How can a get the position of an entity from a HTTP GET /message request in Wit.Ai -

The Wit.Ai HTTP API Documentation provides a response example for a POST /converse request which returns the "start" and "end" position of an entity, as seen below:
"type": "merge",
"entities": {"location": [{"body": "Brussels",
"value": {"type": "value",
"value": "Brussels",
"suggested": true},
"start": 11,
"end": 19,
"entity": "location"}]},
"confidence": 1
There is also a deprecated GET$MSG_ID request that returns the same information.
Is there a way to configure the GET /message request to return "start" and "end" attributes?

You can use verbose=true in your request to get the position of your entities.


Ruckus SmartZone API

I am having issues when trying to create a Zone using the API.
I can create the zone with the basic info, but as soon as I want to add another property (specifically "location") I get an error.
This is my dataset I use for the POST
def id_prov ={
"domainId": "$DomainId",
"name": "$ZoneName",
"login": {
"apLoginName": "xxxxx",
"apLoginPassword": "xxxxx"
"description": "$jira_summ",
"version": "",
"countryCode": "ZA"
"location": "$CalledStationName_val",
The API creates everything until I either include the "location" property in the original POST or if I try a PUT or PATCH atferwards.
Result value:
{"message":["object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"location\"]"],"errorCode":101,"errorType":"Bad HTTP request"}
Anyone come across this or have any ideas on how to get this working?
A comma is required after "countryCode": "ZA". The post payload should look like this:
def id_prov ={
"domainId": "$DomainId",
"name": "$ZoneName",
"login": {
"apLoginName": "xxxxx",
"apLoginPassword": "xxxxx"
"description": "$jira_summ",
"version": "",
"countryCode": "ZA",
"location": "$CalledStationName_val",

Creating an event through the ST Developer Portal's API Console

I'm trying to create an event using the API console and keep getting errors. Any ideas why?
I've been using different versions of the example value:
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"status": "string",
"event_id": "string",
"start_epoch": 0,
"end_epoch": 0,
"industry": "string",
"archived": true,
"deleted": true,
"legacy_id": 0,
"is_public": true
I get the following back. Any thoughts?
"code": "BadRequestError",
"message": "[\"Has time can't be blank\",\"true is not included in the list\"]"
You will need to fetch the user/team information first
Once you have your oauth token from above and set to the Authorization header, make a call to!/Authentication/get_4_0_oauth_token
This will give you the user and team object back to make subsequent calls to make events
Once you have the team_id you can now make events
You can POST to /4.0/events
Swagger doc:!/Events/post_4_0_events
Example POST payload:
"name": "NAME",
"description": "DESCRIPTION",
"status": "new",
"start_epoch": TIME_IN_MS,
"end_epoch": TIME_IN_MS,
"industry": "INDUSTRY_TYPE",
“has_time”: 1 // 0 = all day event, 1 = from/to a specific time in day
- This will return the event ID under in the response from the above POST
- You can then link the user to:

cloudwatch metric Filter Pattern doesn't match with the json logs

I am trying to configure a custom metric for my service which will monitor the uptime of the service, I am trying to get the value of status code and raise an alarm if the value is 4* and 5* I am trying to match the statusCode using json filter patter but not able to get it correct
"res": {
"statusCode": 500
"req": {
"url": "",
"headers": {
"host": "",
"connection": "close",
"user-agent": "",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, compressed"
"method": "GET",
"httpVersion": "1.1",
"originalUrl": "",
"query": {}
"responseTime": 1,
"requestId": "",
"level": "info",
"message": "",
"timestamp": ""
my filter pattern is
I tried these both but none of them worked
{$.res.statusCode = 500}
{($.res.statusCode = 2*)||($.res.statusCode = 5*)}
I am trying to follow
It seems to be the issue with json when we copy paste the json doesn't work,
if selected from Log Data to Test dropdown , the filter worked for me in this case.
The answer that worked for me is the one in, AWS Cloudwatch Json Metric Filter Pattern
which quotes,
When using the Test Metric Filter feature in the AWS Console, each log
event has to be in a separate line. You can still run the same test,
but you have to remove all new lines from the sample data.

Is there any work around on fetching twitter conversations using latest Twitter REST API v1.1

I am working on a project where the conversation of a twitter user needs to be retrieved. For example i want to get all the replies of this tweet of BBC World Service. Using the REST API v1.1 i can get the timeline (tweet, re-tweet) of a twitter user. But i did not find any documentation/working work around on fetching replies of a specific tweet. Is there any work around on getting the replies of a specific tweet at all?
There is no API call to get replies to a specific tweet. You can, however, cheat!
Using the Search API you can construct a search query which is:
In reply to #bbcworldservice.
Occurred after the tweet was posted.
Optionally, before a specific date / time.
So, in this case, something like
You'll get a list of Tweets (up to 100). You will then need to search them for in_reply_to_status_id_str and see if it matches the status you're looking for.
The TwitterAPI v2 allows you to retrieve the entire conversation thread using just the conversation_id in search. (In v1.1 you had to write custom code to build it)
Replies to a given Tweet, as well as replies to those replies, are all included in the conversation stemming from the single original Tweet. Regardless of how many reply threads result, they will all share a common conversation_id to the original Tweet that sparked the conversation. Using the Twitter API v2, you have the ability to retrieve and reconstruct an entire conversation thread, so that you can better understand what is being said, and how conversations and ideas evolve.
curl --request GET \
--url ',conversation_id,created_at,in_reply_to_user_id,referenced_tweets&expansions=author_id,in_reply_to_user_id,,username' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'
Response will be like
"data": [
"id": "1225917697675886593",
"text": "#TwitterEng",
"created_at": "2020-02-07T23:02:10.000Z",
"author_id": "2244994945",
"in_reply_to_user_id": "6844292",
"conversation_id": "1225912275971657728",
"referenced_tweets": [
"type": "quoted",
"id": "1200517737669378053"
"type": "replied_to",
"id": "1225912275971657728"
"includes": {
"users": [
"username": "TwitterDev",
"name": "Twitter Dev",
"id": "2244994945"
"username": "TwitterEng",
"name": "Twitter Engineering",
"id": "6844292"
"tweets": [
"id": "1200517737669378053",
"text": "| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|\n don't push \n to prod on \n Fridays \n|___________| \n(\\__/) ||\n(•ㅅ•) ||\n/   づ",
"created_at": "2019-11-29T20:51:47.000Z",
"author_id": "2244994945",
"conversation_id": "1200517737669378053"
"id": "1225912275971657728",
"text": "Note to self: Don't deploy on Fridays",
"created_at": "2020-02-07T22:40:37.000Z",
"author_id": "6844292",
"conversation_id": "1225912275971657728"
For more info checkout twitter API Conversation

BigCommerce API - What is correct resource for updating an option value

I'm trying to update an option value using the BigCommerce api.
The documentation says PUT /options/values/id.json
The console says PUT options/id/values.json
I think it should be PUT options/id/values/id.json, which returns a 200 response code, but does not execute the update.
Any information on what the right endpoint is for this and if it works?
Basically, if you do a GET request on options
"id": 3,
"name": "Colors",
"display_name": "Color",
"type": "CS",
"values": {
"url": "",
"resource": "/options/3/values"
The resource endpoint shows that the URL is options/id/values.json. But, this gives you all the values associated with the option. If you want to retrieve a specific option the endpoint is something similar to /api/v2/options/3/values/7.json
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "Silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"
Doing a PUT request on this - (On REST console, setting the header content-type to application/json and sending raw JSON data) updates the label - Changed Silver to silver)
"id": 7,
"option_id": 3,
"label": "silver",
"sort_order": 1,
"value": "#cccccc"