PrimaryKey 'id' not set by auto incrementer - primary-key

I wrote a static class that auto-increments the id of a RealmObject by 1.
public class AutoIncrementKey {
public static int Next(Class<? extends RealmObject> c)
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
Number maxId = realm.where(c).max("id");
if(maxId == null)
{ // no object exists, so return 0
return 0;
return maxId.intValue() + 1;
However, when I set the default value of a RealmObject's ID like so:
#PrimaryKey private int id = AutoIncrementKey.Next(PresetSelect.class);
It never works! Specifically the first time it goes to create a new class via realm.createObject(IExtendRealmObject.class) the value is 0, but AutoIncrementKey.Next(...) returns the id as 1!
So id is never set to 1. It's always 0, and trying to create more objects causes it to throw an error "index already exists: 0"
What gives?
The AutoIncrementKey.Next() function IS being called. It IS finding the next key to be 1. The value returned simply isn't carried through though.
So now that I've managed to create more than one object in my Realm, I'm finding that setting the id to a default value isn't the only issue.
Setting ANY member of a class extending RealmObject with a default value is IGNORED. Whats the deal with that?

That's because instead of
You're supposed to use
realm.createObject(IExtendRealmObject.class, primaryKeyValue)
But I think your method
public class AutoIncrementKey {
public static int Next(Class<? extends RealmObject> c)
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
Number maxId = realm.where(c).max("id");
if(maxId == null)
{ // no object exists, so return 0
return 0;
return maxId.intValue() + 1;
Would be more stable as
public class AutoIncrementKey {
public static int Next(Realm realm, Class<? extends RealmModel> c)
Number maxId = realm.where(c).max("id");
if(maxId == null)
{ // no object exists, so return 0
return 0;
return maxId.intValue() + 1; // why not long?
If you meet the condition that when you call AutoIncrementKey.Next(realm, Some.class), then a write transaction is in progress.
Hell, you might even add
public class AutoIncrementKey {
public static int Next(Realm realm, Class<? extends RealmModel> c)
if(!realm.isInTransaction()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Realm is not in a transaction.");
// continue as mentioned
It should work well for your needs


In Linked list how to produce value

I would like to repeatedly enter a number that is added to a linked list.
But there's an error in the code at line x = new Node():
No enclosing instance of type Main is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type Main (e.g. A() where x is an instance of Main).
Is there a way to fix my code?
static Node head;
static Node p;
static Node q;
static Node x;
class Node {
int data;
Node next;
public Node link;
// Constructor to create a new node
// Next is by default initialized
// as null
Node(int d) {
data = d;
next = null;
public Node() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
Two issues:
class Node should either be declared as static, or be moved to a separate file.
p = x should happen outside the else block, since it should get this value also when the if condition was true:
if(head == null) {
head = x;
} else { = x;
p = x;
Some remarks:
If you really want to use the Node constructor without arguments, then it is better to define explicitly what the new Node's properties should be:
public Node() {
data = 0;
next = null;
However, it would be better to not have this constructor signature at all, and only construct the object using the data as argument:
if(num != -999){
x = new Node(num);
...and now you don't need to do any of this any more: = num; = null;
The inner Node class is not static, meaning it belongs to a specific instance of the enclosing Main class. Since it doesn't refer to any instance methods this seems like it was not done intentionally. Make the class itself static (i.e., static class Node {) and you should be fine.
First, the class Node cannot be referenced from a static context. To fix this, make it static or move it to its own file. Second, the null pointer exception happens since you don't assign p in the special case where the list is empty.
Overall, I suggest that you clean up your class and use a more structured approach. Rename p to last to make it clear that this is a reference to the last element of the list. Move the functionality to add a node into its own method to make the code more readable. Use next in the Node class to point to the next node instead of link. Create an instance of the class where your head and last reference is defined and make them private. Use break inside the loop to only define the magic number (-999) once and exit the loop when it is entered.
The whole class could look like this:
public class CustomLinkedList {
private Node head = null;
private Node last = null;
static class Node {
int data;
Node next = null;
public void add(int num) {
Node x = new Node(); = num;
if (this.head == null) {
this.head = x;
} else { = x;
this.last = x;
public static void main(String[] args) {
CustomLinkedList list = new CustomLinkedList();
int count = 0;
do {
try {
BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.print("Enter number " + (++count) + ": ");
String strNum = dataIn.readLine();
int num = Integer.parseInt(strNum);
if (num != -999) {
} else {
break; // exit loop
} catch (IOException e) {
} while (true);

java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.util.List

I have a List<List<String>> dataTableList and I would like to get a specific list from there and put it on my List<String> dataList so that I could loop through that specific lists' value and alter it.
However, whenever I try to do that,I always get an error of:
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.util.List.
Here's a sample of how I am trying to assign a specific list from dataTableList to dataList:
//First I looped through the List of Lists and called each list fetched as dataList
for(List<String> dataList : getTryLang().getDataTableList()){
//then, I created an iterator to be used later when I return the List I fetched with altered value
int iter = 0;
//next, I created a for-loop to iterate through the values of the List the I feched
for(int x; x < dataList.size(); x++){
//here, I formatted each value to amount or currency format.
dataList.set(x, getDataConvert().convertAmount(dataList.get(x)));
//finally, after I formatted everything, I returned it or set it to the specific index it's been located before
getTryLang().getDataTableList().set(iter, dataList);
Here's my code and I modified some of it and didn't include some so that I could focus on expressing where the problem occurs.
Here's my
public class TryLang implements Serializable {
public TryLang() {}
private List<List<String>> dataTableList;
//getter setter
public List<List<String>> getDataTableList() {
return dataTableList == null ? dataTableList = new ArrayList<>() : dataTableList;
public void setDataTableList(List<List<String>> dataTableList) {
this.dataTableList = dataTableList;
Then here's my
public class BooksOfAccountsController implements Serializable {
public BooksOfAccountsController() {}
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{dataConvert}")
private DataConvert dataConvert;
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{tryLang}")
private TryLang tryLang;
//getter setter NOTE: I wouldn't include other getter setters to shorten the code here :)
public TryLang getTryLang() {
return tryLang == null ? tryLang = new TryLang() : tryLang;
public void setTryLang(TryLang tryLang) {
this.tryLang = tryLang;
//I would just go straight to the method instead
public void runBooksOfAccounts() throws SystemException, SQLException {
//So there are dbCons here to connect on my DB and all. And I'll just go straight on where the List<List<String>> is being set
//Here's where the List<List<String>> is being set
getTryLang().setDataTableList(getCemf().getFdemf().createEntityManager().createNativeQuery("SELECT crj.* FROM crj_rep crj").getResultList());
getTryLang().setDataTableColumns(getCemf().getFdemf().createEntityManager().createNativeQuery("SELECT col.column_name FROM information_schema.columns col WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'crj_rep'").getResultList());
for (int x = 0; x < getTryLang().getDataTableColumns().size(); x++) {
try {
getTryLang().getDataTableColumns().set(x, getDataConvert().accountCodeConvert(getTryLang().getDataTableColumns().get(x)));
//then here is where the error points at
for (List<String> dataList : getTryLang().getDataTableList()) {
int iter = 0;
dataList.set(x, getDataConvert().convertAmount(new BigDecimal(dataList.get(x))));
getTryLang().getDataTableList().set(iter, dataList);
}catch(ClassCastException ne){
System.out.println("cannot convert " + ne);
} catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
//print the error

Incremental score calculation bug?

I've been dealing with a score corruption error for few days with no apparent reason. The error appears only on FULL_ASSERT mode and it is not related to the constraints defined on the drools file.
Following is the error :
014-07-02 14:51:49,037 [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-4] TRACE Move index (0), score (-4/-2450/-240/-170), accepted (false) for move (EMP4#START => EMP2).
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the workingScore (-3/-1890/-640/-170) is not the uncorruptedScore (-3/-1890/-640/-250) after completedAction (EMP3#EMP4 => EMP4):
The corrupted scoreDirector has 1 ConstraintMatch(s) which are in excess (and should not be there):[org.drools.core.reteoo.InitialFactImpl#4dde85f0]=-170
The corrupted scoreDirector has 1 ConstraintMatch(s) which are missing:[org.drools.core.reteoo.InitialFactImpl#4dde85f0]=-250
Check your score constraints.
The error appears every time after several steps are completed for no apparent reason.
I'm developing a software to schedule several tasks considering time and resources constraints.
The whole process is represented by a directed tree diagram such that the nodes of the graph represent the tasks and the edges, the dependencies between the tasks.
To do this, the planner change the parent node of each node until he finds the best solution.
The node is the planning entity and its parent the planning variable :
#PlanningEntity(difficultyComparatorClass = NodeDifficultyComparator.class)
public class Node extends ProcessChain {
private Node parent; // Planning variable: changes during planning, between score calculations.
private String delay; // Used to display the delay for nodes of type "And"
private int id; // Used as an identifier for each node. Different nodes cannot have the same id
public Node(String name, String type, int time, int resources, String md, int id)
super(name, "", time, resources, type, md); = id;
public Node()
this.delay = "";
public String getDelay() {
return delay;
public void setDelay(String delay) {
this.delay = delay;
#PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"parentRange"}, strengthComparatorClass = ParentStrengthComparator.class, nullable = false)
public Node getParent() {
return parent;
public void setParent(Node parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
/*public String toString()
return delay;
return Tools.excerpt(name+" : ";
return Tools.excerpt(name);
public String toString()
if(parent!= null)
return Tools.excerpt(name) +"#"+parent;
return Tools.excerpt(name);
public boolean equals( Object o ) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof Node) {
Node other = (Node) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
// ************************************************************************
// Complex methods
// ************************************************************************
public int getStartTime()
return Graph.getInstance().getNode2times().get(this).getFirst();
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println("getStartTime() is null for " + this);
return 10;
public int getEndTime()
{ try{
return Graph.getInstance().getNode2times().get(this).getSecond();
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println("getEndTime() is null for " + this);
return 10;
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "parentRange")
public Collection<Node> getPossibleParents()
Collection<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(Graph.getInstance().getNodes());
nodes.remove(this); // We remove this node from the list
if(Graph.getInstance().getParentsCount(this) > 0)
nodes.remove(Graph.getInstance().getParents(this)); // We remove its parents from the list
if(Graph.getInstance().getChildCount(this) > 0)
nodes.remove(Graph.getInstance().getChildren(this)); // We remove its children from the list
return nodes;
* The normal methods {#link #equals(Object)} and {#link #hashCode()} cannot be used because the rule engine already
* requires them (for performance in their original state).
* #see #solutionHashCode()
public boolean solutionEquals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof Node) {
Node other = (Node) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
} else {
return false;
* The normal methods {#link #equals(Object)} and {#link #hashCode()} cannot be used because the rule engine already
* requires them (for performance in their original state).
* #see #solutionEquals(Object)
public int solutionHashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
Each move must update the graph by removing the previous edge and adding the new edge from the node to its parent, so i'm using a custom change move :
public class ParentChangeMove implements Move{
private Node node;
private Node parent;
private Graph g = Graph.getInstance();
public ParentChangeMove(Node node, Node parent) {
this.node = node;
this.parent = parent;
public boolean isMoveDoable(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
List<Dependency> dep = new ArrayList<Dependency>(g.getDependencies());
dep.add(new Dependency(parent.getName(), node.getName()));
return !ObjectUtils.equals(node.getParent(), parent) && !g.detectCycles(dep) && !g.getParents(node).contains(parent);
public Move createUndoMove(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
return new ParentChangeMove(node, node.getParent());
public void doMove(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(node, "parent"); // before changes are made
//The previous edge is removed from the graph
if(node.getParent() != null)
Dependency d = new Dependency(node.getParent().getName(), node.getName());
node.setParent(parent); // the move
//The new edge is added on the graph (parent ==> node)
Link link = new Link();
Dependency d = new Dependency(parent.getName(), node.getName());
g.addEdge(link, parent, node);
g.getDep2link().put(d, link);
scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(node, "parent"); // after changes are made
public Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningEntities() {
return Collections.singletonList(node);
public Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningValues() {
return Collections.singletonList(parent);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof ParentChangeMove) {
ParentChangeMove other = (ParentChangeMove) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
.append(node, other.node)
.append(parent, other.parent)
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
public String toString() {
return node + " => " + parent;
The graph does define multiple methods that are used by the constraints to calculate the score for each solution like the following :
rule "MinimizeTotalTime" // Minimize the total process time
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, 1, -Graph.getInstance().totalTime());
On other environment modes, the error does not appear but the best score calculated is not equal to the actual score.
I don't have any clue as to where the problem could come from. Note that i already checked all my equals and hashcode methods.
EDIT : Following ge0ffrey's proposition, I used collect CE in "MinimizeTotalTime" rule to check if the error comes again :
rule "MinimizeTotalTime" // Minimize the total process time
ArrayList() from collect(Node())
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, 0, -Graph.getInstance().totalTime());
At this point, no error appears and everything seems ok. But when I use "terminate early", I get the following error :
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the solution's score (-9133) is not the uncorruptedScore (-9765).
Also, I have a rule that doesn't use any method from the Graph class and seems to respect the incremental score calculation but returns another score corruption error.
The purpose of the rule is to make sure that we don't use more resources that available:
rule "addMarks" //insert a Mark each time a task starts or ends
Node($startTime : getStartTime(), $endTime : getEndTime())
insertLogical(new Mark($startTime));
insertLogical(new Mark($endTime));
rule "resourcesLimit" // At any time, The number of resources used must not exceed the total number of resources available
Mark($startTime: time)
Mark(time > $startTime, $endTime : time)
not Mark(time > $startTime, time < $endTime)
$total : Number(intValue > Global.getInstance().getAvailableResources() ) from
accumulate(Node(getEndTime() >=$endTime, getStartTime()<= $startTime, $res : resources), sum($res))
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, 0, (Global.getInstance().getAvailableResources() - $total.intValue()) * ($endTime - $startTime) );
Following is the error :
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the workingScore (-193595) is not the uncorruptedScore (-193574) after completedAction (DWL_CM_XX_101#DWL_PA_XX_180 => DWL_PA_XX_180):
The corrupted scoreDirector has 4 ConstraintMatch(s) which are in excess (and should not be there):[43.0, 2012, 1891]=-2783[45.0, 1870, 1805]=-1625[46.0, 1805, 1774]=-806[45.0, 1774, 1762]=-300
The corrupted scoreDirector has 3 ConstraintMatch(s) which are missing:[43.0, 2012, 1901]=-2553[45.0, 1870, 1762]=-2700[44.0, 1901, 1891]=-240
Check your score constraints.
A score rule that has a LHS of just "eval(true)" is inherently broken. Either that constraint is always broken, for the exact same weight, and there really is no reason to evaluate it. Or it is sometimes broken (or always broken but for different weights) and then the rule needs to refire accordingly.
Problem: the return value of Graph.getInstance().totalTime() changes as the planning variables change value. But Drools just looks at the LHS as planning variables change and it sees that nothing in the LHS has changed so there's no need to re-evaluate that score rule, when the planning variables change. Note: this is called incremental score calculation (see docs), which is a huge performance speedup.
Subproblem: The method Graph.getInstance().totalTime() is inherently not incremental.
Fix: translate that totalTime() function into a DRL function based on Node selections. You 'll probably need to use accumulate. If that's too hard (because it's a complex calculation of the critical path or so), try it anyway (for incremental score calculation's sake) or try a LHS that does a collect over all Nodes (which is like eval(true) but it will be refired every time.

Data member default values, how to figure out whether something was really sent?

By default, WCF deserializes missing elements into default values like null, 0 or false. The problem with this approach is that if it's a basic type like number 0 I'm not sure whether it means the real value sent by an external system or a default value generated by WCF.
So my question is: Is it possible to find out at run-time whether the default value means "I didn't send anything".
This is crucial because we can't update and overwrite existing data in the database with the default values just because the external system didn't send a particular element this time (data corruption).
Microsoft's short answer is "It is up to the receiving endpoint to appropriately interpret a missing element."
Data member default values
Can somebody please clarify what's that supposed to mean?
If you define your data members as properties, you can use whether the setter was called or not to decide whether some value was sent. The code below shows one data contract which knows whether it deserialized its fields.
public class Post_51ca1ead_2f0a_4912_a451_374daab0101b
[DataContract(Name = "Person", Namespace = "")]
public class Person
string name;
int age;
bool nameWasSent;
bool ageWasSent;
public string Name
this.nameWasSent = true; = value;
public int Age
return this.age;
this.ageWasSent = true;
this.age = value;
void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext ctx)
this.ageWasSent = false;
this.nameWasSent = false;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Person[Name={0},Age={1}]",
nameWasSent ? name : "UNSPECIFIED",
ageWasSent ? age.ToString() : "UNSPECIFIED");
public static void Test()
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Person));
dcs.WriteObject(ms, new Person { Name = "John", Age = 30 });
string noAge = "<Person><Name>John</Name></Person>";
ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(noAge));
object p = dcs.ReadObject(ms);
Console.WriteLine("No age: {0}", p);
string noName = "<Person><Age>45</Age></Person>";
ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(noName));
p = dcs.ReadObject(ms);
Console.WriteLine("No name: {0}", p);

How to rename a component column that is a foreign key?

We are using fluentnhibernate with automapping and we have a naming convention that all columns that are foreign keys, there column name will end with "Key". So we have a convention that looks like this:
public class ForeignKeyColumnNameConvention : IReferenceConvention
public void Apply ( IManyToOneInstance instance )
// name the key field
string propertyName = instance.Property.Name;
instance.Column ( propertyName + "Key" );
This works great until we created a component in which one of its values is a foreign key. By renaming the column here it overrides the default name given to the component column which includes the ComponentPrefix which is defined in the AutomappingConfiguration. Is there a way for me to get the ComponentPrefix in this convention? or is there some other way for me to get the column name for components with a property that is a foreign key to end in the word "Key"?
After a lot of fiddling and trial & error (thus being tempted to use your solution with Reflection) I came up with the following:
This method depends on the order of the execution of the conventions. This convention-order happens via a strict hierarchy. In this example, at first, the convention of the component (IDynamicComponentConvention) is being handled and after that the conventions of the inner properties are being handled such as the References mapping (IReferenceConvention).
The strict order is where we make our strike:
We assemble the correct name of the column in the call to Apply(IDynamicComponentConvention instance), put it on the queue. Note that a Queue<T> is used which is a FIFO (first-in-first-out) collection type thus it keeps the order correctly.
Almost immediately after that, Apply(IManyToOneInstanceinstance) is called. We check if there is anything in the queue. If there is, we take it out of the queue and set it as column name. Note that you should not use Peek() instead of Dequeue() as it does not remove the object from the queue.
The code is as follows:
public sealed class CustomNamingConvention : IDynamicComponentConvention, IReferenceConvention {
private static Queue<string> ColumnNames = new Queue<string>();
public void Apply(IDynamicComponentInstance instance) {
foreach (var referenceInspector in instance.References) {
// All the information we need is right here
// But only to inspect, no editing yet :(
// Don't worry, just assemble the name and enqueue it
var name = string.Format("{0}_{1}",
public void Apply(IManyToOneInstance instance) {
if (!ColumnNames.Any())
// Nothing in the queue? Just return then (^_^)
// Set the retrieved string as the column name
var columnName = ColumnNames.Dequeue();
// Pick a beer and celebrate the correct naming!
I Have figured out a way to do this using reflection to get to the underlying mapping of the IManyToOneInspector exposed by the IComponentInstance but was hoping there was a better way to do this?
Here is some example code of how I achieved this:
#region IConvention<IComponentInspector, IComponentInstance> Members
public void Apply(IComponentInstance instance)
foreach (var manyToOneInspector in instance.References)
var referenceName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}{3}", instance.EntityType.Name, manyToOneInspector.Property.PropertyType.Name, _autoMappingConfiguration.GetComponentColumnPrefix(instance.Property), manyToOneInspector.Property.Name);
referenceName += "Lkp";
manyToOneInspector.Index ( string.Format ( "{0}_FK_IDX", referenceName ) );
public static class ManyToOneInspectorExtensions
public static ManyToOneMapping GetMapping(this IManyToOneInspector manyToOneInspector)
var fieldInfo = manyToOneInspector.GetType ().GetField( "mapping", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance );
if (fieldInfo != null)
var manyToOneMapping = fieldInfo.GetValue( manyToOneInspector ) as ManyToOneMapping;
return manyToOneMapping;
return null;
public static void Index(this IManyToOneInspector manyToOneInspector, string indexName)
var mapping = manyToOneInspector.GetMapping ();
mapping.Index ( indexName );
public static void Column(this IManyToOneInspector manyToOneInspector, string columnName)
var mapping = manyToOneInspector.GetMapping ();
mapping.Column ( columnName );
public static void ForeignKey(this IManyToOneInspector manyToOneInspector, string foreignKeyName)
var mapping = manyToOneInspector.GetMapping();
mapping.ForeignKey ( foreignKeyName );
public static class ManyToOneMappingExtensions
public static void Index (this ManyToOneMapping manyToOneMapping, string indexName)
if (manyToOneMapping.Columns.First().IsSpecified("Index"))
foreach (var column in manyToOneMapping.Columns)
column.Index = indexName;
public static void Column(this ManyToOneMapping manyToOneMapping, string columnName)
if (manyToOneMapping.Columns.UserDefined.Count() > 0)
var originalColumn = manyToOneMapping.Columns.FirstOrDefault();
var column = originalColumn == null ? new ColumnMapping() : originalColumn.Clone();
column.Name = columnName;
public static void ForeignKey(this ManyToOneMapping manyToOneMapping, string foreignKeyName)
if (!manyToOneMapping.IsSpecified("ForeignKey"))
manyToOneMapping.ForeignKey = foreignKeyName;