How to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack? - apache

We ran Burp Suite on our product and found some security vulnerabilities. The tool detected some of the CGI files which are vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks (CSRF).
As usual I did search for CSRF protection module on CPAN and found CGI::Application::Plugin::ProtectCSRF.
I'm wondering how can I integrate this module into our application in a generalized way? The documentation is not clear to me. How do I configure this module and make minimal changes to make sure whole application is secured from CSRF.
I also came across mod_csrf (an Apache module to prevent CSRF). Is installing this module and setting below in apache configuration file enough to prevent CSRF?
CSRF_Enable on
CSRF_Action deny
CSRF_EnableReferer off

I can understand that you found the documentation for CGI::Application::Plugin::ProtectCSRF unclear: it is a little impregnable
All that the Perl module appears to do is to add a hidden field to each HTML form with the name _csrf_id and a random value derived from various sources and encoded through SHA1. The protection comes when the response from the client requires that the same value must be returned to the server
It is quite nicely coded, but it uses custom subroutine attributes, and the documentation for the attributes pragma says this
WARNING: the mechanisms described here are still experimental. Do not rely on the current implementation
I cannot tell from my quick review whether the subroutine prototypes are essential to the module, but I recommend that you use the Apache mod_csrf module instead, which is likely to be more thoroughly tested than the Perl module, and has proper documentation

Since we were using in house server, not apache, therefore, mod_csrf was not possible to implement.
I ditched ProtectCSRF module as the documentation was unclear.
I solved it by doing below:
Add an element in header template which is common to all pages, this element contains CSRF token which is being passed from server
Create a JavaScript function and bind it to onload event. This JS function does below tasks:
a) Find forms in current page
b) If forms are found then create a hidden "input" element and append it to each form
c) Take the value which was put in header and assign it to above created elements
d) Now all forms have a hidden input element which contains CSRF token from point 1
Now whenever a form gets submitted this hidden element will also be submitted, whose value we are verifying at server end. If tokens do not match then there is CSRF, for which we throw the error and block request


Set Permission-Policy for Vue and NodeJS app

I have an application that has a VueJs based front end and NodeJs based backend API. The client-side is a SPA and it communicates with API for getting data. Now in a security scan, it is mentioned that the app doesn't have a Permission-Policy HTTP header and I would like to add it. I but not sure is there any option I can add in the VueJS and I am confused whether this is something that needs to be added from the front end. From the Node app, it is possible to set the header, but here the pages are not generated from the server-side. It will be helpful if someone can let me know how can I add these headers to the app.
Technically you can publish Permissions-Policy header when you sent an initial SPA's HTML code (you have to use some packages or Node.js server facility to publish response header). Even more so scanners do not execute ajax and will not see the pages of your SPA.
But there are some doubts whether it is worth doing it at all.
Permissions Policy is a new name of Feature Policy, below I will use Feature Policy term, but all of the below also applies to Permissions Policy.
Browsers poorly support Feature Policy and do not support Permissions Policy. Only Chrome supports the interest-cohort directive, but you have to set specific flags to enable Permissions Policy support. Feature Policy / Permissions Policy spec still is under development.
Feature Policy is rarely published via HTTP header, because it is intended to restrict the capabilities of nested browsing contexts (iframes), and not the main page itself. Therefore it's mostly published via <iframe allow="..." attribute for each third-party iframe embedded.
But the scanners are not aware of this and do not check the allow= attribute.
Scanners don't know much about real security, they are more focused on visualization baubles like Grade A+ and labels with green/red color. Therefore scanners:
are not recognize Content Security Policy in meta tag, just in the HTTP header.
require X-Frame-Options header for any web page despite presence of CSP's frame-ancestors derictive and ignore fact that some sites are inbtended to be embedded (widgets, youtube/vimeo video etc.).
require Feature Policy / Permissions Policy header despite these are not supported or are published by another way.
Mostly scanners results have nothing with real security, all is how to get A+ grade, nothing else (see a relevant thread "headers manipulatin to get Grade A+").
Of course, scanners can draw your attention to some overlooked headlines, but final decision which headers do web-app need to publish is up to you.

Jquery serialize() triggering 403 when open PHP tag entered in textarea

So I've been going through my forms recently to check my SQL queries are secure along with sanitizing any input and have just found that entering <? into a text box triggers a 403 before it even hits the processing file, I can only assume it must be related to mod_security??
My question is, is this something to just not worry about if it's controlled by the web host as I'm using shared hosting.
I recently ran into a problem with submitting form data via a GET request to the server after using jQuery's .serialize() function for the submitted variables. These were web apps that had worked flawlessly for years. It turned out that after a recent ModSecurity rule set update, I was triggering the 211700 (HTTP redirect) and 217280 (smuggling attack) rules in Comodo's WAF ruleset, which the server uses with ModSecurity. I wasn't getting a 403. My IP address got blocked by the firewall. :(
The fix was switching my AJAX code to use to POST instead of GET, and not using .serialize(). I still have some web apps that use .serialize() and GET requests via AJAX without triggering ModSecurity, so I believe it is also necessary to pass suspect characters, as you discovered, though in my testing, all I was using was parentheses.
Since you're on a shared server, it's probably not possible--or worth your time--to find out what rule set the host is using, so your best bet is most likely to switch your form submissions to using POST instead of GET, and not use .serialize(). I figure those rules are there for a reason, and a better approach is to avoid having my code look like it's doing something nefarious than to disable the rules.

Removing p_auth in liferay header (But not disabling the authentication check)

Is there a way to remove the p_auth in the POST header, but still having it in the body? I still required the authentication check, therefore disabling it is not the option. Thanks
I know that this is an old question but there is no answer yet. You should enable friendly url mapping in Liferay. This involves creating a xml config file describing the url patterns and routes. You can find some information on it here.
Once it is enabled you can specify the p_auth parameter to be hidden from the url.

How to obtain HttpServletRequest in AppservPasswordLoginModule (SSL)

In a customized Login Module I've developed for my application server (GlassFish, I'm using the following syntax to obtain the HttpServletRequest:
And it works fine.
But now I'm configuring the server to use only HTTPS and the same instruction returns null.
I guess this is a security restriction, but I'm not sure what needs to be changed in order to solve this issue (server.policy?).
To put this under context, I need to record the IP address of all login attempts, valid and invalid, and getting the request in the module seemed the most obvious solution.
Can someone help me to figure out a solution?
I can't help you directly with your question, but you may want to note that PolicyContext is a JACC class. It's spec'ed to work inside JACC policy providers. You may want to look at an article I wrote that explains this more in depth.
There is thus no specific guarantee that obtaining the HttpServletRequest works from inside a GlassFish proprietary login module, although I indeed have seen people using this more often and it typically works. The fact that it does not work when you switch to https sounds more like a bug or oversight to me than any specific security restriction.
A workaround for you could be to rewrite your login module as a Java EE standard auth module using JASPIC. I've also written an article about that subject which you could use for reference. In JASPIC you explicitly have access to the HttpServletRequest.

XSS Attack Prevention

I have a web application written in PHP. The templating engine is SMARTY. My question is very simple, yet the answer should not be that easy, because I searched the hell out of it to no avail.
When I telnet to port 80 and run the following command:
GET /some_directory_on_my_server/?""><SCRIPT>alert(123)</SCRIPT>
The servers responds back with an html page. When I save this HTML page and open it in a browser I see alert(123) on top of the page, which means that the site is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
My question is how can I access the actual url entered by the user in order to sanitize it? When it comes to user input sanitization for forms or database queries, the scenario seems to be much easier, because you actually have a variable on hand to manipulate, but in the case of actual url entered by the user in a browser, how can I get hold of the url itself to sanitize it?
For your information, I have already read all modules which provide library functions for XSS Prevention, but none gives me an example on how to deal with actual url XSS Attack. By the way, my magic_quote_gpc in my php configuration is already turned off. What should I do now? Any thoughts?