How to Extract DDLs from Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse? - parallel-data-warehouse

Please suggest How to Generate the scripts from Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse...
I have already tried using SSMS 2016 by using my PDW credentials...
But i failed to Generate the scripts...

The first thing I would try is to go to SSMS 2016 and go to the Tools menu and choose Check for Updates. Install the latest update out in the last month or so supports Azure SQL DW which is a similar MPP surface area. It may support PDW but I'm not sure.
If that doesn't work, go the tried and true route. Search the Microsoft download center for Analytics Platform System Appliance Update and then choose the version that matches your PDW. Download the .chm help file. Then you have to right click on the .chm file and choose Properties then unblock it in order to open it.
Then search for "Install SQL Server database tooling for Visual Studio" and it documents how to install SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio and connect SQL Server Object Explorer. Then you can expand and view a list of tables/sprocs/etc and script them out by right clicking on a table or sproc in SQL Server Object Explorer.


Problem with using "Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows" in Azure Data Studio

I want to Generate Script in Azure Data Studio by using Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows as it is mentioned in these a,b questions.
However, after installing the Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows, when I right-click on the database, the following items is appeared without generate Script.
Would you please guide me? thanks

Where i can find the nice dialog data preview in ADLA Tools?

I've installed VS 2015 sp3 + ADLA Tools 2.2.5000.0
When i click Cloud Explorer -> Select a U-SQL Table -> Preview By Running a Job, it runs a U-SQL job that pulls some data to a csv file and next i can preview the file.
But some people show the screen bellow at forums. Where i can find it in GUI? Maybe ADLA Tools installed incorrectly :). Or maybe these people have an access to a beta versions of ADLA Tools?
The screenshot is for a Local table. You should be able to do the same for your Local tables. Right-click a Local table and there will be a "Preview" option.

"Add new table" option missing - Visual Studio 2015

I'm working on Visual Studio 2015 and whenever I try to add a table from the server explorer menu, it only shows two options Properties and Refresh.
There have been answers for this problem, but I have already tried them, like, adding SQL data tools and repairing visual studio.
SQL data tools were already installed and even after repairing the problem persists.
So please suggest me how can I add tables to the database.
Thanks for the comments, but i solved the problem.
Open the command prompt and type the command:
C:\sqllocaldb create "MyInstance"
MyInstance refers to your sql server instance, it can be v11.0 but for me it was mssqllocaldb .
If it runs successfully, it will show you result stating 'Instance created' and you will be able to add the tables.
But if you get error regarding creation of instance then delete the instance by typing the command in command prompt:
C:\sqllocaldb delete "MyInstance"
and then create the instance.
I hope this helps.
Close your visual studio.
Download SQL Server Data Tools
Install it in your pc
Then Close if successfully installation.
Now Open your visual studio.
Hope this will help.
Enjoy :)
Another reason "Add New table" Not showing is you don't have installed SQL server Data Tools.So just go ahed and downlaods SQL server data tool ISO from official Website
Install the SQL Server Data Tool And Restart Visual Studio
Download and Install SQL server data from the link given below,
After installing the SQL server you will be able to add a new table.
Table > right click> Add new Table.

How to create installer for my visual basic project with sql server 2008 database?

Hi guys I have a visual basic project and I developed it using visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008 for my database.
Now, I want to make an installer that will include my sql server database.
I just used software ADVANCES INSTALLER but it didn't work out.
Help guys. Thanks in advance
Note: Can I make it like InFLOW inventory System installer? It's using also sql server database. Just hoping.
I use Advanced Installer for several years and for deploying database files I use their SQL Databases page. For example, for attaching an MDF file to an SQL instance you can add the MDF file in "Files and Folders" page and use, in SQL Databses page, a script like this.
You can check out this tutorial to get a starting point about how you can configure the SQL Databses page in Advanced Installer.
Hope this info is useful.

SQL Server Scripts 2012 Project into Team Foundation Server 2012

I have a SQL Server Scripts 2012 Project with multiple SQL queries and stored procedures.
We use Team Foundation Server 2012 to manage our source code for our Visual Studio Solutions.
How can I check in a SQL Server Scripts 2012 Project into TFS? If it is not possible how can I manage source control on this and allow multiple developers access to it?
You have a few options, here are two that I have used.
1: Download the TFS 2012 MSSCCI Provider:
This plugin allows you to access TFS from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. So you can easily add and check in\out those ssmssln and ssmsproj files from TFS.
64bit Download - 32bit Download
Once installed, in SSMS go to Tools-> Options -> Source Control to select the plugin.
If you don't see it then you probably need to install the other bit version.
After you have selected the plugin in the options window of SSMS, you will have a new menu option under "File" that will allow you to Add\Open\Change items in TFS from Sql Management Studio.
To add your Scripts solution using the MSSCCI plugin:
Open the project in SSMS, go to File -> Source Control -> Add Solution to Source Control
2. Add through VS using the "Add files to Source Control"
See here: To add a file that is not in a solution to version control
I'm not quite sure why it would be a challenge to add the sql server scripts to TFS just as any other file in your visual studio solution. I've done this in a lot of projects with great success.
What is a challenge with databases though is to find a good strategy to handle branches and database versioning. I recommend that you have a look at Entity Framework Code First Migrations which handles this very nicely. Another approach is to use Chuck Norris Round house which is a more script based solution:
Code First Migrations.
If you start from scratch I would recommend the Code First Migrations approach, but if you allready have a lot of .sql files the second can work very well.
The latest versions of MSSCCI still don't seem to work with SSMS 2012 - you'll need an older 32 bit version, here:
Once this is installed you'll be able to see the "Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider" in the SSMS Source Control Plug-In selection.