Best practice for constant value in the WHERE clause? - sql

I have a where clause that compares two columns to the following string. Does this concatenation run for every row? Should this string (and concatenation) be left in twice or should I create a variable to hold the result and use that in the WHERE clause?
CONCAT('%', #myVar, 'dr')

I checked the Execution Plan for your expression in a test table present in my database. The table has two nvarchar(50) columns namely firstname and fullname .
I can clearly see that even for three AND conditions in where clause that I put deliberately, the SQL Server engine is showing 0% cost for both the compute scalar steps. It is clearly evident of the fact that irrespective of whether you create a separate variable for the concatenation expression or leave it in-line in your where clause it is not going to make any difference.

Create a variable to hold the result and use that in the WHERE clause


How to avoid a column if it contains null without mentioning its name

How to avoid a column if it contains null without mentioning its name
select * from
ExmGp a
inner join
ExmMstr b
on a.ETID = b.EID
inner join
ExmMrkntry c
on b.AcYear = c.Acyear
I am trying to join three different tables like the above code but in result some of the columns are null. is it possible to avoid them using where condition?
thanks in advance
No, but it is important that you understand the reason why.
The WHERE clause filters rows out of the result set not columns. So, what you are asking is not supported by WHERE or anything else.
Importantly, a SQL query returns data in a tabular format. This format specifies the columns in the result set. These columns cannot be dynamic; they are fixed for the query (unless you construct a string to execute the query).
So, you are "stuck" with all the columns specified in the SELECT. I would recommend that you list each of the columns that you want rather than using SELECT *.
No there is no built-in language construct in TSQL to directly check for NULLs anywhere in the row. There are a number of workarounds though.
See this question for possible solutions
How to count in SQL all fields with null values in one record?

SQL 2 HAVING syntax

My professor is teaching sql 2, and used an statement like the code below into a query:
HAVING SUM(column) > subselect
Where subselect is something like SELECT AVG(column) FROM ...
This subselect returns only one value, but I could not understand how is it possible to compare a function (the sum) with a subselect. The subselect should return a table, right? Then how is it possible to compare a table with a value? That did not make sense to me.
Thanks in advance.
SQL has a concept of scalar subqueries. These are subqueries that return exactly one column and at most one row. Scalar subqueries can be used in almost all cases where a single value ("scalar") can be used.
If the scalar subquery returns no rows, then the value is treated as NULL.
(I should add that some databases support tuples. A tuple is a set of scalar values that is treated as a single value. In such databases "scalar" subqueries can return more than one value, but these are converted to a tuple. This is not relevant to the question being asked; tuples are just another example of a "single" value.)
In principle you are right, if you look at it in a relational way.
But SQL is an industry standard and allows the abbreviation of comparing a scalar value with a result table with only a single row and column.
Depending on the exact implementation, it even allows to compare a scalar with a list of values (a column with more than one value), although you actually should write ... value > ALL (subselect), it is often accepted without the ALL keyword.
This is both valid syntax in the where and in the having clause

How to do damage with SQL by adding to the end of a statement?

Perhaps I am not creative or knowledgeable enough with SQL... but it looks like there is no way to do a DROP TABLE or DELETE FROM within a SELECT without the ability to start a new statement.
Basically, we have a situation where our codebase has some gigantic, "less-than-robust" SQL generation component that never uses prepared statements and we now have an API that interacts with this legacy component.
Right now we can modify a query by appending to the end of it, but have been unable to insert any semicolons. Thus, we can do something like this:
which will result in this
SELECT...WHERE L1.PARENT_ID='1' and L1.ID IN ('loc1') or L1.ID in ('loc2');...
This is just one example.
Basically we can append pretty much anything to the end of any/most generated SQL queries, less adding a semicolon.
Any ideas on how this could potentially do some damage? Can you add something to the end of a SQL query that deletes from or drops tables? Or create a query so absurd that it takes up all CPU and never completes?
You said that this:
will result in this:
SELECT...WHERE L1.PARENT_ID='1' and L1.ID IN ('loc1') or L1.ID in ('loc2');
so it looks like this:
/query?[...]&location_ids=');DROP%20TABLE users;--
will result in this:
SELECT...WHERE L1.PARENT_ID='1' and L1.ID IN ('');DROP TABLE users;--');
which is a SELECT, a DROP and a comment.
If it’s not possible to inject another statement, you limited to the existing statement and its abilities.
Like in this case, if you are limited to SELECT and you know where the injection happens, have a look at PostgreSQL’s SELECT syntax to see what your options are. Since you’re injecting into the WHERE clause, you can only inject additional conditions or other clauses that are allowed after the WHERE clause.
If the result of the SELECT is returned back to the user, you may want to add your own SELECT with a UNION operation. However, PostgreSQL requires compatible data types for corresponding columns:
The two SELECT statements that represent the direct operands of the UNION must produce the same number of columns, and corresponding columns must be of compatible data types.
So you would need to know the number and data types of the columns of the original SELECT first.
The number of columns can be detected with the ORDER BY clause by specifying the column number like ORDER BY 3, which would order the result by the values of the third column. If the specified column does not exist, the query will fail.
Now after determining the number of columns, you can inject a UNION SELECT with the appropriate number of columns with an null value for each column of your UNION SELECT:
loc1') UNION SELECT null,null,null,null,null --
Now you determine the types of each column by using a different value for each column one by one. If the types of a column are incompatible, you may an error that hints the expected data type like:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer
ERROR: UNION types text and integer cannot be matched
After you have determined enough column types (one column may be sufficient when it’s one that is presented the user), you can change your SELECT to select whatever you want.

SQL - Using MAX in a WHERE clause

Assume value is an int and the following query is valid:
FROM table
WHERE attribute = value
Though MAX(expression) returns int, the following is not valid:
FROM table
WHERE attribute = MAX(expression)
OF course the desired effect can be achieved using a subquery, but my question is why was SQL designed this way - is there some reason why this sort of thing is not allowed? Students coming from programming languages where you can always replace a data-type by a function call that returns that type find this issue confusing. Is there an explanation one can give them rather than just saying "that's the way it is"?
It's just because of the order of operations of a query.
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
SELECT clause
ORDER BY clause
WHERE just filters the rows returned by FROM. An aggregate function like MAX() can't have a result returned because it hasn't even been applied to anything.
That's also the reason, why you can't use aliases defined in the SELECT clause in a WHERE clause, but you can use aliases defined in FROM clause.
A where clause checks every row to see if it matches the conditions specified.
A max computes a single value from a row set. If you put a max, or any other aggregate function into a where clause, how can SQL server figure out what rows the max function can use until the where clause has finished it filter?
This deals with the order that SQL Server processes commands in. It runs the WHERE clause before a GROUP BY or any aggregate. Since a where clause runs first, SQL Server can't tell if a row will be included in an aggregate until it processes the where. That is what the HAVING clause is for. HAVING runs after the GROUP BY and the WHERE and can include MAX since you have already filtered out the rows you don't want to use. See for a good explanation of the order in which SQL commands run.
Maybe this work
FROM table
WHERE attribute = (SELECT MAX(expresion) FROM table1)
The WHERE clause is specifically designed to test conditions against raw data (individual rows of the table). However, MAX is an aggregate function over multiple rows of data. Basically, without a sub-select, the WHERE clause knows nothing about any rows in the table except for the current row. So how can you determine the maximum value over a whole bunch of rows when you don't even know what those rows are?
Yes, it's a little bit of a simplification, especially when dealing with joins, but the same principle applies. WHERE is always row-by-row, so that's all it really knows about.
Even if you have a GROUP BY clause, the WHERE clause still only processes one row at a time in the raw data before grouping. It doesn't know the value of a column in any other rows, so it has no way of knowing which row has the maximum value.
Assuming this is MS SQL Server, the following would work.
FROM table
ORDER BY expression DESC

Use of function calls in stored procedure sql server 2005?

Use of function calls in where clause of stored procedure slows down performance in sql server 2005?
WHERE LOWER(dbo.GetLookupDetailTitle(M.RoleId,'MemberRole')) != 'administrator'
AND LOWER(dbo.GetLookupDetailTitle(M.RoleId,'MemberRole')) != 'moderator'
In this query GetLookupDetailTitle is a user defined function and LOWER() is built in function i am asking about both.
Both of these are practices to be avoided where possible.
Applying almost any function to a column makes the expression unsargable which means an index cannot be used and even if the column is not indexed it makes cardinality estimates incorrect for the rest of the plan.
Additionally your dbo.GetLookupDetailTitle scalar function looks like it does data access and this should be inlined into the query.
The query optimiser does not inline logic from scalar UDFs and your query will be performing this lookup for each row in your source data, which will effectively enforce a nested loops join irrespective of its suitability.
Additionally this will actually happen twice per row because of the 2 function invocations. You should probably rewrite as something like
SELECT M.* /*But don't use * either, list columns explicitly... */
FROM Member M
FROM MemberRoles R
WHERE R.MemberId = M.MemberId
AND R.RoleId IN (1,2)
Don't be tempted to replace the literal values 1,2 with variables with more descriptive names as this too can mess up cardinality estimates.
Using a function in a WHERE clause forces a table scan.
There's no way to use an index since the engine can't know what the result will be until it runs the function on every row in the table.
You can avoid both the user-defined function and the built-in by
defining "magic" values for administrator and moderator roles and compare Member.RoleId against these scalars
defining IsAdministrator and IsModerator flags on a MemberRole table and join with Member to filter on those flags