struts2jquery plugin alternative for sj:menu for plugins earlier then 3.5.0 - struts2-jquery-plugin

I am looking for an alternative option for <sj:menu> . As my company is not ready to switch to 3.5.0 for a single component. I tried using the normal div to create the look, but css for hover and highlight is missing.
We currently use 3.3.0.


how to find out which component of Vue is being rendered in browser easily?

Table.vue contains Row.vue and Form.vue inside.
Wanted behavior:
Row of the table will say the component comes from Row.vue
I was right-clicking the Row and went on "View page source", "inspect" and explored, but I couldn't find the answer.
Any solutions?
Also it would be awesome if there's a tool that helps with what I explained above with visual like this: instead of margin, border and such. It would be like Table.vue, Row.vue, etc...
I'm sorry it's not clear to me what you're trying to achieve, but there is a browser-based tool that might help you with debugging. It is compatible with both v2 and v3 and can be installed on firefox or chromium-based browsers
use this icon to target the component

How can I implement server side rendering (ssr) on the vuetify project that is 100% complete?

I had install my project vuetify with this reference :
My project has been 100% complete. Now I want to implement SSR for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
I search on google and I find there exist 3 option to implement SSR to vuetify project
If I using option 2 or option 3, it seems I must to change my template. Maybe I should rewrite my code on the template. Because my template using vuetify template. I don't know if I choose option 1. Whether it also has to change my template or not. I must to try it first
What I want to ask is if in my position I have completed the 100% vuetify project, which is the best choice I should choose for SSR implementation?
Do I have to rewrite my code or is there another way to implement it?

CKEditor : add columns supports

I'm using CKEditor5. I'm looking for a plugin to extend its functionalities to manage columns (not <table>, but div or whatever suitable element for layout purpose). I just can't find anything like that.
Any idea to achieve that? Should I implement my own plugin to do that?

"Cannot locate an element using By.xpath" error in selenium java

I am getting Cannot locate an element using By.xpath error in Selenium using Java(IE11). I am working on a web page created using Adobe AEM(CQ5).
I have tried the following possible solutions but neither of it helped.
Tried to add wait.
Switch to active window.
Tried even on Chrome.
Bring focus on element.
Currently using the absolute path (/html/body/div[4]/header[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/nav/ul[1]/li[3]/a) but also used relative path (.//*[#id='cq-gen188']/nav/ul/li[3]/a).
Also searched whether there is any iframe involved. Unfortunately there was none.
To find the xpath, I have used FirePath plugin in Firefox. When i search for the element using the xpath in Firefox, i am successful. But when i execute the code i get the error.
If you are in the correct IFRAME then you can use
Remember that ID is always unique and that's a core assumption for all of the libraries in the authoring UI whether it is from core AEM framework or from custom components.
Your problem may be due to incorrect IFRAME as AEM neatly makes the UI look like a seamless window but there are IFRAME in place to facilitate various authoring navigation experiences.

dojo internalize html templates

When using filter and pagination plugins for EnhancedGrid, the HTML templates for the same are loaded from dojox\grid\enhanced\templates.
Is there any way by which I can avoid the server requests for these HTML files by making them part of the Enhanced Grid's inline javascript?
You should make a custom dojo build that creates one js file as a result. follow this instructions from a previous QA:
How to build Dojo into a single file, given a list of dependencies?
The build should add those html files inline, but doesn't. I googled a bit and found this link related to your problem:
It suggests a fix using this link
If you are using the AMD style of module definition, then you can specify a text dependency like so:
define(["dojo/text!some/file.html", "other/module"],
function(template, otherModule){
// to use the contents of the html file, treat template as if it were a normal string
someNode.innerHTML = template;
The build system should automatically convert the text dependency to an inline string literal. Most Dojo files are already formatted to use this feature, but I can't account for dojox modules. I'm not sure whether similar functionality is possible with the dojo.require/dojo.provide system of dependency declaration.
I have got the solution. Those struglling from this issue pls. note that there is bug with Dojo 1.7.1 and we need to use Dojo 1.8.3 and use internStrings option with the build command. You should see HTML files being interned in the build-report.