Creating folder structure in Source control region in RTC? - rtc

Can I create a folder structure in ALM for Streams.
One folder for Trunk code.
One for tagged code.
One for branch.
Inside each folder the corresponding streams should be placed or grouped.

Sadly, the IBM RTC GUI does not provide hierarchy or folders for streams.
You have to use some kind of naming convention in order to identify which stream is for what, as opposed to group them in "folders" within one project.
That is illustrated in "RTC Eclipse Client Grouping Streams in a Folder Structure"
Is there anyway to group related streams into a folder structure?
Otherwise the list of streams will grow and be more unmanageable unlike the simple 2 streams in the attached example:
The latest "RTC Stream creation" help page does not mention folder either.


Programmatically set default column values based on folder in SharePoint Online

I'm working on enhancing metadata in our SharePoint online (O365) environment. Since a portion of my user base is used to foldering (explorer style), I've started using default column values to automatically set values on any files added to that specific folder (we have content organized categorically by folder currently). An example is our HR documents library - we have separate folders for recruiting, payroll, personnel files, etc. that automatically categorize files added to that folder with the same categories (recruiting, payroll, personnel, etc.). This supports both "search" and "click" users and makes adoption WAY easier while getting important metadata.
I want to implement this in a larger, more dynamic fashion, so manually setting default column values on each folder is not going to be scalable.
How can I reference the top level folder within the library (or even the current folder) for each newly added file and populate the "category" field for that new file with that folder name? I can do some very basic C# or Java code copy/paste, but bonus points for non-coding solutions =)
This problem can be solved through no coding.You can use the workflow to implement this by SharePoint Designer.
Create different view for different function team, and then use the view filter to show the document.
If you upload a file, use the workflow to set the metadata of the file. There are some known limitations: if you upload multiple files at the same time, the metadata for the file maybe does not work well; or if you upload a folder, the meta will not work for it and the file in the folder may not be set to right metadata.
I was actually able to use MS Flow to accomplish this in a pretty simple and straightforward fashion without managing custom views per team. The concept at a high level was:
(Trigger) When a new document is created in a folder in the library
Get the link of the parent folder of the newly added document
Create a variable (or just code it out in the Flow step) to parse out the name of the parent folder from the parent folder link (should be all text to the right of the last "/")
Set the category field as the variable
I'm sure that you could do the same right in a SharePoint designer workflow, but I prefer flow due to the visual aspect of it and being far easier to troubleshoot.

How can I prevent perforce from opening / moving deleted files?

Hello helpful persons,
I'm working with trying to set up some new branch structures in our companies codebase for organization and sanity purposes. True to form decision makers have changed their minds and want the structure to be changed a bit from what I already have in place. Not an over-the-top request though, because no one is yet using the new structure so I have "free reign".
I need to simply move these thousands of files in the containing branch directories (//depot/main/... and //depot/dev/... respectively) into a //depot/main/[product_name]/... structure etc. which I'm on board with and understand the advantages.
While opening the files from //depot/main/... for edit and move I see in my output that there are several warning messages:
warning: edit of deleted file
warning: move of deleted file
How can I tell perforce that I do not want to open deleted files for edit, and in turn that I do not want to move deleted files to the new location(s)?
I have a feeling that there is some documentation that I am either not understanding or not finding properly.
Generally you only get that particular warning if you aren't synced to head and are trying to move a file. Make sure you are synced to the head revisions.
As suggested by raven you should probably be using integrate for this. Generally my recommendation is to use 'p4edit/p4 move' intra-branch and 'p4 populate/integ/copy/merge' for interbranch branch integrations.

SharePoint groups and shared libraries/lists

This is going to be vague, hopefully not annoyingly so. I know very little about SharePoint, but I'm asking for someone who's more knowledgable but is under lots of crippling pressure. Unfortunately I'm going to be held responsible for the project (it's due before Christmas!!), so I need to see what I can figure out on my own to help out. Please allow my desperation and helplessness to excuse any problems with this question.
We've created an InfoPath form that generates xml files that will be uploaded to SharePoint. The data from these files will be aggregated and used to generate reports. The biggest issue is that the users will be spread out over three locations, and the info generated from each location needs to be firewalled from the others. But we need the xml files from all three locations to go to the same place in order to make the aggregation feasible with minimal manual work.
I've read something about SharePoint groups ( and figured that might be the way of doing it, so long as 1) the xml documents could all go to the same library/repository and 2) that shared repository would only show each group their own documents. For at least two users we also need a master view that shows all of the documents regardless of the group that created them.
That's the main question. Ultimately we'll also need a similar way of storing the generated reports (tables and charts) to the creators of the xml files AND a set of users at each location who won't be able to view or create those xml files. But first things first, I guess.
Is this possible and feasible? Any hints/links that could get us started down this path?
I think in your case the best option is to create a folder for each group, and set permissions on them to allow just the specific group of users to access that folder. The same with a separate library for reports. Then, you'd just setup a list view that flattens the folder hierarchy to view all items at once.
You could also set per-document permission programmatically in an event receiver, however, there's a pretty low limit (search for ACL) on the number of unique access control lists per library (it's 50.000 actually). So depending on the number of XMLs you are going to manage you may reach this limit.

AccuRev- 'files in Deep overlap' section

What I did:
AccuRev update
SourceCode does not compile any more and it should because it compiles on other machines
I do not understand it so I delete my workspace from my HDD and I populate it back from AccuRev
I get lots and lots of files in 'Underlap' and in 'Deep Overlap' state
Questions here:
why did I get files in this status? (and how can I solve this problem, I reverted changes to files from 'Underlap' and now I am merging files from 'Deep Overlap' but there are lots of them!
how can I just get files from repo?
Thank you!
The deep overlap filter will give you a list of overlap files in your workspace and/or files in a stream above your workspace.
For stream overlap, once you resolve the deep overlaps, you will need to promote those changes into the stream where the overlap appears to clear this status.
If you want a clean workspace wrt your basis stream, I would recommend you purge (revert to backed) any elements in your default group and pending filter. Once complete, update the workspace. Now your workspace should be identical with the basis stream.

iOS Core Data: When is data recreatable?

My iOS Application has been in review, but was rejected regarding the iOS Data Storage Guidelines. In the end, it was rejected because my Core Data database (sqlite) was located in the /Documents folder. I'm was aware, that this folder should only be used, it the data could not be recreated by my application. The reason why I chose to put it there anyway was, that one of the entities in my database contains an attribute telling if the given news has been read. This information cannot be recreated. Is this not enough to put the database in the /Documents folder?
Another thing is, that the current version of my application does not use this value to visualize if the news item has been read or not. So, should I tell the review-team about this attribute and argument why I think it should be placed in the document-folder -- or should I just move it to the /Library/Cache/?
The app review team wants you to split your data apart. Store the re-creatable parts in the Cache folder and the stuff that can't be re-created in the Documents folder. It's okay if there's a little bit of stuff in Documents that could theoretically be re-created—nobody will even notice a title or datestamp—but long text documents, video, audio, or images should be kept in the Cache folder if they can be downloaded again later.
There are a couple different ways you could do this:
Store the downloaded content in the Cache folder and only put the content's filename in your Core Data database (or calculate the filename from something else, like the SHA-1 hash of the URL it was downloaded from). Make sure your code will re-download any content that's not in the cache.
Use two Core Data stores with a single store coordinator. Note that you can't split an entity's attributes across two stores, so you may have to break some of your entities in half. Nor can you create a relationship from an object in one store to an object in another, so you'll have to store the object ID URI instead. See "Cross-Store Relationships" in the "Relationships and Fetched Properties" section of the Core Data Programming Guide for more details.
Whatever you do, keep in mind that iOS may purge your Cache folder at any time. Be prepared for files in your Cache folder to have disappeared; if that happens, you should re-download the files as the user requests them.