Invoking Windows Workflow Service using HttpClient? -

I have Windows Workflow Service developed in 4.6.2.
Is it possible to Invoke Window Workflow Service using HttpClient?
I have client application in .Net Core, and we cannot create WF service proxy in .Net Core application. (It's not supported currently)
However .net core has HttpClient class and I would like to know if can use HttpClient to invoke methods of Windows Workflow Service?

There is a VS extension for generating your proxy


Is it possible to create SOAP service with .net core 5.0?

I have an WCF application with SOAP service that need to be migrated to .net core to be able to run on unix, and not only on IIS as it does now. However the only example I found was to rewrite the application on .net core 2.2 whis is not supported any longer.
Any advice of how to proceed?
Is it possible to create SOAP service with .net core 5.0?
You can create an ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) to create a SOAP Webservice, then create an core 5.0 application and call the SOAP service.
Besides, you can also try to use SoapCore package in the core 5.0 application, then create the SOAP service. You can refer the SoapCore Getting Started or search "create soap web service in dotnet core" using Google, there have multiple tutorials about using SoapCore, you can check them.

How to consume WCF service using .net 5

I am trying add connected services to generate the proxy class and got this error.
Creating WCF Service proxy class
You can try to use dotnet-svcutil tool. The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) dotnet-svcutil tool is a .NET tool that retrieves metadata from a web service on a network location or from a WSDL file, and generates a WCF class containing client proxy methods that access the web service operations.
Similar to the Service Model Metadata - svcutil tool for .NET Framework projects, the dotnet-svcutil is a command-line tool for generating a web service reference compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard projects.
For more information about "WCF dotnet-svcutil tool for .NET Core", you can refer to this link.

Is is possible for a Compact Framework 2.0 App to consume a WCF Web service

We are in the process of creating a new WCF web service (WCF service that has an basicHttpBinding Endpoint) to carry out some of our business logic.
The web application connects not problem at all, however our legacy Compact framework application doesn't seem to see the service at all.
Are we on to a loser here and should we just revert to ASMX web service (the Compact framework cannot be upgraded) or is there a way around this?
Yes you can but you need to treat it as a soap service not a WCF service with all the .net 3.5 goodness. Start up your web service and create web service reference in your .net 2.0 CF and use the auto generated code.

Can I use SVCUTIL to create a Web Service reference for .NET 2.0 (i.e. NOT for a WCF Client)

We have a WCF service exposing a basicHTTPBinding endpoint, but I need to consume it from a .NET 2.0 application.
We do have the WSDL files available.
Is there a way to use SVCUTIL to generate a web service reference which is compatible with .NET 2.0?
No you can't but you can use tool called wsdl.exe or Add Web Reference in Visual studio.

wcf - .net 3.5 client and .net 4.0 routing service

is it possible for a .net 3.5 application to communicate smoothly with .net 4.0 routing wcf service?
should i get in to any problems when trying to perform this operation?
can i work with the simple channel factory?
Depends what you mean by communicate.
The application will be able to call the service over WCF.
It will not be able to call the dll directly, the dll runs in an application pool and the application pool is tied to a specific version of the framework.