How can I make a field visible in Rally App builder - rally

I have a Rally grid that I'm creating using the Rally app builder. Standard grid using the defect model. One of the fields in the defect model is set to hidden in the field setup in the Rally Workspaces and Projects setup. I'd like to dynamically make the field visible in my grid so that it only appears on my grid and not on the defect page when entering a defect. Any ideas on how to do that? Thanks.

This was a pretty tricky one. The grid and board components are hard wired to not show data from hidden fields by default and unfortunately there are not any config properties exposed to turn this behavior off. Here's what I came up with:
xtype: 'rallygrid',
columnCfgs: [
text: 'Hidden Field', //set column header text
renderer: function(value, meta, record) {
//return the rendered field data
return record.get('c_HiddenField');
context: this.getContext(),
storeConfig: {
model: 'userstory',
fetch: ['c_HiddenField'] //need to explicitly fetch
Basically you include a column in your columnCfgs without a dataIndex specified. Set the text and renderer to work with your field.
You'll also need to manually fetch your field in the storeConfig since the grid won't understand how to do it otherwise.


ExtJS (4.1) creating static data store

I am no JS star so I'm having trouble finding a solution to something that is probably easier than I know.
the page loads, but the ui content stops when it hits the ui code to load the static store data. The preexisting project uses dynamically grabbed data from the database but this just needs a small list of options. (I miss the days of just using HTML). Firebug shows a non-helpful error in ext-all.js that q is undefined, but since that's obfuscated well maintained code I'm sure it's a problem in my code. Do I need to define the proxy for this even if it's static data? Thank you ahead of time!
Here is the model, store, and ui code
Ext.define('HITS.model.ComboBox', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{type: 'string', name: 'label', mapping: 'label'},
{type: 'string', name: 'value', mapping: 'value'}
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'HITS.model.ComboBox',
data: [
{label:'All Tags', value: 'AllTags'},
{label:'Key Findings', value: 'KeyFindings'}
The solution had a couple of changes required. The first was the "value" column, which is of course a reserved word in the database(oracle). The other was because I didn't add some prefunction comments for the model that trigger autogenerated code(I hate this practice).
The code here should mostly work but you'd need the model I ended up using. If you check sencha and don't use reserved words you should be ok.

Grouping WSAPI data store by Parent Name

I am creating a rallygrid component and would like to have the grid items grouped by their parent's Name attribute (bonus if I could also display the ID of the parent). I added the groupBy:'Parent' configuration to the storeConfig of the grid and was surprised that no results were returned. I also tried using groupBy:'Parent.Name' but still nothing.
I know this is possible with other fields such as Owner, but I'm at a loss as to why the Parent wouldn't be usable as well. Is this a bug, or am I setting the config up incorrectly?
Change the storeConfig to keep the records from trying to update after being grouped:
storeConfig : {
remoteSort : false,
remoteGroup : false,
remoteFilter : false,
Add a listener to the load event which assigns a root level property to the record and groups by that record value. (For some reason'Parent.Name'); doesn't work.)
load: function(store) {
store.each(function(record) {
record.set('ParentName', record.get('Parent') && record.get('Parent').Name || '-- Unparented --');
I thought it was a bug with the SDK too, but per WS API documentation, Parent, unlike Owner, or Feature is not sortable.
So when I use groupField: 'Parent' the grid is empty, and response showed error:{"QueryResult": {..., "Errors": ["Cannot sort using attribute Parent"]
It is trying to sort by Parent, but Parent attribute is not sortable. So the SDK ran into a WS API limitation.
On a side note, I did not use groupBy, instead I used groupField on the store (in this example I grouped by Kanban field) :
var myStore = Ext.create('',{
model: 'UserStory',
groupField: 'c_MyKB',
And then used features: [{ftype:'grouping'}] in the grid.
this._myGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
store: myStore,
features: [{ftype:'grouping'}],

Rally SDK2 how to override the row CSS

If I have a standard Rally grid, I want to dynamically adjust row CSS based on some condition. Sencha docs suggest using getRowClass!/api/Ext.grid.GridView-method-getRowClass
If I attempt to implement this it is not working however i.e. like this:
grid = {
showPagingToolbar: false,
features: [{
groupHeaderTpl: '{name}',
ftype: 'summary'
viewConfig: {
getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, rp, ds){
return 'x-grid-row-outofscope';
Is this possible with a Rally grid?
This is a bug in 2.0rc1/2 of the SDK that has since been fixed but not released yet.
Check out this similar question and corresponding answer:
Rally grid color rows based on model

Rally rallyaddnew with Portfolio Items

I have been trying to use a rallyaddnew to add Features and Rollups, which will then be rendered in a grid/cardboard. I got it to work and display, but I cannot customize the text to say create a new "Feature" or "Rollup", rather it says create a new "PortfolioItem/Feature" and "PortfolioItem/Rollup"
xtype: 'rallyaddnew',
recordTypes: ['PortfolioItem/Feature', 'PortfolioItem/Rollup'],
listeners: {
recordAdd: function() {
beforeRecordAdd: function() {
I couldn't find anything in the SDK on how to customize this.
This is a defect. It should be using the display name of the type instead of its type path. I'll file a defect for this. FYI there is also an existing defect around PI types and adding with details that has been fixed but has not been released in an SDK version yet.

How to add filter header to each grid column extjs 4.1

I have implemented grid filters in Extjs 3.4, but now I am migrating to extjs 4.1.
Can anyone show me how to implement grid filters in extjs 4.1?
(As a new user, I am unable to upload an image to show an example)
Please refer following link.
Second option is filter in menu, and this is available in extjs 4.1 examples.!/example/grid-filtering/grid-filter-local.html
Third option is filter row.
One of these link will guide you to the right path.
The best way is to define a column component.
extend: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',
alias: 'widget.mycolumn',
childEls: [
'headerEl', 'titleEl', 'filterEl', 'triggerEl', 'headerTextEl', 'filterTextEl'
'change it , and make your own TPL',
initComponent: function () {
// change or declare new data if you want.
// me.callParent(arguments);
// I have modified lot. so, I skip initComponent of Ext.grid.column.column; // directly call parents parent class.
columns: [
xtype: 'mycolumn',
itemId: 'sfsfsfsfsf', text: 'My filter column'