Graphdb's loadrdf tool loads ontology and data very slow - graphdb

I am using GraphDB loadrdf tool to load an ontology and a fairly big data. I set pool.buffer.size=800000 and jvm -Xmx to 24g. I tried both parallel and serial modes. They both slow down once the repo total statements go over about 10k. It eventually slows down to 1 or 2 statements/second. Does anyone know if this is a normal behavior of loadrdf or there's a way to optimize the performance?
Edit I have increased tuple-index-memory. See part of my repo ttl configuration:
owlim:entity-index-size "45333" ;
owlim:cache-memory "24g" ;
owlim:tuple-index-memory "20g" ;
owlim:enable-context-index "false" ;
owlim:enablePredicateList "false" ;
owlim:predicate-memory "0" ;
owlim:fts-memory "0" ;
owlim:ftsIndexPolicy "never" ;
owlim:ftsLiteralsOnly "true" ;
owlim:in-memory-literal-properties "false" ;
owlim:transaction-mode "safe" ;
owlim:transaction-isolation "true" ;
owlim:disable-sameAs "true";
But somehow the process still slows down. It starts with "Global average rate: 1,402 st/s". But slows down to "Global average rate: 20 st/s" after "Statements in repo: 61,831". I give my jvm: -Xms24g -Xmx36g

can you please post your repository configuration? Inside it, there is a parameter tuple-index-memory - this will determine the amount of changes(disc pages) that we are allowed to keep in memory. The bigger this value is the smaller amount of flushes we are going to do.
Check if this is set to a value like 20G in your setup and retry the process again.

I've looked at you repository configuration ttl. There is this parameter: entity-index-size=45333 whose value needs to be increased, e.g. set it to 100 million (entity-index-size=100000000). Default value for that parameter in GraphDB 7 is 10M, but since you've set it explicitly it gets overriden.
You can read more about that parameter here


Ignore large or corrupt records when loading files with pig using PigStorage

I am seeing the following error when loading in a large file using pig. Too many bytes before newline: 2147483971
at org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader.readDefaultLine(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader.readLine(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.UncompressedSplitLineReader.readLine(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.LineRecordReader.initialize(
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigRecordReader.initialize(
at org.apache.tez.mapreduce.lib.MRReaderMapReduce.setupNewRecordReader(
at org.apache.tez.mapreduce.lib.MRReaderMapReduce.setSplit(
at org.apache.tez.mapreduce.input.MRInput.initFromEventInternal(
at org.apache.tez.mapreduce.input.MRInput.processSplitEvent(
at org.apache.tez.mapreduce.input.MRInput.handleEvents(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask.handleEvent(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask.access$600(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask$1.runInternal(
The command I am using is as follows:
LOAD '' using PigStorage('\u0001') as (
Is there any option that can be passed here to drop the record that is causing the issue and continue?
You can skip a certain number of records by using the following setting at the top of your pig script
set = 1000;
Link: The number of acceptable skip records surrounding the bad record PER bad record in mapper. The number includes the bad record as well. To turn the feature of detection/skipping of bad records off, set the value to 0. The framework tries to narrow down the skipped range by retrying until this threshold is met OR all attempts get exhausted for this task. Set the value to Long.MAX_VALUE to indicate that framework need not try to narrow down. Whatever records(depends on application) get skipped are acceptable.

Ignite Data streamer optimization

I am using below settings:
allowOverwrite: false
nodeParallelOperations: 1
autoFlushFrequency: 10
perNodeBufferSize: 5000000
My records size is around 2000 bytes. And see the "grid-data-loader-flusher"
thread stats as below:
Thread Count Average Longest Duration
grid-data-loader-flusher-#100 38 4,737,793.579 30,427,862 180,036,156
What would be the best configurations for Data streamer?
Its good to have parallel streaming mode for data streamer. You can achieve this by collecting you key-value records in java Map and call the streamer.addData() method in parallel mode over that map. Here is the snippet.
Also, if you are setting allowOverWrite to false then you cant use your custom stream receiver to process your collection of records. In this case it will skip the record(s) if it is already there in cache.
Regarding buffersize, you need to wait till buffer gets full each time to get it flushed automatically to cache. flush frequency comes to your rescue in this case and it will do periodic flushing. so whatever condition first satisfies(either buffer gets full or flush frequency reach) it will do flush. I preferred calling manual flush after above method call.
I observed that streamer works well with much more big collection on which you will call streamer.addData() method in parallel.

How to interpret the RabbitMQ Message stats?

I to want get and historize queue metrics for the "Enqueued, Dequeued an Size" (Terminology formerly met on ActiveMQ).
The moving charts provided in the management plugin are not enough for the monitoring that I need to do.
So with RabbitMQ, I'm getting data from https://rabbitmq-server:15672/api/queues/myvhost
This returns json.. for a queue, I can obtain real life production data like :
"messages":0, // for "Size"
"deliver_get":171528, // for "Dequeued"
"publish":51293 // for "Enqueued"
I'm in particular surprised by the publish counter:
Its value can even decrease between 2 measures done with a couple of minutes of delay ! (see sample chart around 17:00)
As you can see on my data, the deliver_get is significantly larger than the publish.
https://my-rabbitmq:15672/doc/stats.html doesn't give a lot of details that could explain what I actually notice.
Also, under the message_stats object that I obtain, I'm missing the some counters like confirm and return which could be related to the enqueuing.
Are there relationships between these metrics ? (like deliver_get + messages = redeliver + publish.. but that one doesn't work with my figures)
Is there another more detailed documentation about these metrics ?

Ignite TcpCommunicationSpi : Can slowClientQueueLimit be set to same value as messageQueueLimit as per docs?

I am not completely sure of the meaning or the interplay between slowClientQueueLimit and messageQueueLimit.
As per the documentation, they both should ideally be set to the same value,
However when i do set that i see this in the logs, is it a minor bug in the check or should i change this?
[WARN ] 2018-06-27 22:32:18.429 [main] org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi - Slow client queue limit is set to a value greater than message queue limit (slow client queue limit will have no effect) [msgQueueLimit=1024, slowClientQueueLimit=1024]
From code the warning is correct, but javadoc is not. slowClientQueueLimit has to be less than msgQueueLimit, because when message is being prepared to sending, first are checked back pressure limits, and only then slowClientQueueLimit. If these two numbers are equal, sender thread will be blocked by back pressure before it could go to slow client check. What means client would not be dropped.
Set slowClientQueueLimit to msgQueueLimit - 1 or less, and I'll suggest community to fix the docs.

How redis pipe-lining works in pyredis?

I am trying to understand, how pipe lining in redis works? According to one blog I read, For this code
Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
pipeline.set("" + i, "" + i);
List<Object> results = pipeline.execute();
Every call to pipeline.set() effectively sends the SET command to Redis (you can easily see this by setting a breakpoint inside the loop and querying Redis with redis-cli). The call to pipeline.execute() is when the reading of all the pending responses happens.
So basically, when we use pipe-lining, when we execute any command like set above, the command gets executed on the server but we don't collect the response until we executed, pipeline.execute().
However, according to the documentation of pyredis,
Pipelines are a subclass of the base Redis class that provide support for buffering multiple commands to the server in a single request.
I think, this implies that, we use pipelining, all the commands are buffered and are sent to the server, when we execute pipe.execute(), so this behaviour is different from the behaviour described above.
Could someone please tell me what is the right behaviour when using pyreids?
This is not just a redis-py thing. In Redis, pipelining always means buffering a set of commands and then sending them to the server all at once. The main point of pipelining is to avoid extraneous network back-and-forths-- frequently the bottleneck when running commands against Redis. If each command were sent to Redis before the pipeline was run, this would not be the case.
You can test this in practice. Open up python and:
import redis
r = redis.Redis()
p = r.pipeline()
p.set('blah', 'foo') # this buffers the command. it is not yet run.
r.get('blah') # pipeline hasn't been run, so this returns nothing.
r.get('blah') # now that we've run the pipeline, this returns "foo".
I did run the test that you described from the blog, and I could not reproduce the behaviour.
Setting breakpoints in the for loop, and running
redis-cli info | grep keys
does not show the size increasing after every set command.
Speaking of which, the code you pasted seems to be Java using Jedis (which I also used).
And in the test I ran, and according to the documentation, there is no method execute() in jedis but an exec() and sync() one.
I did see the values being set in redis after the sync() command.
Besides, this question seems to go with the pyredis documentation.
Finally, the redis documentation itself focuses on networking optimization (Quoting the example)
This time we are not paying the cost of RTT for every call, but just one time for the three commands.
P.S. Could you get the link to the blog you read?