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Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
so I am trying to run a script like this one:
select id
from owner
where = "john's"
and I am getting this error: ERROR: column "john's" does not exist.
Also I tried like this: where = 'john\'s', but it dit not work
Anyone knows how I can run a query like this one?
You can escape single quotes when you double them.
For example:
= 'john''s'
Try this
select id
from owner
where = (E'john\'s')::text
we can escape most of the characters using this statement
select id
from owner
where = (E'john\character you want to escape's')::text
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String concatenation does not work in SQLite
(4 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I'm using this to try and name the values in NAME to ValueOLD
However I am receiving
Execution finished with errors.
Result: UNIQUE constraint failed: PLAYERS.NAME
At line 1:
I've seen some questions asked on inserts that look like they work, but haven't had any success with UPDATE or SET
In SQLite, || can be used for concatenation.
So Try:
SQL Language Expressions
The || operator is "concatenate" - it joins together the two strings
of its operands.
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delete "column does not exist"
(1 answer)
Simple Postgresql Statement - column name does not exists
(2 answers)
Column 'mary' does not exist
(2 answers)
postgres - where in (list) - column does not exist
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have the following table in PostgreSQL:
id and grade are INTs, note and subject both VARCHARs
When I run the command:
SELECT * FROM grades
WHERE subject = "latin";
I get the following error:
In pgAdmin4:
ERROR: column "latin" does not exist
LINE 2: WHERE subject = "latin"
SQL state: 42703
Character: 37
And in cmd:
ERROR: column "latin" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM upisi WHERE subject = "latin";
I'm coming from MySQL so I thought this would work.
Works fine if I put grade = something in the WHERE clause. Any idea why this might be the case?
You need single quotes for character constants. (double quotes are used to quote identifiers)
SELECT * FROM grades
WHERE subject = 'latin';
If you use WHERE subject = "latin", the DBMS expects "latin" to be a column name, which it is not.
It's as simple as the wrong type of quote marks. You wanted:
SELECT * FROM grades
WHERE subject = 'latin';
To explain:
Single quotes, like 'latin', are the standard way to write a string in standard SQL, and should work on all DBMSes.
Double quotes, in Postgres and some other DBMSes, are a way of quoting identifiers - so if your column name had a space in for some reason (there's not many good reasons to do it, but it's possible), then you might write SELECT * FROM grades WHERE "subject name" = 'latin' - "subject name" is the name of the column, 'latin' is a string.
Although double quotes are in the SQL standard, other DBMSes use different syntax for quoting identifiers, so may treat double quotes as an alternative for writing strings.
-- Postgres (also works in Microsoft SQL Server, but isn't the default style)
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE "subject name" = 'latin'
-- MySQL
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE `subject name` = 'latin'
-- Microsoft SQL Server
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE [subject name] = 'latin'
But if you always use single quotes for strings, and avoid names that need quoting, you'll run into fewer problems.
-- Works pretty much everywhere
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE subject = 'latin'
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sql statement error: "column .. does not exist"
(1 answer)
PostgreSQL "Column does not exist" but it actually does
(6 answers)
ERROR: column of relation does not exist PostgreSQL ,Unable to run insert query
(3 answers)
Postgresql Column Not Found, But Shows in Describe
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm running a simple select query:
SELECT return_part_i.CntrctTrmntnInd FROM return_part_i LIMIT 10;
And getting the following error:
ERROR: column return_part_i.cntrcttrmntnind does not exist LINE 1:
SELECT return_part_i.CntrctTrmntnInd FROM return_part_i LIMI...
^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "return_part_i.CntrctTrmntnInd". SQL state: 42703 Character: 8
I have tried the query with and without the table identifier. I am copying the field name directly from the hint. This is happening with numerous fields in the database.
if you really have a camel case in you column name then you must wrap the column name with double quote
SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd" FROM return_part_i LIMIT 10;
PostgreSQL columns (object) name are case sensitive when specified with double quotes. Unquoted identifiers are automatically used as lowercase so the correct case sequence must be write with double quotes
and as correctly suggested by Raymond Nijland if you want a LIMIT in result you should use an order by
SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd" FROM return_part_i ORDER BY "CntrctTrmntnInd" LIMIT 10;
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Strange behaviour in Postgresql
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
select * from note where noteKey = 1
This statement gives me the following error.
ERROR: column "notekey" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from note where noteKey = 1
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "note.noteKey".
I tried note.noteKey, but got the same error. (I used postico by the way, and the noteKey is the primary key of the table note).
What could possibly be wrong with the statement?
You need to connect with psql and run \d note.
If that shows the column is called noteKey with an uppercase K then you either have two options
Rename the column ALTER TABLE note RENAME COLUMN "noteKey" TO notekey;
Forever use double quotes " to query it.
In PostgreSQL we never quote column names. This forces them to be caps sensitive. When not quoted, they're automatically lower cased.
select * from note where noteKey = 1
Is the same as
select * from note where notekey = 1
Which is different from
select * from note where "noteKey" = 1
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How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?
(17 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
My table has column called select (or NOT, or other reserved keys).
I tried select 'select' column but I couldn't because oracle throw exception like this:
invalid user.table.column or table.column or column specification
My select statement like this:
from foo f.
I was searching internet and I found accepted answer: How do I escape a reserved word in Oracle?
then, I changed my query: Select "f"."select" from foo f, but throw exception too like this:
"c"."select": invalit identifier.
How to use "select" column in select (or update, insert) statement?
P.S: I'm using pl/sql developer tool for querying data.
Select f."select" from foo f;
When identifiers are quoted in Oracle, they become case sensitive.
So it's likely that you have to write the following:
select f."SELECT" from foo f
(or "Select", or however you've actually written the column name)
This should work fine:
Select f."select" from foo f