Azure powershell not executing, version issue - azure-powershell

I created a VSTS Release Definition with that contains a Azure Powershell script
When I create a release from the following definition everything works until I get to the Azure Powershell script, I get the following log:
2016-08-02T19:06:33.1625377Z ##[command]Import-Module -Name C:\Program
Files (x86)\Microsoft
-Global 2016-08-02T19:06:37.8986980Z ##[command]Add-AzureRMAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant ******** -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 2016-08-02T19:06:39.0397286Z
[command]Select-AzureRMSubscription -SubscriptionId ******* -TenantId ******** 2016-08-02T19:06:39.1837302Z ##[command]& 'C:\a\e214cea58\ContinuousBuild\drop\Deployment\PrepareIoTSample.ps1'
-environmentName test -configuration debug -webPackageLocation "C:\a\e214cea58\ContinuousBuild\drop\Web\"
-webJobPackageLocation "C:\a\e214cea58\ContinuousBuild\drop\WebJob\"
2016-08-02T19:06:40.3037302Z ##[error]Cannot find path
'C:\a\e214cea58\ContinuousBuild\VERSION.txt' because it does not
exist. 2016-08-02T19:06:43.3880731Z ##[error]Version 1.3.2; update to
1.4.0 and run again.
I tried to google the errors but didn't find anything usefull, and I don't see an option to enter a version number. Can someone point me in the right direction?

You can't run a lower version of AzurePS because there can be only one version of Azure PS installed at a time on a single machine.
The online build machines being maintained by Microsoft they all have the same version of Azure PS. (I'm assuming you're using the hosted agent)
I'd suggest you upgrade your script so it runs properly with the new version of Azure PS


Creating Registered Servers via Powershell in SSMS

A cool trick that used to work for me is creating Registered Server groups and registrations in SQL Server Management Studio via PowerShell. However, now that I am running the current version (SSMS 17.9.1) I find the functionality has been lost. I'm not sure when it broke.
After installing the SQLServer module:
Install-Module -Name SqlServer
you can open a PowerShell prompt by right-clicking on server group in the Registered Servers window, and clicking Start Powershell. Here, in the past, I've been able to create new groups and registrations with commands like:
Set-Location "sqlserver:\SQLRegistration\Database Engine Server Group"
# group
New-Item -Path "sqlserver:\SQLRegistration\Database Engine Server Group\AllServers"
# registration
New-Item -Name $(encode-sqlname 'sqlsrv') -path "sqlserver:\SQLRegistration\Database Engine Server Group\AllServers" -ItemType Registration -Value ("Server=sqlsrv ; integrated security=true");
These commands still run without error. But the new server registrations are not shown in the Registered Servers window afterwards after a refresh (or even a reboot).
And, server groups and registrations that are setup in the Registered Servers window are not shown with Get-Item/Get-ChildItem at the PowerShell prompt.
Is this functionality still working for anyone else in the current version?
I'm guessing something changed when the SQLPS powershell module were supplanted with the SQLServer module, but that's just a guess. If so I'm hoping there is just a tweak I need to use these commands under the new toolset.
This is an apparent bug in version 21.1.18068 of the SQLServer PowerShell module. Uninstalling that version and installing 21.0.17279 resolves the issue.
uninstall-module SQLServer
install-module -RequiredVersion 21.0.17224 -Name SQLServer

Access denied error using vsts

I'm trying to create a wcf service in a lab using vsts.
I have created a build definition that works using a msbuild task. It then uses robocopy to copy the relevant dlls to a remote directory inside a lab using the Publish Artifacts step.
However, I need the content to be created as a windows service, and started after it has been published. It seems like something is running since I see a created log file about 9 minutes after a successful publish, but i cannot see my service inside the services menu, or in IIS.
When I try to run a bat script (using the run script step) that does an sc create, I get an access denied error even though on the vsts build definition I have given the step permission to modify the environment.
This is the full error:
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7702615Z ##[section]Starting: Run script GloBill/InstallBackEnd.bat
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705444Z ==============================================================================
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705561Z Task : Batch Script
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705655Z Description : Run a windows cmd or bat script and optionally allow it to change the environment
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705748Z Version : 1.1.3
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705824Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7705924Z Help : [More Information](
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7706023Z ==============================================================================
2018-05-17T13:00:13.7775377Z ##[command]C:\agent\_work\1\s\GloBill\InstallBackEnd.bat
2018-05-17T13:00:13.8031049Z C:\agent\_work\1\s>sc create GloBillBackEnd ../Services/GloBill.WS.exe
2018-05-17T13:00:13.8048684Z [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5:
2018-05-17T13:00:13.8048901Z Access is denied.
2018-05-17T13:00:13.8064609Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 5.
2018-05-17T13:00:13.8073202Z ##[section]Finishing: Run script GloBill/InstallBackEnd.bat
I'm running out of ideas.
The problem was that I was trying to deploy a release from a hosted agent that resided on another machine.
I had to configure a new agent solely for deploying, then i had to tweak my installation script a little by adding the -executionpolicy bypass command.
Here is the new script:
(%1 is the file path)
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File %1 -username Username -password ****** -exepath *exe* -serviceName *svcName*

Pentaho 5.4.0 Community Edition Remote Execution

am using Pentaho community edition 5.4.0 ,I explain My requirement very Simply,
1) I have my jobs and transformation in my local windows machine and i like to execute those in my client machine ,So that i installed same Pentaho community version 5.4.0 on his machine. For Remote Execution i heard about Carte.bat service,I searched the installation procedure and configuration settings for remote execution,but i didn't get a clear idea about that,Please help me a clear step by step procedure for how to run remotely in my client machine .
2) Is there possible for Schedule those jobs and transformation in Pentaho Community edition 5..4.0 ? Is it possible please explain the same.
Thanks and Regards
Install jenkins
At least read what variables are available in Jenkins. It is pretty handy to know them.
Download PDI KETTLE from unzip in any suitable directory.
Configure executables and PDI variables as in here
How to configure Database connection for production environment in Pentaho data integration Kettle transformation
Start jenkins and login into admin panel. Create an new job,
in paragraph Build add Execute shell inside input text area add lines:
cd $WORKSPACE -file=main.kjb
There are a lot of jenkins plugins.
You can add post-build actions:
notice by email
archive publish result
.... so on
Worth to use Jenkins if it is used for some other functionalities, means it is already exists in infrastructure, otherwise carte will be enought.
Variable configured in .bashrc and .bash_profile (User should be same as used for Jenkins)
export KETTLE_HOME=/opt/R1/data-integration
export KETTLE_JNDI_ROOT=$KETTLE_HOME/simple-jndi
To force evaluate .bashrc on ssh login add to .bash_profile
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
source .bashrc
After restart Jenkins (not from admin panel)

Automated deploys, remote scripts, MSBuild and MSDeploy

I'm looking for some help/direction and am generally baffled as this must be a common issue that people face (i.e. there should be an straight forward solution!).
I'm deploying a web site remotely using TeamCity, MSBuild and WebDeploy/MSDeploy. I also wish to run some scripts on the remote server that I'm deploying to. ... How do people generally do this?! I just want to automate some everyday tasks remotely on ther server e.g. backing up files or similar.
Is it a case of:
Using MSDeploy to remotely run some scripts like here, but then how do I transfer the scripts to the remote server as part of the automated deploy??
Starting some sort of PowerShell session and remoting into the server this way?
Some sort of ssh-ing or another way?
FYI these are the params I use for MSBuild and MSDeploy to the remote server (they work fine):
Ideally I'd like to write a nice command line script and do something like (about as pseudo as it comes sorry!):
Log in to "http://some.server.ip" -username "user" -password "something"
run script "echo this is a remote script running"
I think psexec is the tool you're looking for:
In case anyone is interested: it is possible to use MSDeploy to carry out scripts on a remote computer (a script called MYSCRIPT.bat here). If you have an admin account on the remote server then it can be done using the following arguments:
"c:\program files\iis\microsoft web deploy\msdeploy.exe"

Set-WebConfigurationProperty fails

I am trying to use powershell to set windowsauth on a site in IIS, this part of the script has worked in all environments so far and has now failed and I cannot figure out why.
Set-WebConfigurationproperty system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication -name enabled -value false -PSPath "IIS:\" -location $siteName
Set-WebConfigurationproperty system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication -name enabled -value true -PSPath "IIS:\" -location $siteName
Anyone got any ideas as to why this script would fail?
I get a "The configuration section 'system.serviceModel' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration"
I can manually enable windows auth and the site spins up just fine.
So it turns out the issue was not having .Net 3.5 installed.
As powershell runs under .Net2 CLR without having 3.5 installed it didn't know what system.serviceModel was in the web.config.
Once 3.5 was installed the script ran fine
1) Verify the .NET framework 3.0 (or higher) is installed.
2) Execute the following command as administrator:
"%WINDIR%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" -i
Hope can help