Is there a way to programatically add Form Controls? - vba

I'm working on a spreadsheet with a Form Control that opens a Userform used for data entry purposes. The submit button of the form fills a row of cells and adds two buttons on the last two cells of the row. It will insert as many rows as the user does and each time the two new buttons are created with their own distinct name. However, these are ActiveX controls and they are giving me compatibility problems with other Windows/Office versions once colleagues open the file and try to use it on their laptop.
This is the code I'm using to add one of the command buttons on the spreadsheet (it is essentially the same for the other button, just different variables):
Dim i As Long, Hght As Long
Dim Name As String, NName As String
i = 0
Hght = 305.25
NName = "cmdAction" & i
For Each OLEObject In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If Left(OLEObject.Name, 9) = "cmdAction" Then
Name = Right(OLEObject.Name, Len(OLEObject.Name) - 9)
If Name >= i Then
i = Name + 1
End If
NName = "cmdAction" & i
Hght = Hght + 27
End If
Dim UpdateEntry As OLEObject, N%
Set UpdateEntry = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False _
, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=Selection.Offset(0, 23).Left, Top:=Selection.Offset(0, 23).Top, Width:=72, Height _
UpdateEntry.Name = NName
UpdateEntry.Object.Caption = "Edit Entry"
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ActiveSheet.CodeName).CodeModule
N = .CountOfLines
.InsertLines N + 1, "Private Sub " & NName & "_Click()"
.InsertLines N + 2, vbTab & "Code for button goes here"
.InsertLines N + 3, vbTab & "End Sub"
End With
I was wondering if it was possible to do the same thing, but that the buttons created are form control instead of ActiveX?
The error that is displayed is Run-time error 32809: Application-defined or object-defined error. After extensive research, I've found that it happens due to the sheet getting corrupted once a different version of Windows has altered it. The only way to fix it is to create a new sheet, copying all of the contents to the new sheet, deleting the corrupted sheet and renaming the new one to the name it had previously. This works, but it is not possible to copy the ActiveX Controls, because they will be renamed and the appropriate code will not be in them, however the Form Control on the spreadsheet used to open the UserForm will work just fine, which is why I think my only solution would be to change all ActiveX to Form Control.
Would appreciate some help.

Instead of using ActiveX buttons, use Shapes and set the Shape.OnAction property to call the macro that you would normally place behind the ActiveX button. In the macro you can use Application.Caller to get the name of the shape that was clicked, thus allowing you to know which button was clicked and to branch your code accordingly.


In VBA, why does putting a textbox value into a cell trigger a for loop in another userform subroutine?

I created an userform with 2 textboxes, 3 buttons and a listbox with two columns. If I click on an entry in the listbox, the list entry which is selected gets transfered to two different textboxes.
See the code below:
Private Sub NewSourceListBox_Click()
Dim i As Integer
'Show the selected data in the corresponding text boxes
For i = 0 To NewSourceListBox.ListCount - 1
If NewSourceListBox.Selected(i) Then
'Hide the add button and show the change button
NewSourceBtnChange.Top = 168
NewSourceBtnChange.Visible = True
NewSourceBtnAdd.Visible = False
NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value = NewSourceListBox.List(i, 0)
NewSourcesSourceTxtBox.Value = NewSourceListBox.List(i, 1)
'Pass on the selected item row to another subroutine
selectedItem = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub
selectedItem is a global variable created in another module, which I need to use in another subroutine. If I change the entries in the text boxes in the userform and click the change button the following code gets executed.
This code:
Private Sub NewSourceBtnChange_Click()
Dim row As Integer
row = 6257 + selectedItem
'Change the selected data in the list box to the corresponding data in the text boxes
Sheets("Datensätze").Range("A" & row).Value = NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value
Sheets("Datensätze").Range("B" & row).Value = NewSourcesSourceTxtBox.Value
'Another duplicate entry to make vLookup work
Sheets("Datensätze").Range("C" & row).Value = NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value
Unload Me
'Unload the new entry user form to repopulate the comboboxes
Unload NewEntryUserForm
End Sub
If I watch this step by step via F8 then the following happens: As soon as I click the "NewSourceBtnChange" button the corresponding subroutine NewSourceBtnChange_Click() starts. When I reach Sheets("Datensätze").Range("A" & row).Value = NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value the program jumps to the NewSourcesListBox_Click() routine, executes it two times and jumps back to Sheets("Datensätze").Range("B" & row).Value = NewSourcesSourceTxtBox.Value, then executes the NewSourcesListBox_Click() routine for another two times and jumps back again to the last entry Sheets("Datensätze").Range("C" & row).Value = NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value and executes the rest of the NewSourceBtnChange_Click() routine.
This makes it impossible to get the new data from the text boxes into their destined cells.
Just to make it easier to reconstruct the described behavior, I exported the userform and its code and uploaded it.
Here is what your code is going through (just the important parts):
1) While initializing userform, it populates the listbox with:
.RowSource = "Datensätze!A6257:B" & 6257 + Sheets("Datensätze").Range("F2").Value - 1
2) When you click listbox item, you trigger NewSourceListBox_Click code, populate textboxes with selected items and set item index number to selectedItem variable. (which is handled wrong. You need to declare selectedItem as public variable.)
3) Then you click NewSourceBtnChange which triggers NewSourceBtnChange_Click. It sets row number of your selected item:
row = 6257 + selectedItem
Then you change this very cell using:
Sheets("Datensätze").Range("A" & row).Value = NewSourcesIDTxtBox.Value
which you have used to populate your listbox with:
.RowSource = "Datensätze!A6257:B" & 6257 + Sheets("Datensätze").Range("F2").Value - 1
At this moment, listbox is populated again, but this time it has been already selected so it triggers the NewSourceListBox_Click code.
Whenever you change the RowSource range, if the listbox is selected, it will behave like this. So you need to deselect the listbox item to workaround this.
row = 6257 + selectedItem
NewSourceListBox.Selected(NewSourceListBox.ListIndex) = False
Also to be able to get selectedItem value in other subs, you need to declare it as public variable. Outside of subs, on the very top, insert:
Public selectedItem As Long

VBA - Error While Programming a Class to Operate all Checkboxes on Userform

Here is a bit of background on what I'm trying to do: I'm creating a userform to track Inventory items and prices, using checkboxes in a multipage object. The clerk checks off everything put into an order and uses a submit button, which will take some actions.
In order for the project not to require a coding person every time Inventory items change, the checkboxes are being dynamically generated when the userform is activated, from cell values on an Inventory sheet. The clerks just adjust the Inventory sheet and the form automatically adjusts for them.
This is my code to dynamically create all the checkboxes (currently this form can accommodate up to 160 possible checkboxes), in case this is effecting my issue (side note, each tab on the multipage has a frame on it, and all checkboxes are within the frame, so I could change background colors, the frame in this example being titled "frmreg"):
Sub StoreFrmRegCheckboxGenerator()
'Works with the store userform
Dim curColumn As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim chkBox As msforms.CheckBox
'This sub dynamically creates checkboxes on the Regular Items tab based
'on values in Column A of the Inventory sheet
curColumn = 1 'Set your column index here
LastRow = Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(Rows.Count, curColumn).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To 9
If Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Value <> "" Then
Set chkBox = store.frmreg.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox_" & i)
chkBox.Caption = Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Value & " - $" & Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Offset(0, 1).Value
chkBox.AutoSize = True
chkBox.WordWrap = True
chkBox.Left = 5
chkBox.Top = 1 + ((i - 1) * 25)
End If
Next i
'Cut some code out here identical to this previous section, but for the rest of the cells in column A up to Row 33, in blocks of 8
End Sub
The above code is in the Userform_Initialize sub, and it works perfectly.
However, since the number of checkboxes is not static, and can be as many as 160, I'm trying to write one sub to take the same set of actions any time any checkbox is clicked.
The closest solution I've found is from this question: Excel Macro Userform - single code handling multiple checkboxes, from sous2817.
Here is his code that I'm trying to use:
In a new class module:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents aCheckBox As msforms.CheckBox
Private Sub aCheckBox_Click()
MsgBox aCheckBox.Name & " was clicked" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Its Checked State is currently " & aCheckBox.Value, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
"Check Box # & State"
End Sub
The "store" userform, at the top, right under Option Explicit:
Dim myCheckBoxes() As clsUFCheckBox
At the bottom of the Userform_Initialize sub, AFTER I call the all the subs that dynamically create all the checkboxes:
Dim ctl As Object, pointer As Long
ReDim myCheckBoxes(1 To Me.Controls.Count)
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "CheckBox" Then
pointer = pointer + 1
Set myCheckBoxes(pointer) = New clsUFCheckBox
Set myCheckBoxes(pointer).aCheckBox = ctl
End If
Next ctl
ReDim Preserve myCheckBoxes(1 To pointer)
When I try to open the userform I get this error:
"Compile Error: User-defined type not defined"
Pointing to this line:
Dim myCheckBoxes() As clsUFCheckBox
Am I missing a library reference? I haven't been able to figure this out.

Generate a worksheet button with preassigned code

I would like to do more or less as the author has intended here:
unfortunately, although the code is written to the correct sheet in Microsoft Excel Objects, the code does not run once the button is pressed. The _Click() is here:
Sub ButtonTest_Click()
MsgBox "I am supposed to work!" 'but i dont, i actually do nothing
End Sub
and the rest of the code is below:
Sub CreateButton()
Dim Obj As Object
Dim Code As String
'create button
Set Obj = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=200, Top:=100, Width:=100, Height:=35)
Obj.Name = "TestButton"
'buttonn text
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(1).Object.Caption = "Test Button"
'macro text
Code = "Sub ButtonTest_Click()" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "Msgbox ""I am supposed to work!""" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "End Sub"
'add macro at the end of the sheet module
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ActiveSheet.Name).CodeModule
.insertlines .CountOfLines + 1, Code
end With
End Sub
nothing happens when the button is pressed- to my mind it looks like it should fire the event as author intended, any ideas why it doesn't?
You are creating ActiveX components. Unlike form components you cannot name the underlying macros as you wish. The macros' names must start with the name of the ActiveX component followed by and underscore and the even name.
So, if your ActiveX component is named TestButton (according to this):
Obj.Name = "TestButton"
Then the sub's name to handle the click event must be named:
Sub TestButton_Click()
Hence, you'll have to rename the sub or you must change the name for the ActiveX component to match.
Alternatively, you can also implement form controls. The following three lines of code create a new form control CheckBox and assigns your macro to it (when clicked):
Dim chk As CheckBox
Set chk = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(390.75, 216, 72, 72)
chk.OnAction = "ButtonTest_Click"

Inserting code into new worksheet with CodeModule requires VB editor to be open

I'd like to be able to add code to a newly created worksheet. The following block of code does that, but will give me an error (pointing to the first line of the code below) if the Visual Basic editor is not open. And, if it is open in the background, it will activate the VB editor window after the macro finishes running.
With wb.VBProject.VBComponents(wb.Worksheets(newSheetName).CodeName).CodeModule
.InsertLines Line:=.CreateEventProc("FollowHyperlink", "Worksheet") + 1, _
String:=vbCrLf & _
"Call FindAllInSheet(Target.Range.Text, Range(Cells(2, 2),Cells(" & num_triple_combos + 1 & ", " & start_triples_col + 1 & ")))"
End With
Is there a way to avoid this behavior?
For now, what I've done that works is by surrounding my code with
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = True
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False
The only issue now is that the macro will cycle through every single existing sheet before adding the code to the designated sheet. I'm not sure why.
Source for my lead:

How to assign a hyperlink and an onaction event to a shapes object in Excel

In microsoft excel vba, I am attempting to assign hyperlinks and/or actions to shapes I have drawn. Here is roughly what I have tried (uncomment only one line at a time)
Basically, what I want to do is allow users to get more information by clicking on a shape object. Hyperlinks are fine, but some kind of event handler which accepts parameters would be ideal. I will be creating hundreds of these shapes, and they need to link to unique places in the document.
Dim destinationHyperlinkCell as Range
set destinationHyperlinkCell = Range("10:10")
' (do some stuff here)...
With Sheet1.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
600, _
600, _
300, _
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Test this thing"
.Name = destinationHyperlinkCell.Address & " group of shapes"
'.Hyperlink.Address = destinationHyperlinkCell.Address
'.Hyperlink.Range = destinationHyperlinkCell.Address
'.OnAction = "'showDebugMsg """ & .Name & """'"
End With
use "Assign Macro ..." to define a macro to each shape which fires on "Click"
You can use the same macro for each shape and use the Application.Caller property to get the name of the shape which fired the macro. Then you have all the ingredients to write an intelligent handler - like a (hidden) Excel table that resolves shape name into an URL, text or whatever
Sub Shape_Click()
MsgBox "Co-Cooo! from" & Application.Caller
End Sub
Hope that helps
Good luck - MikeD