Nintex Mask Context item URL - sharepoint-2010

I have created an email to send a notification when a list item has been modified.
The email should send a link to the item using Context Item URL. So far I have the email ending the URL , but is there anyway I can mask it so it just displays a hyperlink "View Here" rather than the whole url string ?
I have been trying for hours and have no Idea how to do this.
Thank you for your help

As usual as soon as I posted this I found the answer.
This turned out to be a peculiarity with SharePoint where it didn’t give any prompt or indications that you had to double click not just select an item.
1 Insert link
2 Place place you mouse in Address
3 Double Click the Context Item URL
4 Field Populates & enter the display name.


Search text file and put matching results in listbox

I have a VB.NET project in which there is a form where there is a TextBox control, a ListBox control and an external text file that contains a list of outlook folder paths for client emails.
Essentially, the user enters into the text box the name of a client and/or their unique reference number, presses the search button (yes - I know I could make the results appear as they type, I want a button!) and it comes up with the matching results for the company name or serial number that are in the text file and puts them in the list box, with the full path of the outlook email folder.
For example:
If I put into the textbox: "06967759-274D-40B2-A3EB-D7F9E73727D7"
It would put the following result into the listbox:
"EIS Admin\Contacts{06967759-274D-40B2-A3EB-D7F9E73727D7}"
And the user can then go to that folder and find the email(s).
I have gone through several revisions both of my own code and code pasted from online with people having the same issue, only to have Visual Studio throw no errors, run the code and have no luck, with it doing nothing but clearing the list box, and not showing matching results of any kind.
I understand this may be a repeat question but I am extremely confused, can't get anything to work and need some help regarding my issue.
Here is the current code (from online - not mine):
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lbx_OFL_Results.Items.Count - 1
If i > lbx_OFL_Results.Items.Count - 1 Then Exit For
If Not lbx_OFL_Results.Items(i).Contains(tbx_FindText.Text) Then
i -= 1
End If
The list box is called "lbx_OFL_Results"
The textbox is called "tbx_FindText"
I start by clearing the list box of all items (when the form loads, it fills the list box will all lines of the text file, so I need to clear it).
Form Load Event Code:
Dim lines1() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\ProgramData\WPSECHELPER\.data\Outlook Folder Wizard\outlookfolders.txt")
For the rest of the code it seems to be doing some form of a 'sort search' then removing any excess results.
If anyone can suggest edits to my code, or new code then that would be sublime.
Thanks to #Jimi for the answer.
For i as Integer = 0 To lines1().Length - 1
If lines1(i).Contains(searchbox.Text) Then
End If
I have another question which solves how to make this search non case-sensitive. It can be found here.

Add link to contacts in outlook Appointment Module Form using custom fields

I'm a long date leecher of this site... this is the first time I'm not able to find a response (Google didn't help too).
Well, what I am trying to do is to add an active link to a contact to a custom field in an Appointment Module Form.
I can put the address I want in the appointment custom fields using this code (
Dim extendedPropertyDefinition = New ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.PublicStrings, "MyField", MapiPropertyType.String)
item.SetExtendedProperty(extendedPropertyDefinition, "")
I am able to view MyField using a custom field in my Appointment Module Form.
Setting "To" field to the value (in custom field properties) i can transform the e-mail into the corresponding contact name (obviously if it exists in contacts list).
Here comes the trouble:
I would like to add a link to contact card when clicking the contact name.
I don't really know if it is even possible...
Thank you very much for any help... "It is not possible" will be an appreciated response too.

Syntax for SharePoint 2010 BCS URL Action to populate New form

Have seen several posts with solutions for native SharePoint lists, including the very useful SPUtility.js (only for native SharePoint lists). But nothing to pass a value from a BCS list to a new BCS list. The Query string filter will not connect on the New form (no web part to connect it to) and does me no good on the lists page (already have that working).
A "go write custom code for everything" is not a solution for me.
There should be a way to 1) pass the value in the URL (ideal - what's the syntax?) or 2) make some other simple change, perhaps to the select list for the item -- I just can't find it. Have seen quite a few posts with similar questions. The Microsoft documentation is not useful and there are more questions on the "social" topics than answers.
Here's what I have:
I have a BCS list (sends item) tied to a BCS related list (receives item).
I have an action on the related list (ECT) to create a new item. Works fine with no parameters. I get a blank new form. The new form allows me to enter two items and choose two items (exactly as intended).
What I would like to have is the necessary ?something=something string so that my user does not have to select one of the choice items (MNumber - set as a key / required value)
User selects "New" from Actions.
Form Opens
MNumber is automatically filled in based on the MNumber of the current item displayed in the BCS related list.
The string I supply is accepted. Does nothing.
The string I supply is rejected - cannot be saved or insufficient values.
Have also tried passing a string to one of the text fields (instead of the select field). Can't get that to work either. I've spent quite a few hours with the various boards. Nothing helpful.
Would also be nicer if I could set the New form to display in a pop-over window (as it does when I select New from the list view). Opening a new browser window is hokey and replacing the existing one is a navigation pain for the user.
Have this working ... Thanks to Kit Menke!
Created an Action on the External Content Type in the BCS....
parameter property 0 is the IDNumber from the ECT
The NewForm.aspx was edited to add a hidden content editor web part with references to three scripts Kit wrote - two supporting and one that sets the values.
User selects the Action on the displayed ECT list
Action uses the URL to go to the New page with the data
Kit's script adds the data to the form and puts in the date and time.
Note: The ID field needs to be a text field. Cannot be a selection list.

get list name in sharepoint 2010

how to get current used list name. my scnerio is: i have a list said config. i have create one column say "test" whose datatype is "Managed Metadata". now after add this when i edit this item and click on icon near to "test" column one dialog is open which is webtaggig.aspx something like that.
now, i had open my custom control in this page. when page opened , my control is loaded.
now on my custom control page load i want to get the list name programatically.
can any one suggest me how can i do this?
Have a look at the SPContext object. You would need something like SPContext.Current.List.Title to get the name or title of the current list.

How can retrieve email address from the Infopath people/Group picker

How can retrieve email address from the Infopath people/Group picker?When I add the people/Group picker into the infopath form, I only get 3 fields DisplayName,AccountId,AccountType.Can anyone show me how can I get the email either by configurations or by code.
In SharePoint Designer, when setting up a workflow to respond to an InfoPath people picker field, I simply map the "TO:" field of my "Send Email" action to whatever people picker field I have (even if it's set to pull the Display Name)... and the email will successfully send out regardless. Now, your mileage may vary and perhaps it's due to our Exchange server settings and small company size which allows this to work.
Anyways, try it out. Maybe extracting an email address from the people picker is a superflous step.
I have a simpler solution.
Assume you are using the connection wizard to send an email to a person selected from a people picker.
in the to field -
concat(substring-after(AccountId, "\"), "")
assuming your companies mail accounts have an entry for username # domain.
because AccountId = domain\username
so we end up with
Worked for me
Create a button and the following rules for that button.
Create a data Connection to retrieve from GetUserProfileByName.
Create a field to store the email you are retrieving.
Rules for the button
Rule 1 Set a fields value. Set the value of the AccountName of GetUserProfileByName to equal the AccountID from the people picker.
Rule 2 Add an Action to to Query the Data Connection GetUserProfileByName
Rule 3 set a fields value to the email address of the query you just performed
Filter Data
Change value to name
If you simply want to populate a field with the email address from your domain this works perfectly. I have been banging my head on the double eval trick for two days. I got it to work but the form rendering in SharePoint took 2 minutes and 46 seconds.
I know this is too late for the answer but still i am writing this so that someone can get help in future.
When we keep People picker it gives us three values which you specified (AccountId, DisplayName and AccountType).
Now if some one wants to retrieve the email address, there may be so many requirement but i guess most of the person want to send mail to the user which are selected into people picker.
If you want to send mail to selected user then you can just use AccountId field into your workflow item. SharePoint designer automatically detect the email address from the AccountId and sends the mail.
I hope this might save someone's time.