Embedding a external pdf link to my webpage without uploading the pdf file to server - pdf

I have a external link to pdf(http://du.ac.in/du/uploads/Admissions/Cut-off/2016/First/290620161st_Cut_Off_DU_1.pdf). I want to show this pdf on my webpage without uploading this file to my server. Basically i want a pdf view embeded code but with the downloadable link of pdf file.

I'm reporting part of an answer of another question, should work
I recommend checking out PDFObject which is a Javascript library to embed PDFs in HTML files. It handles browser compatibility pretty well and will most likely work on IE8.
In your HTML, you could set up a div to display the PDFs:
<div id="pdfRenderer"></div>
Then, you can have Javascript code to embed a PDF in that div:
var pdf = new PDFObject({
url: "http://du.ac.in/du/uploads/Admissions/Cut-off/2016/First/290620161st_Cut_Off_DU_1.pdf",
id: "pdfRendered",
pdfOpenParams: {
view: "FitH"


Downloading PDFs without the link or .pdf extension specified in the href tag

I want to download PDFs from a website https://www.mca.gov.in/content/mca/global/en/data-and-reports/reports/monthly-information-bulletin.html which does not show the link or .pdf extension in the href tag clearly. I have loacted the tag which has the link but i am unalbe to figure out the code
for link in soup.select("a[href$='.pdf']"):
#try printing all pdf urls from the page
print (link)
How can I download these PDFs by changing these codes? Please suggest different codes if any. Thank you
I tried using the # which is mentioned in the href tag in this code
for link in soup.select("a[href$='.pdf']"):
#try printing all pdf urls from the page
print (link)
But the PDFs were not downloaded

Is there any way to save a webpage as a pdf document in flutter web view

I am currently using flutter InAppWebView Plugin. I want to save a web page as a pdf file when the url of the page is given. I have used the printCurrentPage() method of the InAppWebView plugin but it does not return the filepath back to the app after saving the file so that it can be shown in a list view in the app itself. Can anyone help me save the webpage as a pdf and show the saved files as a list view.
I have tried webcontent_converter plugin too but it looses some content of the page like images and icon to include in the pdf file.

Web APIs FileReader() hide download option

I've successfully integrated the FileReader() that renders a file from a BLOB so the user can view and interact with it, however the revised criteria states that the user shouldn't be allowed to download the document now.
The requirement is that the download icon is removed from the FileReader() but I can't seem to find a way of doing this, as it's baked into the actual Web API.
I started to write my own PDF viewer using a basic Vue to PDF package and adding custom controls but this is a bit of a monster and I'd like to avoid a complete re-write to remove one action.
Is there any way of removing the download CTA before it renders the PDF?
More context..
The PDF is rendered in the DOM from a BLOB that's passed via an end point I hook into with Axios. I then readAsDataURL(blob) and finally create the FileReader() result as a URL.createObjectURL(blob) to give me the data that I render as the canvas src to enable the PDF viewer. Unfortunately this can't be a PNG as it needs multi pages. Thee issue is that it's sensitive docs that can only be viewed on the portal, so it's to prevent users from easily downloading (aware they could just print screen).

How to Convert HTML Table to PDF and Save as PDF along with CSS - Client Side?

My requirement is Save HTML Table to PDF with CSS. And download as PDF file. I used jsPDF but not working in IE to convert HTML to PDF along with CSS. If any paid version or free version both will be fine for me.
Canvas approach will create the image of HTML Table and I want to use as original Table.
Appreciate reply!!!

How to download file from inside Seam PDF

In out project we are creating a pdf by using seam pdf and storing that pdf in the database.
The user can then search up the pdf and view it in their pdf viewer. This is a small portion of the code that is generated to pdf:
<a:repeat var="file" value="#{attachment.files}" rowKeyVar="row">
<s:link action="#{fileHandler.downloadById()}" value="#{file.name}" >
<f:param name="fileId" value="#{file.id}"/>
When the pdf is rendered, a link is generated that points to:
As you can see this link doesnt say much, and the servletpath seems to be missing.
If I change /project with the servletpath
Than the download file dialog appears. So my question is, does anyone know how I can input the correct link? And why this s:link doesnt seem to work?
If I cannot do that, then I will need to somehow do search replace and edit the pdf, but that seems like a bit of a hack.
(This is running under JBoss)
Thank you for your time....
I found a workaround for this problem.
Seems I have to use s:link together with a normal a href tag.
Only having href tag doesn't work for some reason.
<s:link action="#{fileHandler.downloadById()}" value="#{file.name}" propagation="none">
<f:param name="fileId" value="#{file.id}"/>
<a href="#{servletPath.path}?fileId=#{file.id}&actionMethod=#{path.replace('/','')}%2Fstatus%2Fstatus_pdf.xhtml%3AfileHandler.downloadById()&">
The servletPath.path returns the servlet path ie http://mydomain.com/download.seam
You can decide to put login-required=true on the download.seam if you want users to login before downloading a file.
public void servletPath() {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
this.path = request.getRequestURL().toString().replace("login.seam", "download.seam");