Turning Animated PDF into video - pdf

I am trying to turn a PDF which was created using LaTeX with the TikZ and animate packages.
What I get at the moment is a very nice animation in PDF format, but this is not compatible with most other programms like Powerpoint etc. Also a GIF would already be a step forward for me.
I create the animation like this:
\begin{animateinline}[poster=first, controls, loop, autoplay]{60}
% some parameterized tikz picture
\useasboundingbox(10,5) rectangle (0,-5);
\coordinate (pointBB1) at (\valueToChange,5);
\coordinate (pointBB2) at (10-\valueToChange,-5);
\draw (pointBB1) -- (pointBB2) coordinate [pos=0.5] (pointBBC);

Although your question is a bit older: Maybe you can use the new upcoming animations library that is currently in the development version of TikZ and which can be used to create animated SVGs. Animated SVGs can be rendered by most modern web browsers like Chrome or Firefox.
I've never really used but I've already seen one presentation with those animations. And I could create the following small example by looking up the documentation:
% some parameterized tikz picture
\useasboundingbox(10,5) rectangle (0,-5);
\draw[thick] :rotate = {0s="0",10s="90",freeze}
:yshift = {0s="0cm",2s="2cm",freeze} (2,0) -- (8,0);
To compile it you just need to run
latex animation.tex && dvisvgm animation


setup ColumnChart from WinRTXamlToolkit

I'm trying to setup Column Chart from WinRTXamlToolkit.
Let me ask:
Is there any guide for charts from this lib? Or which way you found the easiest to learn using charts?
How can I put labels near axises? In points like on below image:
P0: Times
P1: States
How to move labels above chart (like on below image)?
Thank you in advance!
I found "workarounds" (far away from perfection but works).
Below WinRTXamlToolkit = WXT
Fastest way (if you don't know WXT) is:
hide WXT elements
title (just dont set it)
legend (see Hide legend of WPF Toolkit chart with more than one data series)
create your own equivalent of above elements using native XAML (TextBlocks ..) and place it wherever you like
To get column colors for legend do
MethodInXamlBackingObject() {
var paletteOfFirstColumn = ColumnChart.Palette[0];
var columnFirstBrush = paletteOfFirstColumn["Background"];
BTW. tips where from to learn WXT:
analyse sources of samples in WXT - these are very detailed
analyse WXT behaviour with tool "WXT Debug Console" (included in demo app) - very powerfull
read arts about WXT and WPF Toolkit (from which WXT is a fork)

Using mathtext parser to output a svg file

I'm looking for a simple way to import properly typeset mathematics (with LaTeX) into blender. A solution for this has already been given. But that means getting out of blender, using multiple tools and then going back to blender and importing the whole thing.
Blender comes with Python and can import svg
I'd like to find an other way and blender has a set of powerful tools based on Python. I was thinking: can I make Python parse some TeX input and then generate a svg (virtual) file inside blender. That would solve the problem.
matplotlib "emulates" TeX
It is possible to install any Python library and use it inside blender. So this made me think of a possible "hack" of matplotlib.
mathtext is a module that provides a parser for strings with TeX-like syntax for mathematical expressions. svg is one of the available "backends".
Consider the following snippet.
import matplotlib.mathtext as mathtext
parser = mathtext.MathTextParser('svg')
t = parser.parse(r'$\int_{0}^{t} x^2 dx = \frac{t^3}{3}$')
t is a tuple that has all the information needed. But I can't find a way (in the backend api) to convert it to a (virtual) svg file.
Any ideas?
Matplotlib needs a figure (and currently also a canvas) to actually be able to render anything. So in order to produce an svg file whose only content is a text (a mathtext formula) you still need a figure and a canvas and the text needs to actually reside inside the figure, which can be achieved by fig.text(..).
Then you can save the figure to svg via fig.savefig(..). Using the bbox_inches="tight" option ensures the figure to be clipped to the extent of the text. And setting the facecolor to a transparent color removes the figure's background patch.
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100)
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
fig.text(.5, .5, r'$\int_{0}^{t} x^2 dx = \frac{t^3}{3}$', fontsize=40)
fig.savefig("output.svg", bbox_inches="tight", facecolor=(1,1,1,0))

Rotating PDF's less than 90 degrees

I'm working with a bunch of PDF files, some of which have been scanned at a bit of an angle. Adobe Acrobat allows me to rotate PDF files by 90 or 180 degrees. But is there a way to rotate a PDF just a few degrees - just enough to make it straighter?
I could perhaps take a screenshot, open it in Photoshop and rotate it, then somehow convert the Photoshop file to a PDF. However, that seems like a really clumsy process.
PDF supports for complete pages only /Rotate values of 90 degrees, because that is (of course) simple. What you need to do is rotate the contents, not the page. So you need to use something which can remake the PDF file for you.
You could use either Ghostscript or MuPDF to do this. Either will require some coding:
MuPDF will require coding in C,
Ghostscript will require you to do some PostScript programming.
Using Ghostscript you would need to define a BeginPage procedure which rotates the content by a small amount and moves the origin of the content slightly as well (because the rotation rotates around the origin, which is at the bottom left, not the centre).
Here is a short utility script for rotating pages (written in Perl). It converts each page of the input PDF to a PDF XObject Form, rotates the form, then outputs the rotated page.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings; use strict;
use PDF::API2;
use Getopt::Long;
my $degrees = 3;
my $scale = 1.0;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
GetOptions ("rotate=i" => \$degrees, "scale=f" => \$scale, "x=f" => \$x, "y=f" => \$y)
or die "usage: $0 IN_PDF OUT_PDF --rotate=DEG --scale=ALPHA --x=POINTS --y=POINTS";
my $infile = shift (#ARGV);
my $outfile = shift (#ARGV);
my $pdf_in = PDF::API2->open($infile);
my $pdf_out = PDF::API2->new;
foreach my $pagenum (1 .. $pdf_in->pages) {
my $page_in = $pdf_in->openpage($pagenum);
# create a new page
my $page_out = $pdf_out->page(0);
my #mbox = $page_in->get_mediabox;
my $xo = $pdf_out->importPageIntoForm($pdf_in, $pagenum);
# lay up the input page in the output page
# note that you can adjust the position and scale, if required
my $gfx = $page_out->gfx;
$gfx->formimage($xo, $x, $y, $scale);
You'll need to ensure the PDF::API2 and Geopt::Long modules are installed from CPAN.
The script by default rotates 3 degrees anticlockwise, this is configurable vi the --rotate options.
There are also -x, -y and --scale options to allow fine adjustments of the positioning and scale of the output pages.
This question has also been asked on unix.stackexchange.com .
Another option is using LaTeX:
In this case, I have the file odd-scan.pdf (a slightly rotated one page scan) in the same folder as the LaTeX file rotated.tex with the content above and then I run pdflatex rotated.tex. The output is a file rotated.pdf with the PDF rotated by 1.5 degrees clockwise.
(I assume a *nix-style environment. On Windows, you can follow these instructions in Cygwin, although I think you might have to build MuPDF from source there as it doesn't appear to be in the Cygwin repos. If you don't want to do that and you're okay with rasterizing the PDF, ImageMagick is in the Cygwin repos and can do the whole job if needed—see below.)
MuPDF's mutool utility can do this. Say you have a PDF file rotate_me.pdf and you want a version of it rotated by 20° clockwise written to a file rotated.pdf:
mutool draw -R 20 -o rotated.pdf rotate_me.pdf
(mutool draw docs)
You can also rasterize the PDF using mutool convert, work with the image files, and then create a new PDF from them (this assumes rotate_me.pdf has between a hundred and a thousand pages—edit the %3d to your liking):
# - for whatever reason convert's `rotate` is counter-clockwise
# - %nd is replaced with the page number
mutool convert -O rotate=-20 -o 'rotated_%3d.png' rotate_me.pdf
(mutool convert docs)
Once you've done whatever else you need to do the image files and you're ready to turn them back into a PDF, you can use ImageMagick:
magick convert $(ls | grep -P 'rotated_[0-9]{3}\.png') rotated_finished.pdf
(If you get an error saying the security policy for PDFs doesn't permit this, you may need to edit /etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml and comment out or remove the <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> line. Be aware of this Ghostscript pre-v9.24 vulnerability which that security policy may be intended to mitigate. If you're working with files you made yourself, you should be safe here, but you may want to re-enable this policy afterwards depending on your needs and environment. If you're not working with files you made yourself, especially PDFs, be careful, whether you have a pre-v9.24 Ghostscript installed or not. PDF as a format is very complex and offers many different places to squirrel away maliciousness, and practically speaking you can never be 100% confident that the software you're using to work with it is perfectly hardened.)
ImageMagick can also rasterize PDFs on its own, although it's a bit more complicated. For example:
magick convert -density 150 -rotate 20 rotate_me.pdf rotated.pdf
This might look similar to the mutool draw command, but the difference is that ImageMagick will rasterize the input PDF and then use the resulting images to make the output PDF, so you can use all the regular ImageMagick transformations with this command.
Anyway, -density is for DPI. It will default to 72 DPI if you don't pass that argument, which is likely to not look very good. Also, ImageMagick doesn't seem to be quite as smart as MuPDF about margins and things like that as far as PDFs go, so you may need to do more work with it than this to get reasonable output for your use case. If you do have access to both MuPDF and ImageMagick, I think doing the rasterization with MuPDF and then doing further work on the resulting images with ImageMagick tends to give the nicest results with the least work, but of course that may or may not be practical for you.
(magick convert docs)
Rasterization has obvious disadvantages if your PDF is vector-based—increased file size, fixed resolution, loss of flexibility, etc. Also, even if your PDF is already storing raster graphics, you may lose text data or the like from it in the conversion. If the PDF is really horrible, though, sometimes this is the least painful approach. You can OCR it if needed once you've cleaned it up using Tesseract, often with superior results to whatever may have been done before you arrived.
This can be done with cpdf:
cpdf -rotate-contents 5 in.pdf -o out.pdf
(Rotates around the centre of the page by five degrees)
I had this at one time. I don't know how many pages there are that you have.
What I did is print the pages that wear off use a paper cutter to square them up and rescanned them. Hope this helps.
And yes I've try to find some type of program to fix this and I still have not found one .

beamer "second screen" with XeLaTeX

I want to use beamer to project slides onto one screen and my notes onto a second screen. Beamer's show notes on second screen option is designed for this purpose. It requires the pgfpages package, and it is supposed to create PDF pages of ordinary height but twice the ordinary width, so that half of the page can be projected onto one screen, half onto the other.
The option works as intended when I use pdflatex. But when I use xelatex (from MikTeX 2.9), I get pages of only the normal width. The pages are my normal slides; my "note" slides are not created. Here is an example:
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
\begin{frame}{Note test}
\item<1-> Eggs
\item<2-> Plants
\note[item]<2>{Tell joke about plants.}
When I use pdflatex, this code produces a PDF file of double width, with note slides on the right. When I use xelatex, it produces a PDF file of normal width, and no note slides are included. Changing the first line to \documentclass[xelatex]{beamer} makes no difference.
Is there anything that I can do to make the show notes on second screen option work with xelatex?
I am using beamer 3.27 and pgfpages 0.02 (which is distributed with v3.0 of the pgf package).
Adding these lines solves the problem:
Credit to Tomáš Janoušek, who provided the answer in this post to the XeTeX mailing list: http://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-June/013325.html.

Putting in "broken image" placeholders with Flying Saucer

I'm using Flying Saucer to generate PDF from HTML (so I'm using ITextRenderer, if that matters.)
I would like to simulate something like what Webkit or Gecko put in when the image cannot be found - something like an inset outline and a little broken page image.
I have determined that overriding getImageResource in the UserAgentCallback is a way to test for this condition (the image in the ImageResource will be null) but I can't figure out a nice way to render a placeholder at this point in the API.
Is there a proper way to do this? (It would be nice if this happened out of the box...)
You're on the right track here.
You want to extend UserAgentCallback with your own custom user agent functionality. It should perform almost the identical functionality of what the existing Flying Saucer implementation does, except, when an image is not found, it should return the default broken page image that you want to include.
If you're using the iTextRenderer, there is an ITextUserAgent class which you can extend for your own custom UserAgent.
To set the UserAgent, after you create the ITextRenderer, use the following code.
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
renderer.getSharedContext().setUserAgentCallback(new CustomITextUserAgent(renderer.getOutputDevice()));