Search not working (as expected) for list-form PartyListForm - column loaded from - moqui

I started by using PartyListForm in FindParty.xml. This list loads data related to parties, in my case with Supplier role. I added a new column with an ID from, with specific partyIdTypeEnumId. The result is satisfactory, I have a list of Suppliers, with their names and respective IDs shown. The problem starts in the moment, when I want to let the user search through those IDs. It does not work. This is the definition of the column:
<field name="idValue">
<header-field title="Company ID" show-order-by="true">
<text-find size="30" hide-options="true"/>
<display text="${partyIdentification?.idValue?:'N/a'}" text-map="partyIdentification"/>
This is where the data (text-map="partyIdentification") comes from:
<entity-find-one entity-name="" value-field="party"/>
<entity-find-one entity-name="" value-field="partyIdentification">
<field-map field-name="partyId" from="partyId"/>
<field-map field-name="partyIdTypeEnumId" value="PtidICO"/>
<entity-find-count entity-name="" count-field="invCount">
<econdition field-name="partyId" operator="equals" from="partyId"/>
This is how it looks on the screen
#David's comment:
There is the original search commented out and my attempt:
<!--<service-call name="" in-map="context + [leadingWildcard:true, orderByField:'^organizationName', roleTypeId:'Supplier', pageSize:7]" out-map="context"/>-->
<service-call name="" in-map="context + [leadingWildcard:true, orderByField:'^organizationName', roleTypeId:'Supplier', pageSize:7]" out-map="context"/>

I made a few changes by adding new components as a copy of existing ones, namely:
new view-entity with entity-name="FindPartyViewEnhanced" in package=" as copy of "FindPartyView" with these additions:
<member-entity entity-alias="IDNTF" entity-name="PartyIdentification" join-from-alias="PTY">
<key-map field-name="partyId" related="partyId" />
<econdition field-name="partyIdTypeEnumId" operator="equals" value="PtidICO"/>
<alias entity-alias="IDNTF" name="idValue" field="idValue"/>
<alias entity-alias="IDNTF" name="partyIdTypeEnumId" field="partyIdTypeEnumId"/>
new service "findEnhanced" noun="Party" type="script" as a copy of find#Party service with new parameter added:
<parameter name="idValue"/>
new findPartyEnhanced.groovy (copy of findParty.groovy) with a single line added:
if (idValue) { ef.condition(ec.entity.conditionFactory.makeCondition("idValue", EntityCondition.LIKE, (leadingWildcard ? "%" : "") + idValue + "%").ignoreCase()) }
and finally, in the row actions of the screen, where the search is situated, this is what I ended up with:
<service-call name="" in-map="context + [leadingWildcard:true, idValue:idValue, orderByField:'organizationName', roleTypeId:'Supplier', pageSize:7]" out-map="context"/>
Most probably, this is not the best solution, but it worked for me. Hopefully, it will help you as well.


How to show/hide print menu(top) item by a condition?

I try to make an report, that print invoice only if it's type is 'in_invoice'
I use standard case
attachment="('Att'+(object.number or '').replace('/','')+'.pdf')"
print_report_name="'Att for '+(object._get_printed_report_name())"
How can I check if object type is 'in_invoice'?
I've tried to add
menu="(True if object.type == 'in_invoice' else False)"
But I get error while install - it seems, menu doesn't recieve object.
How can I change visibility?

Using Linq to XML foreach to create muliple XElements

I'm building an XML file dynamically using new XElement(), and midway through the file creation I need to iterate over a set of child records and create XElements for them. The problem I'm having is that I need to create more than 1 XElement per iteration. This is a my loop:
from t in trans.SalesTransactionLines
select new XElement("text", new XAttribute("lang", "en"), t.ItemName)
This works fine, but I need an additional 'position' XElement before each 'text' Element. This is the kind of thing I want, which doesn't work:
from t in trans.SalesTransactionLines
select new XElement("position",new XAttribute("x", "40"), new XAttribute("y", "420")),
new XElement("text", new XAttribute("lang", "en"), t.ItemName)
This is the result I'm looking for:
<position x="40" y="420" />
<text>Fender Classic Strat 70s Natural RN</text>
<position x="40" y="420" />
<text>Fender Classic 50s Tele White Blonde</text>
Use method based syntax and SelectMany method instead:
trans.SalesTransactionLines.SelectMany(x => new[] {
new XElement("position",
new XAttribute("x", "40"),
new XAttribute("y", 420")),
new XElement("text",
new XAttribute("lang", "en"),

How To Parse XDocument (Ebay) Items (List) Using Visual Basic?

For Each oXElement In oXDocument.Descendants("searchResult")
sTitle = oXElement.Element("title").Value
I have also tried:
For Each oXElement In oXDocument.Elements(searchResults)
sTitle = oXElement.Element("title").Value
I am having trouble getting a hold of nodes as well as understanding the way you communicate with XDocument nodes.
My Ultimate goal is to create an Ebay Object Model From all Ebay Element's Attributes. For that I need to refer to XML tag somehow - and this is where I would appreciate your advice or sample example that could let me proceed with parsing out this XML response.
Thank you all much for any help.
PS: I have searched for a similar questions and found a few of the same kind but still could not get my parsing to work.
<findItemsByProductResponse xmlns="">
<searchResult count="5">
Modern Database Management 11E by Hoffer, Ramesh, Topi 11th (Int'l Edition)
<categoryName>Textbooks, Education</categoryName>
<productId type="ReferenceID">143649496</productId>
<shippingServiceCost currencyId="USD">0.0</shippingServiceCost>
<currentPrice currencyId="USD">54.07</currentPrice>
<convertedCurrentPrice currencyId="USD">54.07</convertedCurrentPrice>
<conditionDisplayName>Brand New</conditionDisplayName>
You have to use XNamespace instance when querying your XML:
Dim ns = XNamespace.Get("")
And with that add it to every Descendants, Elements, Element, Attributes, Attributes, etc. calls you make:
For Each oXElement In oXDocument.Descendants(ns + "searchResult")
sTitle = oXElement.Element(ns + "title").Value
For Each oXElement In oXDocument.Elements(ns + searchResults)
sTitle = oXElement.Element(ns + "title").Value
Two things. First, you fell into the trap that catches 90% of the people with problems using LINQ to XML. You forgot the namespace. You can use the following which works in C# or VB:
Dim ns = XNamespace.Get("")
VB Also lets you use a Imports for a namespace just as you import other .Net namespaces at the top of your file. The advantage of this option is that if you have a schema in your project, you get intellisense over the XML structure while building your query.
Imports <xmlns:eb="">
The second issue you have is that the title element is not a direct child of searchResult, but is nested an additional level deeper. Here's a sample leveraging the imports for the namespace. I'm using the VB XML Literals for descendents (...) for contrast with anyone giving you a C# biased answer ;-)
Public Class XmlTest
Public Sub TestXml()
Dim data = <findItemsByProductResponse xmlns="">
<searchResult count="5">
Modern Database Management 11E by Hoffer, Ramesh, Topi 11th (Int'l Edition)
<categoryName>Textbooks, Education</categoryName>
<productId type="ReferenceID">143649496</productId>
<shippingServiceCost currencyId="USD">0.0</shippingServiceCost>
<currentPrice currencyId="USD">54.07</currentPrice>
<convertedCurrentPrice currencyId="USD">54.07</convertedCurrentPrice>
<conditionDisplayName>Brand New</conditionDisplayName>
For Each el In data...<eb:searchResult>
End Sub
End Class

p:selectOneMenu doesn't show currently selected value but first value instead

I have a problem with p:selectOneMenus that are in a column of a p:treeTable.
<p:treeTable id="configTree" value="#{catalogBean.root}" var="element"
The currently selected value is stored in a hashMap. After selecting a value in the selectOneMenu the hashMap is correct. When I refresh the page the hashMap is still correct but the selectOneMenu displays the default (first) value and not the value of the hashMap entry.
<p:selectOneMenu rendered="#{catalogBean.hasNoLeaves(element) and catalogBean.isZeroOne(element) and element.isActivated}"
value="#{[element]}" effect="fold" style="min-width:200px;" valueChangeListener="#{configurationBean.processValueChange}" immediate="true">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="keine Auswahl" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{catalogBean.getCharacteristics(element)}" var="aus"
itemLabel="#{aus.characteristic}" itemValue="#{aus}}"/>
<f:ajax render="#form"/>
The hashMap:
private Map<AbstractProductStructureElement, List<AbstractProductStructureElement>> map = new HashMap<AbstractProductStructureElement, List<AbstractProductStructureElement>>();
Can anyone help me with this problem?

Filtering results based on a distinct column or field value

I have an MVC 3 application running against an MS SQL 2008 database with a table named Documents. Documents are broken down by paragraph in the database. The Documents table has a DocText column containing the text of each paragraph, a DocTitle column containing the document title. My MVC 3 app has a search function that can search for a word or phrase in the DocText column or in the DocTitle column. Everything works fine except that if a particular document has the search word appearing in multiple paragraphs, my List returns multiple instances of that document. For example, if the user searches the word "Budget" and one of THE documents has the word "budget" in four different paragraphs, my returned list has that document listed four times.
What I want to achieve is to list each document that has the searched word. I only want to list the document by Title once, regardless of the number of times the search word appears in that document. The only column that is truly unique is the RecordID column, a primary key.
My controller:
public class SearchController : Controller
private GUICEEntities4 db = new GUICEEntities4();
// GET: /Search/
public ActionResult Index(string Keyword)
#region Keyword Search
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Keyword)) {
var SearchDoc = db.Documents.Where(r => r.DocText.ToUpper().Contains(Keyword.ToUpper()) || r.Title.ToUpper().Contains(Keyword.ToUpper()) || r.DocNum.ToUpper().Contains(Keyword.ToUpper()));
ViewBag.CurrentKeyword = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Keyword) ? "" : Keyword;
return View(SearchDoc.ToList());
return View();
My View has the following:
#foreach (var item in Model) {
<strong>AFI #Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DocNum): #Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)</strong>
<br />
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DocSummary)
<br />
<span class="complianceitems">Number of compliance items:</span> (TBD)
<a href="/Documents/Index/#(Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DocNum))">Checklist
Generator</a><br />
<a href="/UploadedDocs/#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DocFileName)" target="_blank">
Download PDF</a>
Any suggestions on how I can achieve my goal?
ADDED: Each document can be identified by the DocNum column which has a unique document number for that particular document. I've tried to iterate through the List to pull out each unqiue DocNum and then try to make that DocNum not appear again in the loop...but I was not successful.
The following SQL statement gives me the results I need. The statement assumes that the search word is "budget". I don't know how to get the same results using EF. Any suggestions?
SELECT DISTINCT DocNum, Title FROM Documents
DocText LIKE '%budget%'
Documents.Title LIKE '%budget%'
DocNum LIKE '%budget%'
The issue here is in your EF query and not anything related to MVC. It's been a while since I've actively used EF but the simplest way would probably be to return just the RecordIds first.
var recordIds= db.Documents
.Where(r =>
r.DocText.ToUpper().Contains(Keyword.ToUpper()) ||
r.Title.ToUpper().Contains(Keyword.ToUpper()) ||
.Select(d => d.RecordId)
I'm not exactly sure what you will do with each individual record from then on as there isn't enough information in your question. But this should help.
var foundDocs = new List<YourType>();
recordIds.ToList().ForEach(r => foundDocs.Add(db.TblDocLists.Single(l => l.TheDocNum == r)));
//I must point out that I'm not familiar with the latest versions of EF so this might be overkill.