populating data from userform checkboxes & optional buttons - vba

I am creating a userform that I want to be able to populate values in a data tab as well as default to certain values.
I think I have text boxes and combo boxes down, but cannot find info on using multiple optional buttons to generate data to one cell depending on the selection.
from the example, my criteria would be "secondary insurance" how do I go about linking them all so that, lets say cell b1 is populated with the selected option?
I'm completely guessing but I think checkboxes are a little more simple, true if checked and false if unchecked.
What I have so far is just a code I came across to fill in a cell with the value of the designated text/combo box and was just going to repeat for each column I need to set a criteria for.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim LastRow As Long, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
LastRow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Finds the last blank row
ws.Range("A" & LastRow).Value = TextBox1.Text 'Adds the TextBox1 into Col A & Last Blank Row
End Sub
combobox list
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ComboBox1.Value = ("N/A")
ComboBox1.List = Split("N/A Yes No")
End Sub
Please let me know if I lack information and or how to attach my test worksheet, hopefully you can see the picture (I can't on my work server).
Thanks in advance for any and all education.

If the caption of the option button is the same as you want as cell text, then something like this may be what you want to store it:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim LastRow As Range
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set LastRow = .Rows(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Cells
If OptionButton1 Then
LastRow(2).Value2 = Me.OptionButton1.Caption
ElseIf Me.OptionButton2 Then
LastRow(2).Value2 = Me.OptionButton2.Caption
LastRow(2).Value2 = Me.OptionButton3.Caption
End If
End With
End Sub
This will set the desired cell to the value of the caption of the option button you have selected.
To load the data back in the userform, you could use something like this:
Sub Load_in(Row_To_Load As Long)
Dim MyRow As Range
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set MyRow = .Rows(Row_To_Load).Cells
If MyRow(2).Value2 = OptionButton1.Caption Then
OptionButton1.Value = True
ElseIf MyRow(2).Value2 = OptionButton2.Caption Then
OptionButton2.Value = True
OptionButton3.Value = True
End If
End With
End Sub
For this, I assumed that the names hasn't been changed. Also if nothing is selected, the third option (N/A) will be used. The same goes for loading it back. If you do not want that, simply change the Else part to ElseIf so it looks like the first 2 options.


VBA - Highlight Cell With Checkbox

Some logic to my process:
In column K on my worksheet I have inserted check boxes from cell K3 - K53 (this could become longer in the future) using the developer tab.
I then associated the check box with the same cell it is placed in.
I formatted the cells in this column by going to 'Format Cells', clicking on 'Custom' then typing in ';;;'. This was to HIDE the 'True/False' text from view.
My next step is to change the cell colour based on the text.
I have searched through a few forums and combined some code samples from them all, so I will not be able to reference the sources exactly, but below is what I have so far:
Sub Change_Cell_Colour()
Dim xName As Integer
Dim xChk As CheckBox
Dim rng As Range
Dim lRow As Long
lRow = ActiveWorksheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ActiveWorksheet.Range("K2:K" & lRow)
For Each xChk In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
xName = Right(xChk.Name, Len(xChk.Name) - 10)
If (Range(xChk.LinkedCell) = "True") Then
rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End Sub
I keep getting an error on the line where I try to get the last row.
lRow = ActiveWorksheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Object Required
I am not even sure if the code I have will solve my issue, so any help solving the main issue highlighting a cell based on the check box being checked or not, will be greatly appreciated.
Here's a quick rewrite with LOTS of comments explaining:
Sub Change_Cell_Colour()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
'Be explicit about which worksheet. Leaving it to "Activeworksheet" is going to cause problems
' as we aren't always sure which sheet is active...
'Also in this case we don't need to know the last row. We will iterate checkbox objects, not
' populate rows.
'lRow = ActiveWorksheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
'Again... we don't need this. We just need to iterate all the checkboxes on the sheet
'Set rng = ActiveWorksheet.Range("K2:K" & lRow)
'This is good stuff right here, just change the ActiveSheet to something more explicit
' I've changed this to the tab named "Sheet1" for instance.
For Each xChk In Sheets("Sheet1").CheckBoxes
'Getting the name of the checkbox (but only the last 10 characters)
xName = Right(xChk.Name, Len(xChk.Name) - 10)
'We can check the linked cell's value, but we can also just check if the
' if the checkbox is checked... wouldn't that be easier?
'If (Range(xChk.LinkedCell) = "True") Then
If xChk.Value = 1 Then
'Now we can use the "LinkedCell", but it's a STRING not a RANGE, so we will have
' to treat it as the string name of a range to use it properly
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End Sub
Here's the barebones version just to get it working
Sub Change_Cell_Colour()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
'Loop through each checkbox in Sheet1. Set it to color 6 if true, otherwise no color
For Each xChk In Sheets("Sheet1").CheckBoxes
If xChk.Value = 1 Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End Sub
I'm totally assuming here, but I would imagine you want this macro to fire when a checkbox is clicked. There is a handy Application.Caller that holds the name of the object that caused a macro to be called. You can set the "Assign Macro.." of each checkbox to this new code and then you can figure out which checkbox called the subroutine/macro using application.caller and follow the same logic to toggle it's linked cell color:
Sub Change_Cell_Colour()
Dim xChk As CheckBox
'Who called this subroutine/macro?
Dim clickedCheckbox As String
clickedCheckbox = Application.Caller
'Lets check just this checkbox
Set xChk = Sheets("Sheet1").CheckBoxes(clickedCheckbox)
'toggle its color or colour if you are a neighbour
If xChk.Value = 1 Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(xChk.LinkedCell).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End Sub
highlighting a cell based on the check box being checked or not
Select the sheet and apply a CF formula rule of:
ActiveWorksheet doesn't exist, and because you haven't specified Option Explicit at the top of your module, VBA happily considers it an on-the-spot Variant variable.
Except, a Variant created on-the-spot doesn't have a subtype, so it's Variant/Empty.
And ActiveWorksheet.Cells being syntactically a member call, VBA understands it as such - so ActiveWorksheet must therefore be an object - but it's a Variant/Empty, hence, object required: the call is illegal unless ActiveWorksheet is an actual Worksheet object reference.
Specify Option Explicit at the top of the module. Declare all variables.
Then change ActiveWorksheet for ActiveSheet.

VBA - Refer to CheckBox from the cell address

I am looping through few rows and I need to know if the CheckBox in each row is "Checked" or not, but I don't know the name of the CheckBox. The below code is just to illustrate the problem:
Sub Checkboxes()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Input Data")
Dim Switch As Boolean
For i = 4 To 8
Switch = ws.Cells(i, 11).CheckboxValue
MsgBox Switch
Next i
End Sub
To create the checkboxes I did the following:
Create a CheckBox
Place it in a cell
Copy below in the same column
I assume the code should be the exact opposite of:
This is a good workaround. The code links all CheckBoxes to the cell that they're in and gives them Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE). For visual appearance, I have used "Number Formating" that makes the text "TRUE/FALSE" invisible. All you need to do is call the function with the Worksheet (where the CheckBoxes are) as input. The idea came from Aeneas
Public Function Link_Checkboxes_To_Cells(ws As Worksheet)
'This function is linking the checkboxes to the cells that they are in, so that the value of the cell becomes TRUE/FALSE when using the checkbox within.
'Meanwhile, I have manually made the text invisible in the cells with checkboxes, using the following method:
' https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Hide-or-display-cell-values-c94b3493-7762-4a53-8461-fb5cd9f05c33#bm1
' Number Type ---> Custom --> Then type ";;;" (without the quotes) and OK
Dim chk As CheckBox
For Each chk In ws.Checkboxes
With chk
.LinkedCell = _
.TopLeftCell.Offset(0, 0).Address
End With
Next chk
End Function
Sub Checkboxes()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Input Data")
Dim Switch As Boolean
For Each cb In ws.Checkboxes
If cb.Value = 1 Then
Switch = True
Switch = False
End If
MsgBox cb.Name & " Value= " & Switch
Next cb
End Sub

Click and Unclick X boxes in VBA excel formula

I am creating a survey that I want to be simple for the end user. I have created a document that operates on a Likert scale, where things range from Disagree to Agree on a 6 point scale (with a no answer field). The questions I have run on rows 3 to 152 and the choices are in cells C:H on each row. Currently, I have it to where the taker can click on a cell and produce an X in the box, indicating their choice. I also have it so that they may only click one option in the row, and if they select another option, it removes the first X and places the X in the new cell that they have clicked.
Here is what I want. Right now, if they place an X in a cell, and click that same X, my code goes through and takes the X away and replaces it again with that same X. I would like it to replace the clicked X with nothing, so that it can toggle on and off with a click. I want to keep it so that if they select another cell in the same row, the X in the original cell disappears and the X pops up in the clicked cell, however. I only want them to be able to select one cell in each row for each question. Sorry for the length, but I just wanted to be clear. Here is my code currently.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rInt As Range
Dim rCell As Range
For rw = 3 To 152
Set rInt = Intersect(Target, Range("C" & rw & ":H" & rw))
If Not rInt Is Nothing Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("C" & rw & ":H" & rw)) > 0 Then
Range("C" & rw & ":H" & rw).Value = ""
End If
For Each rCell In rInt
If rCell.Value = "" Then
rCell.Value = "X"
End If
End If
Set rInt = Nothing
Set rCell = Nothing
Cancel = True
End Sub
Try the below code. Notice I removed your loop; there's no reason to loop through every row when we can pinpoint the row the user selected and focus on that row. I also changed the way rInt is set, replaced the CountA function with .Find, and wrapped the entire procedure with a test to see whether the user has selected a cell in our predefined range (so the code doesn't needlessly run when other cells are selected).
Option Explicit
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Only run the code if the user selected a cell in our defined range:
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("C3:H152")) Is Nothing Then
'Declare variables
Dim rInt As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rw As Long
Dim xLoc As Range
Set rInt = Me.Range(Me.Cells(Target.Row, "C"), Me.Cells(Target.Row, "H"))
If Not rInt Is Nothing Then
'Look for a response in our answer range
Set xLoc = rInt.Find("x")
If Not xLoc Is Nothing Then
'If there was a response and the response was in the same column _
'we selected, wipe the response and exit the sub.
If Target.Column = xLoc.Column Then
rInt.Value = vbNullString
Exit Sub
'Else, wipe the previous response and add the new response
rInt.Value = vbNullString
Target.Value = "x"
End If
'If there were no previous responses...
Else: Target.Value = "x"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
All you need here are radio buttons that are linked to a cell and then edit the click code.
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
Range("D3:H3") = False
Range("C3") = True
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
Range("C3") = False
Range("D3") = True
Range("E3:H3") = False
End Sub
Then format the cells to make the text the same color as the background and use conditional formatting to change the color of the cell the radio button is in front of by referencing the TRUE or FALSE, very nice for the user and easy.
I'm guessing you haven't used them before so just so you know, you go to the developer tab, I always use the ActiveX radio buttons. Then use design mode to edit the properties of the option button, and change "GroupName" to link any the radio buttons together where you only want one to be clicked by naming them with the same group name.

Dynamic Combo box values

I have a user-form with a comboBox, textBox and button, the items of comboBox are the cells value in range ((A1:A10) for example).
If I enter a new text in comboBox which isn't in the range, I need to add this value to the range, and write it in the textBox, and if it is already exist I want to write it in textBox directly.
I tried to do it but I didn't succeed.
Can anyone help?
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'cmbx.RowSource = "d2:d100"
Dim cLoc As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("LookupLists")
For Each cLoc In ws.Range("LocationList")
cmbx.AddItem cLoc.Value
Next cLoc
End Sub
If I have understood you correctly then I guess this is what you are tying to do?
For this, please ensure that in design mode, you set the ComboBoxes's .Style property to 0-fmStyleDropDownCombo. This will ensure that you can type in the combobox. :) I have also commented the code so that you will not have a problem understanding the code. But if you still do then simply post back.
My Assumptions: There is nothing below Cell A10
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cLoc As Range
'~~> Prepare your form
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LookupLists")
For Each cLoc In ws.Range("LocationList")
cmbx.AddItem cLoc.Value
Next cLoc
End Sub
'~~> This will do what you want
Private Sub cmbx_AfterUpdate()
Dim lRow As Long
'~~> Check if the value is in the range
'~~> If not then add it to the range and textbox as well
If Not IFEXISTS(cmbx.Value) Then
lRow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
ws.Range("A" & lRow).Value = cmbx.Value
'~~> Delete the Named range so that we can re-create
'~~> it to include the new value
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="LocationList", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=LookupLists!R1C1:R" & lRow & "C1"
End If
'~~> Add to textbox
TextBox1.Text = cmbx.Value
End Sub
'~~> function to check if the value is in the textbox or not
Function IFEXISTS(cmbVal As String) As Boolean
For Each cLoc In ws.Range("LocationList")
If UCase(Trim(cLoc.Value)) = UCase(Trim(cmbVal)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next cLoc
End Function

Using textboxes within userform to define variables?

I currently run a macro to compare the most recent sheet of data to the report immediately prior and highlight changes. It works fine on its own. Now, however, we would like to be able to compare selected sheets from any time period. My idea was to pop up a simple userform with two textboxes that the user can use to specify which two reports he wants to compare. I am quite lost though with the idea of trying to declare public variables; what I've got atm is:
Option Explicit
Public shtNew As String, shtOld As String, _
TextBox1 As TextBox, TextBox2 As TextBox
Sub SComparison()
Const ID_COL As Integer = 31 'ID is in this column
Const NUM_COLS As Integer = 31 'how many columns are being compared?
Dim rwNew As Range, rwOld As Range, f As Range
Dim X As Integer, Id
shtNew = CSManager.TextBox1
shtOld = CSManager.TextBox2
'Row location of the first employee on "CurrentMaster" sheet
Set rwNew = shtNew.Rows(5)
Do While rwNew.Cells(ID_COL).Value <> ""
Id = rwNew.Cells(ID_COL).Value
Set f = shtOld.UsedRange.Columns(ID_COL).Find(Id, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Set rwOld = f.EntireRow
For X = 1 To NUM_COLS
If rwNew.Cells(X).Value <> rwOld.Cells(X).Value Then
rwNew.Cells(X).Interior.Color = vbYellow
rwNew.Cells(33) = "UPDATE"
rwNew.Cells(X).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
Next X
End If
Set rwNew = rwNew.Offset(1, 0) 'next row to compare
Call SUpdates
End Sub
My Suggestion would be to use Comboboxes instead of TextBoxes. Create a userform with two command buttons and two comboboxes and populate the comboboxes in the UserForm_Initialize() event using this code.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
ComboBox1.AddItem ws.Name: ComboBox2.AddItem ws.Name
End Sub
And then use this code in the OK button to do the comparison.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim shtNew As Worksheet, shtOld As Worksheet
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "Please select the first sheet"
Exit Sub
End If
If ComboBox2.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "Please select the Second sheet"
Exit Sub
End If
Set shtNew = Sheets(ComboBox1.Value)
Set shtOld = Sheets(ComboBox2.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
For an easy fix, couldn't you just colour (sorry, I'm English!) the worksheets that you want to refer to, then do something like:
Sub ListSheets()
'lists only non-coloured sheets in immediate window
'(could amend to add to combo boxes)
Dim w As Worksheet
'loop over worksheets in active workbook
For Each w In Worksheets
If w.Tab.Color Then
'if tab color is set, print
Debug.Print w.Name
End If
Next w
Let me know if this solves your problem.