Is there a way to auto Rerun an exe after it has finished running once - rabbitmq

I have exe which runs for 4-5 days, without a fixed frequency.
I have to manually restart it everytime it finishes running.
Is there a way to automate that?
Maybe using RabbitMQ or other Messaging brokers to queue messages to rerun it on completing execution once

In the Windows command line execute mycommand && mycommand. The && operator will wait until first the command is executed successfully and then execute the second one. In your case the first and second one are identical, so you achieve the double execution you want.


Pentaho Task Locked

I have some Tasks in pentaho, and for some reason some times, some tasks simply stall with message Carte - Installing timer to purge stale objects after 1440 minutes. task. For example, I scheduled one task to run at 05h00 AM and this task usually runs in 10 minutes, but some times it never ends. The task stalls with aforementioned message. However, when I run the task run on the Pentaho Data Integration Canvas, the job works.
The .exe that I use to run is:
cd c:\data-integration
kitchen.bat /rep:repo /job:jobs//job_ft_acidentes /dir: /level:Minimal
Picture of the message
Hoe can I prevent this error?

Get xterm to notify me when nothing's happening

Recently I found myself several times in situations where I need to let run some operation in some background xterm and I'd need to be notified when my input is requested.
I know how to make it so I'm notified when the command ends, but that doesn't help in the cases where the command is not 100% batch (it puts up a prompt every now and then; a common example would be apt-get) or where the command hangs (because of some network failure, for example).
So I'd like to be notified when there's been no output in the last N minutes. Is there some way to configure xterm to do that for me, or maybe some other tool (screen maybe) that could do it?
xterm doesn't notice if the application is actually waiting for input, or simply doing nothing. An application (or shell) could be modified to do this, but that seems like a lot more work than you expected (i.e., many programs could be modified).
I also don't know of a way how to do it for applications that might be waiting for input, but if you have a batch application that should always output log info within a certain time span then you could run an extra process that does the notification if it doesn't get killed within a timeout. The process gets killed whenever a new line is read. Maybe that will help you or someone else to adapt it to processes that might wait for input:
i=0;{ while true;do echo $i;((i++));sleep $i;done }|while read line;do if [ $pid ];then sudo kill $pid;fi;bash -c 'sleep 5;notify-send boom'& pid=$!;echo $line;done
The part before the pipe sign is a process that outputs slower and slower and if it becomes slower than the threshold, notify-send sends notifications. If you wanted output to happen within 3 minutes, use sleep 3m.

SQL Serve Queue How to call and how to decide when it runs

I am new to a company that has SQL Server Queue in Broker (I have never used queues before)
this queue runs after hours (around 6 PM)
I want to know how can I force the queue to run/execute and how to change the specified time for it to run?
A queue is normally activated by something. Try scripting the queue from SSMS to see if there is an activation stored procedure, if so review/post the code.
Alternatively if there is nothing then you probably have a job or application that that is running a RECIEVE command against the queue.
You need to find this first.

queue job all day and execute it at a specified time

Is there a plugin or can I somehow configure it, that a job (that is triggered by 3 other jobs) queues until a specified time and only then executes the whole queue?
Our case is this:
we have tests run for 3 branches
each of the 3 build jobs for those branches triggers the same smoke-test-job that runs immediately
each of the 3 build jobs for those branches triggers the same complete-test-job
points 1. and 2. work perfectly fine.
The complete-test-job should queue the tests all day long and just execute them in the evening or at night (starting from a defined time like 6 pm), so that the tests are run at night and during the day the job is silent.
It's no option to trigger the complete-test-job on a specified time with the newest version. we absolutely need the trigger of the upstream build-job (because of promotion plugin and we do not want to run already run versions again).
That seems a rather strange request. Why queue a build if you don't want it now... And if you want a build later, then you shouldn't be triggering it now.
You can use Jenkins Exclusion plugin. Have your test jobs use a certain resource. Make another job whose task is to "hold" the resource during the day. While the resource is in use, the test jobs won't run.
Problem with this: you are going to kill your executors by having queued non-executing jobs, and there won't be free executors for other jobs.
Haven't tried it myself, but this sounds like a solution to your problem.

Atlassian Bamboo: Continuously run a plan

I have configured a plan bamboo to build a project. This plan first checkout the latest code from SVN and executes a command to build the project. Building of this project takes 4hrs-5hrs. I want my plan to run continuously i.e if the plan creates one build then immediately bamboo should start another build. I want the event to start building a project should completion of previous build not commiting something in to svn. Is there any way I can achieve this?
You can create a scheduled trigger with a cron expression causing your plan to build every X minutes. X should then be <= the estimated build time. Disadvantage may be that it can cause to have multiple builds in the build queue after a while.
To do this I would do the following.
In the plan settings you can set the maximum number of builds to be 1 at an time.
Then configure the queue to be maximum of 1.
This way only a single build will build with only a single job in the queue.
Then you can either "set a scheduled trigger with a cron expression causing your plan to build every X minutes"
or make a final step do a commit to the repo when if you have a change driven trigger it would immediately run another job as it would detect a change.