Cannot login as admin after fresh ApacheDS instal - ldap

I have downloaded the newest version of ApacheDS for Windows (2.0.0-M23).
After the installation on Windows7 Pro, with Java 1.8 u101 64 bit
which passed without any errors I tried to make a new connection from Eclipse, LDAP perspective from Apache DS Studio plugin, but cannot login as uid=admin,ou=system with a default password (secret), which should work for initial login.
I am using default localhost with port 389.
I get the error:
The authentication failed
- Cannot connect to the server: Connection refused: no further information
- No connection
I tried to point for Java1.7 at the installation with the same result.
Also tried to login from JXplorer.
Would you have any hints?

ApacheDS uses port 10389 right out of the box.
You can always make sure using the netstat tool.
You can change the port number from Apache Directory Studio using "Open Configuration" from the connection menu.


Can I SSH to Local Weblogic AdminServer via Command Line?

From Eclipse, when I startup my local Oracle Weblogic Server 12c to run my web application locally, I can visit the Weblogic AdminServer Console at localhost:7001/console. However is there way I can login to the AdminServer via putty with a Command Line interface?
What would my hostname or IP address be for the login, and my port would be 22? Then I would expect to use the same username and password I use to login to the Server console GUI.
The Weblogic admin console does not listen on SSH protocol, the best you can do is log in to the local server where Weblogic is running, and access the scripting tool, via something like the following
And then run commands that Weblogic understands. The username and password you would have set up during installation. You can also invoke it from the command line via Java, as shown in the following tutorial.
Weblogic Scripting Tool tutorial

What are the credentials for Neo4j browser

I have just installed neo4j desktop and also the server from here.
Also installed JDK.
Next I had extracted the neo4j community and then using the admin command prompt inside the bin directory at that location I had installed the service using the command
neo4j.bat install-service.
Once the services are successfully installed, I am now able to browse to http://localhost:7474/browser/
But now what? What should be the credentials to logon.
I see the following messages
Database access not available. Please use :server connect to establish connection. There's a graph waiting for you.
Connect to Neo4j
Database access requires an authenticated connection.
Default credentials are
Username: neo4j
Password: neo4j

IBM mfpdev CLI v8.0 issue in "mfpdev server add" in development environment

I tried below commands to add a server and run on console. Please help me to add and start the server successfully and open the console in the browser.
Pratimas-Mac-mini:~ pratima$ mfpdev server add devconsole -u -l admin -p admin -c myapp -s
Verifying server configuration...
Cannot connect to server 'devconsole' at ''.
Missing runtime configuration details.: connect ECONNREFUSED
Server profile 'devconsole' added successfully.
Pratimas-Mac-mini:~ pratima$ mfpdev server console devconsole
Opening console for server 'devconsole'
It got opened in the browser
"This site can't be reached"
i read and followed the below link as well, still no luck.
Please let me know if i am missing something in the process
It seems to be your server is not running on Port 10081 which you can verify by running in browser.
Usually MFP 8.0 Server's runs on Port 9080 by default. Kindly verify on which port your MFP server is running before adding the server profile via MFPDev CLI.

How to connect to remote server in Aptana Studio 3

I have following web server configuration
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Web Server: Apache 2.2.22
PHP: PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.21
MySQL: 5.5.47
Virtual Host for web project 'MyWebSiteName001' is created in Apache server using Webmin.
'user001' is created under User Accounts and has Administrative privileges.
I have successfully installed Aptana Studio 3 on my computer. I also created new web project named 'MyWebSiteName001'. Now when I go to Create New Connections' option and try to connect to remove server project in FTP mode using user001/password, it is giving below error.
establishing ftp connection failed connection: refused connection
So I am not sure what I am missing or wrong I am doing and thus I am not able to connect to remote server. So please let me know how can I resolve this issue?
You have to create a ftp account first and then configure Aptana using this acconunt.
If you are using FileZilla Edit-->Users (here configure user, password, folders and permissions).
Hope this helps.

windows 2008 server R2 - remote desktop crashed after recent update

I have updated the server recently (only those recommended security update from the windows server), after installation i had to restart the windows server, however after restarting the server, all the port are closed and I have no access with RDP (no access to sql server database, no access to tfs ...) .  currently i can access to the server only over the ssl and i have access only to the cmd consul on the server. can any body help?(the server is in the ISP and it is a dedicated server).
installation first kb2667402 then the Sp 1 update
No RDP available
Windows blocks users right and give no right to start the services
The TFS Service uses TFSSERVICE USER, but win2008r2 block this user and say this user is not exist!
what we have done:
uninstall the kb2667402
after Uninstalling the kb2667402, i have exported the installed update and proved that the updated has been successfully removed.
delete and copy the old version of the rdpcorekmts.dll in system32
reconfiguration of the RDP and add a new port and rule for firewall
reset the firewall and add the new rule (we made a back up)
add the Teamviewer portable version with a fix password, but we cannot access to the TV, "Authentication rejected"
Installed RAdmin--> no access: the user name or password is wrong!
try to connect with Computer management from my pc to the server and get the error: RPC Sever is Unavailable
I have stop the firewall and had access from my pc Event Viewer to remote server and could follow the errors on the server.
Problem reported
I have tried all the thing but didnt solve the problem. an idea how to solve the problem?