (so there’s no direct changes!), and furthermore — they must be synchronous. This solution drives a very important functionality: mutations are logging into devtools. And that provides you with a great readability and predictability!
One more thing — actions. As it’s been said — actions commit mutations. So they do not change the store, and there’s no need for these to be synchronous. But, they can manage an extra piece of asynchronous logic!

It might seem unnecessary to have an extra layer of actions just to call the mutations, for example:
const actions = {
logout: ({ commit }) => {
commit("setToken", null);
const mutations = {
setToken: (state, token) => {
state.token = token;
So if calling actions calls logout, why not call the mutation itself?
The entire idea of an action is to call multiple mutations from inside one action or make an Ajax request or any kind of asynchronous logic you can imagine.
We might eventually have actions that make multiple network requests and eventually call many different mutations.
So we try to stuff as much complexity from our Vuex.Store() as possible in our actions and this leaves our mutations, state and getters cleaner and straightforward and falls in line with the kind of modularity that makes libraries like Vue and React popular.

1.From docs:
Actions are similar to mutations, the differences being that:
Instead of mutating the state, actions commit mutations.
Actions can contain arbitrary asynchronous operations.
The Actions can contain asynchronous operations, but the mutation can not.
2.We invoke the mutation, we can change the state directly. and we also can in the action to change states by like this:
actions: {
increment (store) {
// do whatever ... then change the state
the Actions is designed for handle more other things, we can do many things in there(we can use asynchronous operations) then change state by dispatch mutation there.


Change state directly in action in vuex

I really don't get the disadvantage of setting of state in actions. Ok mutation is useful for vue-devtools but anything else? is there any code sample to show the handicap?
There is a better way to do this:
Actions allows to have asynchronous calls, this means that you can do https request, wait for and answer and commit (call a mutation).
Mutations are synchronous, because here is where the state is being updated.
So, if you doesn't require an asynchronous call, you can call the mutation right from the component:
// Using this.$store.commit()
// some component
methods: {
callAMutation() {
const someValue = "Update the vuex state with this";
// call the mutation without call an action
this.$store.commit("theMutationName", somevalue);
// if the store is using modules
// this.$store.commit("moduleName/theMutationName", somevalue);
Now using { mapMutations }
// some component
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
methods: {
// again, if you have a store with modules, use the next format
// ...mapMutations({ aModuleMutation: "moduleName/theMutationName"})
callAMutation() {
const someValue = "Update the vuex state with this";
// call the mutation without call an action
// call the mutation ["theMutationName"] as a method
// if the store is using modules, call the mutation as a method
// this.aModuleMutation(somevalue);
This way you reduce the code write code, because the action is not required and it's useful for share code between components that use the store.
The reason to have mutations is because: One of the driving requirements of modern state management tools is traceability [], mutations allows to know where, how and when the state change, that way you can track which component is calling some action or mutation, debugging a big application could be painful.
But... In one of the vue mastery courses, I heard to Damian Dulisz said that mutation and actions will be merged, if so, you will set the state in the actions directly.

How to access Vuex modules mutations

I read thorugh his documentation from vue but I didn't find anything about how to actually access specific module in the store when you have multiple modules.
Here is my store:
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
listingModule: listingModule,
openListingsOnDashModule: listingsOnDashModule,
closedListingsOnDashModule: listingsOnDashModule
Each module has its own state, mutations and getters.
state can be successfully accessed via
this.$store.state.listingModule // <-- access listingModule
The same is not true for accessing mutations cause when I do this
this.$store.listingModule.commit('REPLACE_LISTINGS', res)
this.$store.mutations.listingModule.commit('REPLACE_LISTINGS', res)
I get either this.$store.listingModule or this.$store.mutations undefined error.
Do you know how should the module getters and mutations be accessed?
As Jacob brought out, the mutations can be accessed by its unique identifier. So be it and I renamed the mutation and now have access.
here is my mutation:
mutations: {
state.listings = payload
Here is my state
state: {
id: 0,
location: {},
As I do a commit with a payload of an array the state only saves ONE element.
Giving in payload array of 4 it returns me back array of 1.
What am I missing?
It's a good idea, IMHO, to call vuex actions instead of invoking mutations. An action can be easily accessed without worrying about which module you are using, and is helpful especially when you have any asynchronous action taking place.
That said, as Jacob pointed out already, mutation names are unique, which is why many vuex templates/examples have a separate file called mutation-types.js that helps organize all mutations.
re. the edit, It's not very clear what the issue is, and I would encourage you to split it into a separate question, and include more of the code, or update the question title.
While I can't tell why it's not working, I would suggest you try using this, as it can resolve two common issues
import Vue from 'vue'
mutations: {
Vue.$set(state, 'listings', [...payload]);
reactivity not triggered. Using Vue.$set() forces reactivity to kick in for some of the variables that wouldn't trigger otherwise. This is important for nested data (like object of an object), because vue does not create a setter/getter for every data point inside an object or array, just the top level.
rest destructuring. Arrays: [...myArray] Objects: {...myObj}. This prevents data from being changed by another process, by assigning the contents of the array/object as a new array/object. Note though that this is only one level deep, so deeply nested data will still see that issue.

Reflux setState with a Callback

EDIT AGAIN: Opened an issue with Reflux here:
EDIT: Reflux setState does not provide any callback for setState. They require you to use the component lifecycle methods to ensure the state is set prior to running any code. If you ever need to use the reflux setState outside of a component, where you do not have lifecycle methods, you will not be guaranteed the state is set. This is due to how Reflux does their setState. It loops all listening components and calls those components' setState methods. If Reflux were refactored to wait until all the listening components' setState calls complete then call a callback passed into its own setState method, that may work, but it would likely require a large rework of Reflux. I have started using a singleton class to manage some of these variables, as they are fully outside the component lifecycle.
Can you use setState with a callback in ReactNative or is that only in React? I'm using the below syntax and the first debugger is hit, but the second debugger and console log never get hit.
EDIT: After digging some more, it seems this does not occur when using setting the state directly, but only when running it through a reflux store and/or not using a component.
See snack here:
() => {
console.log("CALLIN IT BACK")
I'm the creator of Reflux's ES6 styled stores/component hookups. Hopefully I can shed some light on this for you.
Here's the important points:
1) Reflux sets its store state immediately upon setState calls.
Reflux's store state doesn't have the same problems as React and doesn't need React's workaround (callback). You are guaranteed that your change is immediately reflected in the store's state, that's why there is not a callback. The very next line of code will reflect the store's new state.
tl;dr, no workaround is required.
// in Reflux stores this works
console.log( === 'foo') // true
console.log( === 'bar') // true
2) Stores can never depend upon components!
The idea that the setState would give a callback about when the dependent components have all updated their state is a major violation of the single most fundamental of all flux principles: 1 way data flow.
If your store requires knowledge about whether or not components are doing something then you are already doing it wrong, and all the problems you are experiencing are XY problems of fundamentally not following flux in the first place. 1-way data flow is a main flux principle.
And that principle exists for good reason. Flux doesn't require 1:1 mapping of store state properties to component state properties. You can map anything to anything, or even just use the store's state for the building blocks of how you will run your own logic to create completely new state properties on the components. For example having loaded and transitioned as separate properties in store state, but mapping to a loadedAndTransitioned property in one component, and a notLoadedOrTransitioned in another component via your own custom logic. That's a hugely powerful part of flux. But your suggestion would pretty much destroy all that, since Reflux can't map people's custom logic.
1-way data flow must be maintained; Store's must operate the same independently of what components utilize them. Without this, the power of flux falls apart!
Store's listen to actions, components listen to stores, actions are called from wherever. All flux-based data flows from action -> store -> component only.
I've checked the library for the refluxjs and the problem and the workaround are as mentioned below.
The library provides with a new instance of the setState which is not exactly similar to ReactJS setState, which omits the callback as mentioned in their code below.
proto.setState = function (obj) {
// Object.assign(this.state, obj); // later turn this to Object.assign and remove loop once support is good enough
for (var key in obj) {
this.state[key] = obj[key];
// if there's an id (i.e. it's being tracked by the global state) then make sure to update the global state
if ( {
Reflux.GlobalState[] = this.state;
// trigger, because any component it's attached to is listening and will merge the store state into its own on a store trigger
Also as mentioned here in the docs
That store will store its state on a this.state property, and mutate its state via this.setState() in a way that is extremely similar to React classes themselves.
The library provides with the listener functions, which provide us with the callbacks of the setState obj of the ReactJS as mentioned in the below snippet.
componentDidMount: function() {
var me = this;
_.extend(me, ListenerMethods);
this.listenTo(listenable, function(v) {
You can use them in the following way
this.listenTo(action, callback)
Hope it clears the doubts
Usage as per the docs
To listen inside of the store
this.state = {count: 0};
this.listenTo(increment, this.incrementItUp);
var newCount = this.state.count + 1;
this.setState({count: newCount});
To listen outside of the store anywhere
// listen directly to an action
// listen to a child action
Here's the link to the snack with working callbacks based on Promises

Sending static props to component via selector, best practice

I sometimes have need to send static props to a component, but the data actually comes from my Redux store. I.e. I need a access to state to fetch the data.
With static, I mean that this data won't change during the life of the component, so I don't want to select it from the store on each render.
This is how I solved it at first (the mapStateToProps part):
(state, ownProps) => ({
journalItemType: selectJournalItemType(state, ownProps.journalItemTypeId)
The component gets a JournalItemTypeId and the mapStateToProps looks it up in the store and sends the journalItemType to the component. JournalItemType is static metadata and won't change very often, and certainly not during the life of the component.
static propTypes = {
The problem with this is that I call the selector at each render. Not a big performance hit, but feels wrong anyway.
So, I changed to this:
(state, ownProps) => ({
getJournalItemType: () => selectJournalItemType(state, ownProps.journalItemTypeId)
The first thing I do in the components constructor is to call getJournalItemType and store the result in the local state. This way the selector is only called once.
static propTypes = {
getJournalItemType: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
journalItemType: props.getJournalItemType()
Is this the right way to do this?
Another way would be to let the component know about state so the component could call the selector itself. But I think it's cleaner to keep the state out of the component.
I could also call the selector and fetch the static data earlier in the call chain, but I don't have state naturally available there either.
Why would I store JournalItemTypes in the Redux store if it is static data? All of the apps metadata is in my redux store so it can be easily refreshed from the server. By keeping it in Redux I can treat metadata in the same way as all other data in my synchronisation sagas.
Added clarification after Mika's answer
I need to use the local state because the component is a quite complex input form with all sorts of inputs (input fields, camera, qr-reader, live updated SVG sketch based on input).
A JournalItem in my app is "all or nothing". I.e. if every required field is filled in the user is allowed to save the item. My store is persisted to disk, so I don't want to hit the store more often than needed. So the JournalItem-object (actually an lives in state until it's ready to be saved.
My selectors are memoized with reselect. This makes my first solution even less impacting on performance. But it still feels wrong.
The component gets updated via props due to other events, so it's re-rendered now and then.
You have a few different options here:
Option 1: the original way
This is the most basic and most 'Redux' way of doing it. If your selectJournalItemType function is moderately light, your app won't suffer much of a performance hit as mapStateToProps is only called when the store is updated according to react-redux docs.
Option 2: the constructor
It is generally recommended to avoid using the Component's state with Redux. Sometimes it is necessary (for example forms with inputs) but in this case it can, and in my opinion should, be avoided.
Option 3: optimizing option 1
If your function is computationally expensive, there are at least a few ways to optimize the original solution.
In my opinion one of the simpler ones is optimizing the react-redux connect. Short example:
const options = {
pure: true, // True by default
areStatesEqual: (prev, next) => {
// You could do some meaningful comparison between the prev and next states
return false;
export default ContainerComponent = connect(
Another possibility is to create a memoized function using Reselect

How should I handle events in Vuex?

I am used to using a global event bus to handle cross-component methods. For example:
var bus = new Vue();
//Component A
//Component B
bus.$on('DoSomethingInComponentB', function(){ this.doSomething() })
However, I am building a larger project, which requires global state management. Naturally, I want to use Vuex.
While this bus pattern works with Vuex, it seems wrong. I have seen Vuex recommended as a replacement for this pattern.
Is there a way to run methods in components from Vuex? How should I approach this?
Vuex and event bus are two different things in the sense that vuex manages central state of your application while event bus is used to communicate between different components of your app.
You can execute vuex mutation or actions from a component and also raise events from vuex's actions.
As the docs says:
Actions are similar to mutations, the difference being that:
Instead of mutating the state, actions commit mutations.
Actions can contain arbitrary asynchronous operations.
So you can raise an event via bus from actions and you can call an action from any component method.
Using a global event bus is an anti pattern because it becomes very difficult to trace it (where was this event fired from? Where else are we listening to it? etc.)
Why do you want to use a global event bus? Is there some method that you want to trigger in another component? If you use Vuex then all your actions (methods) are in one central state and you can just dispatch your action.
So for example instead of doing this..
// Component A
// Component B
bus.$on('DoSomethingInComponentB', function(){ this.doSomething() })
With Vuex you would have the doSomething() function in a central store as an action. Then just make sure to convert you local component data to a global Vuex state data and dispatch that action.
It may not be directly what you are looking for, but I use watchers to respond to state changes. I come from an Angular background where having side effects respond to actions makes sense to me. To make this work I am having a particular value in the store change and then watch for the value in the relevant component like so:
Vue.component('comp-2', {
watch: {
mod1Foo() {
// do something here when the store value of the getter
// mod1/getFoo changes
computed: {
mod1Foo: 'mod1/getFoo'
Here is a full StackBlitz example: