Removing a Watermark from the Active document in VSTO Word 2013 - vsto

I am trying to remove a watermark that I have created previously in my code from the document. Here is the code which creates and applies the watermark:
foreach (Word.Section section in document.Sections)
nShape = section.Headers[Word.WdHeaderFooterIndex.wdHeaderFooterPrimary].Shapes.AddTextEffect(MsoPresetTextEffect.msoTextEffect1, tag, "Calibri", 10, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoFalse, 0, 0);
nShape.Name = "securityTagWaterMark";
nShape.Line.Visible = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
nShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = (Int32)Word.WdColor.wdColorGray20;
nShape.RelativeHorizontalPosition = Word.WdRelativeHorizontalPosition.wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin;
nShape.RelativeVerticalPosition = Word.WdRelativeVerticalPosition.wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin;
// bottom right location
nShape.Left = (float)Word.WdShapePosition.wdShapeRight;
nShape.Top = (float)Word.WdShapePosition.wdShapeBottom;
nShape.LockAspectRatio = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
How can I check the document to find any shape objects or replace the text of the watermark that is already on the page. Here is what I have tried but It doesnt work:
Word.Document currentDoc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;
Word.Shapes shapeCollection = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Shapes;
foreach (Word.Shape shape in shapeCollection)
if (shape.Name == "securityTagWaterMark")
shape.TextEffect.Text = newText;

You're adding it to the header but looking for shapes in the main content. Word does not return all shapes in the Document.Shapes object. This is true for objects in the header but also for nested shapes that do exist in the document content.
Word.Document currentDoc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;
Word.Shapes shapeCollection = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Shapes;
foreach (Word.Shape shape in currentDoc.Sections[1].Headers[WdHeaderFooterIndex.wdHeaderFooterPrimary].Shapes)
if (shape.Name == "securityTagWaterMark")
shape.TextEffect.Text = newText;


Adobe illustrator linked file name to a layer name script

I want the layer enter image description here
to have the name of the linked file without .eps at the end.
Anyway, I found an answer. So for anyone looking here it is, although it does take to click on every layer, at least you don't have to type it.
function test() {
var sel_itemPlaced = app.activeDocument.selection[0]; // be sure that a linked item (and not an embedded) is selected
var fileName =;
var textContents = fileName.replace(/\%20/g, " "); //change %20 to spaces
textContents = textContents.replace(/\.[^\.]*$/, ""); //remove extension
var _item = sel_itemPlaced;
while (_item.parent.typename != 'Layer') {
_item = _item.parent;
} = textContents;
It does work for all placed images and all layers at once:
var images = app.activeDocument.placedItems;
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++)
images[i] = images[i]\.[^\.]+$/, "");

PDFBox inserting data into multi-page doc

I'm trying to create a simple pdf multi-page document with fields in it. To do that I have a template pdf which in the code I clone this template as many times as needed in order to create the document itself.
The problem comes with inserting some data in it. The type of data I try to insert to the document is not supposed to change across the pages. Rather than that, it stays static in all pages, Like the "Pages" digit that represents the number of the pages that this document contains.
Now, Inside my template pdf I have some text fields like, for instance, "Shipper1" and "Pages". I want to be able to insert my data into this text fields so that all the pages in the document will have this values in their "Shipper1" and "Pages" fields.
My code currently does that only on the first page. It shows the data perfectly. On the other hand, when I go to another page, the data isn't shown there. It's just displays an empty field.
Here is the code where I initiate the pdf document:
static void initiatePdf() {
// Initiate a new PDF Box object and get the acro form from it
File file = new File(Constants.Paths.EMPTY_DOC)
PDDocument tempDoc
Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(metaHolder)
int numPages = evaluator.getNumOfPagesRequired(objects)
FieldRenamer renamer = new FieldRenamer()
PDResources res = new PDResources()
COSDictionary acroFormDict = new COSDictionary()
List<PDField> fields = []
Closure isFieldExist = {List<PDField> elements, String fieldName ->
elements.findAll{it.getFullyQualifiedName() == fieldName}.size() > 0
for(int i = 0; i < numPages; i++) {
tempDoc = new PDDocument().load(file)
PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog = tempDoc.getDocumentCatalog()
PDAcroForm acroForm = docCatalog.acroForm
PDPage page = (PDPage) docCatalog.getPages().get(0)
if(i == 0) {
res = acroForm.getDefaultResources()
} else
List<PDField> newFields = acroForm.fields.findAll { PDField newField ->
isFieldExist(fields, newField.getFullyQualifiedName()) == false
PDAcroForm acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document, acroFormDict);
A couple of things first:
metaHolder instance holds the information about all
the fields that reside inside the acro form. the info is: Field Name, Field Widget Width, Field Font and Font size
evaluator is just and instance of the Evaluator class. Its purpose is to analyze the dynamic data and decide how many pages will take to contain all that text data.
Here is where I try to populate the fields with text:
static void populateData() {
def properties = ["$Constants.Fields.SHIPPER" : "David"]
FieldPopulater populater = new FieldPopulater(document, metaHolder)
FieldPopulater class:
package app.components
import app.StringUtils
import app.components.entities.DGObject
import app.components.entities.FieldMeta
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDAcroForm
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDField
* Created by David on 18/10/2016.
class FieldPopulater {
PDAcroForm acroForm
FormMetaHolder metaHolder
FieldPopulater(PDDocument document, FormMetaHolder metaHolder) {
this.acroForm = document.getDocumentCatalog().acroForm
this.metaHolder = metaHolder
void populateStaticFields(properties) {
List<PDField> fields = []
properties.each {fieldName, data ->
FieldMeta fieldMeta = metaHolder.getMetaData(fieldName)
fields = acroForm.fields.findAll { PDField field ->
String currentName = field.getFullyQualifiedName()
char lastChar = currentName[-1]
if(Character.isDigit(lastChar)) {
currentName = currentName.substring(0,currentName.size()-1)
currentName == fieldName
if(fields.size() > 1) {
int counter = 1
String tempData = data
String currentFitData
while(tempData.isEmpty() != true) {
int maxWords = Utils.getMaxWords(tempData, fieldMeta)
currentFitData = StringUtils.getTextByWords(tempData, maxWords)
tempData = StringUtils.chopTextByWords(tempData, maxWords)
PDField field = fields.find{it.getFullyQualifiedName()[-1] == "$counter"}
} else {
PDField tempField = fields[0]
The result is, in the first page, the field "Shipper" has a value of "David"
In the second page, the field "Shipper" is empty.
Here is an image. First page:
Second page:
What is the problem here?
UPDATE: I tried to add the widgets of every new acro form to the current page so that every field will a few kids widgets that will represent the field, but it still doesn't work.
// All the widgets that are associated with the fields
List<PDAnnotationWidget> widgets = acroForm.fields.collect {PDField field -> field.getWidgets().get(0)}
UPDATE: I also tried to add the current widget of a field to the parent field's collection of widgets. Here is the code:
List<PDAnnotationWidget> widgets = []
// All the widgets that are associated with the fields
acroForm.fields.each {PDField field ->
PDAnnotationWidget widget = field.widgets.get(0)
// Adding the following widget to the page and to the field's list of annotation widgets
fields.find {it.getFullyQualifiedName() == field.getFullyQualifiedName()}?.widgets.add(widget)
What you want is to have sereval visual representations of the same field. This is done by having several annotation widgets for such a field.
In PDF, when a field has only one annotation widget, they share a common dictionary. When it has several, the annotation widgets are in a child list of the field.
When you want several annotation widgets for one field, you need to create the annotation widgets with new PDAnnotationWidget() instead of calling field.getWidgets().get(0) and using that one. These widgets must be added to a list, and this list must be assigned to the field with setWidgets(). And for each widget you must call setRectangle() and setPage() and setParent().
An example for this is in the new example. The setParent() method is not yet available in 2.0.3 (but will be in 2.0.4). In this answer, it is replaced with a call that does the same thing in a less elegant way.
public final class CreateMultiWidgetsForm
private CreateMultiWidgetsForm()
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// Create a new document with 2 empty pages.
PDDocument document = new PDDocument();
PDPage page1 = new PDPage(PDRectangle.A4);
PDPage page2 = new PDPage(PDRectangle.A4);
// Adobe Acrobat uses Helvetica as a default font and
// stores that under the name '/Helv' in the resources dictionary
PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
PDResources resources = new PDResources();
resources.put(COSName.getPDFName("Helv"), font);
// Add a new AcroForm and add that to the document
PDAcroForm acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document);
// Add and set the resources and default appearance at the form level
// Acrobat sets the font size on the form level to be
// auto sized as default. This is done by setting the font size to '0'
String defaultAppearanceString = "/Helv 0 Tf 0 g";
// Add a form field to the form.
PDTextField textBox = new PDTextField(acroForm);
// Acrobat sets the font size to 12 as default
// This is done by setting the font size to '12' on the
// field level.
// The text color is set to blue in this example.
// To use black, replace "0 0 1 rg" with "0 0 0 rg" or "0 g".
defaultAppearanceString = "/Helv 12 Tf 0 0 1 rg";
// add the field to the AcroForm
// Specify 1st annotation associated with the field
PDAnnotationWidget widget1 = new PDAnnotationWidget();
PDRectangle rect = new PDRectangle(50, 750, 250, 50);
widget1.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.PARENT, textBox);
// Specify 2nd annotation associated with the field
PDAnnotationWidget widget2 = new PDAnnotationWidget();
PDRectangle rect2 = new PDRectangle(200, 650, 100, 50);
widget2.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.PARENT, textBox);
// set green border and yellow background for 1st widget
// if you prefer defaults, just delete this code block
PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary fieldAppearance1
= new PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(new COSDictionary());
fieldAppearance1.setBorderColour(new PDColor(new float[]{0,1,0}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
fieldAppearance1.setBackground(new PDColor(new float[]{1,1,0}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
// set red border and green background for 2nd widget
// if you prefer defaults, just delete this code block
PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary fieldAppearance2
= new PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(new COSDictionary());
fieldAppearance2.setBorderColour(new PDColor(new float[]{1,0,0}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
fieldAppearance2.setBackground(new PDColor(new float[]{0,1,0}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
List <PDAnnotationWidget> widgets = new ArrayList<PDAnnotationWidget>();
// make sure the annotations are visible on screen and paper
// Add the annotations to the pages
// set the field value
textBox.setValue("Sample field");"MultiWidgetsForm.pdf");

Expert Pdf - add footer on all pages except on the first page

I am using Expert PDF to generate PDF from HTML.
I have to generate footer on all pages except on the first page.
I tried with:
PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
private void AddFooter(PdfConverter pdfConverter)
string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string headerAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + "/HeaderAndFooterHtml.htm";
//enable footer
pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;
// set the footer height in points
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight = 60;
//write the page number
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.TextArea = new TextArea(0, 30, "This is page &p; of &P; ",
new System.Drawing.Font(new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 10, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point));
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.TextArea.EmbedTextFont = true;
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.TextArea.TextAlign = HorizontalTextAlign.Right;
// set the footer HTML area
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.HtmlToPdfArea = new HtmlToPdfArea(0, 0, -1, pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight,
headerAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, -1);
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.HtmlToPdfArea.FitHeight = true;
but this code generate footer on all pages.
Can someone give me idea or solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Add below line in your code:
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.ShowOnFirstPage = false;

How do I make ABCPdf to automatically write to a new page when text requires more than 1 page?

I deal with dynamic input text, so the pages should be dynamically created. If page 1 is already full, it should write to a new page, so it means I can have page 2, page 3 and so on depending on the data processed.
Currently, my text is truncated. Only writes Page 1, the rest of data are not written.
My current code below:
//add page 1
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
theDoc.AddImageHtml(html, true, 826, true);
//continue adding page if needed
while (theDoc.GetInfo(theID, "Truncated") == "1")
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
theDoc.AddImageHtml(html, true, 826, true);
//save file
String pdfFilePath = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pdfFilePath"];
Guid fileName = Guid.NewGuid();
pdfLink = pdfFilePath + fileName.ToString() + ".pdf";
variable html contains all the data(webpage), I'm probably missing something in my while loop. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Found it, Use Chainable and then Flatten()
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
int theID;
theID = theDoc.AddImageUrl("");
while (true) {
theDoc.FrameRect(); // add a black border
if (!theDoc.Chainable(theID))
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
theID = theDoc.AddImageToChain(theID);
for (int i = 1; i <= theDoc.PageCount; i++) {
theDoc.PageNumber = i;

ColdFusion CFDOCUMENT with links to other PDFs

I am creating a PDF using the cfdocument tag at the moment. The PDF is not much more than a bunch of links to other PDFs.
So I create this PDF index and the links are all HREFs
Another PDF
if I set the localURL attribute to "no" my URLs have the whole web path in them:
Another PDF
if I set the localURL attribute to "yes" then I get:
Another PDF
So this index PDF is going to go onto a CD and all of the linked PDFs are going to sit right next to it so I need a relative link ... more like:
Another PDF
cfdocument does not seem to do this. I can modify the file name of the document and make it "File:///Another_PDF.pdf" but this does not work either because I don't know the driveletter of the CD drive ... or if the files are going to end up inside a directory on the CD.
Is there a way (possibly using iText or something) of opening up the PDF once it is created and converting the URL links to actual PDF GoTo tags?
I know this is kind of a stretch but I am at my wits end with this.
So I've managed to get into the Objects but I'm still struggling with.
Converting from:
5 0 obj<</C[0 0 1]/Border[0 0 0]/A<</URI(File:///75110_002.PDF)/S/URI>>/Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]>>endobj
To this:
19 0 obj<</SGoToR/D[0/XYZ null null 0]/F(75110_002.PDF)>>endobj
20 0 obj<</Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]/Border[0 0 0]/A 19 0 R>>endobj
Wow this is really kicking my ass! :)
So I've managed to get the document open, loop through the Link Annotations, capture the Rect co-ordinates and the linked to document name (saved into an array of Structures) and then successfully deleted the Annotation which was a URI Link.
So now I thought I could now loop over that array of structures and put the Annotations back into the document using the createLink method or the setAction method. But all the examples I've seen of these methods are attached to a Chunk (of text). But my document already has the Text in place so I don't need to remake the text links I just need to put the Links back in in the same spot.
So I figured I could reopen the document and look for the actual text that was the link and then attache the setAction to th ealready existing chunk of text .... I can't find the text!!
I suck! :)
This thread has an example of updating the link actions, by modifying the pdf annotations. It is written in iTextSharp 5.x, but the java code is not much different.
The thread provides a solid explanation of how annotations work. But to summarize, you need to read in your source pdf and loop through the individual pages for annotations. Extract the links and use something like getFileFromPath() to replace them with a file name only.
I was curious, so I did a quick and ugly conversion of the iTextSharp code above. Disclaimer, it is not highly tested:
util = createObject("component", "");
util.fixLinks( "c:/path/to/sourceFile.pdf", "c:/path/to/newFile.pdf");
component {
Convert all absolute links, in the given pdf, to relative links (file name only)
#source - absolute path to the source pdf file
#destination - absolute path to save copy
public function fixLinks( string source, string destination) {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
// check each page for hyperlinks
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = 1; !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x < arrayLen(Local.annotations); Local.x++) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
// replace link
// WriteDump("Changed link from ["& Local.oldLink &"] ==> ["& Local.newLink &"]");
Local.pdfString = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfString");
Local.action.put( Local.pdfName.URI, Local.pdfString.init( Local.newLink ) );
// save all pages to new file
copyPDF( Local.reader , arguments.destination );
Copy all pages in pdfReader to the given destination file
#pdfReader - pdf to copy
#destination - absolute path to save copy
public function copyPDF( any pdfReader, string destination) {
try {
Local.doc = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Document").init();
Local.out = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.destination );
Local.writer = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy").init(Local.doc, Local.out);
// open document and save individual pages;
for (Local.i = 1; i <= arguments.pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
Local.writer.addPage( Local.writer.getImportedPage( arguments.pdfReader, Local.i) );
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "doc")) { Local.doc.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "writer")) { Local.writer.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }
I finally got it:
public function resetLinks( string source, string destination) {
try {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
Local.annot = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation");
Local.out = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.destination );
Local.stamper = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(Local.reader, Local.out);
Local.PdfAction = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAction");
Local.PdfRect = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Rectangle");
Local.PdfBorderArray = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfBorderArray").init(javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"));
Local.newAnnots = [];
// check each page for hyperlinks
// Save the data to a structure then write it to an array
// then delete the hyperlink Annotation
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i = Local.i + 1) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = arrayLen(Local.annotations); !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x > 0; Local.x--) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
Local.Rect = Local.dictionary.Get(PdfName.Rect);
arrayStruct = StructNew();
arrayStruct.rectSTR = Local.Rect.toString(); = Local.newLink; = Local.i;
ArrayAppend(Local.newAnnots, arrayStruct);
// Delete
// Now really remove them!
// Now loop over the saved annotations and put them back!!
for ( Local.z = 1; Local.z <= ArrayLen(Local.newAnnots); Local.z++) {
// Parse the rect we got save into an Array
theRectArray = ListToArray(ReplaceNoCase(ReplaceNoCase(Local.newAnnots[z].rectSTR, "[", ""), "]", ""));
// Create the GoToR action
theAction = Local.PdfAction.gotoRemotePage(javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("boolean", "false"), javacast("boolean", "false"));
// Create the Link Annotation with the above Action and the Rect
theAnnot = Local.annot.createLink(Local.stamper.getWriter(), Local.PdfRect.init(javacast("int", theRectArray[1]), javacast("int", theRectArray[2]), javacast("int", theRectArray[3]), javacast("int", theRectArray[4])), Local.annot.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT, theAction);
// Remove the border the underlying underlined text will flag item as a link
// Add the Annotation to the Page
Local.stamper.addAnnotation(theAnnot, Local.newAnnots[z].page);
finally {
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "reader")) { Local.reader.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "stamper")) { Local.stamper.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }
I couldn't have done this without the help of Leigh!!