Setting up the dispatcher and CDN integration with AEM 6.x - Steps and Best Practices? - apache

We need to setup a new AEM 6.x project that on production makes use of benefits of a CDN (like Akamai) and a dispatcher module within a Apache HTTP Web Server.
So this query is about asking for what point to begin at and what are the steps involved in the same? Also what are the best practices to take into consideration while going for the same?

It entirely depends on how you want to configure your systems, both dispatcher and CDN cache have their own best practices outlined in documentation (available over internet).
There are two types of setup I have seen so far -
Cache everything on dispatcher as well as CDN
Cache everything on dispatcher but do not cache HTML on CDN (so effectively you are caching images, CSS, JS but no HTML)
Cache everything on dispatcher as well as CDN
After first hit everything gets cached
Simple setup
Cache cleanup is complex, you will need your own logic to associate with dispatcher flush to flush CDN cache. Refer to Akamai Connector
There are complexities to related content flush, while publishing the content from author to publish AEM identifies the related content and sends the activation for same. This needs to happen for CDN flush as well.
Complete flush of CDN cache is not an option, it takes a lot of time to complete.
Not caching HTML on CDN
Has all the advantages of above approach
For libraries and image assets implement selector based versioning (AEM ACS Commons provides that for ClientLibs, you could implement your own logic for ASSETS url rewriter that adds last modifiedDate as selector to asset call, and your rendering servlet takes care of selector management)
With proper expires header set on Assets and clientLibraries you will not have to worry about explicit CDN cache management
Pages when activated with new assets and/or library will refer to updated selectors and get cached on dispatcher. When a call is made to that page, CDN caches the libraries and assets and page refers to CDN version of same. Assets and libraries are independent and are reflected independently with the Pages.
Based on TTL the outdated resources gets cleared of from CDN
There may be additional steps required in getting the above steps working, what I have outlined is the high level approach. You will need to follow the security, SSL, domain modeling, and other configuration guidelines as specified in the dispatcher documentation and CDN setup. For few you could refer to AKAMAI blog here


How do dynamic API calls work in Nuxt.js static vs SSR mode?

Even after reading through multiple articles explaining the differences between static and SSR rendering I still don't understand how dynamic API calls work in these different modes.
I know that Nuxt has the fetch and asyncData hooks which are only called once during static generation, but what if I use dynamic HTTP requests inside component methods (e.g. when submitting a form via a POST request)? Does that even work in static sites?
I'm making a site that shows user generated content on most pages, so I have to make GET requests everytime one of those pages is visited to keep the content up to date. Can I do that with a static site or do I have to use SSR / something else? I don't want to use client side rendering (SPA mode) because it's slow and bad for SEO. So what is my best option?
There is actually no difference between either asyncData() or fetch() hooks when you do use target: static (SSG) or target: server (default, SSR).
At least, not in your use-case.
They are used mainly by your hydrated app.
As a reminder, when using either SSG or SSR, your static page will be hydrated and will become an SPA with all the dynamic functionality that we love. This combo of SSG + SPA or SSR + SPA is called an universal app (or isomorphic app).
Both asyncData() and fetch() will be called upon navigation within your client side SPA.
There are also some things happening on the server side, like fetch being called (by default) when you request the server for an SSR built app.
Or the fact that when you generate your app (if using SSG), you can reach some API and generate dynamic routes (useful in the case of a headless CMS + blog combo for example).
For performance reasons and to have a quick build time, you may pass a payload and use it in an asyncData hook in the dynamic route, as explained here
Still, a static Nuxt app, is basically just an app built ahead of time, with no need for a Node.js server, hence why an SSG app can be hosted on Netlify for free (CDN) but and SSR one needs to be hosted on something like Heroku (on a paid VPS).
The main questions to ask yourself here are:
do you need to have some content protected? Like some video courses, private user info etc...already in your Nuxt project (if SSG, disabling the JS will give access to the generated content)
is your first page a login? Is it mandatory to access the rest of the content? Like an admin dashboard (you cannot generate content ahead of time if the data is private, think of Facebook's feed being generated for every account, not feasible and not secure as above)
is my API updating super often and do I need to have some super quick build time (limitation on free tiers essentially)? (SSG will need a re-generation each time the API changes)
If none of those are relevant, you can totally go SSG.
If one of those is important to you, you may consider SSR.
I do recommend trying all of them:
SSR (ssr: true + target: server) with yarn build && yarn start
SSG (ssr: true + target: static) with yarn generate && yarn start
SPA only (ssr: false + either target: static, target: server also work but who wants to pay for an SPA?!) with yarn generate && yarn start
Try to host it on some platforms too, if you want to be sure to understand the differences beyond your local build.
You can use this kind of extension to also double-check the behavior of having JS enabled or not.
I will probably recommend to take the SSG path. Even tho, if your content is always changing you will probably not benefit much from SEO (eg: Twitter or Facebook).
This github answer could maybe help you understand things a bit better (it does have some videos from Atinux).
PS: I did a video about this on the latest Nuxtnation that you can find here.
I use dynamic HTTP requests inside component methods (e.g. when submitting a form via a POST request)? Does that even work in static sites?
The short answer to this question is that yes, it does work. In fact you can have http requests in any life cycle hooks or methods in your code, and they all work fine with static mode too.
Static site generation and ssr mode in Nuxt.js are tools to help you with SEO issues and I will explain the difference with an example.
Imagine you have a blog post page at a url like with some posts that are coming from a database.
In this mode, when a user visits the said URL server basically responds with a .js file, then in the client this .js file will be rendered. A Vue instance gets created and when the app reaches the code for the get posts request for example in the created hook, it makes an API call, gets the result and renders the posts to the DOM.
This is not cool for SEO since at the first app load there isn't any content and all search engine web crawlers are better at understanding content as html rather than js.
In this mode if you use the asyncData hook, when the user requests for the said URL, the server runs the code in the asyncData hook in which you should have your API call for the blog posts. It gets the result, renders it as an html page and sends that back to the user with the content already inside it (the Vue instance still gets created in the client). There is no need for any further request from client to server. Of course you still can have api calls in other methods or hooks.
The drawback here is that you need a certain way for deployment for this to work since the code must run on the server. For example you need node.js web hosting to run your app on the server.
This mode is actually a compromise between the last two. It means you can have static web hosting but still make your app better for SEO.
The way it works is simple. You use asyncData again but here, when you are generating your app in your local machine it runs the code inside asyncData, gets the posts, and then renders the proper html for each of your app routes. So when you deploy and the user requests that URL, she/he will get a rendered page just like the one in SSR mode.
But the drawback here is that if you add a post to your database, you need to generate your app in your local machine, and update the required file(s) on your server with newly generated files in order for the user to get the latest content.
Apart from this, any other API call will work just fine since the code required for this is already shipped to the client.
Side note: I used asyncData in my example since this is the hook you should use in page level but fetch is also a Nuxt.js hook that works more or less the same for the component level.

How to enable offline support when using HTML5 history api

What are the best practices (and how to go about doing it) to support offline mode when using html5 history api for url rewrites?
For example, (hypothetically) I have a PWA SPA application at which has internationalization built in. So when I visit this link, the Vue router (which ideally could be any framework - vue, react, angular etc.) redirect me to
This works perfectly when I am online (ofcourse, the webserver is also handling this redirect so that app works even if you directly visit the said link).
However, its a different story when I am offline. The service worker caches all resources correctly so when I visit the URL everything loads up as expected. However, now if I manually type the URL to, the app fails to load up.
Any pointers on how to achieve this?
Link to same question in github:
Yes, this is possible quite trivially with Service Workers. All you have to do is to configure the navigateFallback property of sw-precache properly. It has to point to the cached asset you want the service worker to fetch if it encounters a cache miss.
In the template you posted, you should be good to go if you configure your SWPrecache Webpack Plugin as follows:
new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
navigateFallback: '/index.html'
Again, it is absolutely mandatory that the thing you put inside navigateFallback is cached by the Service Worker already, otherwise this will fail silently.
You can verify if everything was configured correctly by checking two things in your webpack generated service-worker.js:
the precacheConfig Array contains ['/index.html', ...]
in the fetch interceptor of the service worker (at the bottom of the file), the variable navigateFallback is set to the value you configured
If your final App is hosted in a subdirectory, for example when hosting it on Github pages, you also have to configure the stripPrefix and replacePrefix Options correctly.

Cloudfront static sites with versioning

I like the idea of hosting a static site in S3 + Cloudfront.
Best practice seems to be to version files in S3. For example, for site version 2324, I'd put stuff in
The thing I'm having trouble with is how to version the actual pages. If a "hello" page is at
I would want visitors to to get the correct version.
Is this possible with a 100% static site? Right now, I'm doing something similar by versioning assets, but my pages are all served via EC2/Varnish/ELB. It seems quite heavyweight just for rewriting hello.html -> 2324/hello.html.
It is possible today with Lambda#Edge You have to do server side redirection to load latest versioned site. Since you're versioning your site, somewhere you must be maintaining the version. Use that number in your lambda#edge logic.
Request ( -> L#E (redirect here) -> CF -> S3 (and all the way back)
L#E logic: replace(base_url, base_url+/+${latest_version})
Reference doc on routing via Lambda#Edge:

Rewriting static resources url in .htaccess for CDN

I have an existing live application based on php/Mysql/apache stack. A quick performance evaluation revealed that a CDN solution would help us gain a lot of speed. Planning to use cloudfront for the CDN.
The issue is existing code wasnt written with CDN in mind.
At the moment, our html outputs contain statuc resources under link tags and are referenced with "./images/test.png" etc...
is there anyway to identify these links just before sending the output and replace it to load from local CDN url.

browser caching feature vs caching feature

by default browsers will cache the static files like image, js and css files. And it also cache http get request. If this feature is already there, then why we need output caching feature?
The caching is for creating the output sent to multiple clients the browser cache is a single client caching for itself. caching can cache individual parts of a larger output and jsut change the bits that are required to service a particualr client. e.g. changing the greeting at the top of the page, or making the "Top sellers" region relative.