Word VBA match paragraph indent to heading text - vba

How can I align a paragraph with just the text portion of a numbered heading? e.g:
1.1.2 This Is A Numbered Heading
This is the aligned text I'm trying to achieve
This is aligned to the numbers not the text
2.4 This Is Another Example
This is where the text should be
I'm aware of the CharacterUnitLeftIndent, CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent, FirstLineIndent etc properties but after a few hours experimentation & searching online can't figure out how to achieve this programmatically. I know how to test for the heading style and how to refer to the following paragraph so just need to know how to get the indent right.

To use a macro to accomplish this, you have to check each paragraph in your document and check to see if it is a "Header" style. If so, then pick off the value of the first tab stop to set as the indent for the subsequent paragraphs.
UPDATE1: the earlier version of the code below set the paragraphs to the Document level first tab stop, and did not accurately grab the tabstop set for the Heading styles. The code update below accurately determines each Heading indent tab stop.
UPDATE2: the sample text original I used in shown in this first document:
The code that automatically performs a first line indent to the tab level of the preceding heading is the original Sub from the first example:
Option Explicit
Sub SetParaIndents1()
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = ActiveDocument
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim firstIndent As Double 'value in "points"
For Each para In myDoc.Paragraphs
If para.Style Like "Heading*" Then
firstIndent = myDoc.Styles(para.Style).ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent
Debug.Print para.Style & " first tab stop at " & _
firstIndent & " points"
Debug.Print "paragraph first line indent set from " & _
para.FirstLineIndent & " to " & _
para.FirstLineIndent = firstIndent
End If
Next para
'--- needed to show the changes just made
End Sub
And the results looks like this (red lines added manually to show alignment):
If you want the entire paragraph indented in alignment with the heading style, the code is modified to this:
Option Explicit
Sub SetParaIndents2()
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = ActiveDocument
Dim para As Paragraph
For Each para In myDoc.Paragraphs
If para.Style Like "Heading*" Then
'--- do nothing
End If
Next para
'--- needed to show the changes just made
End Sub
And the resulting text looks like this:


Write and Style In Loop

Say that I have the following code to write headings from an array to a word document and to apply defined styles:
With wdDoc
Set wrdRange = .Range(0, 0) ' Set initial Range.
i = 2
Do Until i > 6
' Debug.Print wrdRange.Start, wrdRange.End
wrdRange.text = totalArray(i, colIndex(3)) & Chr(11)
Set wrdRange = .Paragraphs(i - 1).Range
wrdRange.Style = totalArray(i, colIndex(2))
wrdRange.Collapse 0
i = i + 1
End With
One would expect the following to occur:
The word range moves programmatically as I move through the document.
The word style is updated for the new range (defined by the set statement)
The Range collapses to the end (0 = wdCollapseEnd) and the loop continues until the initial conditions are satisfied.
What I can't seem to fix is the styles being applied to ALL existing paragraphs in the document. The Debug.Print statement should show the range being updated as expected, despite the fact that the style applies to all existing paragraphs.
As you can tell, I've toyed around with this quite a bit, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated in this matter.
In the following line of code:
wrdRange.text = totalArray(i, colIndex(3)) & Chr(11)
Use Chr(13) instead of Chr(11). The latter is simply a line break, not a new paragraph. So applying a style to any part of the Range is actually applying it to all the text your code is generating because it's a single paragraph.

Indent multiple lines the same way as plain text editor

Sometimes I have code blocks in my Word documents, and I want to work with them without copying to plain text editor.
Namely, I want to have an ability to indent/unindent multiple lines of code using "Tab" character. This task is very simple in any plain text editor or IDE, but for the sake of clarity, I will show it here. Tabs are shown as black arrows:
Initial state
Using the Shift key or mouse, I selected a part of JavaScript function
Then I pressed Tab key on my keyboard
Selected lines were indented by inserting tab character on each line.
How it could be done with VBA?
Since I don't post any code (as evidence of my own efforts), I don't expect to get something completely working. But at least, I hope to get an understanding "how" it could be done.
As David suggested, I recorded a macro. Here how it looks:
Sub Indentator()
Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab
End Sub
The problem is, that I don't understand how to get it work for multiple lines. If I select them, this macro (and it was not surprise for me) just inserts "Tab" instead of selection.
Insert a tab character at the start of each paragraph in the selection:
Sub Indentator()
Dim para As Paragraph
For Each para In Selection.Paragraphs
para.Range.InsertBefore vbTab
End Sub
(This assumes that each of your code "lines" is a new "paragraph" in Word, which it usually would be if you are intending to copy/paste this to/from actual code.)
If the macros are named IncreaseIndent and DecreaseIndent, they can be run using the Increase and Decrease Indent buttons on the Home tab.
Sub IncreaseIndent()
If Selection.Start = Selection.End Then
Selection.InsertBefore vbTab
Selection.Start = Selection.End
Dim p As Paragraph
For Each p In Selection.Paragraphs
p.Range.InsertBefore vbTab
End If
End Sub
Sub DecreaseIndent()
If Selection.Start = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start Then
Selection.Start = Selection.Start + 1
End If
Dim p As Paragraph, c As Range
For Each p In Selection.Paragraphs
Set c = p.Range.Characters(1)
If c.Text = vbTab Then c.Delete
End Sub
Reference https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/MacrosVBA/InterceptSavePrint.htm

Determine Bullet List Style Using Word VBA

I am currently trying to parse through a Word document which is full of bullet lists. I am able to iterate over and count all bullets in the document (see below), but I can't seem to find any way to determine what bullet style is being used for each bullet. All these bullets exist on the same level, so the list level doesn't help. I need to be able to determine "Is this bullet an Arrow icon or a Black dot icon?" However, since the styles are the defaults baked into Word I can see a way to SET the style for that list, but I can't find a way to GET a value of the current style.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
'Select Entire document
With Selection
For Each oPara In .Paragraphs
If oPara.Range.ListFormat.ListType = WdListType.wdListBullet Then
MsgBox "debug: " & oPara.Range.ListFormat.ListType & "//" & oPara.Range.Text
count = count + 1
End If
End With
'Gives the count of bullets in a document
MsgBox count

How to write VBA to format sentence starting with // in Word 2016?

I have a 400+ page coding manual I use, and unfortunately turned off the green for all the comments in the manual. I can't undo it, as I hadn't noticed it until it was too late. Its ruined years of work.
How would I write VBA to parse the document finding sentences starting with // and ending in a Paragraph mark and change the color of them? Or assign a style to them?
Here is a start that I have cobbled together, I admire people who can write code without intellisence, its like trying to find your way blindfolded
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim rng As Range
Dim text As String
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Len(oPara.Range.text) > 1 Then
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range(oPara.Range.Start,oPara.Range.End)
With rng.Font
.Font.Color = wdColorBlue
End With
End If
End Sub
The following seems to work:
Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph
Dim text As String
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
text = oPara.Range.text
'Check the left 2 characters for //
If Left(oPara.Range.text, 2) = "//" Then
oPara.Range.text = "'" & text
End If
I assume you are using VBA so by placing a ' in front of // it will turn the line green. You could modify the code to replace // with ' if desired. The opera.range.text should grab the entire paragraph.

Adding Page number and new line after a border line in MS Word header by a VBA excel program

I have a little problem with my vba program.
I have a program in VBA excel to create a new word document. I would like to add a Header in my word document, but I am new to VBA in word. So I don't know how to do it.
In my header, I would like to have some information from Excel on the left side and the page number " Page X of Y" on the right side. One more thing, I was able to add a border line under my header, but I don't know how to add a extra line after the border to keep a space between header and normal text.
Here is my code:
Dim objword As Word.Application
Dim mydoc As Word.document
Dim WRng As Word.Range
Set objword = CreateObject("Word.application")
Set mydoc = objword.Documents.Add
Set WRng = mydoc.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
WRng.Text = wsexcel.Range("A5") & " " & wsexcel.Range("B5") & vbtab & **Page number of total**
WRng.Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
**???? Add space after the border line???**
Header example
Either of the following will create a space after the bottom border line in your header:
1) Increase the size of the top margin in the page layout/formatting. (This is the distance between the top edge of the paper and the first line of non-header text on the page.)
2) In the paragraph formatting of the header text, increase the "spacing after" setting. Set the option for eliminating spacing between paragraphs of the same style or you might end up creating space between all the lines of your heading text.
You can do either of these in your VBA code.