subtract the last two non-empty cell in excel - vba

This is I think a simple problem but I can't seem to find the right solution for it. I don't know if VBA is needed for it. Basically I just want to subtract the last two non-empty cell in Excel. Example: I have the cell A1 and cell B1 and then subtract the value of A1 from B1 and place this value at the same row but another column C1 and so on. I have read this to get the last non-empty cell but I need two non-empty cell and perform operation on them.
Is there an easier way to do this? Or should I use VBA?
the reason is I'm making a somewhat similar to a balance sheet but a simple one, the user will just enter deposited value at the first column and expenses at the second column and then display the balance in the third column.. and vice versa.

Put this in C4 and copy down:
If you want to copy the formula past the data so it will automatically fill when data is inserted you can do what #Dirk stated:
Put it in C4 and copy down as far as desired.
This way you can fill the column with the formula and as the data is filled it will change from the empty string to the running total.

Regular formula:

in cell C3 put "=A3-B3" in cell C4 put "=C3+A4-B4" then copy down.
This will start the balance at 3000 in C3 then add any deposits or minus any withdrawals to the rest of column C.


Conditional Formatting (If/when)

Ok so I want a row to highlight red when the date in cell C1 is more than the cell in B1, but only if this is a difference of two months or less. I am sorry, I don't know how to embed a dummy spreadsheet. So for example, if B1 (clinic appointment due date) is Sep-17 and C1 (physical checks due date) is Oct-17, I want this row to highlight. If C1 is Dec-17, I don't want the row to highlight because this is more than two months from Sep-17.
Edited based on your new description, using Column A to represent Clinic Appointment Date and Column B to represent Physical Checks Due Date.
Use a rule based on DAYS().
Click on cell A1
Choose New rule from the Conditional Formatting menu.
Choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format
In Format values where this formula is true:, use the below formula:
=DAYS(B1, A1) < 60
Set up the formatting you want to use to highlight the cells. In the image below, I've set the ones that meet your requirements for highlighting to appear in red, and applied it to the first two rows in Column A (A1 and A2):
Here's the sheet with sample data in two rows, showing the conditional formatting working as requested:

Creating new rows by combining existing rows excel

I am fairly new here, so if this go against the rules please tell me.
I have an issue that seems pretty simple but I wanted to check to make sure. I have been trying to see if I could create a new row by combining every variable from one column with another, like so:
Column 1 Column 2 Combined
A 1 A1
B 2 A2
3 A3
But instead of typing the combinations manually, I wanted the combined column make this combination without user input and to update automatically whenever column 1 or 2 has a row added or removed. I have been trying to figure out if there is some way to use the concatenate function in excel or the & sign but neither methods seems to work. I was thinking trying to code this in visual basics.
The main question: is this possible to do in excel? If so which function(s) could I use?
This assumes your data has one header row (row 1), Column 1 is column 'A' and Column 2 is Column 'B'. Place the formula below in an empty cell and copy down as far as your data permits.
now if you want to add a little flag to let you know you have more row than you need for your data you could add the following:
=IF(ROW(A2)-1>(COUNTA(A:A)-1)*(COUNTA(B:B)-1),"Data Exceeded",INDEX(A:A,INT((ROW(A2)+1)/(COUNTA(B:B)-1))+1)&INDEX(B:B,MOD(ROW(A2)-2,3)+1+1))
According to:
You can use this formula:
In the above formula, $A$1:$A$4, are the first column values, and
$B$1:$B$3 are the second list values which you want to list all their
possible combinations, the $D$1 is the cell that you put the formula,
you can change the cell references to your need.
In your case, you should use:

How to replace an empty cell in formula with last numbered cell

Working on a budget worksheet. I am trying to get the cell to keep looking up the column for one part of the formula if the previous cell is blank.
I currently have the formula to give a blank cell in the 'Remaining' column (E) if the 'Budgeted' column (C) is blank, as seen here
Budget clip
The issue comes when trying to get a number in the 'Remaining' column when the previous cell above is blank. I would like it to keep looking up the column until it finds a number, then use that number in the equation.
So in the picture, for Expense 5 (A9) I would like it to take cell E6-C9.
And then repeat the formula down the column.
I would like to copy the formula down the column since filled and unfilled cells will change from month to month.
Try this in cell E9
I think this will serve the same purpose as calculating E6 - C9 (i.e. calculating how much of the budget is remaining), but it's simpler code.
You should be able to copy it from E5 to the bottom of your table using regular copy-and-paste.

Check if one of multiple values is present in a column

I have a table in Excel 2013 that has has thousands of records of food items (Beef-frozen, beef-chilled, beef-brisket, beef-ribs, chicken-fillet, chicken-whole, fish-skinned, fish-whole, yogurt, lettuce-imported, lettuce-frozen, tomato-fresh,tomato, water, milk,...etc) stored in column A. Notice the value may contain other content than the food item name.
I created column B next to column A. I want column B to hold the category of the food item in column A. For example, if A1 has in it "Beef" or "Chicken" or "Fish" then B1 should equal "Meat". If A1 has in it "Tomato" or "Lettuce" or "Onion" then B1 should equal "Vegetable".
What is the best way to achieve it?
Assuming you have column headers, enter this formula in cell B2:
=REPT("Meat",MAX(IFERROR(MATCH({"*beef*","*chicken*","*fish*"},A2,),))) & REPT("Vegetable",MAX(IFERROR(MATCH({"*tomato*","*lettuce*","*onion*"},A2,),)))
This is an array formula and must be confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Now copy B2 and select B3 down as far as you need and paste.
Note: please look closely at the big gap in the middle of the formula. You'll see that this is really two separate formulas concatenated together with an ampersand. You can easily extend this formula in the same way by adding another phrase similar to the first two for a new category. In fact, you could add many more categories in this fashion.
Set up a two column table. Name it, for example FoodTable. Have the first column Named Word (for keyword) and the second column Type, for the type of product. Something like this:
Then, with your data in column A, enter the following formula in B1 and fill down:

Flag Data in Excel Programatially

I have two sheets in an excel workbook. One of the sheets has 8 ID numbers. The other sheet has about 5000 rows, not every row matches one of the ID numbers on the other sheet. I want to flag the rows where an ID number is an exact match to the other sheet and extract them to a separate sheet.
At the moment I was thinking I could just type in
=IF(A2=sheet2!b3,1,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b4,2,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b5,3,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b6,4,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b7,5,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b8,6,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b9,7,0) OR IF(A2=sheet2!b10,8,0)
Then copy and paste them to a separate sheet, but this doesn't work for some reason.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I didn't fix your formula for all the 8 ID's, but you should be able to add additional checks.
=IF(A2=$B$3;1; IF(A2=$B$4;2; IF(A2=$B$5;3;0)))
This basically reads as:
compare A2 with B3, if they match return 1 (note the use of $ sign in order to always use the B3 cell, this is called absolute cell reference)
if it doesn't match then compare A2 with B4 and if that matches return 2
if it doesn't match then compare A2 with B5 and if that matches return 3
if it doesn't match return 0
If you wish to compare to all 8 IDs you should just nest the if's a bit more.
A simpler solution would be to use VLOOKUP.