No code coverage driver is available with a remote XDebug + Nebeans - selenium

I installed Netbeans 8.2 (on Fedora 24) and a web server with PHP7+XDebug .
The debugger works well with Netbeans but when I execute a test generated by Netbeans, I have this message :
"/usr/bin/php" "/usr/local/bin/phpunit" "--colors" "--log-json" "/tmp/nb-phpunit-log.json" "--coverage-clover" "/tmp/nb-phpunit-coverage.xml" "/home/karima/netbeans-dev-201608060002/php/phpunit/NetBeansSuite.php" "--" "--run=/home/karima/git/App/tests/selenium"
PHP Fatal error: Class 'WebDriverCapabilityType' not found in /home/karima/git/App/tests/selenium/htdocs/indexTest.php on line 22
PHPUnit 5.4.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Error: No code coverage driver is available
Here the simple test :
class indexTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
* #var \RemoteWebDriver
protected $webDriver;
public function setUp() {
$capabilities = array(\WebDriverCapabilityType::BROWSER_NAME => 'firefox');
$this->webDriver = RemoteWebDriver::create('http://app/', $capabilities);
public function tearDown() {
protected $url = '';
public function testSimple() {
// checking that page title contains word 'Test'
$this->assertContains('Test', $this->webDriver->getTitle());
Howto install the coverage driver in netbeans on linux (Fedora 24) for a remote server ? (and the framework of Selenium ?)
Or have you a good doc (step by step) ?
UPDATE 1 : The file /tmp/nb-phpunit-coverage.xml is empty... I created a bug report.

I found.
There are 3 problems.
Install the basic tools of Netbeans
First, Netbeans didn't install the necessary tools for its interfaces. So, you have to install manually PHPUnit and the other tools (for inspect/format, etc.).Here the best method for me :
I installed composer. After, I installed the Netbeans's tools in my environment of development. :
sudo dnf install composer
# necessary tools for Netbeans
composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
composer global require phpmd/phpmd
composer global require phpunit/phpunit
Sometimes Netbeans detect these tools. When it cannot find the good path, in the options of Netbeans, you have to precise the good path.
Composer pushes these tools in "~/.config/composer/vendor/".
After, the problem with PHPunit disappears.
Secondly, the problems of Selenium.
Here, my objective will execute the first test generated by Netbeans.
You need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Install the webdriver
# driver for selenium/php
composer global require facebook/webdriver
Step 2: Change the code of test in Netbeans. You need to replace the include path.
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\DesiredCapabilities;
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver;
class MyFirstTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
* #var \RemoteWebDriver
protected $webDriver;
public function setUp() {
$capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::firefox();
$this->webDriver = RemoteWebDriver::create('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', $capabilities);
public function tearDown() {
protected $url = '';
public function testSimple() {
// checking that page title contains word 'NetBeans'
$this->assertContains('NetBeans', $this->webDriver->getTitle());
Step 3: Download and uncompressed the last release of geckodriver
Step 4: Move geckodriver in a system's path
mv geckodriver /usr/bin/.
Step 5: Download the JAR of Selenium Standalone Server (I tested with 3.0.0-beta2)
Step 6: Start the selenium server :
java -jar /home/karima/Téléchargements/selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0-beta2.jar
Step 7: You can now run the test in Netbeans without error but...
No code coverage driver is available...
I search again...
I hope it will help others.


Selenium GeckoDriver failing with blank page

I'm getting a blank page when trying to verify the driver url. I have this set up in debug logging mode. This is the FirefoxWebDriver.
UPDATE: If I take out all webdriver options then the tests work on a server but do not work in a Docker container.
FINAL UPDATE: Switched over to Chrome and found success, but with some important caveats.
public void NavigatesToContainerSite()
WebDriverWait webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(_driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
string url = _driver.Url;
Assert.AreEqual("", url);
public static void SetupOnce(TestContext context)
_options = new FirefoxOptions();
Proxy p = new Proxy();
p.SocksProxy = proxy url;
p.SocksVersion = 5;
p.Kind = ProxyKind.Manual;
_options.Proxy = p;
_options.PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.None;
_options.LogLevel = FirefoxDriverLogLevel.Debug;
_options.AddArguments("--no-sandbox", "--disable-software-rasterizer","--headless" ,"--whitelisted-ips=\"\"",
_driver = new FirefoxDriver(_options);
Here is the logging aspect of the request. If I just create a passing test that navigates to the url it seems to work but when I try to get something off the page (url, page elements) it throws exception.
Question: does the 200 OK indicate the driver.navigate succeeded or does it just mean the request for the webdriver session succeeded?
I just put the url in this code example to hide my real url.
"1662816403483\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t-> POST /session/b29b42e9-cef5-4ef3-a281-8aafb21ea8cc/url {\"url\":\"\"}",
"1662816403484\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 -> [0,2,\"WebDriver:Navigate\",{\"url\":\""}]",
"1662816403487\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 <- [1,2,null,{\"value\":null}]",
"1662816403487\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t<- 200 OK {\"value\":null}",
"1662816403541\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t-> POST /session/b29b42e9-cef5-4ef3-a281-8aafb21ea8cc/url {\"url\":\""}",
"1662816403542\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 -> [0,3,\"WebDriver:Navigate\",{\"url\":\""}]",
"1662816403543\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 <- [1,3,null,{\"value\":null}]",
"1662816403543\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t<- 200 OK {\"value\":null}",
"1662816403580\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t-> GET /session/b29b42e9-cef5-4ef3-a281-8aafb21ea8cc/url ",
"1662816403581\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 -> [0,4,\"WebDriver:GetCurrentURL\",{}]",
"1662816403581\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 <- [1,4,null,{\"value\":\"about:blank\"}]",
"1662816403581\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t<- 200 OK {\"value\":\"about:blank\"}",
"1662816403657\twebdriver::server\tDEBUG\t-> DELETE /session/b29b42e9-cef5-4ef3-a281-8aafb21ea8cc ",
"1662816403658\tMarionette\tDEBUG\t0 -> [0,5,\"Marionette:Quit\",{\"flags\":[\"eForceQuit\"]}]",
"1662816403658\tMarionette\tINFO\tStopped listening on port 49197",
This method doesn't produce an error:
public void NavigatesToContainerSite()
WebDriverWait webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(_driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Assert.AreEqual("one", "one");
No one answered this but I did come up with a solution so I will just post it here. I had enough issues with the GeckoWebDriver that I switched to ChromeWebDriver. But the solution I arrived at may resolve the Gecko issue as well.
Steps I took:
Downloaded Chrome, major version 105
Incorporated ChromeWebDriver, major version 105 (these two have to match!)
Set two arguments when I instantiate the ChromeWebDriver in code
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
return new ChromeDriver(options);
Then it came to changes in the dockerfile for deploying this in a container. Because I have a Windows Docker host, I must deploy to a Windows container. I found out that Chrome requires about four or five fonts, and their various iterations, for its default installation to work. The Windows container only has one font in the installation. If you pull up Chrome settings, you'll probably see these fonts. One is for serif fonts, another sans-serif, etc. These fonts are:
I had to manually install these fonts into the windowsservercore image of Windows.
The resulting dockerfile looks like this:
COPY ./test /test
SHELL ["powershell"]
RUN "Add-WindowsFeature Web-WebSockets"
RUN Fonts/Add-Font.ps1 Fonts/Fonts
RUN ["msiexec","/i","chrome.msi","/qn"]
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "test", "--logger:trx"]
In addition, I had to allocate 2g of shared memory in my Docker run statement.
docker run --shm-size="2g"
I found that the Selenium tests kick off about 5 instances of the browser and the web driver, sometimes taking up 600 MB of RAM. This will disappear if you use the driver.quit method after test is complete.
And voila, everything green.

Microsoft Edge V18363 freezes immediately after opening in a C# Selenium project

I am trying to run MS Edge using the Microsoft webdriver with Selenium. The browser starts and get stuck before opening the URL.
I have created a C# MSTest Project and added Selenium.Microsoft.Webdriver.
Afterwards, I installed Selenium.WebDriver.MicrosoftDriver.
When I now run the test, Edge starts and get stuck immediately.
The error is:
An exception with a null response was thrown sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:49681/session. The status of the exception was ReceiveFailure, and the message was: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unbekannter Fehler beim Empfangen.
I also tried using Selenium.Microsoft.Webdriver2 and installing the Microsoft driver using DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~
Windows 10 and Edge are v18363. The zoom is at 100%
Have you installed the Microsoft WebDriver in an elevated command prompt? You should run the cmd as Administrator when you using DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~
Besides I installed the following NuGet Packages in my project:
Then run the following code to start a test:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;
namespace ecwebdriver
public class webdriver
static void Main(string[] args)
var driver = new EdgeDriver();
var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");

Repast - call simulation from another java program

I am trying to call my simulation model from another java program. I followed the official instructions to have the codes like below:
package test;
public class UserMain {
public UserMain(){};
public void start(){
String[] args = new String[]{"D:\\user\\model\\Repast_java\\IntraCity_Simulator\\"};
// repast.simphony.runtime.RepastMain.main(args);
public static void main(String[] args) {
UserMain um = new UserMain();
It didn't work. I think it's due to the wrong classpath. How to configure it correctly?
Note that you need to have repast.simphony.runtime/bin and the jars in repast.simphony.runtime/lib on your classpath since the runtime needs these to start.
This is more of a Java or Eclipse question about how to use Java's class path. But briefly, if you are running from the command line, you can use the -cp argument to specify the classpath. A quick google should provide the details. In Eclipse, the classpath is specified in dependencies tab in the Run Configuration (Run -> Run Configurations) for your application.

Geb test ignoring GebConfig.groovy file launched in IntelliJ

Running in IntelliJ IDEA.
GebConfig.groovy is in /src/test/resources.
I am using the Chrome driver.
When I type
System.setProperty("", "my/path")
inside my spec file, and I right click and select run, the test works, meaning it opens Chrome and loads the page.
When I don't do that in the spec file, but just leave it in the GebConfig.groovy file, I get the error message "the page to the driver executable must be set".
There's an air-gap, so I can't copy-paste; I'll type as much as I can here:
environments {
chrome {
System.setProperty("", "my/path")
driver = {new ChromeDriver()}
The spec file is really simple, like the example on GitHub
import LoginPage
import geb.spock.GebReportSpec
class LoginSpec extends GebReportSpec
// Works when I put this here, but I should not have to do this!
System.setProperty("", "my/path")
def "user can log in" () {
when: "log in as me"
def loginPage = to LoginPage
To fix your problem if you want to keep the path in the geb config, setting the path outside of the environment section like so should work:
System.setProperty("", "my/path")
//You can also set the driver up here as a default and running with an environment set will override it
driver = {new ChromeDriver()}
environments {
chrome {
driver = {new ChromeDriver()}
Personally I would avoid adding the driver path to the geb config and create a run configuration in intelliJ for running locally.
Right click the spec file > Click "Create 'nameOfMySpec'".
Now add your driver path to the VM parameters:
It's also worth considering a shell script that could then also be called via Jenkins etc:
mvn test -Dgeb.env=chrome

Selenium 2 :- selenium.isTextPresent fails assertion in IE8 while it passes in Chrome or firefox

I am trying to check for the string "Education + Add a school" for Linked profile (Under Profile -Edit Profile) in Selenium Junit 4 test case with following command:
assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Education + Add a school"));
When I view the webpage source,the stirng appears in :
+ Add a school
The assertTrue returns True or passes validation as expected in chrome.However in I.E 8 I get
assertionFailedError.I am using windows 7 and Selenium 2.21.0 .
I am not sure why the behaviour is different on different browser.
The code looks like :
public class test12 extends SeleneseTestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", "");
public void testTest12() throws Exception {"/uas/login?goback=&trk=hb_signin");
selenium.type("id=session_key-login", "xxxxx");
selenium.type("id=session_password-login", "xxxxxx");"id=btn-primary");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");"link=Edit Profile");
assertEquals("Improve your Profile", selenium.getText("css=a [name=\"guidedEdit\"] > span"));
//the below assertion failes in I.E 8,but it runs fine in chrome
assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Education + Add a school"));
assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("css=#yui-gen7 > span.edit"));
assertEquals("Edit Profile | Linked", selenium.getTitle());
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
This may be due to your IE8 settings.
When running selenium in IE you should change your Security Options under Internet Options to all have 'Enable Protected Mode' either all checked, or all unchecked (for Internet, Local, Trusted and Restricted). Another setting that can interfere is Compatibility Mode. Push F12 in an IE8 browser when running the test and look at the Browser and Document modes. If either of these say compatibility mode, you should find the Compatibility Mode settings and turn it off.
If you can't find any of these settings let me know and I can screenshot it for you (though I am running IE9) and also please say if it doesn't work, because I would be interested to know the solution then! :)
Solved by accessing the element and checking the text from the element. Using code:
String checkForEducation = selenium.getText("id=yui-gen10");
assertEquals("Education + Add a school", checkForEducation);