Edit an extremely long sentence in Vim - sql

I have an SQL query that has over 5000 characters. I don't have access to mouse, just the terminal Vim editor. During testing, I need to change values of this query here and there. It is so long that, the next line number appears after 2 screens of pressing page-down.
So if I have to edit, I go to the beginning/end of the line and starts pressing j k h l as required. This is very tiresome. Sometimes, doing a search helps. I hope you can understand the situation.
How can I make the editing easier?

These settings will help you immensely:
"Make long lines wrap
set wrap
"Make wraps *not* occur in the middle of a word
set linebreak
"Make the last line look OK
set display+=lastline
"Make 'j' and 'k' go down a visual line, not an entire line
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
"Make the arrow keys also go down a visual line
nnoremap <Up> gk
nnoremap <Down> gj
"Allow the option to move up entire lines
nnoremap gj j
nnoremap gk k
Since lines starting with " are comments, you can just directly copy and paste this into your .vimrc.
Another useful feature is the bar command |. If you type 200 |, this will jump to the 200th character on the current line.
If you want, you could also include these settings:
nnoremap $ g$
nnoremap 0 g0
nnoremap g$ $
nnoremap g0 0
With these settings, you can use g0 and g$ to jump to the first/last character on this visual line, rather than than the first/last character on the extremely long line. These settings don't hurt, but IMO the first group of settings I posted are more useful.


Intellij: delete all blank space until next non-blank character

There is no easier way to explain what I want to do than a picture:
I would like to reduce the time it takes me to refactor HTML code by deleting all the white space behind (or before, doesn't matter that much) my caret until the next non-blank character, emphasized by the highlighted blue whitespace I would like to delete. I found a way to do this on vim, but I want to do this on Intellij.
Try Ctrl+Alt+J (⌃⇧J on Mac) on the <a>... line to perform the 'Join Lines' action.
More information on the feature can be found here and here.

C Programming Format Adjustment

I am asking for some homework help. I am not asking for the answer,I just wanted to be pointed in the right direction.
I have a program in C which I am new to. I have to recreate a Unix tool using vi. Its job will be to read input and “neaten” it up. It reads in paragraphs of words and rearranges them such that they fit nicely onto a line of specified width, inserting line breaks as needed. A paragraph is separated from other paragraphs by one or more empty lines than changing the width with -w and changing to right alignment using -r.
Next would be to justify the text using -j so that every line with more than one word extends from the left to the right with max width. I need to apply integer division to calculate the total number of spaces that should have been seen by the time you finish a gap using Kevin Woods Si = i*S/G where S is the total number of spaces needed in the line, G is the number of gaps between words in the line and Si is the number of spaces that should have appeared by the end of the i'th gap. Lastly suppress line spacing from lines entered with more than a double line back into a double line.
The options should be cumulative—I can specify width, alignment, and skipping of blank lines together. The -r and -j flags should not be used together.
first step: metacode
analyse arguments f.e. with getopt() for correctness and validity
read the original text
break the text into virtual paragraphs (identified by a double LineBreak)
for each paragraph
break it into lines of less than allowed (-w, default 80) characters
for each line that is not the last line of a paragraph
fill with spaces according to your algorithm and command line spezification
print out all lines
second step: coding
this is your task. Please come back, when you have code, that shows us, where you are stuck.

Adding spaces in multiple lines simultaneously - in Pycharm

I occasionally need to go line-by line and change the indentation of the code.
Is there a shortcut in Pycharm where I can add spaces (format the indent) in the begining of multiple lines simultaneously without processing each line individually?
Highlight/ select the lines you want indented, then press TAB as often as needed until they reach the proper indent level.
You can remove spaces with SHIFT TAB.
You can also use CTRL+ALT+I to auto-indent the selection.
Select the block that you want to indent then press TAB. It will work.
To auto indent all the codes in Pycharm just press these sequencies:
CTR + A to select all the text files and then press
Select all that you want to indent, then do CTRL+ALT+I to indent all of it. This should work in Pycharm
Use shift +alt on windows machine
Continuation indent for Mac pro: Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> the language -> Tabs and Indents
If Ctrl + ALT + I is not working and every time needs to press the Insert button to get the pointer.
So go to Tools -> Select Vim if it is checked then it will be disabled.
Now you can intend code directly selecting multiple lines.

Nano keyboard shortcut to go through line faster?

Is there an shortcut in nano for moving through a line faster? I have some log files with gigantic lines and getting to the middle of them is awful.
I know I could use a different text editor that doesn't have this particular problem (less will wrap lines), but I'm used to nano and I like a lot of its other features.
Here are the shortcuts for moving through a line in nano.
Use these to go faster through a line:
ctrl + space move one word forward in a line.
alt + space move one word backwards in a line.
Other line shortcuts:
ctrl + f move one character forward in a line.
ctrl + b move one character backwards in a line.
ctrl + a move to the beginning of a line.
ctrl + e move to the end of a line
To move to a specific line use ctrl + _.
You may want to check out more Nano Keyboard Commands

How to paste text to end of every line? Sublime 2

I'm curious if there is a way to paste text to the end of every line in Sublime 2? And conversely, to the beginning of every line.
test line one
test line two
test line three
test line four
Say you have 100 lines of text in the editor, and you want to paste quotation marks to the beginning and end of each line.
Is there an easy way to do this or a plugin that anyone would know of? This would often save me a lot of time on various projects.
Yeah Regex is cool, but there are other alternative.
Select all the lines you want to prefix or suffix
Goto menu Selection -> Split into Lines (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + L)
This allows you to edit multiple lines at once. Now you can add *Quotes (") or anything * at start and end of each lines.
Here's the workflow I use all the time, using the keyboard only
Ctrl/Cmd + A Select All
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L Split into Lines
' Surround every line with quotes
Note that this doesn't work if there are blank lines in the selection.
Select all the lines on which you want to add prefix or suffix. (But if you want to add prefix or suffix to only specific lines, you can use ctrl+Left mouse button to create multiple cursors.)
Push Ctrl+Shift+L.
Push Home key and add prefix.
Push End key and add suffix.
Note, disable wordwrap, otherwise it will not work properly if your lines are longer than sublime's width.
Let's say you have these lines of code:
test line one
test line two
test line three
test line four
Using Search and Replace Ctrl+H with Regex let's find this: ^ and replace it with ", we'll have this:
"test line one
"test line two
"test line three
"test line four
Now let's search this: $ and replace it with ", now we'll have this:
"test line one"
"test line two"
"test line three"
"test line four"
You can use the Search & Replace feature with this regex ^([\w\d\_\.\s\-]*)$ to find text and the replaced text is "$1".
Use column selection. Column selection is one of the unique features of Sublime2; it is used to give you multiple matched cursors (tutorial here). To get multiple cursors, do one of the following:
Hold down the shift (Windows/Linux) or option key (Mac) while selecting a region with the mouse.
Clicking middle mouse button (or scroll) will select as a column also.
Select the desired region.
Type control+shift+L (Windows/Linux) or command+shift+L (Mac)
You now have multiple lines selected, so you could type a quotation mark at the beginning and end of each line. It would be better to take advantage of Sublime's capabilities, and just type ". When you do this, Sublime automatically quotes the selected text.
Type esc to exit multiple cursor mode.
Select all lines you want to add a suffix or prefix.(command+ A to select all the lines)
Press command+shift+L. This will put one cursor at the end of every line and all the selected lines would still be selected.
For adding suffix press command+right and for adding prefix command+left. This will deselect all the earlier selected text and there will only be cursors at the end or start of every line.
Add required text