how can i create webRTC with 2 pc's? - webrtc

I am completely new in WebRTC concept in PC's . I want to check and working of a simple WebRTC concept . I searched lot of document i got 2 source code . One is SimpleWebRTC & another is easyrtc I don't know which one is better ? Which one should i take to implement WebRTC ? Any suggestions ?
what about openwebrtc ? can i do openwebrtc in PC's ?
Any related Document ?


Send real-time video via wifiSend

I would like to make a personal application to be installed on two iPhones. The first to be used as a webcam that transmits to the second via wifi.
Having no experience with xCode, I am looking for a code example to connect 2 devices via wifi and transmit a real-time video stream.
Unfortunately, the documentation and examples I found are deprecated or partial and inconsistent.
Where can I find some code examples to help me solve my problem, preferably in ObjectiveC (but also in Swift)?
Thank you

Is there any way to send data to cumulocity without physical devices

Finding a way to push data to cumulocity without physical devices
I am trying to find a way to push data to cumulocity without physical devices. is there any to implement in java?
If there is a way, please drop some snippets and doc links.
You can find an example implementation in Java for an MQTT client here:
Examples in other languages are next to it.
You can also use a tool like MQTTBox or MQTTFx if you don't want to implement something.

Proper way to integrate WebRTC to Electron app?

I'm trying to develop a peer-to-peer desktop app with Electron and WebRTC which transfers only JSON data betwen peers. I ran into many libraries such as PeerJs, node-crt and electron-webrtc but I'm not sure what's the best way to properly integrate that, any ideas? thanks
Personaly, i have chosen, which is an API pretty easy to setup. This is not relative to Electron, this is open source, there is no API key needed and it works pretty well!
But to transfer JSON data you can just use websockets, because you will need it with webRTC for signalling anyway... (ok this is not a p2p solution)
For those who come across this post now, I would recommend, as it provides a simpler abstractionon top of webRTC and is actively maintained. It appears that as of now, SimpleWebRTC has been deprecated.

Working webrtc chat sample

Please propose some working demo of webrtc text chat. Tried googling alot, but result usually leads to this one: or commercial opensource software. doesn't work for me. Are there any other working opensource demos of webrtc chats?
Do you need a text chat or an audio/video chat? Or do you need both?
WebRTC is used for building audio/video chat.
For text chat XMPP is popular.
Here is a demo of text chat:
And here is a demo of audio/video chat built on top of WebRTC:
Code samples can be found here:
Here is a live-demo for Text-Chat + file sharing:
Here is the source-code:
Please disable following line if you don't want file sharing:
connection.enableFileSharing = true;
RTCMultiConnection is a big library, which is NOT for those who wanna understand WebRTC codes.
If you're learning WebRTC, then I'll suggest readthis this post:
Above post will explain how to create one-to-one data connection (text chat connection) between two users.
There is another post that explains how to implement mesh networking model to support text-chat between multiple users:
Many other relevant tutorials can be found here:
If you're looking for a good chat solution with fallback:
Several years ago I developed WebRTC/SignalR chat.
You can see code on github.
And web application.

Getting started with Firefox API

I'm working on an university project where I need to write a program that can access Firefox internal data & events to create stats about user actions. What I would like to have access to is:
have access to HTTP and HTML data
be able to listen to HTTP + HTML + Client side scripting events
I've already done a bit a research and found few interesting things (XPCom, Mozilla ActiveX, MozRepl, directly putting Javscript files into Firefox software folder...) but my concern is to start working on this project whilst having missed something and ending up using the wrong tool.
Can you provide me with the name of the tools you know with a brief description of what they do, and what their pros and cons are?
Hopefully with enough replies we'll be able to consolidate all the useful info given into 1 authoritative edit/post/comment on this matter.
I believe the best way to do so will be writing your own Firefox extension. This tutorial is the best one I found to get one started with extension developement.