Appending data to a table created from an Avro file in BigQuery - google-bigquery

Every morning, an automatic job creates a new table from an Avro file. In the afternoon, I would need to append some data to this table from a Query.
When trying to do so, I get the following error:
Error: Invalid schema update. Field chn has changed mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE
I noticed that I can change the property of the field chn from REQUIRED to NULLABLE in the BigQuery Web UI and then it works fine, but I would have to do it manually everyday which is not what I am looking for.
Is there a way to "cast" the field as REQUIRED during the append query ?
Or during the first import from the Avro file, force the field to be NULLABLE and not REQUIRED ?
Thanks !

The feature that allows relaxing a field as part of a query or a load job will be available in production shortly. I will update this answer when it goes live (likely within a week).
Update: 08/25/2016
You can supply schemaUpdateOptions in load or query job configuration.
Multiple options can be provided.
It allows the schema of the destination table to be updated as a side effect of the load or query job. Schema update options are supported in two cases:
When writeDisposition is WRITE_APPEND
When writeDisposition is WRITE_TRUNCATE and the destination table is a partition of a table, specified by partition decorators
For non-partitioned tables, WRITE_TRUNCATE will always overwrite the schema.
The following values are supported:
ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION: allow adding a nullable field to the schema
ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION: allow relaxing a required field in the original schema to nullable
NOTE: This doesn't currently work with schema auto-detection. We plan to support that soon.


Run truncate in bigquery with Apache NiFi

I have a process that uses the PutBigQueryBatch processor, in which I would like it to truncate the table before inserting the data. I defined an AVRO schema, and previously created the table in BigQuery specifying how I wanted the fields. I am aware that if I change the "Write Disposition" property to the value "WRITE_TRUNCATE", it will truncate the table. However, when I use this option, the schema of the table in BigQuery ends up being deleted, which I would not like to happen, and a new schema is created to record the data. I understand that the "Create Disposition" property exists, and that if the "CREATE_NEVER" option is selected, the schema should be respected and not deleted.
When I run this processor with the "Write Disposition" property set to "WRITE_APPEND", the schema I created in BigQuery is respected, but with the "WRITE_TRUNCATE" not.
Is there any way to use the "WRITE_TRUNCATE" option and the table schema not be deleted?
Am I doing something wrong?
Below I forward the configuration that I am using in the PutBigQueryBatch processor:
PutBigQueryBatch processor configuration
It sounds like what you want is to run a TRUNCATE TABLE query before starting your process:

Copy Data from Blob to SQL via Azure data factory

I have two sample files in blob as sample1.csv and sample2.csv as below
data sample
SQL table name sample2, with column Name,id,last name,amount
Created a ADF flow without schema, it results as below
preview data
source settings are allow schema drift checked.
sink setting are auto mapping turned on. allow insert checked. table action none.
I have also tried setting a define schema in dataset, its result are same.
any help here?
my expected outcome would be data in sample1 will inserted null into the column "last name"
If I understand correctly, you said: "my expected outcome would be data in sample1 will inserted null into the column last name", you only need to add a derived column to you sample1.csv file.
You could follow my steps:
I create a sample1.csv file in Blob Storage and a sample2 table in my SQL database:
Using DerivedColumn to create new column last name with null value:
expression: toString(null())
Sink settings:
Run the pipeline and check the data in table:
Hope this helps.
You cannot mix schemas in the same source in the same data flow execution.
Schema Drift will handle changes to the schema on an execution-per-execution basis.
But if you are reading multiple different schemas from a folder, you will get non-deterministic results.
Instead, if you loop through those files in a pipeline ForEach one-by-one, data flow will be able to handle the evolving schema.

How to auto detect schema from file in GCS and load to BigQuery?

I'm trying to load a file from GCS to BigQuery whose schema is auto-generated from the file in GCS. I'm using Apache Airflow to do the same, the problem I'm having is that when I use auto-detect schema from file, BigQuery creates schema based on some ~100 initial values.
For example, in my case there is a column say X, the values in X is mostly of Integer type, but there are some values which are of String type, so bq load will fail with schema mismatch, in such a scenario we need to change the data type to STRING.
So what I could do is manually create a new table by generating schema on my own. Or I could set the max_bad_record value to some 50, but that doesn't seem like a good solution. An ideal solution would be like this:
Try to load the file from GCS to BigQuery, if the table was created successfully in BQ without any data mismatch, then I don't need to do anything.
Otherwise I need to be able to update the schema dynamically and complete the table creation.
As you can not change column type in bq (see this link)
BigQuery natively supports the following schema modifications:
BigQuery natively supports the following schema modifications:
* Adding columns to a schema definition
* Relaxing a column's mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE
All other schema modifications are unsupported and require manual workarounds
So as a workaround I suggest:
Use --max_rows_per_request = 1 in your script
Use 1 line which is the best suitable for your case with the optimized field type.
This will create the table with the correct schema and 1 line and from there you can load the rest of the data.

Is there was to apply a NEW Avro schema to an existing schema in Nifi without infering order?

I am using Nifi to load CSVs, apply a NEW schema and load them into a SQl db. Currently I am writting an Avro schema, and applying the schema to each CSV. I am writing the schema based on the order of the incoming CSV- the first field = first column in CSV. Is there a way to map one schema to another based on column name? I.e. can I say ' -> sql.username'.
I know this can be done manually before uploading the csvs, I am wondering if there is a way within Nifi to map a schema to data based on the datas current schema, not knowing the order of the current schema, just the fields.
I have read about recordpaths and update records. I am looking for something to match the whole incoming schema to a new schema, not based on order.
Avro Schema Settings:
PutDatabaseRecord settings
As I see it, you have two options:
Option 1(better one):
Add a header line to your records and set Treat First Line as Header to True in your CSVReader
Option 2:
Set Schema Access Strategy in your CSVReader to Infer Schema(available since NiFi 1.9.0)
The first one can guarantee a correct mapping of your fields their types.

Bigquery: invalid: Illegal Schema update

I tried to append data from a query to a bigquery table.
Job ID job_i9DOuqwZw4ZR2d509kOMaEUVm1Y
Error: Job failed while writing to Bigquery. invalid: Illegal Schema update. Cannot add fields (field: debug_data) at null
I copy and paste the query executed in above jon, run it in web console and choose the same dest table to append, it works.
The job you listed is trying to append query results to a table. That query has a field named 'debug_data'. The table you're appending to does not have that field. This behavior is by design, in order to prevent people from accidentally modifying the schema of their tables.
You can run a tables.update() or tables.patch() operation to modify the table schema to add this column (see an example using bq here: Bigquery add columns to table schema), and then you'll be able to run this query successfully.
Alternately, you could use truncate instead of append as the write disposition in your query job; this would overwrite the table, and in doing so, will allow schema changes.
See this post for how to have bigquery automatically add new fields to a schema while doing an append.
The code in python is:
job_config.schema_update_options = ['ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION']