In older versions of Pharo when you double-click a class name or any word in a text container, it it highlighted. However in Pharo 5, under Windows, this does not work anymore.
Is there any way to revert to older behavior?
Smalltalk vm version. 'CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.1855 uuid: d8e4a3c2-a3bf-4adc-b224-8012903a1ef4 May 4 2016
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.1855 uuid: d8e4a3c2-a3bf-4adc-b224-8012903a1ef4 May 4 2016 Commit: b8ec25a570d7539653e1d793e97609adb509aaed Date: 2016-05-04 11:14:22 +0200 By: Esteban Lorenzano Jenkins build #589
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce the behaviour you are reporting.
I can double-click on a word and word clicked is properly selected (tested under win XP and win 10)...
how did you downloaded it?
is that a "clean" image?
Which vm version are you using? (Smalltalk vm version will answer that)
Can you try zeroconf? (wget -O- | bash && ./pharo-ui Pharo.image)
I have this problem in Windows 10 with Pharo 6.1 (and remember also having it with Pharo 5). Digging around with Google I found that this number is hard-coded to 350ms in the HandMorph class initialize method:
"HandMorph initialize"
PasteBuffer := nil.
DoubleClickTime := 350.
NormalCursor := CursorWithMask normal asCursorForm.
In a Playground, I entered:
HandMorph doubleClickTime: 500
and this seems to help.
please help me to convert 16.0 vi into 15.0 version vi. coulnt possible to open 16 version in 15 labview please help me with this .Thanks in advance.
Based on your statement, "coulnt possible to open 16 version in 15 labview," it sounds like you have a specific VI (or set of VIs) that you need to open.
Find a colleague with LabVIEW 2016 and ask them to save it for LabVIEW 2015. Or, ask a stranger to do so in NI's forums.
Saving for Older Versions of LabVIEW
In general, you can write a LabVIEW program to do this for you with the Save For Previous method in VI server.
Keep in mind, however, that different LabVIEW file types have different Save methods, so you will need to detect the file type to use the correct method.
Save for Previous (by type)
Search the Class Browser (in the View menu, select Class Browser, and click the magnifying glass icon) to see what methods you can use:
I have the following code form Dolphin Smalltalk:
digitalClockProcess := [[
Processor sleep: 1000.
(View desktop canvas)
font: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 36) beBold;
text: Time now printString at: 10#10;
] repeat] fork.
which shows a digital clock on the desktop. Can this code be run on GNU Smalltalk? I tried gst and gst-blox on Fedora on a VirtualBox VM and it didn't work, and gst-blox doesn't exist on Ubuntu, and gst-browser on both Fedora and Ubuntu gave a
Object: CFunctionDescriptor new: 1 "<0x7ffb3a010dc0>" error: Invalid C call-out g_date_get_type
when starting up the app. How is it done in GNU Smalltalk?
I am not familiar with GNU Smalltalk (I use Pharo), so maybe there is better way to write the code, but regardless.
gst installed from package manager doesn't need any GUI (it's a CLI), and even though it offers them, it doesn't pull the necessary system libraries to run them, so you have to install them manually:
for gst-browser (new ui): libgtk2.0 libcairo2 (tested on ubuntu)
for gst-blox (old ui): tcl tk (not tested)
I see two problems with the code: GST doesn't support Process>>sleep:, and it uses GUI.
As for GUI, Smalltalks have very different UI libraries, Dolphin is geared towards MS Windows, GNU Smalltalk uses GNU stuff (GTK for the newser gst-browser, and TK/TCL for older gst-blox it seems), Pharo uses Athens, etc. Even if they share some concepts (such as MVC pattern), they do not really share API.
In fact it seems that GNUSmalltalk has "new" UI --- VisualGST (gst-browser) and that gst-blox is deprecated.
In any case, after some digging I end up with the following code. It creates a GTK window (UI used by gst-browser), and then it continuously updates the text.
window := GTK.GtkWindow new: GTK.Gtk gtkWindowToplevel.
window setTitle: 'Time'.
window resize: 400 height: 300.
label := GTK.GtkLabel new.
label setText: Time now printString.
label show.
window add: label.
window show.
digitalClockProcess := [[
(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
label setText: Time now printString.
] repeat] fork.
The code for gst-blox would have to use tcl/tk instead, which I am not familiar with.
Running the code
To run the code in gst-browser, from top menu select 'Tools > Bottom Pane', and then paste the code to a 'Workspace' that will be in the bottom pane (you can add more workspaces via 'File > New Workspace'.
Instructions how to download and build GNU smalltalk can be found here. This should solve your problem with the availability of gst-blox (GNU smalltalk with GUI) on ubuntu.
I want create a DeskBand application for Windows 7 64bit in VB2013.
I found two helpful sites:
Band Object Basics
Extending Explorer with Band Objects Using .NET
My problem is, if I want activate my toolbar, drop the popup window that say this: "**** toolbar isn't compatible with this version of Windows."
I write this on Win x64 with VB.NET Target Platform\CPU: x64
My VB.NET project files:
What could be the problem?
Please help me. Thank you.
You DeskBand must implement IDeskBand2 interface. And IDeskBand2.CanRenderComposited method must set CanRenderComposited to TRUE.
I recently acquired an HP Spectre 13 on which I installed GNU/Linux (Arch Linux). I then installed IntelliJ. Everything seemed fine until I tried the shortcut.
I'm on an AZERTY keyboard. I configured the system layout so that I can enjoy the right layout, i.e when I type the letter "a", I've got an "a", and so on. However, with IntelliJ, when typing text, the recognized keyboard layout is "azerty", but using shortcuts, IntelliJ recognizes a "qwerty" layout.
Example: To select all the text, we do ^A. But instead, I get a ^Q, though the letter "a" is recognized as an "a" when I code.
I'm clueless on this one, since for instance ^A works fine in my web browser. I doubt it may come from the hardware, but who knows.
PS: Whether it's IntelliJ 13 or 14, the problem is the same.
Alternatively, make the azerty keyboard layout first in order in system settings.
Source link.
And BTW, guess what, the problem still persists in 2020. 😁
UPDATE: As of September 2020 there is a new checkbox to solve this:
(Settings -> Keymap -> Use National layouts for shortcuts)
For me, IntelliJ was using a different keyboard layout on Debian Jessie.
Force IntelliJ to use the French KB layout:
setxkbmap fr
I finally found a solution by forcing the keyboard layout with the "setxkb" utility.
setxkb fr
It seems that doing it through my Desktop Environment (Cinammon) only solves it partially. It was also buggy.
So I decided to move to something more basic such as awesome and bspwm, where things doesn't come magically since you have to configure everything yourself.
I use an external clipboard (ClipMenu) on Mac OS X 10.8.5 with IntelliJ Idea 13.0.3. It works everywhere else, but breaks consistently in JIdea.
Apparently this is due to a Java bug.
See solution from :
Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA" choose "Show Package Contents", edit "bin/", add this property "ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True", restart intellij.
Using MaxOS 10.9, ClipMenu 0.4.3, Intellij IDEA 13 Ultimate.
Update : This trick will likely hang the UI, "Until given an official ok this is a 'hack' not a 'fix'"
I'm the developer of ClipMenu. Recently I found a workaround for this issue, and released a testing version. If you are interested in it, please try it and give me your feedback.