How to pass JWT bearer token for swagger UI in WebAPI -

I have a WebAPI project and I use swagger UI to test them. Now I secured my Apis through OAuth2 (Auth0) and I am seeking help to pass bearer token (or user username / password, ideally) to Api calls. Please note that my client is in Angular JS and I can access secured Apis through clients. Just need to find a way to Test Apis through Swagger.
Many thanks.

You can add custom oAuth section to your Swagger UI like following
and then add Authorization header parameter to all your secured APIs like this
On click of "Get Token" update authorization parameter for all APIs if token API call is successful.
To add custom oAuth section to Swagger UI, Inject javascript file using following swagger UI configuration
swconfig.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
c.InjectJavaScript(thisAssembly, "Swagger.custom.js");
In custom.js file on document.ready add custom html to ui plus other code to handle token API calls.
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('#resource_OAuth').length == 0) {
var html = '<li id="resource_OAuth" class="resource">';
$.get("/Swagger/swagger-oauth-section.html", function (data) {
//code to handle token API calls


Getting 401 when calling ASP.NET Core 2.1 API. Is this a CORS issue?

I've been trying to resolve a 401 error for the past couple days without any success.
ASP.NET Core 2.1 API hosted behind IIS. I'm trying to access the API with windows authorisation but I'm being challenged with a login prompt. If I don't enter a username and password I get a 401 error (screenshot attached). I've followed all the articles I could find and believe I have CORS configured correctly.
Based on the screenshot does this look like a CORS issue? I'm testing via swagger and am calling from what I believe is the same domain. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding what the issue may be?
From what I see in this screenshot, everything works fine. 401 is a desirable error in this scenario, it is also proof that you don't have any problems with CORS because the API responds to your requests in an adequate way.
To break through to Api you should focus on the "Response Headers" section in which the type of authentication is defined as BEARER.
From this we can conclude that authentication is token based and in practice works as follows:
By correctly logging in through Windows Authentication, WebAPI provides a response token in header that identifies you as a user.
In order to have access to API, you should store this token locally, and then make use of it by adding it to header section of each request.
To learn more about token based authentication in swagger, check
To understand how tokens works, check
Below is an example of how to achieve the intended goal by configuring swagger in the startup class of asp net core application.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//other code removed for brevity
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Info { Title = "My App API", Version = "v1" });
c.CustomSchemaIds((type) => type.FullName);
var apiXmlDocFileName = $"{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name}.xml";
var apiXmlDocFilePath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, apiXmlDocFileName);
c.AddSecurityDefinition("Bearer", new ApiKeyScheme() //this is desireable line
Description = "JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: \"Authorization: Bearer {token}\"",
Name = "Authorization",
In = "header"
c.AddSecurityRequirement(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> { { "Bearer", Enumerable.Empty<string>() } });
After implementing this you will be able to add the token to all requests directly from the swagger UI.
You can also achieve the intended goal using Postman
Hope it Helps.

Angularfire2 custom authentication

I creating a website which has register link multiple auth providers and custom token as well. I also using AngularFire2 to communicate between Angular2 and Firebase but seem it doesn't have method similar with Firebase, e.g:
var ref = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>");
ref.authWithCustomToken(AUTH_TOKEN, function(error, authData) {
Anyone can show up to me how can deal with issue?
To authenticate using a custom token, you can call AngularFire2's login method with the following configuration options:
angularFire.auth.login(AUTH_TOKEN, {
provider: AuthProviders.Custom,
method: AuthMethods.CustomToken
Internally, this will call Firebase's signInWithCustomToken method.

Express - Authenticating URI endpoints using facebook & Google

I've got URI endpoint authentication working for both facebook & google in my express app through separate middlewares. Facebook uses passport facebook-token strategy, whereas for google I wrote my own middleware using nodejs client lib for google API. What I want is to authenticate a user on a URI endpoint using both these middleware.
//google controller file
module.exports = function(req,res,next){
googlectrl = require('google controller file');
//this works fine
//google user authenticated
//this works fine too
//google user authenticated
But how do I combine the two for the same uri. Otherwise I need to use seperate URI for google & fb. Pls advice. Pls note I've tried implementing google strategy and it has not worked.
You can use one array field for your user object named as providers as shown below:
"name": "asdasd",
"providers": [ 'google']
And at server side check user is using which provider and call the method accordingly. For example:
If a user requests with google service provider then call
function handleGoogleAuthentication(){
// Logic
And if a user requests with facebook service provider then call
function handleFacebookAuthentication(){

How to configure Swagger in Web API 2 to POST OAuth2 authentication request?

I have recently started a Web API 2 project in Visual Studio 2012 using OWIN middleware to authenticate users with OAuth2. I incorporated token based authentication as outlined on this tutorial (Token Based Authentication). The authentication part works great. I have added some testing API methods and I wanted to hook up Swagger for my API documentation. I got that part working too, with the exception that the API calls from Swagger fail on authorization.
After research, I found Erik Dahl's post about how to hook up Swagger to OWIN middleware. After I configured my Swagger according to the post, I now see the authenticate buttons on the Swagger UI next to each API method. However, when trying to authenticate, the authentication within Swagger is done using a GET request. The authentication on the web API though requires it to be POST request. Is it possible to configure Swagger make the authentication request a POST? If not, should I allow my API to accept GET requests for token authentication? What would be the best approach to make this work?
Note: The request still hits my authentication logic, but the client_id and client_secret are not passed in a GET request, only in a POST request.
Here's my Swagger config:
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "Sample API");
.Description("API Key Authentication")
.Description("OAuth2 authentication")
.Scopes(scopes =>
scopes.Add("sampleapi", "Sample API");
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
clientId: "Sample_App",
clientSecret: "xxxxx",
realm: "test-realm",
appName: "Swagger UI");
And here's my OAuth config:
OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthServerOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions()
//For Dev enviroment only (on production should be AllowInsecureHttp = false)
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/oauth/token"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
Provider = new CustomOAuthProvider(),
AccessTokenFormat = new CustomJwtFormat("http://localhost:51071"),
RefreshTokenProvider = new SimpleRefreshTokenProvider()
// OAuth 2.0 Bearer Access Token Generation
No, I would not change the authentication method from POST to GET just to satisfy Swagger.
I found another article which should help you do what you want to do here :
It wold be worth to try it that way. Don't forget that changing from POST to GET means you can no longer pass the parameters in the body of the request and you will instead have to do it in the URL of the request and that makes the whole thing insecure.
Yes, the ClientID and ClientSecret will still be part of the Authorization Header, but still do not open yourself up to stuff like this. Swagger should not dictate the architecture of your API so don't go there.

Accessing Shoeboxed API with Google Apps Script (OAuth v2)

I'm trying to initiate a session with the Shoeboxed API via Google Apps Script. I hoped I could use Apps Script internal library to access it but I'm having issues. Here is my attempt:
function testAPI() {
var consumerKey = '';
var consumerSecret = '';
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService('shoeboxed');
var options = {
'oAuthServiceName' : 'shoeboxed',
'oAuthUseToken' : 'always'
var url = '';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
Logger.log("Response: " + response.getContentText());
It's failing at the point where it attempts to fetch user data via the API url with an authorization failed message. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Information about the API and OAuth can be found here:
New method:
It looks like that API requires OAuth2, but the UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService method only works with the older version of OAuth.
There's a new method ScriptApp.newStateToken() which can be used in combination with OAuth2, but it requires more manual/explicit control over the OAuth2 steps. It generates a state token.
A minor detail on that method:
Note that when you construct URLs, the state token should passed as a URL parameter on the .../authorize URL, not embedded as a URL parameter within the .../usercallback URL.
For example:
You would want to redirect the user to:<your client id>&response_type=code&scope=all&redirect_uri=<your site>&state=<CSRF token>
where redirect_uri is:
When the user clicked authorize, Shoeboxed should redirect them to:<CSRF token>
oauth2 support for the shoeboxd API has just been added to the cEzyOauth2 Google Apps Script library.
You can copy the pattern to your app and include the library as described here
It uses the statetoken as described by Steve Lieberman, and takes care of the oauth2 conversation, token handling and refreshing automatically.