Lua Spaghetti Modules - module

I am currently developing my own programming language. The codebase (in Lua) is composed of several modules, as follows:
The first, error.lua, has no dependancies;
lexer.lua depends only on error.lua;
prototypes.lua also has no dependancies;
parser.lua, instead, depends on all the modules above;
interpreter.lua is the fulcrum of the whole codebase. It depends on error.lua, parser.lua, and memory.lua;
memory.lua depends on functions.lua;
finally, functions.lua depends on memory.lua and interpreter.lua. It is required from inside memory.lua, so we can say that memory.lua also depends on interpreter.lua.
With "A depends on B" I mean that the functions declared in A need those declared in B.
The real problem, though, is when A depends on B which depends on A, which, as you can understand from the list above, happens quite frequently in my code.
To give a concrete example of my problem, here's how interpreter.lua looks like:
--first, I require the modules that DON'T depend on interpreter.lua
local parser, Error = table.unpack(require("parser"))
--(since error.lua is needed both in the lexer, parser and interpreter module,
--I only actually require it once in lexer.lua and then pass its result around)
--Then, I should require memory.lua. But since memory.lua and
--functions.lua need some functions from interpreter.lua to work, I just
--forward declare the variables needed from those functions and then those functions themself:
--forward declaration
local globals, new_memory, my_nil, interpret_statement
--functions I need to declare before requiring memory.lua
local function interpret_block()
--uses interpret_statement and new_memory
local function interpret_expresion()
--uses new_memory, Error and my_nil
--Now I can safely require memory.lua:
globals, new_memory, my_nil = require("memory.lua")(interpret_block, interpret_espression)
--(I'll explain why it returns a function to call later)
--Then I have to fulfill the forward declaration of interpret_executement:
function interpret_executement()
--uses interpret_expression, new_memory and Error
--finally, the result is a function
return function()
--uses parser, new_fuction and globals
The memory.lua module returns a function so that it can receive interpret_block and interpret_expression as arguments, like this:
return function(interpret_block, interpret_expression)
--declaration of globals, new_memory, my_nil
return globals, new_memory, my_nil
Now, I got the idea of the forward declarations here and that of the functions-as-modules (like in memory.lua, to pass some functions from the requiring module to the required module) here. They're all great ideas, and I must say that they work greatly. But you pay in readability.
In fact, breaking in smaller pieces the code this time made my work harder that it would have been if I coded everything in a single file, which is impossible for me because it's over than 1000 lines of code and I'm coding from a smartphone.
The feeling I have is that of working with spaghetti code, only on a larger scale.
So how could I solve the problem of my code being ununderstandable because of some modules needing each other to work (which doesn't involve making all the variables global, of course)? How would programmers in other languages solve this problem? How should I reorganize my modules? Are there any standard rules in using Lua modules that could also help me with this problem?

If we look at your lua files as a directed graph, where a vertice points from a dependency to its usage, the goal is to modify your graph to be a tree or forest, as you intend to get rid of the cycles.
A cycle is a set of nodes, which, traversed in the direction of the vertices can reach the starting node.
Now, the question is how to get rid of cycles?
The answer looks like this:
Let's consider node N and let's consider {D1, D2, ..., Dm} as its direct dependencies. If there is no Di in that set that depends on N either directly or indirectly, then you can leave N as it is. In that case, the set of problematic dependencies looks like this: {}
However, what if you have a non-empty set, like this: {PD1, ..., PDk} ?
You then need to analyze PDi for i between 1 and k along with N and see what is the subset in each PDi that does not depend on N and what is the subset of N which does not depend on any PDi. This way you can define N_base and N, PDi_base and PDi. N depends on N_base, just like all PDi elements and PDi depends on PDi_base along with N_base.
This approach minimalizes circles in the dependency tree. However, it is quite possible that a function set of {f1, ..., fl} exists in this group which cannot be migrated into _base as discussed due to dependencies and there are still cycles. In this case you need to give a name to the group in question, create a module for it and migrate all to functions into that group.


How do I remember the root of a binary search tree in Haskell

I am new to Functional programming.
The challenge I have is regarding the mental map of how a binary search tree works in Haskell.
In other programs (C,C++) we have something called root. We store it in a variable. We insert elements into it and do balancing etc..
The program takes a break does other things (may be process user inputs, create threads) and then figures out it needs to insert a new element in the already created tree. It knows the root (stored as a variable) and invokes the insert function with the root and the new value.
So far so good in other languages. But how do I mimic such a thing in Haskell, i.e.
I see functions implementing converting a list to a Binary Tree, inserting a value etc.. That's all good
I want this functionality to be part of a bigger program and so i need to know what the root is so that i can use it to insert it again. Is that possible? If so how?
Note: Is it not possible at all because data structures are immutable and so we cannot use the root at all to insert something. in such a case how is the above situation handled in Haskell?
It all happens in the same way, really, except that instead of mutating the existing tree variable we derive a new tree from it and remember that new tree instead of the old one.
For example, a sketch in C++ of the process you describe might look like:
int main(void) {
Tree<string> root;
while (true) {
string next;
cin >> next;
if (next == "quit") exit(0);
A variable, a read action, and loop with a mutate step. In haskell, we do the same thing, but using recursion for looping and a recursion variable instead of mutating a local.
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
let t' = insert next t
doSomethingWith t'
loop t'
If you need doSomethingWith to be able to "mutate" t as well as read it, you can lift your program into State:
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
loop (execState doSomethingWith (insert next t))
Writing an example with a BST would take too much time but I give you an analogous example using lists.
Let's invent a updateListN which updates the n-th element in a list.
updateListN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
updateListN i n l = take (i - 1) l ++ n : drop i l
Now for our program:
list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] -- The big data structure we might want to use multiple times
main = do
-- only for shows
print $ updateListN 3 30 list -- [1,2,30,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print $ updateListN 8 80 list -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,80,9,10]
-- now some illustrative complicated processing
let list' = foldr (\i l -> updateListN i (i*10) l) list list
-- list' = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
-- Our crazily complicated illustrative algorithm still needs `list`
print $ zipWith (-) list' list
-- [9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90]
See how we "updated" list but it was still available? Most data structures in Haskell are persistent, so updates are non-destructive. As long as we have a reference of the old data around we can use it.
As for your comment:
My program is trying the following a) Convert a list to a Binary Search Tree b) do some I/O operation c) Ask for a user input to insert a new value in the created Binary Search Tree d) Insert it into the already created list. This is what the program intends to do. Not sure how to get this done in Haskell (or) is am i stuck in the old mindset. Any ideas/hints welcome.
We can sketch a program:
data BST
readInt :: IO Int; readInt = undefined
toBST :: [Int] -> BST; toBST = undefined
printBST :: BST -> IO (); printBST = undefined
loop :: [Int] -> IO ()
loop list = do
int <- readInt
let newList = int : list
let bst = toBST newList
printBST bst
loop newList
main = loop []
"do balancing" ... "It knows the root" nope. After re-balancing the root is new. The function balance_bst must return the new root.
Same in Haskell, but also with insert_bst. It too will return the new root, and you will use that new root from that point forward.
Even if the new root's value is the same, in Haskell it's a new root, since one of its children has changed.
See ''How to "think functional"'' here.
Even in C++ (or other imperative languages), it would usually be considered a poor idea to have a single global variable holding the root of the binary search tree.
Instead code that needs access to a tree should normally be parameterised on the particular tree it operates on. That's a fancy way of saying: it should be a function/method/procedure that takes the tree as an argument.
So if you're doing that, then it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how several different sections of code (or one section, on several occasions) could get access to different versions of an immutable tree. Instead of passing the same tree to each of these functions (with modifications in between), you just pass a different tree each time.
It's only a little more work to imagine what your code needs to do to "modify" an immutable tree. Obviously you won't produce a new version of the tree by directly mutating it, you'll instead produce a new value (probably by calling methods on the class implementing the tree for you, but if necessary by manually assembling new nodes yourself), and then you'll return it so your caller can pass it on - by returning it to its own caller, by giving it to another function, or even calling you again.
Putting that all together, you can have your whole program manipulate (successive versions of) this binary tree without ever having it stored in a global variable that is "the" tree. An early function (possibly even main) creates the first version of the tree, passes it to the first thing that uses it, gets back a new version of the tree and passes it to the next user, and so on. And each user of the tree can call other subfunctions as needed, with possibly many of new versions of the tree produced internally before it gets returned to the top level.
Note that I haven't actually described any special features of Haskell here. You can do all of this in just about any programming language, including C++. This is what people mean when they say that learning other types of programming makes them better programmers even in imperative languages they already knew. You can see that your habits of thought are drastically more limited than they need to be; you could not imagine how you could deal with a structure "changing" over the course of your program without having a single variable holding a structure that is mutated, when in fact that is just a small part of the tools that even C++ gives you for approaching the problem. If you can only imagine this one way of dealing with it then you'll never notice when other ways would be more helpful.
Haskell also has a variety of tools it can bring to this problem that are less common in imperative languages, such as (but not limited to):
Using the State monad to automate and hide much of the boilerplate of passing around successive versions of the tree.
Function arguments allow a function to be given an unknown "tree-consumer" function, to which it can give a tree, without any one place both having the tree and knowing which function it's passing it to.
Lazy evaluation sometimes negates the need to even have successive versions of the tree; if the modifications are expanding branches of the tree as you discover they are needed (like a move-tree for a game, say), then you could alternatively generate "the whole tree" up front even if it's infinite, and rely on lazy evaluation to limit how much work is done generating the tree to exactly the amount you need to look at.
Haskell does in fact have mutable variables, it just doesn't have functions that can access mutable variables without exposing in their type that they might have side effects. So if you really want to structure your program exactly as you would in C++ you can; it just won't really "feel like" you're writing Haskell, won't help you learn Haskell properly, and won't allow you to benefit from many of the useful features of Haskell's type system.

Is there a macro for creating fast Iterators from generator-like functions in julia?

Coming from python3 to Julia one would love to be able to write fast iterators as a function with produce/yield syntax or something like that.
Julia's macros seem to suggest that one could build a macro which transforms such a "generator" function into an julia iterator.
[It even seems like you could easily inline iterators written in function style, which is a feature the Iterators.jl package also tries to provide for its specific iterators ]
Just to give an example of what I have in mind:
#asiterator function myiterator(as::Array)
b = 1
for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end])
#produce a1[1] + a2[2] + b
catch exc
for i in myiterator([(1,2), (3,1), 3, 4, (1,1)])
#show i
where myiterator should ideally create a fast iterator with as low overhead as possible. And of course this is only one specific example. I ideally would like to have something which works with all or almost all generator functions.
The currently recommended way to transform a generator function into an iterator is via Julia's Tasks, at least to my knowledge. However they also seem to be way slower then pure iterators. For instance if you can express your function with the simple iterators like imap, chain and so on (provided by Iterators.jl package) this seems to be highly preferable.
Is it theoretically possible in julia to build a macro converting generator-style functions into flexible fast iterators?
Extra-Point-Question: If this is possible, could there be a generic macro which inlines such iterators?
Some iterators of this form can be written like this:
myiterator(as) = (a1[1] + a2[2] + 1 for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end]))
This code can (potentially) be inlined.
To fully generalize this, it is in theory possible to write a macro that converts its argument to continuation-passing style (CPS), making it possible to suspend and restart execution, giving something like an iterator. Delimited continuations are especially appropriate for this ( The result is a big nest of anonymous functions, which might be faster than Task switching, but not necessarily, since at the end of the day it needs to heap-allocate a similar amount of state.
I happen to have an example of such a transformation here (in femtolisp though, not Julia):
This ends with a define-generator macro that does what you describe. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort to do this for Julia.
Python-style generators – which in Julia would be closest to yielding from tasks – involve a fair amount of inherent overhead. You have to switch tasks, which is non-trivial and cannot straightforwardly be eliminated by a compiler. That's why Julia's iterators are based on functions that transform one typically immutable, simple state value, and another. Long story short: no, I do not believe that this transformation can be done automatically.
After thinking a lot how to translate python generators to Julia without loosing much performance, I implemented and tested a library of higher level functions which implement Python-like/Task-like generators in a continuation-style.
Essentially, the idea is to regard Python's yield / Julia's produce as a function which we take from the outside as an extra parameter. I called it cont for continuation. Look for instance on this reimplementation of a range
crange(n::Integer) = cont -> begin
for i in 1:n
You can simply sum up all integers by the following code
function sum_continuable(continuable)
a = Ref(0)
continuable() do i
a.x += i
# which simplifies with the macro Continuables.#Ref to
#Ref function sum_continuable(continuable)
a = Ref(0)
continuable() do i
a += i
sum_continuable(crange(4)) # 10
As you hopefully agree, you can work with continuables almost like you would have worked with generators in python or tasks in julia. Using do notation instead of for loops is kind of the one thing you have to get used to.
This idea takes you really really far. The only standard method which is not purely implementable using this idea is zip. All the other standard higher-level tools work just like you would hope.
The performance is unbelievably faster than Tasks and even faster than Iterators in some cases (notably the naive implementation of Continuables.cmap is orders of magnitude faster than Iterators.imap). Check out the of the github repository for more details.
EDIT: To answer my own question more directly, there is no need for a macro #asiterator, just use continuation style directly.
mycontinuable(as::Array) = cont -> begin
b = 1
for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end])
cont(a1[1] + a2[2] + b)
catch exc
mycontinuable([(1,2), (3,1), 3, 4, (1,1)]) do i
#show i

Using bc from C code

I am writing the code for expression evaluator using lex and yacc which can have following operations:
/ , * , + , - , pow(a,b) , sqrt(a) , log(a)
also there can be brackets in the expression.
Input expression is in the file "calculator.input"
I have to compare the time of my code with bc, I am facing following problems:
1) bc doesn't accept pow(a,b) and log(a) it instead accepts a^b and l(a) .
How do I change it?
2) How do I use the bc from the main funtion in the yacc program ? or that can't be done?
I think it would be easier to change your code than to change bc, but if you want to try, you can find pointers to bc's source bundles on the GNU project page and in the FreeBSD source mirror. Of course, the end result would not strictly speaking be bc any more, so I don't know if it would still count, for the purposes of your assignment.
I don't know what the specifications are for the pow function you are supposed to implement, but note that bc's ^ operator only allows integer exponents, so it might not work on all your test cases (unless, of course, all your test cases have integer exponents.) You could compute a^b with e(l(a)*b), but it won't be as accurate for integer exponents:
You might want to consult with your tutor, professor, or teaching assistant.
If you don't want to (or are not allowed to) generate the bc equivalent test cases by hand, you might be able to automate the process with sed (if the exponential sub-expressions are not complicated), or by adapting your calculator to output the expression in bc's syntax. The latter would be a fairly easy project, and you'd probably learn something by implementing it.
If you are using a Unix-like system, you can easily run any command-line utility from a C program. (Indeed, you can do that on non-Unix-like systems, too, but the library functions will differ.) If you don't need to pass data to bc through its stdin, you can use the popen(3) library function, which is certainly the easiest solution.
Otherwise, you will have to set up a pair of pipe(2)s (one for writing to bc's stdin and the other for reading from its stdout), fork(2) a child process, and use one of the exec* function calls, probably execlp(3) or execvp(3), to run bc in the child. (Watch out for pipe deadlock while you are writing to and reading from the child.) Once the child process finishes (which you'll notice because you'll get an EOF on the pipe you're using to read from its stdout, you should use wait(3) or waitpid(3) to get its status code.
If all that seems too complicated, you could use the much simpler solution of running both your program and bc from your shell. (You can use the time shell built-in on Unix-like shells to get a measure of execution time, although it will not be microsecond resolution which might be necessary for such a simple program.)

How to convert Greensock's CustomEase functions to be usable in CreateJS's Tween system?

I'm currently working on a project that does not include GSAP (Greensock's JS Tweening library), but since it's super easy to create your own Custom Easing functions with it's visual editor - I was wondering if there is a way to break down the desired ease-function so that it can be reused in a CreateJS Tween?
var myEase = CustomEase.create("myCustomEase", [
So that it turns it into something like:
var myEase = function(t, b, c, d) {
//Some magic algorithm performed on the 7 bezier/control points above...
(Here is what the graph would look like for this particular easing method.)
I took the time to port and optimize the original GSAP-based CustomEase class... but due to license restrictions / legal matters (basically a grizzly bear that I do not want to poke with a stick...), posting the ported code would violate it.
However, it's fair for my own use. Therefore, I believe it's only fair that I guide you and point you to the resources that made it possible.
The original code (not directly compatible with CreateJS) can be found here: (looks like the author was also asked to take down the repo on github - sorry if the rest of this post makes no sense at all!)
Note that CreateJS's easing methods only takes a "time ratio" value (not time, start, end, duration like GSAP's easing method does). That time ratio is really all you need, given it goes from 0.0 (your start value) to 1.0 (your end value).
With a little bit of effort, you can discard those parameters from the ease() method and trim down the final returned expression.
I took a few extra steps to optimize the above code.
1) In the constructor, you can store the segments.length value directly as this.length in a property of the CustomEase instance to cut down a bit on the amount of accessors / property lookups in the ease() method (where qty is set).
2) There's a few redundant calculations done per Segments that can be eliminated in the ease() method. For instance, the s.cp - s.s and s.e - s.s operations can be precalculated and stored in a couple of properties in each Segments (in its constructor).
3) Finally, I'm not sure why it was designed this way, but you can unwrap the function() {...}(); that are returning the constructors for each classes. Perhaps it was used to trap the scope of some variables, but I don't see why it couldn't have wrapped the entire thing instead of encapsulating each one separately.
Need more info? Leave a comment!

Clearing numerical values in Mathematica

I am working on fairly large Mathematica projects and the problem arises that I have to intermittently check numerical results but want to easily revert to having all my constructs in analytical form.
The code is fairly fluid I don't want to use scoping constructs everywhere as they add work overhead. Is there an easy way for identifying and clearing all assignments that are numerical?
EDIT: I really do know that scoping is the way to do this correctly ;-). However, for my workflow I am really just looking for a dirty trick to nix all numerical assignments after the fact instead of having the foresight to put down a Block.
If your assignments are on the top level, you can use something like this:
a = 1;
b = c;
d = 3;
e = d + b;
HoldPattern[lhs_ = rhs_?NumericQ] |
HoldPattern[(lhs_ = rhs_?NumericQ;)] :> Unset[lhs],
This will work if you have a sufficient history length $HistoryLength (defaults to infinity). Note however that, in the above example, e was assigned 3+c, and 3 here was not undone. So, the problem is really ambiguous in formulation, because some numbers could make it into definitions. One way to avoid this is to use SetDelayed for assignments, rather than Set.
Another alternative would be to analyze the names in say Global' context (if that is the context where your symbols live), and then say OwnValues and DownValues of the symbols, in a fashion similar to the above, and remove definitions with purely numerical r.h.s.
But IMO neither of these approaches are robust. I'd still use scoping constructs and try to isolate numerics. One possibility is to wrap you final code in Block, and assign numerical values inside this Block. This seems a much cleaner approach. The work overhead is minimal - you just have to remember which symbols you want to assign the values to. Block will automatically ensure that outside it, the symbols will have no definitions.
Yet another possibility is to use local rules. For example, one could define rule[a] = a->1; rule[d]=d->3 instead of the assignments above. You could then apply these rules, extracting them as say
DownValues[rule][[All, 2]], whenever you want to test with some numerical arguments.
Building on Andrew Moylan's solution, one can construct a Block like function that would takes rules:
SetAttributes[BlockRules, HoldRest]
BlockRules[rules_, expr_] :=
Block ## Append[Apply[Set, Hold#rules, {2}], Unevaluated[expr]]
You can then save your numeric rules in a variable, and use BlockRules[ savedrules, code ], or even define a function that would apply a fixed set of rules, kind of like so:
In[76]:= NumericCheck =
Function[body, BlockRules[{a -> 3, b -> 2`}, body], HoldAll];
In[78]:= a + b // NumericCheck
Out[78]= 5.
EDIT In response to Timo's comment, it might be possible to use NotebookEvaluate (new in 8) to achieve the requested effect.
SetAttributes[BlockRules, HoldRest]
BlockRules[rules_, expr_] :=
Block ## Append[Apply[Set, Hold#rules, {2}], Unevaluated[expr]]
nb = CreateDocument[{ExpressionCell[
Defer[Plot[Sin[a x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]], "Input"],
ExpressionCell[Defer[Integrate[Sin[a x^2], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]],
BlockRules[{a -> 4}, NotebookEvaluate[nb, InsertResults -> "True"];]
As the result of this evaluation you get a notebook with your commands evaluated when a was locally set to 4. In order to take it further, you would have to take the notebook
with your code, open a new notebook, evaluate Notebooks[] to identify the notebook of interest and then do :
InsertResults -> "True"]]
I hope you can make this idea work.