How to perform IBAction before dismiss sheetViewController from same UIButton? - objective-c

I am writing a Cocoa Mac app in Objective-C and using Storyboard for my UI.
I have a "Confirm" button in my sheetViewController.m which I want to perform some action (save some settings) as well as dismiss the sheetViewController at the same time. They both use the sheetViewController.m as outlets.
Unfortunately, with Storyboard, I can only pick one received action (IBAction) or dismissController.
I want to perform the IBAction FIRST, before dismissing the sheet. How can I accomplish this?
Happy to do this in code as well instead of Storyboard if necessary!

You can use codes to dismiss controller in your IBAction.

I found out how to reference Storyboard ID in code:
On MainViewController:
- (IBAction)didClickButton:(NSButton *)sender {
SheetViewController *sheetViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateControllerWithIdentifier:#"SheetViewController"];
// Must match Storyboard ID
[self presentViewControllerAsSheet:sheetViewController];
On SheetViewController:
- (IBAction)didClickButton:(NSButton *)button {
// Do something
[self dismissViewController:self];


Xcode Totally dismiss ViewController

I have a very simple question:
How can I "dismiss" a ViewController completely?
After this I want the ViewController to load like if it had been the first time I load the ViewController.
How could I do this? I already tried setNeedsDisplay() but thats not what I want.
I think what you mean is to remove the view (not the view controller) That way, when you enter the main view, it will run viewDidLoad again. I have done something similar in a view controller within a navigation controller. When I click the 'back' button, I wanted to remove the view and force it to load again the next time I enter it. I was able to do that with this code:
NSArray *viewsToRemove = [self.view subviews];
for (UIView *v in viewsToRemove)
NSLog(#"removing view %#", v);
[v removeFromSuperview];

Application tried to present modally an active controller : UIImagePickerController

I'm struggle at this for 2 days and believe that this is the moment I should call for help. After I search SOF for a while, none of any answer could solve my problem. Here are my application ...
In the application,
Device is iPad, iOS 6
RootViewController is NavigationController
TopViewController is TabBarController
In this TabBarController, I present a popoverController from right bar button of navigation bar
In presenting popover there is a button to allow user to pick image from by taking new one or pick from existing.
To pick new one, I presentViewController UIImagePickerController to allow user to take photo with divice camera. presentModalViewController:animated: if iOS < 6, and presentViewController:animated:completion: for iOS > 6
I also hide Status Bar before presentation
To select from existing photo, I do presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:permitArrowDirections:animated:
PopoverViewController also referencing by A TabBarController
Here is the issue
Present UIImagePickerController will always failed if user try to pick new one first with exception "Application tried to present modally an active controller <[name of view controller that try to present]>"
BUT, if user try to pick image from camera roll for once and then try to take new one again, it won't fail.
Here are what I tried
present from RootViewController
present from TopViewController (TabBarController)
present from popoverViewController itself
present from a tab of TabBarController
hide popoverViewController before presentation
resignFirstResponder from a textField in popoverViewController
Here is the current code I'm using
// PopoverViewController, presented by a tab in TabBarController
- (IBAction)takePhoto:(id)sender {
[self.delegate takePhotoWithDeviceCamera];
// A Tab in TabBarController, delegate of popoverViewController
- (void)takePhotoWithCamera {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES];
if ([UIDevice OSVersion] < 6.0) {
[self presentModalViewController:cameraPicker animated:YES];
} else {
[self presentViewController:cameraPicker animated:YES completion:nil];
Any idea what would cause this error? Any suggestion are welcome. Thank you.
Got the same trouble than you and finally got the solution based on #CainaSouza's answer. I've been working with Xamarin.iOS so I'll make my answer in C#, but it can be easily translated to Objective-C.
I'm using the same code as #CainaSouza to call the controller:
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController (customController, true, null);
And then I add the following code to my custom RootViewController:
public override void PresentViewController (UIViewController viewControllerToPresent, bool animated, Action completionHandler)
if (PresentedViewController != viewControllerToPresent) {
base.PresentViewController (viewControllerToPresent, animated, completionHandler);
The trick is to check if you haven't presented that UIViewController before.
I know it's an old question, but hope it will help someone. :)
Present the imagePicker controller in a popoverController(in case of iPad). This will not give you that error.
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
UIPopoverController *popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:picker];
[popover presentPopoverFromRect:self.selectedImageView.bounds inView:self.selectedImageView permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
self.popOver = popover;
else {
[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
Best Regards.
Have you tried to present it like this?
[self.view.window.rootViewController presentModalViewController:cameraPicker animated:YES];
My guess is that the cameraPicker instance is not correctly allocated/released. Try creating the cameraPicker inside your - (void)takePhotoWithCamera method rather than relying on a previously created instance. You'll get a handle to the picker instance in the callback methods...
I had the same problem - I wanted users to take photos using a full screen view (i.e. call presentViewController and pass UIImagePickerController controller instance) and select existing photos from a popover (I associated it with a popover using initWithContentViewController). I reused the same instance of UIImagePickerController for both camera and popover and it threw the same exception if I tried to run a camera before opening a popover.
I turned out to cause a problem and my solution was simply to have two instances of UIImagePickerController - one for camera (which I presented from a main view) and another one for popover. It works so far. :-)
Not sure if it is still actual for the original poster, but hopefully it will help anyone else who encounter this discussion.

sender.identifier isEqualToString

I've two modal controllers with button close at the top navigation bar of each.
I want to intercept the correct close button in my main view controller.
Unfortunately this code doesn't work, why ?
- (IBAction)close:(UIStoryboardSegue *)sender {
if ([sender.identifier isEqualToString: #"FirstModalClose"]) {
if ([sender.identifier isEqualToString: #"SecondModalClose"]) {
Actually, the type IBAction suggest that this method is triggered (if at all) by a GUI element, not a segue. Thus, the sender is propably an UIControl not an UIStoryboardSegue.
Maybe you want use UIViewController's method - (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender. There, you get both: the sender and the segue.
I simply had to insert FirstModalClose and SecondModalClose in the proper fields :(
I inserted FirstModalClose and SecondModalClose in Storyboard Segue and not in Storyboard Unwind Segue.
Now all work properly.

How do I cancel a segue that is connected to an UIButton

I'm working on this tutorial, which shows how to create an app with storyboards. My viewController has two UIButtons and I have connected a segue to those UIButtons. These segues push a new viewController.
Now I am looking for a way to cancel this segue if a certain condition becomes true. When I used the old xib files to create my interface I was able to do something like this:
-(IBAction)sendButton:(id)sender {
if(TRUE) {
// STOP !!
This does not work anymore. How can I cancel the push of the new viewController?
Nope. You can't cancel segues that are directly linked to interface elements like your UIButton.
But there is a workaround.
Remove the segue that is linked to the button
Add a segue from the viewController (the one with the button) to the viewController that should be pushed. This must be a segue that is not connected to a interface element. To do this you can start the segue from the status bar. Or create the segue in the left sidebar.
Select this segue, open the attributes inspector and change the Identifier of the segue (e.g. PushRedViewController)
Select Xcodes assistant view, so you can see the .h file of the viewController with the button.
Connect the button to an action. To do this select the button and control-drag to the .h file. Select action in the menu and name your action (e.g. redButtonPressed:)
Open the implementation of your viewController
change the action from step 5 to something like this:
- (IBAction)redButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"PushRedViewController" sender:sender];
You can actually do this by adding following method into your code
- (BOOL)shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier sender:(id)sender {
if([identifier isEqualToString:#"btnSegue"])
return YES;
return NO;
Lets assume your segue is btnSegue.And if you need the segue to be performed based on some condition you can have following code
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"btnSegue" sender:self];
Where check is BOOL which you can set true or false based on your condition.

ipad detect when UIPopoverControllers are dismissed

I have several uiPopoverControllers in my universal iPad app. I now have a requirement to trigger a function once a certain popover has been dismissed. I can do this easily if the user clicks "close" inside the popover, but if they touch the screen to hide the popover, I cannot trigger my function.
I've been googling for some time and cannot seem to find any delegate methods which I might be able to use in my main view controller to capture them. I would love something like didDismissPopoverController - but my guess is it's not available.
IF not, I guess the only thing to do would be to detect the touches and trigger then? Basically I am highlighting a UITableView row and loading the popover. I need to deselect the row - so want to simply call [table reloaddata].
Thanks for any help on this one!
You need to assign a delegate to the UIPopoverController and then implement the - (void)popoverControllerDidDismissPopover:(UIPopoverController *)popoverController method. For example:
#interface FooController : UIViewController <UIPopoverControllerDelegate> {
// ...
// ...
When you instantiate the UIPopoverController (say, for this example, in FooController)...
UIPopoverController *popover = // ...
popover.delegate = self;
Then, you would implement the method:
- (void)popoverControllerDidDismissPopover:(UIPopoverController *)popoverController {
// do something now that it's been dismissed
Granted, I haven't tested this but it seems like it should work...
Hope this helps!
You can use the popoverControllerDidDismissPopover delegate method after the following assignment:
self.popoverController.delegate = self;
Note that popoverControllerDidDismissPopover delegate method does not get called if you programmatically call [self.popoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES].