Downgrade Phalcon from previous version? - phalcon

Im running in Ubuntu 15 and installed Phalcon v3 but i have an issue with our current working API which is using v2 of Phalcon, is there a way to downgrade the current version of Phalcon that i'd installed to the previous v2?

Usually, during compilation of Phalcon, you would execute this command. By default it will clone the master branch.
git clone --depth=1 git://
But to select a specific branch, you need to add the branch parameter to the end of your command.
git clone --depth=1 git:// --branch 2.0.0
Now just run the other commands to (re)compile Phalcon
cd cphalcon/build
sudo ./install
You can check all the other available branches on github (see image below)


Shopify CLI seems unable to find Ruby on Mac

I installed shopify-cli using homebrew on my Mac and tried verifying the installation by running shopify version, but I get an error:
/usr/local/bin/shopify: line 2: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ruby/3.0.1/bin/ruby: No such file or directory
Any idea what needs to be fixed?
Try running brew install ruby#3.0. It worked for me!
It appears that shopify-cli was installed when your Homebrew ruby was at version 3.0.1. This can be fixed by running the following command:
brew reinstall shopify-cli
(Ideally, the shopify-cli formula should be updated by its maintainers to replace hardcoded ruby paths to the version-agnostic /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby. Alternatively, they could track the Homebrew ruby version and bump the revision of shopify-cli whenever an update occurs. This will prompt end-users to run brew upgrade, which will automatically reinstall shopify-cli.)

Using Github CI Pipeline with wxWidgets

I got a cross platform application using a wxWidgets gui and want to test the cross build with github ci pipeline.
The Linux test runs fine as i'm able to install the wxWidgets dependencies using apt-get.
But i got no idea how to setup the wxWidgets Windows dependencies. Google didn't help me either.
any suggestions what command i need to put into my yml-file?
edit: what i've tried so far...
- name: install wxwidgets
shell: powershell
run: |
choco install wxwidgets
but this is the same like cloning the git version, only with an older version
run: |
git clone
cd vcpkg
vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg install wxwidgets
the pipeline keeps hanging while installing vcpkg
You should be able to install wxWidgets using vcpkg, of course, but you can also just download the official binaries and use them instead, e.g. like this:
name: C++/MSVS (windows-2019)
runs-on: windows-2019
wxMSW_VER: 3.1.3
WXWIN: c:\wx
- name: Install wxWidgets
run: |
mkdir ${env:WXWIN} | Out-Null
cd ${env:WXWIN}
curl -OL${env:wxMSW_VER}/wxWidgets-${env:wxMSW_VER}-headers.7z
7z x wxWidgets-${env:wxMSW_VER}-headers.7z
curl -OL${env:wxMSW_VER}/wxMSW-${env:wxMSW_VER}_vc14x_x64_Dev.7z
7z x wxMSW-${env:wxMSW_VER}_vc14x_x64_Dev.7z

when i install AFNetworking using CocoaPods i get following error when i hit "$ pod install" command

when i install AFNetworking using CocoaPods i get following error when I hit
$ pod install command
error is
You have to right now this command in terminal
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
Check git version by executing in terminal:
git --version
You can update/install git from here:
You have to download git version from here and Install it
It seems that you are facing this problem because your git version is older.
If you have installed Xcode (Xcode has the latest git built-in ), so you only need the terminal type:
sudo Xcode - select - switch/Applications /[your Xcode application]
so that you can use the Xcode built-in git

Error Installing Microsoft CNTK

During installation I received the following error:
This script will setup the CNTK prequisites and the CNTK Python
environment onto the machine. More help is given by calling 'get-help
.\install.ps1' in your powershell environment.
The script will analyse your machine and will determine which
components are required. The required components will be downloaded in
[C:\local\Scripts\windows\InstallCache] Repeated operation of this
script will reuse already downloaded components.
If required VS2012 Runtime and VS2013 Runtime will be installed
If required MSMPI will be installed
If required the standard Git tool will be installed
CNTK source will be cloned from Git into [c:\repos\CNTK]
Anaconda3 will be installed into [C:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64]
A CNTK-PY34 environment will be created in [C:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64\envs]
CNTK will be installed into the CNTK-PY34 environment
1 - I agree and want to continue Q - Quit the installation process
1 Determining Operations to perform. This will take a moment...
The following operations will be performed: * Setup/Update CNTK Wheel
* Clone CNTK from Github repository
Do you want to continue? (y/n) y Performing download operations
Download operations finished
Performing install operations Setup/Update of CNTK Wheel environment.
Please be patient.... You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version
9.0.0 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. Cloning CNTK (branch v2.0.beta2.0)
Fatal error during script execution!
System.InvalidOperationException: This command cannot be run due to
the error: The system cannot find the file specifie d. at
PS C:\local\Scripts\windows>
I'm not familiar with powershell, so I am not sure where to go from here.
Couple of questions. Are you using beta1 or beta2?
If you are using beta1, just a reminder that there is a beta2 now available with bug fixes and also some improvements to the install script, but I don't think this particular problem has been addressed!
It looks like the clone of the cntk git repository is failing.
Was Git installed on your machine? Is there a GIT.EXE in c:\Program Files\Git\bin\?
I think the install found an existing git.exe (in a different location), and is now trying to call it at the 'wrong' location.
The easiest workaround for you (if you have git installed), from a command prompt:
cd c:/
md \repos
cd repos
clone --branch v2.0.beta1.0 --recursive
If you have moved to beta2, replace the v2.0.beta1.0 with v2.0.beta2.0

Building Kurento on lubuntu 15.04

I am trying to build whole Kurento on my lubuntu 15.04 (same as ubuntu 15.04 vivid with different UI). I started by cloning all repos:
mkdir kurento
cd kurento
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
then installing kms-cmake-utils:
cd kms-cmake-utils
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
ok done, it installs a bunch of files in cmake module directory. then I tried to install kms-core:
cd kms-core
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
but cmake stops with following error
-- checking for module 'KurentoModuleCreator'
-- package 'KurentoModuleCreator' not found
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/GenericFind.cmake:93 (message):
Library KurentoModuleCreator not found
I tried to install kurento-module-creator:
cd kurento-module-creator
mvn install
it complies and installs some files in .m2 directory. I don't have any experience with maven to know if it is done correctly.
However it doesn't resolves the error with kms-core. apparently, cmake find_package command is not able to locate FindKurentoModuleCreator.cmake. I couldn't find the file in any Kurento's repos. can anybody please tell me if I am doing st wrong?
By default, all kms related projects are ready to be build as debian packages.
Instead of using cmake and make install by hand, it will be easier for you to generate debian packages and install them.
The instructions to do generate are very simple:
export PROJECT_NAME=<project_name>
mkdir build_$PROJECT_NAME
cd build_$PROJECT_NAME
git clone$PROJECT_NAME
debuild -uc -us
Once debuild finishes successfully you will have some debian packages in build_<project_name> directory, you can just install them using:
sudo dpkg -i *deb
It is possible that debuild fails because dependencies are not met, in this case you may have to install them using apt-get or generate them if they are kurento dependencies.
Nevertheless, we have available all kurento packages (including some custom dependencies whose sources are also available on github), already compiled in kurento repository:
deb trusty kms6
or in the dev channel that has all the master branches builds
deb trusty-dev kms6
Packages are for trusty release, because they are generated using this release which is the officially supported by kurento, but they can generally be installed on 15.04 too.