How to upload APK to Saucelabs - selenium

I want to upload my APK to Saucelabs, How can I do that?
Is there any tab do so ?
I am trying with Curl command as well, which is not working for me

Yes, U have to use curl command correctly.
Use below Link to download curl :
After that use below curl command :
curl -u YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME:YOUR_SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"


Uploading local file to GraphDB

Tried the following curl command for uploading a local turtle file to GraphDB (free version), running at http://localhost:7200/.
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:7200/repositories/testrepository1/statements' -H "Content-Type:text/turtle" -T "/home/Desktop/onto.ttl"
Eventhough this curl command doesn't return any error when executed, the local file onto.ttl is not uploaded to testrepository1
Iam using graphDB free with version 9.7.0.
It'll be grateful if someone help me with this. Thanks in advance!
You are using a wrong mime type - it should be application/x-turtle instead of text/turtle. The request will look something like this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-turtle" -T "/home/Desktop/onto.ttl" http://localhost:7200/repositories/testrepository1/statements

Apicurio registry - Documentation tab for artifact is empty

When I upload artifact to the ApiCurio registry using UI it works fine but if I use CURL for the same artifact, Documentation tab is empty. Any ideas?
I use:
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "X-Registry-ArtifactType: OPENAPI" -H "X-Registry-ArtifactId: test" --data "{$body}" http://registry:8080/api/artifacts
should use "$body" instead of "{$body}"

curl command not working on gitlab-ci pipeline

I am trying to pull a project ID using gitlab REST API v4, but when I issue the curl command, I get this error:
"jobs:test:script config should be a string or an array of strings"
The command is this one:
I tried to single quote it:
But when I do it, it removes the failure, but the command is ignored.
So I tried to eval it like this:
When I do it, the failure its produced again:
"jobs:test:script config should be a string or an array of strings"
Any clue how should I issue the curl command? I think what is causing the failure is the colon within the "PRIVATE-TOKEN: PRIVATE-TOKEN"
This worked for me
Declare Job variables in variables sections eg:
Then under Script Section of the CI file used Curl command as follows
Using the {} braces around variable names made sure that ":" issue doesn't show up

React Native Sentry Source maps not working

I have tried to get source maps working with react native and sentry but I keep getting this type of output with no meaningful line numbers:
[native code]
I did the following to create and upload the source maps for my release:
1. Create map/bundle artifacts
curl -o
curl -o index.ios.bundle
2. Edit last link in index.ios.bundle to point to map
WAS: `//# sourceMappingURL=/`
NOW: `//#`
3. Create Release on Sentry
curl -u "username": -X POST -d '{"version": "version_num"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
4. POST artifacts to Sentry release
curl -u "username": -X POST -F file=#index.ios.bundle
curl -u "username": -X POST -F
Have I missed something? Been playing around with this for some time and can't get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

How to remove meta-data from jql query?

I have the following curl command:
curl -k -u sandboxer:sandboxer -D- -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data
'{"jql":"project = BNAP AND resolution = null AND status != Resolved AND status != Rejected",
"maxResults":2 ,
"fields":["KEY","versions","description","status","resolution"]}' 1> newtest
I recieve a JSON object with meta-data,
All I am intersted in is what follows, issues. I could take care of this in my application, but I am wondering if there is a way I could just tell JIRA 'Don't send me meta-data'. Is there?
Use the Speakeasy plugin to create a custom request/response as a Jira extension:
Speakeasy plugin
Installing Speakeasy
Developing Speakeasy Extensions