Apache same domain multi virtual host - apache

I'm currently trying to set my Apache configuration.
I have one IP (ex: and one domain (ex: www.mydomain.com).
This server is currently hosting 2 sites and each site has his own Apache Instance with his own conf and php.ini :
/appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/conf/project1.conf => Site 1
/appli/projects/project2/apache_2.4/conf/project2.conf => Site 2
project1.conf is set like that (same with 443 for SSL) :
DocumentRoot /appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/htdocs/project1folder/
ServerName mydomain.com
project2.conf is set like that (same with 453 for SSL) :
DocumentRoot /appli/projects/project2/apache_2.4/htdocs/project2folder/
ServerName mydomain.com
So when I am connecting to "mydomain.com" I am going to "Site 1" but I have to hit mydomain.com:453 for accessing to "Site 2" which is not really good...
I would like to have something like that :
mydomain.com/site1 => "Site 1" (or site1.mydomain.com)
mydomain.com/site2 => "Site 2" (or site2.mydomain.com)
And I would like to keep the mydomain.com hitting the "Site 1".
Unfortunatly, because each site has his own instance of Apache, I have no idea how to set them.
Last but not the Least I would like to know if it's possible to share PHP (Apache) SESSION accross the multi Apache Instance or if I have to use COOKIES accross the domain to share informations between sites.
I don't know if it's really clear, just ask if you need more informations.
Thanks you in advance.

My recommendation is this:
File structure:
Apache vhost:
DocumentRoot /appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/htdocs/
ServerName example.com
...and then do the same thing for the SSL-vhost.
Now you can use http://example.com/site1 and http://example.com/site2 and the same for https.
If you start using different ports (anything other than the defaults 80 and 443, you need to explicitly write the port names to be able to access the sites, or set up a reverse proxy (adds extra complexity with no real gain).
You can even define specific rules for site1 and site2 in your vhost.
Config per site:
DocumentRoot /appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/htdocs/
ServerName example.com
<Directory /appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/htdocs/site1/>
# Some specific vhost config...
<Directory /appli/projects/project1/apache_2.4/htdocs/site2/>
# Some specific vhost config...
If you want different sub domains like: site1.example.com and site2.example.com, then just do different vhosts that point to the folders directly, still using port 80 for http and port 443 for https.
Just remember that you then need to have a multi-domain-certificate or a wildcard certificate for https (since they are two different hostnames). Or you could install Let's Encrypt.


Configuring apache virtual hosts for one domain and multiple IP addresses

I have two apache servers at two separate IP addresses and one domain name (example.com) administer on godaddy.com. I want to use this single domain to point traffic to my two separate servers over ssl.
I set up the first server through a fios router with port forwarding and associated the public IP address with a DDNS address (xxx.ddns.net). My godaddy config looks like this:
Type Name Value
A #
CNAME www xxx.ddns.net
domain https://www.example.com
... and my apache ssl.conf file looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
This works fine, but now I want to set up a subdomain ('mysub') so that traffic directed to mysub.example.com gets handled by my second server available at a separate IP address (MY.2ND.IP.ADDR). I've tried all sorts of settings on godaddy and in the ssl.conf file, but to no avail. In particular, I've tried:
Setting godaddy so that traffic sent to subdomain mysub.example.com is redirected straight to MY.2ND.IP.ADDR; it's not at all clear to me if this is possible. (Godaddy has a form under the title "Forwarding" and a subsection therein called "subdomain", but setting that subdomain to mysub and setting "forward to" to http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR doesn't seem to do anything; what is this 'subdomain' field in the godaddy interface supposed to be used for?)
Directing all traffic to the first server, and configuring apache to proxy traffic for the subdomain on to the second server.
I've tried adding another virtual host element to ssl.conf like so:
<VirtualHost MY.2ND.IP.ADDR:443>
ServerName mysub.example.com
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location />
ProxyPass http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR
ProxyPassReverse http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR
... but this doesn't work either.
In summary, what is the best way to direct traffic for a subdomain to a separate IP address using godaddy and/or apache configurations?

access to a server apache that has virtualhost

I have a cloud server with lampp installed on. I had configured a virtual host here like that:
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80>
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/folder/"
ServerName www.xxx.com
and everything work as i expect, if i go to www.xxx.com i see my 'folder' site.
Now i need to work to another site present on the same server, but it doesn't allready have a domain, so i had imagine (by reading the apache's configuration file explanation)that i have to do it in this way:
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80>
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/folder/"
ServerName www.xxx.com
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80/test>
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/test/"
But it doesn't work, if i do http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80 i reach the 'folder' site while if i do http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80/test rather the reach the 'test' site i still reach www.xxx.com, why? How could i reach this objective?
The virtual host defined first (top most) acts as default host. That one is used to respond to any incoming requests that are not matched by a specific host name in the request.
You want to try this setup:
# some fallback host for testing and development
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80>
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/_default"
# a virtual host with a specific host name
<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80>
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/example.com"
ServerName example.com
ServerAlias www.example.com
(here xx.xxx.xx.xxx stands for the systems public and routable IPV4 address)
In your file system you have this hierarchy:
This way requests to http://example.com or http://www.example.com are mapped to the folder /opt/lampp/htdocs/example.com, requests to URLs with any other host name to the default folder /opt/lampp/htdocs/_default in which you now can create as many sub folders as you like for different applications.
Another approach would be to use other host names below your existing domain name for internal tests, so something like test1.example.com or similar. That way you do not have to use raw IP addresses with their routing risk.

Apache different sites on different ports, still links to same site. Bind9 for domain names

I've been trying to create 3 different domains linking to 3 different sites on the same machine, 2 which works but the third on the different port links to the first page.
My apache config looks like this:
Listen 81
NameVirtualHost *:81
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/www
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www2.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/www2
<VirtualHost *:81>
ServerName controlpanel.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/controlpanel
I've used Bind9 to set up the domains.
www IN A
www2 IN A
controlpanel IN A
www and www2 works fine and shows the correct site, however controlpanel.example.com also links to the first www site. When I enter the port manualy on the ip, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:81, i get linked correctly. The thing is that I don't really know where I'm doing it wrong, this is the first time I'm trying anything like this. You got any ideas?
Im also running this on an old ubuntu 12.04 server.
Regarding where you're going in the comments for the previous answer:
You could add a port 80 virtualhost for controlpanel.example.com and put a single statement inside,
Redirect / http://controlpanel.example.com:81
The purpose of the ServerName is not to inform the browser what port your webserver is using. It's used for name-based virtualhosts and as a last resort for self-referential links (out of the box, self-referential links are generated with whatever the client already thought it was accessing via the Host: header)
But there is definitely something quite bizarre about your requirement. Usually the motivation is to not use custom ports, and if they are, to address the server with a low port and have the por remapped by some intermediary (load balancer, proxy).
If you want your third virtualhost to be simulataneously the defautl on port 81 and a name-based option on port 80:
<VirtualHost *:81>
<VirtualHost *:80 *:81>
Apache finds the set of virtual hosts with the best IP:PORT based match first, then if NameVirtualHost also matches, starts looking at the ServerNames from that set.

Apache reverse proxy, one server, multiple domains

I am trying to manage 2 domains with one server (running proxmox with several CT), I am using reverse proxy but seems to be wrong.. here's my configuration:
Let's say we have the main server running proxmox where I managed IPTables to redirect port 80 to the port 80 of my first container (CT01) and port 8109 to port 80 of my second container (CT02).
While using the port in my browser, everything is working well, and I am able to reach each container.
I bought 2 domain names, one for my private server (CT01) and another one for a business server (CT02). I associated both of the domain to my server address, and while typing one or another of them I am redirected to CT01 (normal, browser is running the address to the default port).
So now I tried to use reverse proxy in order to redirect to the desired server (DomainA -> CT01, DomainB -> CT02), I created 2 files in /var/apache2/sites-available/ :
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName domainA.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName domainB.com
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests On
ProxyPass / http://x.y.z.h:8109/
ProxyPassReverse / http://x.y.z.h:8109/
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Then I runned a2ensite domainA.com and a2ensite domainB.com. I restarted my apache service.
But nothing have changed: both my domainA and domainB redirect me to the same container (CT01).
Any idea?
What i may suggest is doing a new CT just to host a proxy (nginx for example) that will route the requests to one or the other site depending of the Host: field value of the HTTP request. This may be a little bit overkill if it's just for two sites, but when you want to have more, it can be very useful. Plus the NGinx can be used to cache, etc.
Let me know if you are interested. I know a tutorial that you may follow, but it's in french : http://blog.ganbaranai.fr/2013/08/il-etait-une-fois-proxmox-derriere-une-ip-unique/
Hope it helps.

Set up host file using port

I want to setup my host file to domain2.com => this is a local domain
when a type in my browser domain2.com, this return me : HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.
i use this in apache
ServerAdmin info#domain2.com
DocumentRoot "C:/Users/My_Dir/LOOP/WebEnginer-2011/domain2_Dir/"
ServerName domain2.com
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
ServerAlias www.domain2.com
ErrorLog "c:/wamp/xxxx/xxxx.log"
CustomLog "c:/wamp/xxxx/xxxx.log" common
ServerAdmin info#domain2.com
DocumentRoot "C:/Users/My_Dir/LOOP/WebEnginer-2011/domain2_Dir/admin_Dir/"
ServerName admin.domain2.com
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
ServerAlias www.admin.domain2.com
ErrorLog "c:/wamp/xxxx/xxxx.log"
CustomLog "c:/wamp/xxxx/xxxx.log" common
but when i type i can see a web page. I want to use subdomain like admin.domain2.com
i can't use port 80 because IIS use that port.
How can i set up my host file to listen domain2.com?
That won't work since the hosts file only serves the purpose of mapping a hostname to an IP-address. The port number of a service is a different concept and is not handled by the "hosts" file nor the DNS-System. In Short: you can't supply a port number in the "hosts" file.
If your Webserver works on another port, you have to supply that information in the URL: http://domain2.com:5050.
The only other solution is to configure your Webservers to listen on a specific IP so that they don't interfere with each other. For example the IIS could listen on and the Apache on (the way you have already configured it).
There's a HOWTO for achieving that with the IIS. I'm not sure if that works for 127.0.0.x-IP's but I think it's worth a try.
It might be:
Your DNS resolver not resolving that properly
Some Apache webserver misconfiguration
Try this to get more information about that:
What if you ping domain2.com?
Also, try what happens if you put something like domain2.local in your hosts file. It might be some windows security c** disallowing you to overwrite the ip of an existing domain.
Why didn't you use That should be fine, however
Make sure you have a properly configured VirtualHost that accepts requests to "domain2.com", or you just have a default virtualhost.
What did you actually add to hosts file? The correct syntax would be: domain2.com