Can not apply prop:procedure in typed racket - structure

When defining a struct in typed racket I can no longer use the prop:procedure. In normal racket I can do something like:
(struct profile-unit (a t c g)
#:property prop:procedure (thunk* 12))
(define t (profile-unit .1 .1 .2 .6))
> 12
But when I try it in typed/racket I get a type check error:
(struct profile-unit ([a : Real] [t : Real] [c : Real] [g : Real])
#:property prop:procedure (thunk* 12))
> Type Checker: Cannot apply expression of type profile-unit, since it is not a function type in: (t)
Is there another way of defining this property in typed racket?

As #Leif Andersen said, the #:property struct option doesn't work in typed racket.
However for the special case of prop:procedure, you can use the define-struct/exec form.
#lang typed/racket
(define-struct/exec profile-unit ([a : Real] [t : Real] [c : Real] [g : Real])
[(λ (this) 12) : (profile-unit -> Any)])
(define t (profile-unit .1 .1 .2 .6))
(t) ; 12

Structs in typed/racket cannot have the any #:property fields. They also don't support generics.
The fact that you can even call it like this looks like a bug to me.
If you really do want to call the struct like a function though, you can do it by defining it in untyped code, using require/typed an #:struct to get it into typed code, and using cast to turn it into a procedure. For example:
#lang typed/racket
(module foo racket
(provide (struct-out profile-unit)
(struct profile-unit (a t c g)
#:property prop:procedure (thunk* 12))
(define make-profile-unit profile-unit)
((profile-unit 1 2 3 4)))
(require/typed 'foo
[#:struct profile-unit ([a : Real]
[t : Real]
[c : Real]
[g : Real])])
((cast (profile-unit 1 2 3 4) (-> Any)))
In this example, profile-unit is being called as a procedure.


Defining groups in Idris

I defined monoid in Idris as
interface Is_monoid (ty : Type) (op : ty -> ty -> ty) where
id_elem : () -> ty
proof_of_left_id : (a : ty) -> ((op a (id_elem ())) = a)
proof_of_right_id : (a : ty) -> ((op (id_elem ())a) = a)
proof_of_associativity : (a, b, c : ty) -> ((op a (op b c)) = (op (op a b) c))
then tried to define groups as
interface (Is_monoid ty op) => Is_group (ty : Type) (op : ty -> ty -> ty) where
inverse : ty -> ty
proof_of_left_inverse : (a : ty) -> (a = (id_elem ()))
but during compilation it showed
When checking type of Group.proof_of_left_inverse:
Can't find implementation for Is_monoid ty op
Is there a way around it.
The error message is a bit misleading, but indeed, the compiler does not know which implementation of Is_monoid to use for your call to id_elem in your definition of proof_of_left_inverse. You can make it work by making it making the call more explicit:
proof_of_left_inverse : (a : ty) -> (a = (id_elem {ty = ty} {op = op} ()))
Now, why is this necessary? If we have a simple interface like
interface Pointed a where
x : a
we can just write a function like
origin : (Pointed b) => b
origin = x
without specifying any type parameters explicitly.
One way to understand this is to look at interfaces and implementations through the lens of other, in a way more basic Idris features. x can be thought of as a function
x : {a : Type} -> {auto p : PointedImpl a} -> a
where PointedImpl is some pseudo type that represents the implementations of Pointed. (Think a record of functions.)
Similarly, origin looks something like
origin : {b : Type} -> {auto j : PointedImpl b} -> b
x notably has two implicit arguments, which the compiler tries to infer during type checking and unification. In the above example, we know that origin has to return a b, so we can unify a with b.
Now i is also auto, so it is not only subject to unification (which does not help here), but in addition, the compiler looks for "surrounding values" that can fill that hole if no explicit one was specified. The first place to look after local variables which we don't have is the parameter list, where we indeed find j.
Thus, our call to origin resolves without us having to explicitly specify any additional arguments.
Your case is more akin to this:
interface Test a b where
x : a
y : b
test : (Test c d) => c
test = x
This will error in the same manner your example did. Going through the same steps as above, we can write
x : {a : Type} -> {b -> Type} -> {auto i : TestImpl a b} -> a
test : {c : Type} -> {d -> Type} -> {auto j : TestImpl c d} -> c
As above, we can unify a and c, but there is nothing that tells us what d is supposed to be. Specifically, we can't unify it with b, and consequently we can't unify TestImpl a b with TestImpl c d and thus we can't use j as value for the auto-parameter i.
Note that I don't claim that this is how things are implemented under the covers. This is just an analogy in a sense, but one that holds up to at least some scrutiny.

Can I write a generic function-wrapping function for a Wrapper interface representing a type that wraps some other type?

The full code example below (which successfully compiles) is a simplified and slightly contrived example of my problem.
NatPair is a pair of Nats, and I want to "lift" the binaryNum operations to NatPair pointwise, using the function lift_binary_op_to_pair.
But I can't implement Num NatPair because NatPair is not a data constructor.
So, I wrap it in a type WrappedNatPair, and I can provide a Num implementation for that type, with corresponding 'lifted' versions of + and *.
Then I want to generalise the idea of a wrapper type, with my Wrapper interface.
The function lift_natpair_bin_op_to_wrapped can lift a binary operation from NatPair
to WrappedNatPair, and the implementation code is entirely in terms of the unwrap and
wrap Wrapper interface methods.
But, if I try to generalise to
lift_bin_op_to_wrapped : Wrapper t => BinaryOp WrappedType -> BinaryOp t
then the type signature won't even compile, with error:
`-- Wrapping.idr line 72 col 23:
When checking type of Main.lift_bin_op_to_wrapped:
Can't find implementation for Wrapper t
(where the error location is the location of ':' in the type signature).
I think the problem is that t doesn't appear anywhere in the
type signature for the Wrapper interface WrapperType method,
so WrapperType can't be invoked anywhere other than inside
the interface definition itself.
(The workaround is to write boilerplate lift_<wrapped>_bin_op_to_<wrapper> methods with the same implementation code op x y = wrap $ op (unwrap x) (unwrap y) each time, which is not intolerable. But I would like to have a clear understanding of why I can't write the generic lift_bin_op_to_wrapped method.)
The full code which successfully compiles:
%default total
PairedType : (t : Type) -> Type
PairedType t = (t, t)
NatPair : Type
NatPair = PairedType Nat
data WrappedNatPair : Type where
MkWrappedNatPair : NatPair -> WrappedNatPair
equal_pair : t -> PairedType t
equal_pair x = (x, x)
BinaryOp : Type -> Type
BinaryOp t = t -> t -> t
lift_binary_op_to_pair : BinaryOp t -> BinaryOp (PairedType t)
lift_binary_op_to_pair op (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (op x1 y1, op x2 y2)
interface Wrapper t where
WrappedType : Type
wrap : WrappedType -> t
unwrap : t -> WrappedType
Wrapper WrappedNatPair where
WrappedType = NatPair
wrap x = MkWrappedNatPair x
unwrap (MkWrappedNatPair x) = x
lift_natpair_bin_op_to_wrapped : BinaryOp NatPair -> BinaryOp WrappedNatPair
lift_natpair_bin_op_to_wrapped op x y = wrap $ op (unwrap x) (unwrap y)
Num WrappedNatPair where
(+) = lift_natpair_bin_op_to_wrapped (lift_binary_op_to_pair (+))
(*) = lift_natpair_bin_op_to_wrapped (lift_binary_op_to_pair (*))
fromInteger x = wrap $ equal_pair (fromInteger x)
WrappedNatPair_example : the WrappedNatPair 8 = (the WrappedNatPair 2) + (the WrappedNatPair 6)
WrappedNatPair_example = Refl
(Platform: Ubuntu 16.04 running Idris 1.1.1-git:83b1bed.)
I think the problem is that t doesn't appear anywhere in the type signature for the Wrapper interface WrapperType method, so WrapperType can't be invoked anywhere other than inside the interface definition itself.
You're right here. This is why you receive this error. You can fix this compilation error by explicitly specifying which types is wrapper like this:
lift_bin_op_to_wrapped : Wrapper w => BinaryOp (WrappedType {t=w}) -> BinaryOp w
lift_bin_op_to_wrapped {w} op x y = ?hole
But this probably won't help you because Idris somehow cannot deduce correspondence between w and WrappedType. I would love to see explanation of this fact. Basically compiler (I'm using Idris 1.0) says me next things:
- + Wrap.hole [P]
`-- w : Type
x : w
y : w
constraint : Wrapper w
op : BinaryOp WrappedType
Wrap.hole : w
Your WrappedType dependently typed interface method implements pattern matching on types in some tricky way. I think this might be a reason why you have problems. If you're familiar with Haskell you might see some similarities between your WrappedType and -XTypeFamilies. See this question:
Pattern matching on Type in Idris
Though you still can implement general wrapper function. You only need to desing your interface differently. I'm using trick described in this question: Constraining a function argument in an interface
interface Wraps (from : Type) (to : Type) | to where
wrap : from -> to
unwrap : to -> from
Wraps NatPair WrappedNatPair where
wrap = MkWrappedNatPair
unwrap (MkWrappedNatPair x) = x
lift_bin_op_to_wrapped : Wraps from to => BinaryOp from -> BinaryOp to
lift_bin_op_to_wrapped op x y = wrap $ op (unwrap x) (unwrap y)
Num WrappedNatPair where
(+) = lift_bin_op_to_wrapped (lift_binary_op_to_pair {t=Nat} (+))
(*) = lift_bin_op_to_wrapped (lift_binary_op_to_pair {t=Nat}(*))
fromInteger = wrap . equal_pair {t=Nat} . fromInteger
This compiles and works perfectly.

Strange error message with Idris interfaces

I'm trying to implement a simple algebraic structures hierarchy using Idris interfaces. The code is as follows:
module AlgebraicStructures
-- definition of some algebraic structures in terms of type classes
%access public export
Associative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Associative {a} op = (x : a) ->
(y : a) ->
(z : a) ->
(op x (op y z)) = (op (op x y) z)
Identity : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Type
Identity op v = ((x : a) -> (op x v) = x,
(x : a) -> (op v x) = x)
Commutative : {a : Type} -> (a -> a -> a) -> Type
Commutative {a} op = (x : a) ->
(y : a) ->
(op x y) = (op y x)
infixl 4 <**>
interface IsMonoid a where
empty : a
(<**>) : a -> a -> a
assoc : Associative (<**>)
ident : Identity (<**>) empty
interface IsMonoid a => IsCommutativeMonoid a where
comm : Commutative (<**>)
But, Idris is giving this strange error message:
When checking type of constructor of AlgebraicStructures.IsCommutativeMonoid:
Can't find implementation for IsMonoid a
I believe that Idris interfaces works like Haskell's type classes. In Haskell, it should work. Am I doing something silly?
I believe it may be complaining because I don't know that there's anything that constrains the a in the expression Commutative (<**>) - so it doesn't know that you can invoke <**> on that type.
Explicitly specifying the a seems to work for me - Commutative {a} (<**>) - I hope that that means that the a from the interface signature is in scope and available for explicitly passing to other types.

Unsolved metavariable for function that has no inhabited arguments

I am getting an unsolved metavariable for foo in the code below:
namespace Funs
data Funs : Type -> Type where
Nil : Funs a
(::) : {b : Type} -> (a -> List b) -> Funs (List a) -> Funs (List a)
data FunPtr : Funs a -> Type -> Type where
here : FunPtr ((::) {b} _ bs) b
there : FunPtr bs b -> FunPtr (_ :: bs) b
total foo : FunPtr [] b -> Void
How do I convince Idris that foo has no valid patterns to match on?
I've tried adding
foo f = ?foo
and then doing a case split in Emacs on f (just to see what might come up), but that just removes the line, leaving foo as an unsolved meta.
It turns out all I need to do is enumerate all possible patterns for foo's argument, and then Idris is able to figure out, one by one, that they are un-unifyable with foo's type:
foo : FunPtr [] b -> Void
foo here impossible
foo (there _) impossible

Can I avoid committing to particular types in a module type and still get pattern matching?

I have two module types:
module type ORDERED =
type t
val eq : t * t -> bool
val lt : t * t -> bool
val leq : t * t -> bool
module type STACK =
exception Empty
type 'a t
val empty : 'a t
val isEmpty : 'a t -> bool
val cons : 'a * 'a t -> 'a t
val head : 'a t -> 'a
val tail : 'a t -> 'a t
val length : 'a t -> int
I want to write a functor which "lifts" the order relation from the basic ORDERED type to STACKs of that type. That can be done by saying that, for example, two stacks of elements will be equal if all its individual elements are equal. And that stacks s1 and s2 are s.t. s1 < s2 if the first of each of their elements, e1 and e2, are also s.t. e1 < e2, etc.
Now, if don't commit to explicitly defining the type in the module type, I will have to write something like this (or won't I?):
module StackLift (O : ORDERED) (S : STACK) : ORDERED =
type t = O.t S.t
let rec eq (x,y) =
if S.isEmpty x
then if S.isEmpty y
then true
else false
else if S.isEmpty y
then false
else if O.eq (S.head x,S.head y)
then eq (S.tail x, S.tail y)
else false
(* etc for lt and leq *)
which is a very clumsy way of doing what pattern matching serves so well. An alternative would be to impose the definition of type STACK.t using explicit constructors, but that would tie my general module somewhat to a particular implementation, which I don't want to do.
Question: can I define something different above so that I can still use pattern matching while at the same time keeping the generality of the module types?
As an alternative or supplement to the other access functions, the module can provide a view function that returns a variant type to use in pattern matching.
type ('a, 's) stack_view = Nil | Cons of 'a * 's
module type STACK =
val view : 'a t -> ('a , 'a t) stack_view
module StackLift (O : ORDERED) (S : STACK) : ORDERED =
let rec eq (x, y) =
match S.view x, S.view y with
Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) -> O.eq (x, y) && eq (xs, ys)
| Nil, Nil -> true
| _ -> false
Any stack with a head and tail function can have a view function too, regardless of the underlying data structure.
I believe you've answered your own question. A module type in ocaml is an interface which you cannot look behind. Otherwise, there's no point. You cannot keep the generality of the interface while exposing details of the implementation. The only thing you can use is what's been exposed through the interface.
My answer to your question is yes, there might be something you can do to your definition of stack, that would make the type of a stack a little more complex, thereby making it match a different pattern than just a single value, like (val,val) for instance. However, you've got a fine definition of a stack to work with, and adding more type-fluff is probably a bad idea.
Some suggestions with regards to your definitions:
Rename the following functions: cons => push, head => peek, tail => pop_. I would also add a function val pop : 'a t -> 'a * 'a t, in order to combine head and tail into one function, as well as to mirror cons. Your current naming scheme seems to imply that a list is backing your stack, which is a mental leak of the implementation :D.
Why do eq, lt, and leq take a pair as the first parameter? In constraining the type of eq to be val eq : 'a t * 'a t -> 'a t, you're forcing the programmer that uses your interface to keep around one side of the equality predicate until they've got the other side, before finally applying the function. Unless you have a very good reason, I would use the default curried form of the function, since it provides a little more freedom to the user (val eq : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t). The freedom comes in that they can partially apply eq and pass the function around instead of the value and function together.