VBA Outlook code to open Mail Item and Save As text - vba

I'm receiving Outlook mails that have other Outlook mails (*.msg) as attachments. I need them in txt format (or anything else Word can open).
I seem to have two choices:
1) Save the attachments to my drive as text files, rather than msg files. I have no idea how to do that, either manually or by code.
2) Save the attachments as msg files (I got a macro here on SO that does that), then open each file and save it at txt. But File-->Open in Outlook 2010 has no option for opening msg files. The only way I can see to open the file is to (manually) view the folder in File Explorer and double-click it. Once its open, I can use File-->SaveAs.
3) I could open and save the file in VBA. Or can I? (It seems you can't record a macro in Outlook the way you can in Word or Excel, or I would have tried it.)
EDIT: I tried Dmitri's suggestion, and this seems to work:
Dim oNamespace As NameSpace
Dim oFolder As Folder
' Get a reference to a NameSpace object.
Set oNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' Open the file containing the shared item.
Set oSharedItem = oNamespace.OpenSharedItem("D:\temp.msg")
' Save the item to the folder.
oSharedItem.SaveAs "D:\temp.txt"

Save the embedded message attachments as MSG files (Attachment.SaveAsFile), then open then using Namespace.OpenSharedItem.
If you want to access the embedded message attachments as messages without saving them, you'd need either Extended MAPI (IAttach::OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, IID_IMessage, ...), C++ or Delphi only) or Redemption (I am its author - it exposes Attachment.EmbeddedMsg property).


How to open and edit read-only word doc through VBA

I have a macro which should open, edit and copy the contents of read-only documents into a new document, then closes the original ones without saving. On my computer I get a runtime error 6124: "You are not allowed to edit this selection because it is protected."
When I open the document through VBA it says I am restricted with view only, however when I open it manually I get the notification that the author would like me to open it read only, and I can refuse.
The weird thing is I sent the macro to my colleague to test it, and the same code on the same files can do the editing for them.
Is there a setting I am not aware of that allows this to happen?
Is there a way to get VBA to open the read-only document with editing access?
I have tried to change the document attribute through runtime script, but it did not work:
Dim fso, doc As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set doc = fso.GetFile("path")
doc.Attributes = 0
End Sub

Open an Outlook oft template from SharePoint

I have an Outlook template file stored in SharePoint.
If I sync the file to my PC and use the local path the code works.
How do I, with a VBA macro in Outlook, open the file from SharePoint?
Sub AccessPass()
Set msg = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("https://xxxxxxxx.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/Admin/Documents/AccessPass.oft")
msg.SentOnBehalfOfName = " xxx#xxx.com"
End Sub
You need to save the template on the local disk, the Outlook object model can deal with a local file path only, passing URL is not a supported scenario.

How to bulk export Attachments from emails (which are emails) to another folder within Outlook

I need to extract .msg attachments from emails in a range and save these into another outlook sub-folder. This works currently by dragging the attachment into a sub-folder of 'inbox' but is there a quicker way?
I have searched around a bit and found ways to extract them to a local folder but i need them to be contained within outlook.
I appreciate any help and suggestions.
There are two problems here - first is accessing embedded message attachments without saving them first as MSG file. Second is importing the MSG files back - you can use Application.CreateItemFromTemplate, but the item will be unsent. You can use Namespace.OpenSharedItem, and then use MailItem.Move, but it is still a kludge.
There issn't much much you can do in OOM alone. Extended MAPI would work, but it is C++ or Delphi only. If using Redemption is an option (I am its author), you can use EmbeddeedMsg property exposed by the Redemption RDOAttachment object. You can also use RDOMail.CopyTo and pass a folder as a parameter to copy an embedded message attachment to a folder:
Set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set redItem = Session.GetMessageFromId(OutlookMessage.EntryID)
set redFolder = Session.GetFolderFromId(OutlookFolder.EntryID)
for each attach in redItem.Attachments
if attach.Type = olEmbeddeditem Then
attach.EmbeddedMsg.CopyTo OutlookFolder
End If

How to save Outlook mails as .msg file with categories and other details?

It is easy to save emails in Outlook VBA with MailItem.SaveAs
But I don't see any option to save additional details like i.e. the Author and Categories.
The 3rd party program MessageSave allows to save mails with Categories and Author in .msg format. In Windows Explorer the columns Author and Categories show the same information like in Outlook.
Does anybody know how to save messages using Outlook VBA including these additional information?
I bought MessageSave and it's a good program but they don't allow their save function to be used in VBA. The only workaround is to let MessageSave save messages when they "arrive" in a specific folder. If necessary I can use this function but this is just a workaround.
Here is a sample how the emails saved with MessageSave are shown in Windows Explorer:
here is a process i followed: (win7 64)
web search "windows vba set extended file property"
first hit: StackOverfow 16989882
web search: "DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties"
hit microsoft: The Dsofile.dll files lets you edit Office document properties when you do not have Office installed
that is not a typo ... it ends in "when-yo"
download: DsoFileSetup_KB224351_x86.exe
open DsoFileSetup_KB224351_x86.exe using 7-zip program (from 7-zip.org)
copy dsofile.dll from DsoFileSetup_KB224351_x86.exe (using 7-zip) into a folder desktop (named "testFiles" in this example) (this could be anywhere ... maybe windows system32 or syswow64 ... i only tried on desktop )
open command prompt window as administrator
navigate to folder that contains dsofile.dll
execute following: regsvr32 dsofile.dll
should receive success confirmation
start outlook ... vba editor ... tools ... references
and find "DSO OLE Document Properties Reader 2.1" and check the box on left
back to vba editor ... create new module
paste in the following: (this is just a minimal test script)
Sub extendedProperties()
Dim objFile As OleDocumentProperties
Set objFile = CreateObject("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
objFile.Open ("C:\Users\js\Desktop\testFiles\myMessage.msg") ' adjust to match your system
objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = "My Subject"
Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub
copy (drag&drop) an email "myMessage" from outlook to folder (on desktop in this example)
right-click on folder column header ... click on more ... find "subject" ...
click checkbox
ran script
subject column should contain "My Subject" next to myMessage.msg (or whatever your message is named)
there may be a simpler way ... maybe windows PowerShell has a command that could be called from vba
here is a more usable script
it has no error checking
no check for duplicate message names
no check for illegal filenames (except for ":" character)
just select a bunch of emails in any outlook folder and run this
' make sure you have a reference to "DSO OLE Document Properties Reader"
Sub extendedProperties()
Dim msg As mailItem
Dim objFile As OleDocumentProperties
' Set objFile = CreateObject("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
Set objFile = New OleDocumentProperties
Dim fileName As String
Dim subjectText As String
' !!!!!!!! select a bunch of messages before running this !!!!!!!!
For Each msg In ActiveExplorer.Selection
subjectText = Replace(msg.Subject, ":", "_") ' get rid of illegal file name character (there are others)
' adjust the destination folder for your liking
fileName = "C:\Users\js\Desktop\testFiles\" & subjectText & ".msg"
Debug.Print fileName
msg.SaveAs fileName
objFile.Open fileName
objFile.SummaryProperties.Subject = "My Subject"
objFile.Close True ' save and close !!!!! duplicate filenames get overwritten !!!!!
' stop ' uncomment this line and the code will stop. press F5 to run, F8 to single-step
Next msg
Set msg = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
End Sub

Moving an attachment from an email into an Outlook folder

I'm trying to take attachments from mails received and move them into a folder within Outlook.
I can move the entire message, and I've also worked out how to save the attachments to a drive, but neither of these things is what I'm looking for.
I was looking at something along the lines of the below, but I'm guessing there is no Attachment.Move similar to MailItem.Move.
Sub test1()
Dim olFolder As MAPIFolder
Set olFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("Mailbox - Test").Folders("Inbox")
Dim Item As Object
For Each Item In olFolder.Items
Set oMail = Item
For Each att In oMail.Attachments
att.Move Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("Enterprise Connect").Folders("Test")
End Sub
The attachments do not exist as standalone entities in folders - what you see if a message with a single attachment. The item's message class is IPM.Document.* - when you double click on an item like that, Outlook is smart enough to open the attachment instead of showing an inspector. Take a look at such an item with OutlookSpy (I am its author - click IMessage and Item buttons).
Outlook Object Model does not allow to create DocumentItem objects directly. But you can create a regular MailItem object, add an attachment using MailItem.Attachments.Add, then reset the MessageClass property appropriately - e.g. for a ".txt" attachment, look up HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt registry key, read the default value, append it to message class (IPM.Note.txtfile).
If using Redemption (I am also its author) is an option, it exposes the RDODocumentItem and allows to create document items directly (see the examples).
The Attachment class doesn't provide such methods. You need to save the attached file to the disk and then re-attach it anew to another Outlook item.
You may find the Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010 article helpful.