SendMessage function to send text -

I have a form and on the form I have a web browser and currently opened on it.
Cursor is already focused on the search window.
I have been trying to SEND search Text to WebBrowser control using SendMessage but not working. Current code.
Const WM_SETTEXT As Integer = &HC
Dim hdle As IntPtr = WebBrowser1.Handle
SendMessage(hdle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, "test")
Why it's not sending text to google focused search tab ? How do I solve this ?
P.S : I don't want to use SendKeys or HTML method to SetText. I want to use Handler only.

The window handle of the Web browser control is not the window handle of the text edit control. So you are not sending the message to the control that you intend.
Indeed every mainstream browser that I know of does not use windowed controls. So that text window does not even have a window handle so no amount of work will make your basic concept successful.
What you are trying to do can best be achieved using UI Automation.


MS Access Form with Webbrowser Control Popup New IE Window, Access 2010/VBA

I have struck with one issue not finding any workable solution. Googled a lot without any success…HELP PLEASE.
Situation: Using MS Access 2010, there is one Form with WebBrowser Control (Unbound) for conducting some search, when I click the results of the search a Pop-up new Internet Explorer window opens for the search result.
Requirement: I need “new Internet Explorer window” needs to be opened on existing WebBrowser Control..... NOT to open separately as new pop-up Internet Explorer window.
Kindly provide me solution (MS Access 2010/VBA) or workaround….
Can you open the form that you are opening in the WebBrowser Control in a new browser window outside of the application in order to test something. Check to see, if when you open the url, and then invoke the search, if the results open in a new window for that browser. If so, then check the target of the form within the first screen to get the name of the window that the page is trying to open the results in. If the target is specified, then you will need to write code to remove it when the page loads.
Just assign the new web address to your webbrowser control. something like this. Note it has to include equal sign and a hyper-link surrounded by quote.
Private Sub WebBrowser34_Click()
Me.WebBrowser34.ControlSource = "=''"
End Sub

Execute Context Menu Command in External Application

I am trying to write an application that can select all text in the textbox within an external application, copy it to the clipboard, perform changes programmatically to the string and then send the modified string back to the external application. I did not write the external application and do not have access to its code nor can I afford to contact the developer and have them make changes. The external application is Client-Server based and I can only interact with the user interface on the client side.
The problem I am running into is that I can easily send keyboard commands to the application to send or delete text, but I cannot select all of the text. Using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Shift-Home, Ctrl-Shift-End, etc. do not work. Triple clicking on the text box does not work either.
However, I can right click on the text box and bring up a context menu and then select the command "Select All". I am wondering if there is a way to send the context menu command to the application without having to have the context menu appear.
I want the two applications to appear to be working as seamlessly as possible to the user. Does anyone have any suggestions that might work?
To answer your specific question:
I am wondering if there is a way to send the context menu command to the application without having to have the context menu appear.
When a menu item is clicked, it issues a WM_COMMAND message to the parent window of the menu. You can use a tool like Spy++ to monitor such messages and see which command ID is being sent to which window, and then you can code your app to send the same message directly to that same window. No need to display the actual menu itself.
However, in this particular situation, that is overkill. If you have the HWND of the desired edit control, you can send it WM_GETTEXT and WM_SETTEXT messages instead, or use .NET's UIAutomation interfaces, to get/set the control's text directly. Either way, there is no need to select the text (you can use EM_SETSEL for that) or to involve the clipboard.

Auto Closing MessageBox controls

Is there a way to use VB.NET to close MessageBox controls created by JavaScript in VB.NET webbrowser?
I do not want to disable JavaScript in the webbrowser, just to close the MessageBox controls (like clicking their "X" button). I could not get help from search engines. Help appreciated. is serverside and rendered before javascript as the javascript is client side and rendered on browser. So there is not such way closing alert pop up via server side code.
Neither it is possible via jquery on client side

Triggering TAB key to shift control by coding

I am opening a web site in a 2008 webbrowser control. I want when I open the 3rd page of the web site then after the page is loaded , control focus programmatic-ly by Triggering TAB keypresses automatically by my code . Please tell me the solution to shift the focus control ?
I don't know if I have understood your question right, but you could try the following,
Keep track of whether you are on the third page in your web-browser control. If you are, you can execute a JavaScript function, which changes the focus of the text-fields.
Page.ClientScript.RegisteredStartUpScript(GetTypeOf(), "function_change_tabs", script, True)

Msgbox Wait until, VB.NET

Is it possible to have a Msgbox without a button on it in a console application. I would like to have a msgbox pop up and then disappear when the task has been completed. Or could I send the msgboxresult to some form of window that would just disappear when the file has been written?
MsgBox("The users on the domain are being gathered. A prompt will appear when all information has been gathered.")
Dim userFile2 As String = savefileDialog1.FileName & ".txt"
Dim fileExists2 As Boolean = File.Exists(userFile2)
Using sw As New StreamWriter(File.Open(userFile2, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
For Each d As DirectoryEntry In de.Children()
End Using
If you want to have a console app with a GUI, I'd suggest that it might be easier to just make a WinForms app. Just create a new tiny WinForms app, make the default Form small as a dialog box and make it have only one invisible Close button.
Then you can just show the Close button when it's finished.
Just remember to disable the Control box on the Form (the X up in the top right hand corner) and handle any keyboard combination that could close it.
Edit: Or if for any reason you have to have it as a Console app, then you could still write a tiny separate app that just does the GUI part that you need and have the Console app start up the GUI app, sending over the text to display.
First, a quick point. A MsgBox is a modal dialog so will halt execution until the user responds, you can't use this.
In general "console" applications should be non-graphical.
You don't want to use a console application to disiplay a window. Since .Net 4.0 is available to you may want a WPF application that can write to the console.
There is a post about outputting to the console with WPF here on SO.
You should do your work on a different thread perhaps using a System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker. This will allow the Window to respond to user interaction and render while your task progresses.