What are the Pager and Hash plugins for lightGallery? - lightgallery

I came across the Pager and Hash plug-ins for lightGallery: http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightgallery1.2/docs/api.html#lg-pager
The docs tell how to enable them. But what are they for? What's their use?

As far as I know, the pager displays the 'current-image/total-images' in the upper left corner (ex. 4/34 on the fourth item).
The hash plug-ins creates unique URL's with hash(#) id's for every item(slide=) of the gallery or galleries(lg=).
Example: www.foo.com/bar/foobar.php#lg=1&slide=0.
Where 'lg=1' refers to the first gallery and 'slide=0' refers to the first item inside that (lg=1) gallery. Every item has it's own unique URL.


Show content based on whether the user has certain tag in Mailchimp

I went through the Merge Tags here and here, but couldn't figure out the syntax that would allow me to show content based on whether the user has certain Tag or not.
My goal in case it helps:
User subscribes, and is queued for a welcome mail one day later. In meantime that user may get tagged (my way of segmenting them), and so, the next day when that user receives the welcome mail, the content needs to be catered based on the tag that user got.
Got a response from their support saying
merge tags do not work with Tags just yet
here's the whole thing:
While we do have conditional merge tags available, I'm afraid we do
not have any that would work with Tags. To be transparent, Tags were
recently added a few months ago, and there are some features in our
application that has not updated to work with Tags just yet.
Because conditional merge tags do not work with tags yet, the best
option would be to create multiple automations and send them out based
on each tags. If you do it that way, you'll be able to target those in
specific tags with specific content
Dug a little deeper from the first link. There is another link Use Conditional Merge Tag Blocks which contained the below code:
Use ELSE to indicate alternative content to display if the *|MERGE|* tag value is false.
*|IF:MERGE|* content to display *|ELSE:|* alternative content to display *|END:IF|*
Use ELSEIF to specify a new *|MERGE|* tag to be matched against if the first *|MERGE|* tag value is false.
*|IF:TRANSACTIONS >= 20|* Enjoy this 40% off coupon! *|COUPON40|*
*|ELSEIF:TRANSACTIONS >= 10|* Enjoy this 20% off coupon! *|COUPON20|*
*|ELSE:|* Enjoy this 10% off coupon! *|COUPON10|* *|END:IF|*
More examples with definitions can be found here.
Hope this is the answer you were after.

Is there a way to do string replacement/substitution in sql?

I have some records in a CMS that include HTML fragments with custom tags for a widget tool. The maker of the CMS has apparently updated their CMS without providing proper data conversion. Their widgets use keys for layout based on screen width such as block_lg, block_md, block_sm. The problem kicks in with the fact they used to have a block_xs and they have now shifted them all -- dropping the block_xs and instead placing a block_xl on the other end.
We don't really use these things, but their widget configurations do. What this means for us is the values for each key are identical. The problem occurs when the updated CMS code is looking for the 'block_xl' in any widget definition tags, it can't find it and errors out.
What I'm thinking then is that the new code will appear to 'ignore' the block_xs due to how it reads the tags. (and similarly, the old code will ignore block_xl) Since the values for each are identical, I need to basically read any widget definition and add a block_xl value to it matching the value of [any one of] the other width parameters.
Since the best place order-wise would be 'before' the block_lg value, it's probably easiest to do it as follows:
Replace any thing matching posix style regex matching /block_lg(="\d+,\d+")/ with: block_xl="$1" block_lg="$1"
Or whatever the equivalent of that would be.
Example of an existing CMS block with multiple widget definitions:
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
What I would prefer to end up with from the above (adding block_xl):
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_xl="127,12," block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_xl="126,12," block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
I know how to do it in php and if necessary, I will just replace it on my local DB and write an sql script to update the modified records, but the html blocks can be kind of big in some cases. It would be preferable, if it is possible, to make the substitutions right in the SQL but I'm not sure how to do it or if it's even possible to do.
And yes, there can be more than one instance of a widget in any given cms page or block. (i.e. there may be a need for more than one such substitutions with different local 'values' assigned to the block_lg)
If anyone can help me do it in SQL, it would be greatly appreciated.
for reference, the tables effected are called cms_page and cms_block, the name of the row in both cases is content

yadcf externally triggered filters 'shut off' the actual filtering

I am trying to set my yadcf filters up so they can be triggered from a call (link) from another page. I have an angular single page application that has three tabs on it. If a user clicks a link on lets say the first tab, they will go to another tab (separate table) that contains detailed information relevant to the link they click. (e.g. They are on a row in a table that deals with Apple Mac Pro computers. They see that there are 20 skus currently in the system. They click the number 20 and they go to a lower tab (different table) that contains all the information for those skus). There is no server call in the middle. All the data is loaded in all the tables when the application loads up. So, they are simply clicking a link that applies a filter to the detail table.
yadcf can do this through externally_triggered filters. However, when I set 'externally_triggered': true, it stops the actual filters from working on the details table. (In other words, I can no longer go to that table and manually adjust the filters.)
Does anyone know a way around this issue?
It appears the externally_triggered: true switch does not need to be turned on to use yadcf.exFilterColumn() method. I do not understand when it does need to be turned on, but I am able to call the exFilterColumn method and pass it the options needed to 'prefilter' the table while still retaining the ability to filter the table manually.
externally_triggered and yadcf.exFilterColumn are not related in any way, indeed when yadcf.exFilterColumn is used filters behave a bit differently - they are not filtering on change/keyup/etc , but rather only when the uadcf.exFilterExternallyTriggered function is called (its on purpose and all is explained in the docs)
Here is the relevant text from the docs of the externally_triggered, here it is:
* externally_triggered
Required: false
Type: boolean
Default value: false
Description: Filters will filter only when yadcf.exFilterExternallyTriggered(table_arg) is called
Special notes: Useful when you want to build some form with filters and you want to trigger the filter when that form
"submit" button is clicked (instead of filtering per filter input change)
Here is the showcase page

Content Organizer Rule Creation Issue

I am using the Content Organizer feature to move documents of a specific content type into a specific folder in a document library in the same site. I created a content organizaer rule with a property setting that uses the property testcolumn. Testcolumn is a site column defined as a lookup to column on a custom List, testlist, and then added to a site content type. The items in this list are displayed in the Value dropdown list and I can select the specific value I want to use for this rule.
The problem is that I can create and save rules provided that there are no more than 19 items in the testlist list. When I have 20 items in the testlist, it looks like the rule was saved by the UI. If I open the rule and go to edit it, the Value for the testcolumn property is (None). If I look at the item in powershell, the Value property is equal to '0' and not the ID of the item I saved in the UI. If I delete a record in the testlist so that the total number of items drops below 20, I can save the rule without issue. I have tried different combinaitions of items in the list in case it was a text issue, but when I have 20 items or more in the list, the rule is not saved.
I have looked at the ULS logs and it states the "Routing Engine: UpdateRule() has successfully updated the rule, rule.Name=TestRule1" when I save the rule.
Thanks for your help.
The answer is partially listed here. Looks like the page renders the control differently if the number of items is 20 or greater. The content organizer rule creation page does not handle this change and does not show any error when saving the information.
I was able to get around this limitation in the UI by adding the rules through code during my feature creation event. A link to creating rules through code is here.

Eclipse RCP: How to order perspective buttons belonging to different plugins?

My application has 5 plugins. Each plugin has a perspective of it's own and hence each perspective extension definition is under individual plugin's plugin.xml.
Now, I want to control the order in which these perspectives appear in my application. How to do it?
There is one main plugin that holds "ApplicationWorkBenchAdvisor.java". This has initialize() method in which I am iterating through the perspective registry using
and then appending perspective ids in a comma separated fashion to a String variable (pbar) which is used later like this.
PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore().setDefault(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS, pbar);
PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore().setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS, pbar);
When iterating thourgh the perspective registry, I can compare perspective ids and sort it(when adding to 'pbar' by comparing ids) the way I want it to appear but, I don't want to do this ordering here as it appears like a dirty way.
Is there any other place where we can fix the order in which perspectives appear? (Each perspective resides in different plugin).
1) Could we also control the ordering in the perspective switcher?
2) Is there a way to control entry into perspective registry to in inflict the desired order. If not could we write back into perspective registry?
If your application is encapsulated as an eclipse product, you may tweak the plugin.properties/plugin_customization.ini file.
(file referenced by the 'preferenceCustomization' property in your product extension point.)
This file is a java.io.Properties format file. Typically this file is used to set the values for preferences that are published as part of a plug-in's public API.
(Example of such a file for org.eclipse.platform)
So if the string representing the order of perspective can be referenced as a property, you can define the default order in there.
Since the source code of IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants mentions:
* Lists the extra perspectives to show in the perspective bar.
* The value is a comma-separated list of perspective ids.
* The default is the empty string.
* #since 3.2
public static final String JavaDoc PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS = "PERSPECTIVE_BAR_EXTRAS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Maybe a line in the plugin_customization.ini file:
would allow you to specify that order without having to hard-code it.
Additional notes:
IPerspectiveRegistry (or PerspectiveRegistry) is not made to write anything (especially for perspective defined in an extension)
Ordering may be found in the state of the workbench (stored in the workspace and then restored when its launched again, .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml)
Do you confirm that:
IPerspectiveRegistry registry = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry();
IPerspectiveDescriptor[] perspectives = registry.getPerspectives();
is not in the right order when the plugin_customization.ini does define that order correctly ?
Liverpool 5 - 0 Aston Villa does confirm that (in the comments), but also indicates the (ordered) ini file entries internally get recorded into preference store, which means they can be retrieved through the preference store API:
Liverpool 5 - 0 Aston Villa then add:
perspective registry (the initial "PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPerspectiveRegistry().getPerspectives();" bit) remains unaltered (and unordered).
But, you still can "readily access to ordered list of perspectives" through preference store.
So, for other tasks, instead of iterating though perspective registry (which is still unordered), we can use the ordered variable that stores list of ordered perpective ids.
Note: another possibility is to Replace the Perspective-Switcher in RCP apps
=> to:
You can more easily define the order in a menu or in buttons there.
Extreme solution: re-implement a perspective switcher.
To sum up all the observations and findings,
1) It is not possible to alter entries in the perspective registry. It is read-only.
2) To make perspective appear in the order that we want on perspective bar, we can achieve it by adding an entry in plugin_customization.ini (or preferences.ini) as shown below.
3) If we want to fetch this ordered list, we can't fetch it directly. But as this ini file entry internally gets recorded in PreferenceStore we can fetch the same value from PreferenceStore using the following API as shown below.
Why would someone need to access the entry defined in ini file at all?
Well, in my case I had a view in which i had to display links to every perspective. As my perspective bar was sorted in desired order, I also wanted to maintain the same order in my view while displaying links to perspectives.
4) There is no known way to inflict the same sort order in the display of default perspective switcher. While a new custom perspective switcher can be written to achieve the desired effect.