I have a function that takes an input and either succeeds and returns Some of the input or returns None. I'll make the example a list of phone numbers that get dialed until someone answers one of the numbers, and then the rest of the numbers should be skipped. And at the end there is a logging of a successful number or of an error message.
My first solution I think is too complicated and also uses a seeding of the failure state on the first try, which seems inelegant:
type PhoneNumber = int
let tryCallNumber phoneNumber =
if phoneNumber % 2 = 0 then Some phoneNumber
else None
let nextCall phoneNumberOption nextNumber =
match phoneNumberOption with
| Some num -> phoneNumberOption
| None -> tryCallNumber nextNumber
let logCall phoneNumberOption =
match phoneNumberOption with
| Some num -> printfn "%i" num
| None -> printfn "%s" "failed"
let phoneNumbers = [111; 222; 444; 555]
do List.fold (fun state num -> (nextCall state num)) None phoneNumbers
|> logCall
I tightened it up with a better List function, tryPick:
type PhoneNumber = int
let tryCallNumber phoneNumber =
if phoneNumber % 2 = 0 then Some phoneNumber
else None
let logCall phoneNumberOption =
match phoneNumberOption with
| Some num -> printfn "%i" num
| None -> printfn "%s" "failed"
let phoneNumbers = [111; 222; 444; 555]
do List.tryPick (fun num -> tryCallNumber num) phoneNumbers
|> logCall
Does this seem like a good approach? After reading about monadic error handling, I wonder if I should be doing something somehow more in that spirit.
Idiomaticity is difficult to measure. I think your approach is close-to-most-idiomatic. And you've got Tomas' sign-off... I would add the function shortcut for logCall, drop the do, pipe phoneNumbers in, eta-reduce the tryCallNumber lambda:
let phoneNumbers = [111; 222; 444; 555]
let tryCallNumber phoneNumber =
if phoneNumber % 2 = 0 then Some phoneNumber
else None
let logCall = function
| Some num -> printfn "%i" num
| None -> printfn "failed"
|> List.tryPick tryCallNumber
|> logCall
Personally (unfortunately non-idiomatic in .NET / F# standard-lib), I'd also rename tryCallNumber to just callNumber, as IMO option return types are obvious enough and my code tends to be try-heavy and not reliant on exceptions. Similar to async-by-default libraries where the ...Async suffix is dropped.
I'm working on a function that takes two arguments: a match value and a list of tuples. The goal is to match the first value (a string) in each tuple against the match value (also a string) and add the second value (an int) in those matching tuples to a new list, which is returned in sorted order. I started out with:
let getElems strMatch tupList =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl ->
match hd with
| (strMatch, v) -> loop (v :: acc) tl
| _ -> loop (acc) tl
List.sort (loop [] tupList)
...but came to realize that strMatch is out of scope as a pattern match so the second rule would never get matched. So I started trying to pass strMatch to the inner code blocks like so:
let getElems strMatch tupList =
let rec loop strMatch acc tupList =
match tupList with
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl ->
match hd with
| (strMatch, v) -> loop strMatch (v :: acc) tl
| _ -> loop strMatch (acc) tl
List.sort (loop strMatch [] tupList)
...but the value is still out of scope in the match blocks. I suppose it would be possible to pass strMatch into those blocks but this seems messy and I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way.
EDIT: So here are my results...
First, I get the warning "This rule will never be matched." When I run the function as-is:
getElems "A" [("A",5);("BB",6);("AA",9);("A",0)];;
> val it : int list = [0; 5; 6; 9]
But if I hard code strMatch as "A" in the function:
getElems "A" [("A",5);("BB",6);("AA",9);("A",0)];;
> val it : int list = [0; 5]
Which is what is desired. But I'm required to take any match as an argument.
If I have:
type a = B | C
How do I write the static members ToJson and FromJson?
I know how to write it for a Record Type (which is shown in the examples at Chiron: JSON + Ducks + Monads ) but I can't find any examples for a DU.
Following s952163 helpful answer (and follow up comment), I have adapted the code to try and work with a 'simple' DU of choice A | B (rather than A of string | B of ...). My code is now:
type SimpleDU =
| A
| B
static member ToJson (t : SimpleDU) =
match t with
| A -> Json.writeNone "a"
| B -> Json.writeNone "b"
static member FromJson (_ : SimpleDU) =
json {
let! duA = Json.tryRead "a"
match duA with
| Some s -> return s
| None -> return SimpleDU.B
This compiles but when I try it with the sample operation code:
let a = A
let b = B
let a2json = a |> Json.serialize
let (json2a:SimpleDU) = a2json |> Json.deserialize
let b2json = b |> Json.serialize
let (json2b:SimpleDU) = b2json |> Json.deserialize
json2a is incorrectly returning SimpleDU.B
An implementation which serializes A to Object (map [("SimpleDU", String "a")]) instead of Object (map [("a", Null null)]) is:
#I #"..\packages\Chiron.6.1.0\lib\net40"
#I #"..\packages\Aether.8.1.2\lib\net35"
#r "Chiron.dll"
#r "Aether.dll"
open Chiron
type SimpleDU =
| A
| B
static member ToJson x =
Json.write "SimpleDU" <|
match x with
| A -> "a"
| B -> "b"
static member FromJson(_ : SimpleDU) =
json {
let! du = Json.tryRead "SimpleDU"
match du with
| Some "a" -> return A
| Some "b" -> return B
| Some x -> return! Json.error <| sprintf "%s is not a SimpleDU case" x
| _ -> return! Json.error "Not a SimpleDU JSON"
// val serializedA : Json = Object (map [("SimpleDU", String "a")])
let serializedA = A |> Json.serialize
let serializedB = B |> Json.serialize
let (a : SimpleDU) = serializedA |> Json.deserialize
let (b : SimpleDU) = serializedB |> Json.deserialize
let aMatches = a = A
let bMatches = b = B
let serializedABBAA = [ A; B; B; A; A ] |> Json.serialize
let (abbaa : SimpleDU list) = serializedABBAA |> Json.deserialize
let abbaaMatches = abbaa = [ A; B; B; A; A ]
// allFine = true
let allFine = aMatches && bMatches && abbaaMatches
let defects =
Array [ Object <| Map.ofList [ ("SimpleDU", String "c") ]
Object <| Map.ofList [ ("Foo", String "bar") ] ]
// attempt = Choice2Of2 "Not a SimpleDU JSON"
let (attempt : Choice<SimpleDU list, string>) = defects |> Json.tryDeserialize
Instead of "a"and "b" you could use trueand false which would get rid of the Some x case, but I'd rather have readable cases in the JSON.
You can add static members to DUs as well. In Chiron Taming Types in the last paragraph there is a link mentioning that some examples with DUs should be up soon. However assuming you can't wait and that you prefer Chiron over Json.NET or FsPickler here is an example. Probably there are some other ways but I'm not familiar with Chiron's operators so I decided to use a computation expression (pilfered from Chiron Computation Expressions). The idea is that you can pattern match. So probably you can pattern match over more complicated DUs as well. If you are familiar with Chiron I'm sure it can be made more idiomatic. You can see that Chiron itself is using DUs, and for example the Json object is map.
#I #"..\packages\Chiron.6.1.0\lib\net40"
#I #"..\packages\Aether.8.0.2\lib\net35"
#I #"..\packages\FParsec.1.0.1\lib\net40-client"
#r "Chiron.dll"
#r "Aether.dll"
#r "Fparsec.dll"
open Aether
open Chiron
open Chiron.Operators
open FParsec
type SimpleDU =
|A of string
|B of int * bool
static member ToJson (x: SimpleDU) =
match x with
| A s -> Json.write "A" s
| B (i, b) -> Json.write "B" (i, b)
static member FromJson (_ : SimpleDU) =
json {
let! duA = Json.tryRead "A"
match duA with
| Some s -> return A s
| None ->
let! x = Json.read "B"
return B x
And here's how it works:
let a = A "Jason"
let b = B (13,true)
let a2json = a |> Json.serialize //val Json = Object (map [("A", String "Jason")])
let (json2a:SimpleDU) = a2json |> Json.deserialize //val json2a : SimpleDU = A "Jason"
let b2json = b |> Json.serialize
let (json2b:SimpleDU) = b2json |> Json.deserialize
There are some examples in the source code as well that might be useful for you:Chiron
Seems to me that https://stackoverflow.com/a/36828630/2314532 might help you. That answer points to this F# snippet defining ToString and FromString functions for discriminated unions:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let toString (x:'a) =
match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, typeof<'a>) with
| case, _ -> case.Name
let fromString<'a> (s:string) =
match FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'a> |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.Name = s) with
|[|case|] -> Some(FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case,[||]) :?> 'a)
|_ -> None
You would still need to get from the string (just "A" or "B") to the full DU object (e.g., reading the rest of the DU's data in s952163's SimpleDU example), and as I haven't used Chiron yet, I can't help you much there. But that may give you a starting point.
So what I want to do is to convert a string into an int and do some error catching on it. I would also like to know where I would put what I want it to do after it fails if it does.
I know how to convert, but I am not sure how to catch it and where the code will jump to after the error
I believe the method for converting it Int.fromString(x)
Thank you.
SML has two approaches to error handling. One, based on raise to raise errors and handle to catch the error, is somewhat similar to how error handling works in languages like Python or Java. It is effective, but the resulting code tends to lose some of its functional flavor. The other method is based on the notion of options. Since the return type of Int.fromString is
string -> int option
it makes the most sense to use the option-based approach.
An int option is either SOME n, where n is and integer, or it is NONE. The function Int.fromString returns the latter if it fails in its attempt to convert the string to an integer. The function which calls Int.fromString can explicitly test for NONE and use the valOf to extract the value in the case that the return value is of the form SOME n. Alternatively, and somewhat more idiomatically, you can use pattern matching in a case expression. Here is a toy example:
fun squareString s =
case Int.fromString(s) of
SOME n => Int.toString (n * n) |
NONE => s ^ " isn't an integer";
This function has type string -> string. Typical output:
- squareString "4";
val it = "16" : string
- squareString "Bob";
val it = "Bob isn't an integer" : string
Note that the clause which starts NONE => is basically an error handler. If the function that you are defining isn't able to handle such errors, it could pass the buck. For example:
fun squareString s =
case Int.fromString(s) of
SOME n => SOME (Int.toString (n * n))|
This has type string -> string option with output now looking like:
- squareString "4";
val it = SOME "16" : string option
- squareString "Bob";
val it = NONE : string option
This would make it the responsibility of the caller to figure out what to do with the option.
The approach to error handling that John explains is elaborated in the StackOverflow question 'Unpacking' the data in an SML DataType without a case statement. The use-case there is a bit different, since it also involves syntax trees, but the same convenience applies for smaller cases:
fun squareString s = Int.fromString s >>= (fn i => SOME (i*i))
Assuming you defined the >>= operator as:
infix 3 >>=
fun NONE >>= _ = NONE
| (SOME a) >>= f = f a
The drawback of using 'a option for error handling is that you have to take into account, every single time you use a function that has this return type, whether it errored. This is not unreasonable. It's like mandatory null-checking. But it comes at the cost of not being able to easily compose your functions (using e.g. the o operator) and a lot of nested case-ofs:
fun inputSqrt s =
case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
| SOME s => case Real.fromString s of
| SOME x => SOME (Math.sqrt x) handle Domain => NONE
A workaround is that you can build this constant error handling into your function composition operator, as long as all your functions share the same way of expressing errors, e.g. using 'a option:
fun safeSqrt x = SOME (Math.sqrt x) handle Domain => NONE
fun inputSqrt () =
TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn >>=
(fn s => Real.fromString s >>=
(fn x => safeSqrt x))
Or even shorter by applying Eta conversion:
fun inputSqrt () = TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn >>= Real.fromString >>= safeSqrt
This function could fail either because of a lack of input, or because the input didn't convert to a real, or because it was negative. Naturally, this error handling isn't smart enough to say what the error was, so you might want to extend your functions from using an 'a option to using an ('a, 'b) either:
datatype ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
infix 3 >>=
fun (Left msg) >>= _ = Left msg
| (Right a) >>= f = f a
fun try (SOME x) _ = Right x
| try NONE msg = Left msg
fun inputLine () =
try (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn) "Could not read from stdIn."
fun realFromString s =
try (Real.fromString s) "Could not derive real from string."
fun safeSqrt x =
try (SOME (Math.sqrt x) handle Domain => NONE) "Square root of negative number"
fun inputSqrt () =
inputLine () >>= realFromString >>= safeSqrt
And trying this out:
- inputSqrt ();
> val it = Right 3.0 : (string, real) either
- inputSqrt ();
> val it = Left "Square root of negative number" : (string, real) either
- inputSqrt ();
> val it = Left "Could not derive real from string." : (string, real) either
- (TextIO.closeIn TextIO.stdIn; inputSqrt ());
> val it = Left "Could not read from stdIn." : (string, real) either
I need a function that produces primes in F#. I found this:
let primesSeq =
let rec nextPrime n p primes =
if primes |> Map.containsKey n then
nextPrime (n + p) p primes
primes.Add(n, p)
let rec prime n primes =
seq {
if primes |> Map.containsKey n then
let p = primes.Item n
yield! prime (n + 1) (nextPrime (n + p) p (primes.Remove n))
yield n
yield! prime (n + 1) (primes.Add(n * n, n))
prime 2 Map.empty
This works very well, but sometimes I need to work with int64/BigInts as well. Is there a more clever way of reusing this code than providing another sequences like these:
let primesSeq64 = Seq.map int64 primesSeq
let primesBigInts = Seq.map (fun (x : int) -> BigInteger(x)) primesSeq
I've heard about modifying a code using "inline" and "LanguagePrimitives", but all I've found was connected with function while my problem is related to a value.
Moreover - I'd like to have a function that works with integer types and computes a floor of a square root.
let inline sqRoot arg = double >> Math.Sqrt >> ... ?
but I can't see a way of returning the same type as "arg" is, as Math.Sqrt returns a double. Again - is there anything better than reimplementing the logic that computes a square root by myself ?
So the general way to do this requires a function and languageprimitives - in your case everywhere you have 1 you write LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne which will produce 1 or 1.0 etc depending on what is required.
To get this to work, you need to create a function value - you can avoid this by doing something like:
let inline primesSeq() = ...
let primesintSeq = primesSeq() //if you use this as an int seq later the compiler will figure it out, otherwise you use
let specified : int seq = primesSeq()
I am not so sure about the sqrt case though - it probably depends on how hacky you are willing to make the solution.
A naïve implementation of generic sqRoot may go along these lines:
let sqRoot arg =
let inline sqrtd a = (double >> sqrt) a
let result = match box(arg) with
| :? int64 as i -> (sqrtd i) |> int64 |> box
| :? int as i -> (sqrtd i) |> int |> box
// cases for other relevant integral types
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported type"
unbox result
and then, checking in FSI:
> let result: int = sqRoot 4;;
val result : int = 2
> let result: int64 = sqRoot 9L;;
val result : int64 = 3L
So I've decided to give F# a try and ported one the algorithms I've written in C# to it. At one point, I have noticed that debug build run faster than the release one. I then played with the optimization settings and got these results:
The times show the total execution time of the algorithm over 100000 runs. I am using the F# compiler that comes with Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Target platform is Any CPU.
Opt off, tail calls off: 5.81s
Opt off, tail calls on : 5.79s
Opt on , tail calls off: 6.48s
Opt on , tail calls on : 6.40s
I am really puzzled by this - why does the optimization make the code run slower? The C# version of the algorithm does not exhibit this behavior (altho it is implemented in a slightly different way)
Here is a stripped down version of the F# code, it is an algorithm that finds patterns in molecules. All the code that this F# program relies on is written in F#.
namespace Motives
module Internal =
type Motive =
{ ResidueSet: Set<Residue>; AtomSet: Set<IAtom> }
member this.Atoms : IAtom seq =
seq {
for r in this.ResidueSet do yield! r.Atoms
yield! this.AtomSet
static member fromResidues (residues : Residue seq) = residues |> Seq.fold (fun (m: Set<Residue>) r -> m.Add(r)) Set.empty |> fun rs -> { ResidueSet = rs; AtomSet = Set.empty }
static member fromAtoms (atoms : IAtom seq) = atoms |> Seq.fold (fun (m: Set<IAtom>) a -> m.Add(a)) Set.empty |> fun atoms -> { ResidueSet = Set.empty; AtomSet = atoms }
static member merge (m1: Motive) (m2: Motive) = { ResidueSet = Set.union m1.ResidueSet m2.ResidueSet; AtomSet = Set.union m1.AtomSet m2.AtomSet }
static member distance (m1: Motive) (m2: Motive) = Seq.min (seq { for a in m1.Atoms do for b in m2.Atoms -> a.Position.DistanceTo(b.Position) })
type Structure with
static member fromMotive (m: Motive) (parent: IStructure) (addBonds: bool) : IStructure =
let atoms = AtomCollection.FromUniqueAtoms(m.Atoms)
let bonds =
match addBonds with
| true -> BondCollection.Create(atoms |> Seq.map (fun a -> parent.Bonds.[a]) |> Seq.concat)
| _ -> BondCollection.Empty
Structure.Create (parent.Id + "_" + atoms.[0].Id.ToString(), atoms, bonds)
// KDTree used for range queries
// AminoChains used for regex queries
type StructureContext =
{ Structure: IStructure; KDTree: Lazy<KDAtomTree>; AminoChains: Lazy<(Residue array * string) list> }
static member create (structure: IStructure) =
match structure.IsPdbStructure() with
| false -> { Structure = structure; KDTree = Lazy.Create(fun () -> structure.Atoms.ToKDTree()); AminoChains = Lazy.CreateFromValue([]) }
| true ->
let aminoChains = new System.Func<(Residue array * string) list> (fun () ->
let residues = structure.PdbResidues() |> Seq.filter (fun r -> r.IsAmino)
|> Seq.groupBy (fun r -> r.ChainIdentifier)
|> Seq.map (fun (k,rs) -> rs |> Array.ofSeq, String.concat "" (rs |> Seq.map (fun r -> r.ShortName)))
|> List.ofSeq)
{ Structure = structure; KDTree = Lazy.Create(fun () -> structure.Atoms.ToKDTree()); AminoChains = Lazy.Create(aminoChains) }
// Remember the named motives from named patterns
type MatchContext =
{ StructureContext: StructureContext; NamedMotives: Map<string, Motive> }
static member merge (c1: MatchContext) (c2: MatchContext) =
{ StructureContext = c1.StructureContext; NamedMotives = c2.NamedMotives |> Map.fold (fun m k v -> m.Add(k,v)) c1.NamedMotives }
type MatchedMotive = Motive * MatchContext
type Pattern =
| EmptyPattern
| GeneratingPattern of ( StructureContext -> MatchedMotive seq )
| ConstraintPattern of ( MatchedMotive -> MatchedMotive option ) * Pattern
static member matches (p: Pattern) (context: StructureContext) : MatchedMotive seq =
match p with
| GeneratingPattern generator -> generator context
| ConstraintPattern (transform, pattern) ->
Pattern.matches pattern context
|> Seq.choose (fun m -> transform m)
| _ -> Seq.empty
let ringPattern (names: string list) =
let fingerprint =
|> Seq.map (fun s -> ElementSymbol.Create(s).ToString())
|> Seq.sort
|> String.concat ""
let generator (context: StructureContext) =
let rings = context.Structure.Rings().GetRingsByFingerprint(fingerprint)
rings |> Seq.map (fun r -> Motive.fromAtoms r.Atoms, { StructureContext = context; NamedMotives = Map.empty })
GeneratingPattern generator
open Internal
type MotiveFinder (pattern: string) =
// I am using a hard coded pattern here for testing purposes
let pattern = ringPattern ["C"; "C"; "C"; "C"; "C"; "O"]
member this.Matches (structure: IStructure) =
Pattern.matches pattern (StructureContext.create structure)
|> Seq.map (fun (m, mc) -> Structure.fromMotive m mc.StructureContext.Structure false)
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.sortBy (fun s -> s.Atoms.[0].Id)
// performance test
let warmUp = (new MotiveFinder("")).Matches (StructureReader.ReadPdb(filename, computeBonds = true))
printfn "%i" (List.length warmUp)
let structure = StructureReader.ReadPdb(filename, computeBonds = true)
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let nruns = 100000
let result =
seq {
for i in 1 .. nruns do
yield (new MotiveFinder("")).Matches structure
} |> Seq.nth (nruns-1)
printfn "Time elapsed: %f seconds" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
I seem to have narrowed down the problem to the implementation of the Set type.
For this code:
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let runs = 1000000
let result =
seq {
for i in 1 .. runs do
let setA = [ 1 .. (i % 10) + 5 ] |> Set.ofList
let setB = [ 1 .. (i % 10) + 5 ] |> Set.ofList
yield Set.union setA setB
} |> Seq.nth (runs - 1)
printfn "Time elapsed: %f seconds" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
printfn "%A" result
I get ~7.5s with optimization off and ~8.0s with optimization on. Still target = Any CPU (and I have i7-860 processor).
And right after I posted the previous edit I figured I should try it on lists only.
So for
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let runs = 1000000
let result1 =
seq {
for i in 1 .. runs do
let list = [ 1 .. i % 100 + 5 ]
yield list
} |> Seq.nth (runs - 1)
printfn "Time elapsed: %f seconds" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
printfn "%A" result1
I get ~3s with opt. off and ~3.5s with opt. on.
If I remove the seq builder and just do
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let runs = 1000000
let mutable ret : int list = []
for i in 1 .. runs do
let list = [ 1 .. i % 100 + 5 ]
ret <- list
printfn "Time elapsed: %f seconds" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
printfn "%A" ret
I get ~3s with optimization both on and off. So it seem that the problem is somewhere in optimizing the seq builder code.
Strangely enough, I wrote a test app in C#:
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int runs = 1000000;
var result = Enumerable.Range(1, runs)
.Select(i => Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ListModule.OfSeq(Enumerable.Range(1, i % 100 + 5)))
.ElementAt(runs - 1);
Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}s", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
And the code happens to run almost twice as fast as the F# solution at ~1.7s.
Based on the discussion with Jon Harrop I have found out the thing that is causing the optimized code run slower (I still don't know why tho).
If I change Motive.Atoms from
member this.Atoms : IAtom seq =
seq {
for r in this.ResidueSet do yield! r.Atoms
yield! this.AtomSet
member this.Atoms : IAtom seq =
Seq.append (this.ResidueSet |> Seq.collect (fun r -> r.Atoms)) this.AtomSet
then the program runs ~7.1s in both optimized and non-optimized version. Which is slower than the seq version, but at least consistent.
So it seems that the F# compiler just can't optimize computation expressions and actually makes them slower by trying so.
I can also observe your wrapper code and penultimate example running slightly slower with optimizations enabled but the difference is less than 10% and, although anomalous, I am not surprised that optimizations can sometimes slightly degrade performance.
I should note that your style of coding leaves a lot of room for optimization but without the entire source code it is not possible for me to help optimize it. Your example uses the following code:
let result1 =
seq {
for i in 1 .. runs do
let list = [ 1 .. i % 100 + 5 ]
yield list
} |> Seq.nth (runs - 1)
when this is shorter, more idiomatic and orders of magnitude faster:
let result1 =
Seq.init runs (fun i -> List.init ((i+1) % 100 + 5) ((+) 1))
|> Seq.nth (runs - 1)
In your comments below you say that you want to execute the function argument in which case I would not assume that Seq.nth will do this for you so I would use a for loop instead:
let mutable list = []
for i=1 to runs do
list <- List.init (i % 100 + 5) ((+) 1)
This is still 9× faster than the original.