Get user details in Yii framework - yii

I am new to Yii framework and I want to get the user details of current logged in user like userid, username & his avatar and want to add that data in the head tag. I am using basic version on Yii.
How can I get this details?

Yii handles user data in the session using the IdentityInterface.
Let's go step by step.
You can create a class, call it User, which implements IdentityInterface. If connected with the database you can extend it to ActiveRecord, totally up to your architecture.
class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
Add the configuration details into the config file, main.php. I work on advance template, thus its located into fronted/config. Check it for the basic one.
'components' => [
'user' => [
'identityClass' => 'common\models\User',
'enableAutoLogin' => true,
'identityCookie' => ['name' => '_identity-frontend', 'httpOnly' => true],
This tells the app to get the user session details form the common\model\User class. Its in common as I use the same class for backend and the frontend, which is not the case in the basic template.
Make user login into the app
When you get the object of the User class, with valid username and password, use the following code to login the user.
To get the value of the user you have following sample
Yii::$app->user->isGuest - This tells you whether the user is logged in or not.
Yii::$app->user->id - Get the id of the user
Yii::$app->user->identity->name - Yii::$app->user->identity will give you access to the entire object of the User class. If you have any other attributes, use the identity and get those. Example, you can have 'avatar', which stores the avatar url, you can get it by Yii::$app->user->identity->avatar.
Finally to logout

Use the setState method.
In your UserIdentity.php:
public function authenticate()
else if(!$user->validatePassword($this->password))
$this->setState("userid",$user->user_id);// set States like this
$this->setState("avatar",$user->avatar );
return $this->errorCode;
Now anywhere get these like:
$userid = Yii::app()->user->getState('userid');


Creating auth tokens for a custom model that is not the default User model

How do I create access/api/auth tokens for a different model? From most questions, docs, or tutorials, most are using the default User model.
I read the default doc but it doesn't really say where to substitute the default Model class or how to verify against non-Model classes.
Any suggestions?
To use a different model than User for Laravel Sanctum API authentication.
This is for Laravel 8.
Create new model, php artisan make:model ModelName -m
the flag m is used to instantiate a migration file for this model.
Go to the Model class file and extend it with Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User, ensure it uses HasApiTokens, and list out your fillable fields for record creation.
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class ModelName extends Authenticatable{
use ..., HasApiTokens;
protected $fillable = [...]
Go to config/auth.php and add new provider and new guard.
'guards' => [
'api' => [
'driver' => 'sanctum',
'provider' => 'model-name',
'hash' => false,
'providers' => [
'model-name' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\Models\ModelName::class,
Go to your api routes and wrap your routes as below.
return 'Authenticated';
Download Postman or your favored API testing tool, send a GET request to [http://localhost:8000/api/whatever-route-name](http://localhost:8000/api/whatever-route-name) , in Headers, ensure Accept has a value of applcation/json, send the request, and it should return an {”message”: “Unauthenticated.”}
Go to your public routes, create a dummy route to create a record for ModelName
After creation ensure that you call $model_name→createToken($model_name→whatever_field)→plaintTextToken; to get the plain text api key.
Go to back to your API test tool, under Authorization, choose Bearer Token and supply the api key returned from above.
The route wrapped in auth:sanctum is now accessible.

Get user roles through Moodle Webservice

I’ve been trying to find a way to get a user’s roles back through the Moodle webservice API.
I know there are no endpoints to do this but I cannot retrieve them directly from the database because I do not have access to the client’s database.
Is there another way to do that?
You may code a solution along this lines:
Create a barebones plugin with the usual boilerplate code (version.php and so on), for example a local plugin. You can use this other plugin to generate the boilerplate code:
In 'db/services.php' register a new external function and expose it in a new or existing service. Docs here: and here . For example:
$functions = [
'local_myplugin_get_user_roles' => [
'classname' => external::class,
'methodname' => 'get_user_roles',
'description' => 'gets user roles',
'type' => 'read',
$services = [
'My services' => [
'functions' => [
'enabled' => 1,
'restrictedusers' => 0,
'shortname' => 'local_myplugin',
'downloadfiles' => 0,
'uploadfiles' => 0,
Write an external class (for example in a external.php file) for your plugin (referenced in the function definition you coded before). In this class write the code for the defined external function (that will fetch the roles for a user given a user id, for example), including the input and output handlers. Example here:
Within your external function, to get a list of user roles given a context, userid, etc. you may use the global helper get_user_roles. Do not forget to write in this external function the code needed to validate input parameters and so on.
To properly expose your new service and external function to an external system you need to follow this settings guidelines as a Moodle admin: YOUR_MOODLE_INSTANCE_URL/admin/settings.php?section=webservicesoverview . At the end you will generate a user (web service consumer) and a token, that you can set in your external system to consume the Moodle service.
Happy coding.

Laravel passport ( can`t understand)

I read a lot of articles and watched a lot of videos about Laravel passport but still can not understand some things.
I have an application which works with Laravel 5.5 + vueJs. All requests to the back-end are sent via axios. All my routes are located in api.php
Route::get('/prepare/', 'CompgenApiController#prepareDefault');
Route::post('/replace/', 'CompgenApiController#replaceImage');
Route::get('/replaceall/', 'CompgenApiController#replaceAllImages');
Route::get('/collage/', 'CompgenApiController#collage'); //#todo переделать на POST
Route::get('/generate/', 'CompgenApiController#generate');
Route::post('/upload/', 'CompgenApiController#userUpload');
Route::post('/reupload/', 'CompgenApiController#moderationReupload');
Also I have a VK bot that sends requests to the same routes.
At the moment I have some difficulties. For some routes, I need to check that the user is authorized (but this is an optional condition) and if it is true I need to write user id to the database. For me it was a surprise that
Auth :: check
returned false though I was authorized. After some searches I learned that the session that starts after authorization is not connected with the API and I was recommended to use Passport. I can not understand the following things
Do I need to use a passport if requests are sent from my application from vueJs?
How to register users? Do I have to issue my token for each new user?
How can I verify that the user is authorized?
In some cases I need to check that the user is authorized but if it is not so then do not interfere with the request. How can I do that?
Maybe in my case I do not need a passport at all?
Passport is an oAuth2 server implementation, essentially, it allows you to authenticate users by passing a token with each request. If you do not want to authenticate a user, then you do not need to pass the token and passport doesn't get involved.
In terms of a Laravel app, if you are consuming your API from your own frontend, you probably just want to use the implicit grant. Here's how you set that up:
1) Install passport and add it the PassportServiceProvider to config/app.php
2) php artisan migrate to setup the passport migrations
3) php artisan passport:install - to set up your oAuth server
4) In the User model add the Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens trait, like so:
namespace App;
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasApiTokens, Notifiable;
// Other model methods
5) Setup the passport routes by adding the following to the boot method of your app\Providers\AuthServiceProviders.php:
6) Change your api driver in config/auth.php to token:
'guards' => [
'web' => [
'driver' => 'session',
'provider' => 'users',
'api' => [
'driver' => 'passport',
'provider' => 'users',
That sets up passport, now all you need to do to allow your app to consume your api is to add the CreateFreshApiToken Middleware to web in app/Http/Kernel.php, which handles all the token logic:
'web' => [
// ..Other middleware...
Now all you need to do to protect a route is to use the auth:api middleware on that route:
That should all work fine, but you'll also want to register a new user. All you do is add the auth routes as normal to web.php:
Route::post('/login', 'Auth\LoginController#login');
Route::post('/logout', 'Auth\LoginController#logout');
Route::post('/register', 'Auth\RegisterController#register');
You can then simply maks a post request to those routes and Laravel will handle all the token stuff for you.
That handles api routes that require authentication, however, you also mentioned that you want to check if a user is authenticated, but not necessarily lock the route, to do that you can simply use:
Which will get the authenticated user, so you could do something like:
public function getGreeting(){
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
if($user !== null) {
return response()->json(["message" => "Hello {$user->name}"], 200);
return response()->json(["message" => "Hello Guest"], 200);
That's it. Hopefully, I've covered everything there.

Passport - "Unauthenticated." - Laravel 5.3

I hope someone could explain why I'm unauthenticated when already has performed a successfull Oauth 2 authentication process.
I've set up the Passport package like in Laravel's documentation and I successfully get authenticated, receives a token value and so on. But, when I try to do a get request on, let say, /api/user, I get a Unauthenticated error as a response. I use the token value as a header with key name Authorization, just as described in the docs.
Route::get('/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
This function is suppose to give back my self as the authenticated user, but I'm only getting Unauthenticated. Likewise, if I just return the first user, I'm again getting Unauthenticated.
Route::get('/test', function(Request $request) {
return App\User::whereId(1)->first();
In a tutorial from Laracast, guiding through the setup of Passport, the guider doesn't have the ->middleware("auth:api") in his routes. But if its not there, well then there's no need for authentication at all!
Please, any suggestions or answers are more then welcome!
You have to set an expiration date for the tokens you are generating,
set the boot method in your AuthServiceProvider to something like the code below and try generating a new token. Passports default expiration returns a negative number
public function boot()
Check your user model and the database table, if you have modified the primary id field name to say something other than "id" or even "user_id" you MIGHT run into issues. I debugged an issue regarding modifying the primary id field in my user model and database table to say "acct_id" instead of keeping it as just "id" and the result was "Unauthenticated" When I tried to get the user object via GET /user through the auth:api middleware. Keep in mind I had tried every other fix under the sun until I decided to debug it myself.
ALSO Be sure to UPDATE your passport. As it has had some changes made to it in recent weeks.
I'll link my reference below, it's VERY detailed and well defined as to what I did and how I got to the solution.
I had this error because of that I deleted passport mysql tables(php artisan migrate:fresh), php artisan passport:install helps me. Remember that after removing tables, you need to re-install passport!
I had exactly the same error because I forgot to put http before the project name.
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
Route::get('/', function () {
$query = http_build_query([
'client_id' => 3,
'redirect_uri' => '',
'response_type' => 'code',
'scope' => '',
// The redirect URL should start with http://
return redirect(''.$query);
Route::get('/callback', function (Request $request) {
$http = new GuzzleHttp\Client;
$response = $http->post('', [
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'client_id' => 3,
'client_secret' => 'M8y4u77AFmHyYp4clJrYTWdkbua1ftPEUbciW8aq',
'redirect_uri' => '',
'code' => $request->code,
return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);

Laravel 5 multiple authentication

How can you set up multiple authentication in Laravel 5. Out of the box you can only set up 1 authentication. What if I have a customers table and an admin table and wish to set up authentication for each - each authenticated type of user should be restricted from viewing or accessing admin pages and vis versa?
I've created a users table which holds information common to both a jobseeker and recruiter i.e. name, password etc.
I've created a roles and role_user table
I've created two separate tables to hold jobseeker_profile and recruiter_profile
How can you authenticate a user with a role of type jobseeker using the following routes?
Route::get('jobseeker/login', 'Auth\AuthController#getLogin');
Route::post('jobseeker/login', 'Auth\AuthController#postLogin');
Route::get('recruiter/login', 'Auth\AuthController#getLogin');
Route::post('recruiter/login', 'Auth\AuthController#postLogin');
And how can you secure routes once authenticated - in the following how is the middleware going to know the type of user:
Route::get('jobseeker/profile', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'JobseekerProfileController#show']);
Route::get('jobseeker/profile/update', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'JobseekerProfileController#updateProfile']);
class JobseekerProfileController extends Controller {
public function updateProfile()
if (Auth::user())
// Auth::user() returns an instance of the authenticated user...
Laravel 5 authentication controller uses the following trait -would you edit the trait with your answer or create a new authentication controller with your answer below?
trait AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers {
public function postLogin(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required',
$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
if ($this->auth->attempt($credentials, $request->has('remember')))
return redirect()->intended($this->redirectPath());
return redirect($this->loginPath())
->withInput($request->only('email', 'remember'))
'email' => 'These credentials do not match our records.',
You may create a roles table in your db assign role to every user accordingly and then at the time of login check what role a user have and then you can redirect/show pages accordingly. No need to create separate tables for every type of user.
Edited answer
if(Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password]))
//using role with an expectation that you have one relation method named role defined in User model
//and roles table stores user type as name
if(Auth::user()->role->name == 'admin')
return redirect()->to('/administrator/dashboard');
elseif(Auth::user()->role->name == 'jobseeker')
return redirect()->to('jobseeker/dashboard');
You can achieve multiple authentication by this package
For more detailed explaination check my previously return answer here
How to use authentication for multiple tables in Laravel 5